A lettre from my lord of Suffolke , my lord privy seale , my lord of Sussex , my lord admirall , the bishopps of Hereford and Chichester and Sir William Kingstone unto the earle of Cumberland . (MARCHES-E1-P1,107.3) After our right harty commendacions to your good lordshipp , whereas the kings majestie considering the great discord that hath of late chaunced amongst his subjetes of those partes , purposing like a wise and prudent prince with thappeasing of inward trouble to establish such an order for the sure keeping and defence of his marches as may preserve his subjects from all annoyance and danger of outward and forreigne enemyes , hath concluded upon a direccion for his East and Middle Marches . And to putt the same in execucion hath already sent hither Sir Anthony Browne knt , one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber , of whose arrivall and proceeding in that behalfe wee doubt not but you shall have perfitt knowledge before these our lettres shall come to your handes . (MARCHES-E1-P1,107.4) Albeit his highnes and wee of his counsell doe well see and perceive that a like order to be taken for the West Marches should be both-1 for his graces honour and safety . And doe remember therewith both how loth ye weare to take the office of warden thereof upon you , and how desyrous you have showed your selfe aswell to me specially the lord privy seale as to others sythence you had the rome thereof to be discharged againe of the same , so it might have ensewed with his majesties favour , whome you have ever showed your selfe ready in all thinges to serve without respect in such place as he hath appointed unto you . (MARCHES-E1-P1,107.5) Yet his highnes , considering the faithfull and honorable service you have lately done unto him in the preservacion of your selfe out of the handes of his rebelles , hath determined to stay his proceedinges for the West Marches unles you shall be well contented to leave your offices in the same . Wherein as we doubt not but you will use that conformity that may be to his graces satisfaccion , honour and suerty therein , which also we desyre and advise you to doe ; so his majestie hath commaunded us to signify unto yow that in a part of recompence for your loyall {COM:fo.15r} service lately done unto him , his grace hath resolved to advance yow to the honour of the Gartier , and besides further in such wise to consider the same as you shall have cause to thincke it well employed . Wherefore his highnes desireth you not onely to signify your conformity herein unto his grace or to us of his counsell with diligence , but also in the meane season to have such regard to the defence of Carlile and thother partes of those marches as they may be out of all danger of enemyes or rebells that would impugne the same . (MARCHES-E1-P1,108.6) And thus fare yee most hartely well . (MARCHES-E1-P1,108.7) From Greenwich (MARCHES-E1-P1,108.8) the last of January . (MARCHES-E1-P1,108.9)