The xxv day of November was $sant $Katharine's day , (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.2) and at nyght they of Powlles whent a prossessyon abowt Powlles stepull with gret lyghtes , and $before $them sant Kateryn , (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.3) and syngyng , with a v=c=. lyghtes allmost halffe a noure , (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.4) and when all was don thay rong all the belles of Powlles at vj of the cloke . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.5) The xv day of November wher creatyd serten harolds , as Rugedragan creatyd Yorke , and Ruge-crosse creatyd Lankastur , and Huw master $Garter's servand created Ruge-crosse , and Wyllyam my lord $Cobham's servand created $Rouge-dragon , and Kokes the duke of Northumberland's servand creatyd Parkolles . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.6) The xxvj day of November dyd pryche master Whyt , warden at Powlles , (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.7) mad a goodly sermon that we shuld have prossessyon . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.8) $On $the $same $day $was $a $goodly $herse $for $the $late $King $Edward , $hung $with $cloth $of $tissue , $and $a $cross $and $a $pax , $silver candyllstykes ; and xiij bedmen holdyng of tapurs , and the durge song in Laten , and the masse on the morowe . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.9) The xxx day of November was a godly sermon $at $St. $Paul's , the wyche was sant Andrew's day , the wyche dyd pryche $master doctur Borne ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.10) and after a generall prossessyon abowt $the $church in Laten with ora pro nobis , (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.11) and the morow after a-nodur $sermon $preached $by $Dr. Harfeld , and prossessyon with the old Latene ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.12) and so $the $Wednesday $after $a prossessyon , (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.13) and so thrugh England to be had . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.14) The vj day of Desember was bered my old lade $... wedew at Lambeth at my lord of Canturberes plasse $... whytt branchys and tapurs and torchys and armes $ha $... on blake cloth . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.15) The ix day of Desember was a man sett on the pelere for sedyssyous wordes agaynst the $quen's grace and her consell , in Chepe . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.16) The viij day of Desember was prossessyon at Powlles . (MACHYN-E1-P1,49.17) When all was don , my lord of London commondyd that every parryche chyrche shuld provyd for a crosse and a staffe and cope for to go of prossessyon evere Sonday and Wedynsday and Fryday , and pray unto God for fayre wether thrug London . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.18) The {COM:blank} day of Desember was bered in Essex my lord Morley with iiij penons of armes and with schochyons and with torchys and mony mornars in blake . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.19) The {COM:blank} day of Desember endyd the parlement at Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.20) and regornyd unto the {COM:blank} (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.21) The {COM:blank} day was a proclamasyon thrugh London and all England that noman shuld syng no Englys serves nor communion after the xx day of Desember , nor no prest that has a wyff shall not menyster nor say masse , and that evere parryche to make a auter and to have a crosse and staff , and all othur thinges in all parryches all in Laten , as hale-bred , hale-water , as palme and assesse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.22) $The $ij $day $of $January $the $king $of $Spain's $ambassadors $landed $at $Tower $wharf . $During $whose $landing $there $was $great $shooting $of $the $guns . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.23) $The $lord Wylliam Haward dyd saff-gard them ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.24) and so rod to-gether , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.25) and in Fanchyrche stret my lord of Devonshire and dyvers odur mett them , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.26) and rod with them unto Durram Plasse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.27) and ther they dyd a-lyght . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.28) The iij day of January my lord mayre and the chamburlayn of London dyd present unto the enbasadurs gyfts of dyvers thyngs , as {COM:blank} (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.29) The ix day of January dynyd the enbasadurs of $Spain and all the $quen's consell at my lord chansselers the bysshope of Wynchester , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.30) for ther was a grett dener as $could be had . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.31) The x day of January the enbasadurs rod unto Hamtun Courtt , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.32) and ther they had grett chere $as cold be had , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.33) and huntyd , (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.34) and kyllyd tage and rage with honds and swords . (MACHYN-E1-P1,50.35) The xiij day of January ther was a man drane from the Towre thrugh London a-pone a sled unto Tyborne , and ther hangyd , dran , and quartered , for conterffeytyng the $quen's senett {COM:signet} . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.36) The sam day was had to the Flett doctur Crom , persun of Aldermare , for $preaching $on $Christmas-day $without $licence . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.37) The xiiij day of January was had to the Towre master Hadyntun , dwellyng in Bouge-rowe , and all ys goods seysenyd for the quen and in the contrey for proffessyng of serten $heretical $doctrines . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.38) $The $xv $day $of $January , $the $lord $mayor , $and $the aldermen whent to Westmynster $to $the $court , (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.39) $and my lord chanseler mad a protestacyon $to $them , $and $to othur pepyll , that the $quen's grace ys myndyd $to $marry with the prynche of Spayne , and the reme for to have $great benefett commyng in to the $rayme ; and that he not $... thyngs , butt her consell of thys reame sh $... (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.40) The xvj day of January was bered master Wylliam , marchand of the stapull of Callys , with mony mornars $at sant Androus ondershaft , as ser Rowland Hyll , ser Hare Hubbellthorne , ser Androu Jude , and dyvers aldermen , with $... stayffes torchys , and ij whyt branchys , and a good sermon ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.41) $... powre men and women had good gownes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.42) The xxij day of January was reynyd at yeld hall the lord Robart Dudlay for tresun , the duke of Northumberland's sune , and cast the sam day . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.43) The xxv day of January was bered master Sturley sqwyre , at Rychemond , with cot armur and penon and skochyons of armes , stayffe torchys and ij whyt branchys , and mony mornars . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.44) The xxv day of January was a goodly prosessyon at Powlles with a l. copes of cloth of gold , with Salve festa dies ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.45) yt was sant Powlles day , (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.46) and ther was a godly masse ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.47) and the sam day master Feknam was mad a prebendary at evyngsonge . (MACHYN-E1-P1,51.48) The xxvj day of January began wachyng at evere gatt in arness , (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.50) for tydyngs cam the sam tym to the quen and her consell that ser Thomas Wyatt , ser George Harper , ser Hare Ysseley , master Cobam , and master Rudston , and master Knevetts , and dyvers odur gentyllmen and commons , wher up , (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.51) and tha say because the prynche of Spayne commyng in to have owre quen , (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.52) for they kepe Rochester castell and the bryge and odur plases . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.53) $The $xxvij $day $of $January $the $city $sent $into $Kent $a $great $number $of $men $in $white $coats . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.54) $The $captains $to $command $them , $and $the $rest $of $their $forces , $were $the $duke $of $Norfolk , $earl $of $Ormond , $sir $George $Howard , $and $divers $others . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.55) $But $many $of $the $guards , $and $of $the $white-coats , $deserted them , (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.56) and captaynes cam hom a-gayn . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.57) $Wyatt $had $gotten $some $of $the $late $king's ordenanse ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.58) and so , after their removyng , cam towards Dartford with ys army towards London . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.59) The xxviij day of January the $Quen's grace dyd send to master Wyatt $and $his $company $the master of the horsse and master Cornwales , to know their intentt ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.60) and thay send word that they wold have the Quen and the Towre in kepyng , and odur thynges . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.61) The xxix day of January master Wyatt , master Harper , master Rudston , master Knevett , and the commons , commyng $marched $to Blake-heth , and so forward toward London with $a $great army commyng . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.62) The furst day of Feybruary cam nuw tydyngs that all craftes shuld fynd the dobull $number $of $men ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.63) non butt hossholders unto the bryge and the gattes , and the drae-bryge , (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.64) and lay grett gones ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.65) and the bryge was broken done after ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.66) and that evere man to make whyt cotes for evere howsse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,52.67) The sam day at after-non was a proclamasyon in Chepesyde , Ledyn-hall , and at sant Magnus corner , with harold of armes and on of the $quen's trumpeters blohyng , and my lord mare , and my lord admerall Haward , and the ij shreyffs , that ser Thomas Wyatt was proclamyd traytur and rebellyous , and all ys fellowes , agaynst the $Quen's mageste and her consell , and that he wold have the Quen in costody , and the Towre of London in kepyng ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.68) and thay convayd unto evere gatt gonnes and the bryge ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.69) and so evere gatt with men in harnes nyght and days . (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.70) And a-bowt iij of the cloke at after-non the $Quen's grace cam rydyng from Westmynster unto yeld-hall with mony lordes , knyghts and lades , and bysshopes and haroldes of armes , and trompeturs blohynge and all the gard in harnes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.71) $Then $she $declared , $in $an $oration $to $the $mayor $and $the $city , $and $to $her $council , $her $mind $concerning $her $marriage , $that $she $never $intended $to $marry $out $of $her $realm $but $by $her $council's $consent $and $advice ; $and $that $she $would $never $marry $but $all $her $true sogettes shall be content , $or $else $she $would $live as her grace has don hederto . $But $that $her $grace wyll call a parlement $as shortely as $may $be , $and as thay shall fynd , and that $the $earl $of Penbroke shall be cheyffe capten and generall agaynst ser Thomas Wyatt and ys felous in the $field , that my lord admerall for to be sosyatt with the $lord $mayor to kepe the cete from all commars therto . (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.72) $After $this the $Quen's grace came from yeld-hall (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.73) and rod to the iij cranes in the vyntre , (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.74) and toke her barge $to Westmynster to her own place the sam day . (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.75) The iij day of Feybruarii was a proclamacyon that who so ever do take ser Thomas Wyatt , exsept Harper , $Ysseley , $and Rudston , shuld have C. lb. land to ym and ys heirs for ever . (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.76) The iij day of Feybruary cam in to Sowthwarke ser Thomas Wyatt and odur captaynes at after-none with ys army ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.77) and the morow after thay mayd trenchys in dyvers parts and dyvers placys , with ordenanse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,53.78) The vj day of Feybruary was Shroyff-tuwysday in the mornyng master Wyatt and ys compeny retorned bake towhard Kyngton apon Temes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.79) and ther the bridge was pluckyd up , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.80) and he causyd on of ys men to swym over for to feytche a bott , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.81) and so whent at nyght toward Kensyngtun , and so forward . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.82) The sam day was ij hangyd apon a jebett in Powles churche yerd ; the on a spy of Wyatt , the thodur was under-shreyff of Leseter , for carryng letturs of the duke of Suffoke and odur thinges . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.83) The sam day cam rydyng to the Towre the duke of Soffoke and ys brodur by the yerle of Huntyngton with iij C. horse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.84) $The $vij $day $of $February , $in $the $forenoon , $Wyatt , $with $his $army $and $ordnance , $were $at $Hyde $Park $Corner . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.85) $There $the $Queen's $host $met $with {TEXT:with_,_with} $a $great $number $of $men $at $arms $on $horseback , $beside $foot . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.86) $By $one $of $the $clock the $Quen's $men $and $Wyatt's $had $a $skirmish ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.87) ther wher mony slayn ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.88) butt master Wyatt toke the way don by Sant James with a grett company (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.89) and so to Charyngcrosse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.90) and so forth , crying ' God save quen Mare ! ' tyll he cam to Ludgatt and $knocked $there ; $thinking $to $have $entered ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.91) $but $the $gate $being $kept $fast $against $him , $he $retired , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.92) and bake agayne unto Tempull Bare , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.93) and folouyd hym mony man , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.94) and ther he yelded unto master Norray the harold of armes in ys cote of armes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.95) and ther he lycted be-hynd a gentleman unto the cowrte ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.96) but by the way mony of them wher slayne by the way or thay cam to Charyng-crosse , what with mores pykes and bylls ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.97) and mony of $Wyatt's men , as they whent , wher the quens fryndes and Englys-men under a fallss pretens that he whent a-bowtt to $... way as thay whent , (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.98) and cam for to make men beleyff that the $quen's grace had gyffvyn them pardon ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.99) and dyvers of ys men toke the $quen's men by the hand as thay whent toward Ludgatt . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.100) Thys was done on As-Wedynsday the furst yere of quen Mare of England ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.101) and the sam nyght to the Towre ser Thomas Wyatt , master Cobham , and master Vane , and ij Knewetes and odur captaynes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,54.102) The viij day of Feybruarij was commondyd by the quene and the bysshope of London that Powlles and evere parryche that thay shuld syng Te Deum Laudamus , (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.104) and ryngyng for the good vyctory that the $quen's grace had aganst Wyatt and the rebellyous of Kent , the wyche wher over-come , thankes be unto God , with lytyll blud-shed , and the reseduw taken and had to presun , (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.105) and after wher dyvers of them putt to deth in dyvers places in Londun and Kent , (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.106) and prossessyon evere wher that day for joy . (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.107) The xij day of February was mad at evere gate in Lundun a newe payre of galaus and set up , ij payre in Chepesyde , ij payr in Fletstrett , one in Smythfyld , one payre in Holborne , on at Ledyn-hall , one at sant Magnus $London-bridge , on at Peper allay gatt , one at sant Gorgeus , on in Barunsay strett , on on Towr hylle , one payre at Charyngcrosse , on payre besyd Hyd parke corner . (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.108) The xiiij day of Feybruary wher hangyd at evere gatt and plasse : in Chepe-syd vj ; Algatt j , quartered ; at Leydynhall iij ; at Bysshope-gatt on , and quartered ; Morgatt one ; Crepullgatt one ; Aldersgatt on , quartered ; Nuwgat on , quartered ; Ludgatt on ; Belyngat iij hangyd ; Sant Magnus iij hangyd ; Towre hyll ij hangyd ; Holborne iij hangyd ; Flettstret iij hangyd ; at Peper alley gat iij ; Barunsaystret iij ; Sant Gorgus iij ; Charyng crosse iiij , on Boyth the fottman , and Vekars of the gard , and ij moo ; at Hydparke corner iij , on Polard a waterbeyrar ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.109) theys iij hanges in chynes ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.110) and but vij quartered , (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.111) and ther bodys and heds set a-pon the gattes of London . (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.112) The xvj day of Feybruary was mad a grett skaffold in Westmynster hall for the duke of Suffoke . (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.113) The xvij day of Feybruary was the duke of Suffoke rayned at Westmynster halle , and cast for he tresun , and cast to suffer deth . (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.114) The xviij day of Feybruary was had in-to Kent serteyn captens , as Bart and xxij mor of the rebellyous , to suffer deth . (MACHYN-E1-P1,55.115) The sam day was a proclamasyon in London that all the presonars in alle the presuns of the rebellyous of Kent that thai shuld go in-to Sowthwarke , and thay that wher seke that ther names shuld be browth theder . (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.116) $The $xxth $day $of $February $was $arraigned $... lord John Gray , the duke of Suffoke's brodur $... (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.117) The sam day was bered master Gorge Pargeter , Thomas $Pargeter's sune late mare of London , with mony mornars , and with armes , and mony gownes gyffyn to pore men and vomen , and with $stayff torchus $and whyt branchys ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.118) and in the chyrche wher iiij gylt candellstyks with iiij grett tapurs bornyng and ys armes , and the compeny of the Clarkes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.119) The sam day was Mans gohyng in-to Kent , to Canboroke , and fochyd a-gayn , and browth to sant Gorgeus cyrche , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.120) and ther he was hangyd by iiij of the cloke at nyght , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.121) for he was a ryche man . (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.122) The xxj day of Feybruary ther was a man rydying a-bowt London , ys ffasse toward the horsse taylles , a quarter of velle on a-for and a-nodur behynd hym , and a pyge borne be-for hym skaldyd a-pone a $... (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.123) The sam day cam rydyng to the Towre the lord Thomas Gray , the duke of Suffoke's brodur , and ser James a Croft knyght , sum tyme depute of Yrland . (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.124) The xxij day of Feybruary was $reynyd at Westmynster one {COM:blank} Bowthe , sum tyme of Calles , and cast for tresun . (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.125) The sam day alle the Kent men whent to the cowrt with halters a-bowt ther nekes , and bone with cordes , ij and ij to-gether , through London to Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.126) and be-twyn the ij tyltes the powr presonars knelyd downe in the myre , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.127) and ther the $Quen's grace lokyd owt over the gatt (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.128) and gayff them all pardon , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.129) and thay cryd owt ' God save quen Mare ! ' (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.130) and so to Westmynster hall , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.131) and ther thay cast ther alters a-bowt the hall , and capes , and in the stretes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.132) and cryd owt ' God save quen Mare ! ' as thay whent . (MACHYN-E1-P1,56.133) {COM:lacuna} of the $qwen's garde att $... the man that was kyld was sir John Pr . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.135) The same tyme and day be-twyne iiij $and $v $of $the cloke at nyght my lade $Elssabeth's grase $came $riding to London thrught Smythfeld unto $Westminster with a C. welvett cottes a-for her grace . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.136) $And $her grace rod in a charett opyn of boyth sydes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.137) $And $with her grace rydyng after her a C. in cotes of $scarlet $and fyne red gardyd with velvett , (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.138) and so thrught Fletstret unto the cowrt thrught the $queen's garden , her grace behyng syke . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.139) The xxiiij day of Marche {COM:read_xxiij_of_february} was heddyd the duke of Suffoke-Dassett on the Towre hylle , be-twyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.140) The sam day the $qwyn's grace gaff pardon unto serten of mo men of Kentt , in Sowthwarke ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.141) ther they cryd " God save quen Mare ! " (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.142) and cast ther alters on hed in the stretes and a-bowt , that sum had iiij or v halters . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.143) The vij day of Marche rod a bocher rond a-bowt London , ys face toward the horsse taylle , with $half $of a lame {COM:lamb} be-fore and a-nodur behynd , and vell and a calff borne a-for hym , a-pon a polle , rawe . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.144) The viij day of Marche cam owt of the Towre of London the archbysshope of Canturbere Crenmer , (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.145) and bysshope of London was Rydley , and master Lathemer condam , (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.146) and so to Brenfford (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.147) and ther ser John Wylliam reseyvyd them , (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.148) and so to Oxfford . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.149) The ix day of Marche was reynyd at Westmynster my lord Thomas Gray , the duke of Suffoke's brodur , and cast $... $to $lose $hys hed . (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.150) The xj day of Marche was bered ser Wylliam $Goring knyght in Sussex , with a standard , a penon of armes , $with $coat armur , target , sward , and a helmet ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,57.151) and ther was a $herse $of wax and viij dosen of penselles and viij dosen of $shocheons , ij whyt and branchys of wax , and iiij dosen of $stayff torchys , and a harold of armes master Chastur ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.152) and he ded $... owe , and cared in-to the contrey by water to Kyngstun , $and after by land to ys on contrey . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.153) The xiiij day of Marche was in Aldergat-stret a $woyce $heard in a walle that dyd spyke unto serten pepull , the wyche $... was complenyd unto my lord mayre , (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.154) and so after yt was $made knowen by dyvers what ther wher , (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.155) and after cared unto prison , as Nugatt contur and the Towre . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.156) The xv day of Marche was raynyd at Westmynster ser Thomas Wyatt knyght , the captayn cheyffe $of Kent , and cast to be hedyd and after quartered and sett up . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.157) The xviij day of Marche was kared to the Towre of London my lade $Elsabeth's grace , the quen's syster , a-for none . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.158) The xxiiij day of Marche was delevered owt of the Towre and had the $quen's pardon the lord marques of Northamtun , my lord Cobham , and ij of ys sunes , and dyvers odur mo . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.159) The xvj day of Marche was deprevyd the archebysshope of Yorke , and the bysshope of Lynkolne doctur Tayller , and the bysshope of Chester , the bysshope of sant Davys . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.160) The xvij day of Marche was deprevyd the bysshope of Harfford and the bysshope of Glosetur ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.161) commyssyonars that dyd depreyffe them my lord chansseler and my lord of Durram , my lord of Londun , my lord of Chechastur , and my lord of sant Asse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.162) $The $first $day $of $April $my $lord $chancellor $did $consecrate $six $new $bishops $at $St. $Mary $Overy's , $before $the $high $altar ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.163) $and $a $goodly $mass $was $said . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.164) $And $when $all was done thay yede unto my lord $chancellor's , (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.165) for ther was as grett a dener as youe $have $seen . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.166) Thes be the bysshopes names that wher consecrated , $doctor Whyt , warden of Wynchastur , the bysshope of $Lyncoln ; doctur Borne , bysshope of Bathe ; doctur $Morgan , $bishop of sant Davys ; doctur Brokes , bysshope of $Glosster ; doctur Cottes , bysshope of Westtchastur ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.167) bysshope of sant Asse changyd to be bysshope of Arfford ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.168) master $Griffith parsun of sant Magnus bysshope of Rochastur . (MACHYN-E1-P1,58.169) The sam day at after-non was bered my lade $Ascough the wyff of Sir Crystofer Askuw , lat mare of London : (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.170) $she $was bered in sant John the evangelett paryche , in Watlyngstrett , and the stret and chyrche hangyd with blake and armes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.171) and iiij gylt candyllstykes and iiij grett tapurs and armes , and ij goodly whyt branchys , and xx men in frysse gownes bayring of stayf-torchys , and mony vomen , and then the compeny of the Clarkes ; and mony mornars , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.172) and then came a herald of armes a-for the corsse in ys cot armur ; and then the corsse , with iiij banars of hemages borne $about her , and the mornars ; and then the craft of the Drapers ; and the parrysonars ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.173) and so to the durge and the morowe masse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.174) $Master doctur Smyth dyd pryche ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.175) and when all was done , to $dinner . (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.176) The ij day of Aprell began the parlemente , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.177) and the $Quen's grace rod thedur in her robes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.178) and bysshopes and lordes in parlement robes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.179) and ther was a $goody masse of the Holy-gost ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.180) and $so to the parlement howsse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.181) The viij day of Aprell wher creatyd lordes (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.182) sir John of Brygys creatyd lord Shandoys ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.183) sir John Wyllyams baron of Tame , and lord chamburlayne to the prynche of Spayne ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.184) and ser Antony Browne , master of the prynsse of Spaynes horsses . (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.185) And the sam day my lord Wylliam , admerall , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.186) and ys captayns , wherin whyt and gren velvet and saten and taffata and sarsenett , and trumpeters all in gren and whyt , and all the marenars in whyt and gren cloth for shypes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.187) $On $the $same $day $somebody $unknown $hanged $a $cat $on $the $gallows $beside $the $cross $in $Cheap , $habited $in $a $garment $like $to $that $the $priest $wore $that $said $mass ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.188) $she $had $a $shaven $crown , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.189) $and $in $her $fore $feet $held $a $piece $of $paper $made $round , $representing $the $wafer . (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.190) The xj day of Aprell was heddyd ser Thomas $Wyatt $of $Kentt , the cheyffe captayn of the rebellyous of $Kent , $be-twyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none , on Towre hyll , (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.191) $... after (MACHYN-E1-P1,59.192) and by xj of the cloke was he quartered on the skaffold , and hys bowelles and ys members burnt be-syd the skaffold ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.193) $... and so ther was a care and a baskett , (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.194) and the iiij quarters and hed was putt in-to a baskett to nuwgat to be parboyled . (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.195) The xij day of Aprell was ser Thomas Wyatt sett a-pon the gallaus on Hay-hyll be-syd Hyd Parke ; where dyd hang iij men in chynes a-pon a stake (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.196) wh ... cam to cum to London , (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.197) and ther the qweyns men and $Wyatt's men dyd skryssmys , wher he and ys captayns wher over-cum , thanke be unto God ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.198) and on quarter of ys sett a-pon a jubett on Mylle-end gren , and a-nodur at Nuwyngton be-yonde sant Gorges in Sowthwarke , and $the $iij be-syd sant Thomas of Waterynges , and the iiij quarter at {COM:blank} (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.199) The xiij day of Aprell was {COM:sic} a proclamasyon was {COM:sic} made that what so ever {TEXT:mever} he wher that cold bryng forth hym that dyd hang the catt on the galaus , he shuld have xx marke for ys labur . (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.200) The xvj day of Aprell was sett up in sant Androwes Undershafft for master Krytun , alderman of London and marchand tayller of London , and marchand of the stapull of Calles , with a cote armur , iij penons of armes , goodly ons , and sett up over ys tombe . (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.201) The xvij day of Aprell was had to Yeld-hall ser Necolaus Frogmortun , ser James a Croft , master Wynter , master Vaghan ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.202) and ther Waghan gaff evedens agaynst ser Necolas Frogmortun of tresun , (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.203) but the qwest did qwytt hym . (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.204) $The $xxj $day $of $April $were $two $men $set $on $the $pillory $in $Cheap , $for $speaking $seditious $words $and $false $lies $against $the $queen $and $her $council : (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.205) $And $one $of them had hys here naylyd to the pelory . (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.206) The xxiij day of Aprell , was sant Gorge day , (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.207) her grace whent unto the chapell (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.208) and whent a prossessyon with all the kynghtes of the garter that was ther present to St James in the Feld ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.209) ther wher creatyd that sam day knights of the garter , the prynsse of Spayne one , and the yerle of Sussex . (MACHYN-E1-P1,60.210) The xxviij day of Aprell was heddyd on Towre hyll , betwyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none , my lord Thomas Gray , the duke of Suffoke-Dassett brodur , and bered at Allalow's Barkyng , and the hed {COM:unfinished} (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.212) The xxix day of Aprell was raynyd at Yeldhall ser James a Croft , late depute of Yrland , and cast ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.213) and master Wynter whent ther too . (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.214) The sam day was bered my lady Dudley lat wyff of barne of Dudley , in sant Margarett in Westmynster , with iiij baners of emages , and mony gowens , and $hong $with blake and armes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.215) for my lade was ontt unto the $duke of Suffoke-Dassett , the wyche was hedyd latt . (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.216) The xxx day of Aprell began the postyll-mas at Powles at the v of the clocke in the mornyng evere day . (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.217) The iij day of May , at the cowrt of sant James , the $quen's grace whent a prossessyon within sant James with harolds and serjants of armes , and iiij bysshopes mytred , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.218) and all iij days thay whent her chapell a-bowt the feldes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.219) first day to sant Gylles (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.220) and ther song masse ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.221) the next day tuwyse-day to sant Martens in the feldes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.222) $and $there a sermon (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.223) and song masse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.224) and so thay dronke ther ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.225) and the iij day to Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.226) and ther a sermon (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.227) and then masse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.228) and mad good chere ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.229) and after a-bowt the Parke , (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.230) and so to sant James cowrt ther . (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.231) $The $same $Rogation $Week $went $out $of $the $Tower , $on $procession , $priests $and $clerks , $and $the $lieutenant $with $all $his $waiters ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.232) $and $the $ax $of $the $Tower $borne $in $procession : (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.233) $the $waits $attended . (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.234) $There $joined $in $this $procession $the $inhabitants $of sant Katheryns , Radclyff , Limehouse , Popular , Sthracfford , Sordyche , with all them $that $belonged $to the Towre , with ther halberds , a-bowt the feldes of sant Katheryns and the prevelegys . (MACHYN-E1-P1,61.235) The {COM:blank} day of May was raynyd at Yeld-hall master Wylliam Thomas , clarke to the consell , and cast to suffer deth , to be dran and quartered . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.236) The {COM:blank} day of May was a proclamasyon that no man shuld not talke of no thynges of the quen . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.237) The viij day of May war all the craftes warnyd to come $... in ther leveray , (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.238) and they wher commondyd that they shuld {COM:unfinished} (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.239) The x day of May was durge at Westmynster and at Powles , with torche lyght ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.240) and the morow after and at Westmynster was masse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.241) and ther they dyd offer , mony of the $quen's consell and dyvers lordes , for the solles of kyng Henry the vij=th= , and quen Elsabeth , and for kyng Henry the viij=th= , and qwene Katheryne , and kyng Edward the vj=th= . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.242) The xiij day of May was the Fyssmongers and sant Peters in Cornhylle prossessyon , with a goodly qwyre of clarkes syngyng , and a iiij=xx= of presetes wayryng copes of cloth of gold , (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.243) and so folohyng my lord mayre and the althemen in skarlet ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.244) and then the compeny of Fyssmongers in their leveray , (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.245) and they and the offesers beyryng whyt rods in ther handes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.246) and so to Powelles , (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.247) and ther they dyd the oblassyon after old fassyon . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.248) The vj day of May was a goodly evyngsong at Yeldhall colege , by the masters of the Clarkes and ther felowshype of Clarkes , with syngyng and playng as youe have hard . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.249) $The $morrow $after $was $a $great $mass $at $the $same $place , $by $the $same $fraternity , $when $every $clerk $offered $a $halfpenny . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.250) $The $mass $was $sung $by $divers $of $the $queen's $chapel $and $children . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.251) $And , $after $mass $done , $every $clerk $went $their $procession $two $and $two $together , $each $having a surples and a ryche cope , and a garland ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.252) $after $them iiij=xx= standards , stremars , and baners ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.253) and evere on that bare them had a nobe {COM:sic} or elles a surples ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.254) and ij and ij together ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.255) $then $came the waytes playng , and then be-twyn xxx clarkes , a qwre syngyng Salve fasta dyes ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.256) so ther wher iiij qweres . (MACHYN-E1-P1,62.257) $Then $cam a canepe borne by iiij of the masters of the Clarkes $over $the sacrament , with a xij stayff-torchys bornyng ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.259) $up $sant Laurans lane , (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.260) and so to the farther end of Chep , (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.261) then back a-gayn up Cornhylle , (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.262) and so to Ledhynhalle ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.263) and so down to Byshopegatt unto sant Albrowsse chyrche ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.264) and ther they dyd put off their copes (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.265) and so to dener evere man , (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.266) and ther evere on that bare a stremar had monay , as they wher of bygnes ther . (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.267) The xiiij day of May was creatyd my lord Garrett the yerle of Kyldare . (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.268) The xv day of May cam Haknay prossessyon to Powlles ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.269) and after cam sant $Clement's prossessyon and the mayre and althermen ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.270) and ther wher goodly quersse syngyng . (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.271) The xvj day of May cam to Powlles Eslyngton prossessyon . (MACHYN-E1-P1,63.272) The xv day of August was a grett ffett on the see be-twyn the Frencmen and the Flemmyng , (MACHYN-E1-P1,92.274) and ther wher dyvers of boyth partes slene , and boyth men and shypes and dyvers taken , and the goodes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,92.275) The xxiij day of August was bornyd at $Stratford-of-bowe , in the conte of Mydyllsex , a woman , $wife of John Waren , clothworker , a huphulster $over agaynst sant Johns in Walbroke ; the wyche ... John her hosband was bornyd with on Cardmaker in Smythfeld , for herese boyth ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,92.276) and the sam woman had a sune taken at her bornyng and cared to Nuwgatt $to $his syster , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.277) for they will borne boyth . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.278) The xxiiij day of August cam from Rome at afternone the bysshope of Ely , the bysshope of Banger , the lord Montycutt vycontt , ser Hare Husse , and dyvers odur . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.279) The xxvj day of August cam from Westmynster , rydyng thrugh London unto Towrs-warff , the Kyng and the Quen , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.280) and ther thay toke ther barge unto Grenwyche , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.281) and landyd at the long bryge , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.282) and reseyvyd by my lord chanseler , and my lord of Ely , and my lord vycont Montyguw , master comtroller , master Sowthwell , and dyvers mo , and the gard , and dyvers holdyn torchys bornynge , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.283) and up to the Frers , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.284) and ther thare graces mad ther praers , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.285) and at her $grace's landyng received ix or x $suplycasyons , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.286) and so bake agayn to the court with a c. torchys bornyng . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.287) $The $xxviii $day $of $August $went $out $of $Newgate $certain heretykes to borne in the contrey . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.288) The xxix day of August , $which was the day of Decolacyon of sant John Baptyst , the Marchand-tayllers kept masse at Sant Johnes be-yond Smyt-feld , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.289) and my lord of Sant Johnes dyd offer at masse , and ser Hare Hubylthorne , ser Thomas Whytt and master Harper , althermen , and all the clothyng . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.290) And after the iiij wardens of the yeomanry , and all the compene of the tayllers , a 1 d. a pesse ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.291) and the qwyre honge with cloth of arres , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.292) and after masse to the Tayllers' halle to dener . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.293) The same day the $Kyng's grace toke ys jorney toward Dover , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.294) and with a grett compeny , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.295) and ther tared for the wynd , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.296) and ther the shypes lying rede for ys grace gohyng over see . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.297) The xxx day of August was cast at yeld-hall , for robyng of the $quen's warderobe , one John Boneard , a servantt of hers , dwellyng be-syd the Warderobe at the Blake Frers , and cast . (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.298) The sam day were cast , for robyng of ther masturs , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.299) ij. wher prentes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,93.300) and the thurd was a servyngman , the prentes dwellyng in Bokelarbere , for kepyng of herers , and after send unto the $bysshop's presun at Startford in Essex . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.301) The xxxj day of August whent out of Nugatt a man of Essex unto Barnett for herese , by the shreyff of Medyllsex , to borne ther . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.302) The iiij day of September the $Quen's grace and my lady Elsabeth , and all the court , dyd fast from flessh , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.303) and toke the Popes jubele and pardon grantyd to alle men . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.304) $The $same $day $were $certain $bishops , $viz. $doctor $Corwyn $archbishop $of Duvylyne , $doctor $William Glyne bysshoppe of Bangor , $and doctur $James $Turberville bysshope of Exsseter , alle consecratyd at Powlles . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.305) The x day of September was bered my lade Lyons , the mares of London , with a goodly $herse mad in sant Benet-sherog parryche , with ij branchys , and xxiiij gownes of blake for pore men ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.306) and thay had xxiiij torchys , with v banars , one of armes , and iiij of emages , and vj dosen pensells , and vij dosen of skochyons , and ij $harolds of armes , and c. mornars in blake , and the althermen folohyng the corsse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.307) and after the $company $of the Grosers , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.308) and the morow the masse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.309) and master H $... dyd pryche , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.310) and after a grett dener . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.311) The xv day of September dyd pryche at Powlles {COM:blank} , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.312) and he declaryd $the $Pope's jubele and pardon from Rome , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.313) and as mony as wyll reseyffe ys pardon so to be $shryff , and fast iij days in on wyke , and to reseyffe the blessed sacrement the next Sonday affter , clen remyssyon of all ther synes tossyens quossyens of all that ever they dyd . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.314) The xx day of September was cared from Nugatt unto the lolrar stowre serten men . (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.315) The xxix day of September was the grettest rayn and fludes that ever was sene in England , that all low contreys was drounyd , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.316) and in dyver plasses boyth men and catell drounyd , (MACHYN-E1-P1,94.317) and all the marssys , and sellers boyth-1 of wyne and bere $and $alle {TEXT:alle_and} odur marchandysse , in London and odur plassys , drounyd ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.318) and the rayne begane after Bathellmuw-tyd telle sant Edwardes tyde , after not x days fayre . (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.319) {COM:lacuna} ij goodly whytt branchys and xij longe torchys $... stayffes torchys grett , and a c. mornars in blake , $xij $poor men and xij women , and all xxiiij in rosett gownes $and $the vomen raylles apon ther heds , and iiij gylt candyllstykes , with iiij grett tapurs and xx prestes and xx clarkes . (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.321) The sam day at after-none was bered master Barthelett sqwyre and prynter unto Kyng Henry ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.322) and was bered with pennon and cote-armur , and iiij dosen of skochyons and ij whytt branchys and iiij gylt candyllstykes , and mony prestes and clarkes , and mony mornars , and all the craftes of prynters , boke-sellers , and all stassyoners a $... (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.323) The vij day of October was a robere be-syd $... parke of clothears , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.324) so they foyth long , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.325) at last the $thieves over-cam them , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.326) and toke alle the goodes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.327) and cot ther hors leges off (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.328) and kyllyd sum . (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.329) The ix day of October was {COM:sic} a servyngman , $the $penter's broder that war bornyd at Staynes , was {COM:sic} bered in Morefeld be-syd the doge-howsse , be-caus he was not resseff the ryctes of the chyrche , and thys lawe . (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.330) The {COM:blank} day of October was bered doctor Wottun , phessyssyon , in Wooilstrett , with ij whyt branchys and xij longe torchys and vj stayff torchys and mony mourners . (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.331) The xvj day of October was the $Sargents' of the law fest , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.332) and vij mad the sam day , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.333) and a grett dener after , (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.334) and kept at the {COM:blank} . (MACHYN-E1-P1,95.335) $The $same $day $were $burnt $at $Oxford $for $heresy $doctor $Latimer , $late $bishop $of $Worcester , $and $doctor $Ridley , late bysshope of London ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.336) $they $were $some tyme grett prychers as ever was ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.337) and at ther bornyng dyd pryche doctur Smyth , sum-tyme the master of Vetyngtun colege {COM:blank} . (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.338) The xxvj day of October was sett on the pelere $one for spykyng of sedyssyous wordes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.339) and had (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.340) The xxviij day of October in the mornyng was set up in Fletstrett , be-syd the well , a payre of galaus , and ij men hangyd , for the robere of a Spaneard , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.341) $and $they $were hangyng aganst the Spaneardes gate be-tyme in the mornyng , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.342) and so hangyng alle the day in the rayne . (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.343) The xxix day of October ther wher ij goodly pennes deckyd with gones and flages and stremars , and a m. penselles , the penes pentyd , on whyt and bluw , and the thodur yelow and red , and the oars and gowne lyke coler ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.344) and with trumpets and drumes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.345) and alle the craftes in barges and stremars ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.346) and at the ix of the cloke my nuw lord mayre and the shreyffes and the althermen toke barge at the iij Cranes with trumpets and shalmes , and the whetes playhyng ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.347) and so rod to Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.348) and toke ys othe in the cheyker , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.349) and all the way the penoys shutyng of gones and playhyng up and done ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.350) and so after cam backe to Powlles warffe , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.351) and landyd with gret shutyng of gownes and playng ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.352) and so in Powlles cherche-yerde ther mett the bachelars and a goody pagyant , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.353) and a lxvi. men in blue gownes , and with goodly targates and gaffelynes and a duwlle , and iiij talle men lyke wodys alle in gren , (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.354) and trumpets playing a-for the mare - the iij yere of Quen Mare . (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.355) $The $xiij $day $of $November $doctor $Gardiner , $bishop $of $Winchester , $and $lord $chancellor $of $England , $died $in $the $morning , $between $twelve $and $one $of $the $clock , $at $the $King's plasse , the wyche ys callyd Whyt-hall ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.356) $and $by iij of the cloke he was browt by water $to $his $own plasse by sant Mary Overes ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,96.357) and by v of the $clock $his $bowelles was taken owt , and bered a-fore the he $altar ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,97.358) $and at vj the knyll begane ther , (MACHYN-E1-P1,97.359) and at durge and masse contenuyd ryngyng alle the belles till vij at nyght . (MACHYN-E1-P1,97.360) The xxiiij day of June ther was a May-game , $... and sant John Sacerys , with a gyant , and drumes and gunes $and $the ix wordes , with spechys , and a goodly pagant with a quen c $... and dyvers odur , with spechys ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.362) and then sant Gorge and the dragon , the mores dansse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.363) and after Robyn Hode and lytyll John , and $Maid $Marian and frere Tuke , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.364) and thay had spechys rond a-bowt London . (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.365) The xxv day of June the sam May-gam whent unto $the $palace at Grenwyche , playng a-for the Quen and the consell , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.366) and the $... (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.367) thay whent by land , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.368) and cam $back $by $water . (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.369) The sam day at afternone was bered , at sant Fayth , Dokeray , docthur of the law , with ij grett whyt branchys , $... grett stayff torchys , and iiij grett tapurs , and a dosen and d' $of $scocheons , and mony morners ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.370) and the morow a grett dener . (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.371) The xxvj day of June was bered in the sam parryche $mistress Gybbons a doctur of the law's wyff , the wyche she ded in $... (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.372) and she had ij grett whyt branchys and xij torchys and iiij $... tapurs and ij lb. tapurs , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.373) and viij women bare here all in $... and the branchys and the torchys , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.374) and ther was a sarmon , and mony morners , and a dosen of armes , and a grett dener . (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.375) The sam day was deprevyd of ther bysshoprykes the bysshope of Wynchestur and the bysshope of Lynckolne at master Hawse the $kyng's shreyff in Mynsyon lane , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.376) and the bysshope of Wynchester to the Towre agayne , (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.377) and the bysshope of Lynckolne delevered a-way . (MACHYN-E1-P1,201.378) The furst day of July all the craftes of London send owt a {COM:blank} men of armes , as well be-sene as ever was when owt of London , boyth waffelers in cott of velvet and cheynes , with gunes , mores-pykes , and halbardes , and flages , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.380) and in-to the duke of Suffoke's parke in Sowthwarke , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.381) and ther they mustered a-for my lord mayre ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.382) and ther was a howsse for bred and dryng , to gyffe the sawgyars to ett and drynke , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.383) and they then after thay {COM:sic} lay and mustered in sant Gorges ffeld tyll x of the cloke . (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.384) $The $next $morning $they $removed $towards $Greenwich $to $the $court $there , $and $thence $into $Greenwich $park , $where $they $tarried tyll viij of the cloke , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.385) and then thay $marched to the lawne , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.386) and ther thay mustered in barnes , $and $the $gunners in shurttes of maylle , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.387) and at v of the cloke at nyght the Quen $came in to the galere of the parke gatt , and the inbassadurs and lordes $and $ladies , $to $a grett nombur , and my lord marques , and my lord admerall , and my $lord $Robert $Dudley , $and dyvers mo lordes and knyghtes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.388) and they rod to and fro $to $view $them , $and to sett the ij batelles in a-ray ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.389) and after cam trumpeters bluwing $on boyth partes , and the drumes and fluttes ; and iij ansettes in evere $batelle ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.390) so thay marchyd forward , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.391) and so the gunes shott (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.392) and the morespykes $encontered to-gether with gratt larum , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.393) and after reculyd bake $again ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.394) after the towne army lost ther pykes and ther gunes and bylle $... rely , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.395) and $contenent they wher sturyd with a-larum ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.396) and so evere man toke to ther weypons agayne ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.397) by and by the trumpetes and the drumes and gones playd , and shott , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.398) and so they whent to-gether as fast as they could . (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.399) Al thys wyll the $Quen's grace and the inbasadurs and the lordes and lades be-held the skymychsyng ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.400) and after they reculyd bake agayn ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.401) and after master chamburlayn and dyvers of the $commenars and the wyffelers cam to the Quen , (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.402) and ther the $Quen's grace thankyd them hartely , and all the cette {COM:city} ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,202.403) and contenent ther was the grettest showtt that ever was hard , and hurlyng up of capes , that her grace was so mere , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.404) for ther was a-buyff lyk M pepull besyd the men that mustered ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.405) and after ther was runyng at the tyltt , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.406) and after evere $man home to London and odur plasses . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.407) The iij day of July was cared to be bered unto {COM:blank} on master Sadler , latt altherman and draper , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.408) and the chyrche hangyd with blake , and with ys armes , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.409) and a sarmon , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.410) and a iij dosen of skochyons . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.411) The iij day of July $the $Quene's grace toke her barge at Grenwyche unto Wolwyche to her nuw shype , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.412) and ther yt was namyd Elesabeth $Jonas , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.413) and after here grace had a goodly bankett , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.414) and ther was grett shutyng of gunes and castyng of fyre a-bowt mad for plesur . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.415) The v day of July was deposyd of ther byshopeprykes the archebyshope of Yorke doctur Heth , and the bysshope of Ely docthur Thurlbe , at my lord $treysorer's plasse at Frers Augustyne . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.416) The vij day of July , was sant Thomas of Cantebere day , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.417) my good lord of Wynchastur doctur Whytt came owt of the Towre , with the leyftenantt ser Edward Warner , by vj in mornyng , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.418) and so to my lord keper of the brod selle , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.419) and from thens unto master Whyt , John , altherman , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.420) and ther he lys . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.421) $The $x $day $of $July $was $set $up $in $Greenwich $park $a $goodly $banketting-house $made $with $fir powlles , and deckyd with byrche and all maner $of $flowers of the feld and gardennes , as roses , gelevors , $lavender , $marygolds , and all maner of strowhyng erbes and flowrs . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.422) $There $were $also tentes for kechens and for all offesers agaynst $the $morrow , with wyne , alle , and bere . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.423) The xj day of July ther was mad a plasse $for $the $queen's pensyoners to rune with-owt a tyltt with spayrers . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.424) $There $were $three chalengers , my lord of Urmon , and ser John Paratt , and master $North , (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.425) and ther wher {COM:blank} deffenders boyth-2 with spares and $swords . (MACHYN-E1-P1,203.426) Abowt v of the cloke at after-non the $Quen's grace $came , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.427) and the inbassadurs , and dyver lordes and lades stode $over $the gatt for to se ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.428) and after thay rane one $chassyng $the $other , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.429) and after the $Quen's grace cam down in-to the parke (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.430) $and toke her horse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.431) and rod up to the bankett howse , $with the inbassadurs and the lordes and lades , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.432) and so to soper $and a maske , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.433) and after a grett bankett , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.434) and after grett castyng $of $fire and shutyng of gunes tyll xij at nyght . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.435) The xij day of June {COM:sic} the frers of Grenwyche whent away . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.436) The xiij day of July whent {COM:sic} the frers blake in Smythfeld went {COM:sic} a-way . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.437) The iiij day of July , the Thursday , the prests and nuns of Syon whent a-way , and the Charter-howsse . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.438) The abbott of Westmynster and the monkes was reprevyd . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.439) The xx day of July kyng Phelype was mared unto the Frenche $kyng's dowthur , and grett justes mad ther , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.440) and the Frenche kyng dyd just , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.441) and ther he had on of ys ees stryken owtt with a spyld of a spayre , that he ded of the stroke , by one {COM:blank} . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.442) {COM:lacuna} The xvj day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse {COM:blank} (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.444) The xviij day of July the vesetars satt at the $bishop of London palles . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.445) The xvij day of July the $Quen's grace removyd from Grenwyche of her prograsse unto Darford in Kent ; (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.446) so the next day removyd unto Cobham , my lord $Cobham's plasse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.447) and ther her grace had grett chere . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.448) The xx day of July the good old the bysshope {COM:sic} of $Durham cam rydyng to London with iijxx hors , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.449) and so to $Sowthwark unto master Dolman howsse , a talowchandler , (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.450) and ther he lys aganst the chene gatte . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.451) The {COM:blank} day of July a haburdassher , dwellyng a-ganst sant $John's hed at Ludgatt , dyd kyll hym-seylff . (MACHYN-E1-P1,204.452) The sam day a mayd dwellyng in Colmanstrett dyd cutt her thrott a-pesse , (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.453) and after she lepyd in-to a welle (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.454) and drownyd yr seyllff . (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.455) The xxv day of July , was sant James day , (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.456) the warden of Wynchaster and odur docturs and prestes wher delevered owt of the towre , and masselsay , and odur . (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.457) The sam nyght was the Mersers' super , (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.458) and ther supyd my lord mare and my lord treysorer and dyvers of the consell and dyvers althermen , (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.459) and ther was chossen the shreyff for the quen master Logee , altherman and groser , for the yere to come and nowe . (MACHYN-E1-P1,205.460)