_CO DE Hit may lyke your good Grace to undrestand that yisternyght the Kings Grace commanded me to deliver un to your servant Foreste a Supplication put un to his Grace by menne of Waterford in the name of the Citee , by which they complain agaynste the Towne of New Rosse in Ireland for disturbyng the citie of Waterford in the use of a certayn graunt of prise Wynys made and confermed un to theym as they allegge by the Kyngs progenitors : Wherein the Kings Grace commaunded me to advertise your Grace that he calleth to mynd that the Citee of Waterford in all such rebellions as hath happed in Irleland hath allways byden fermely in theire allegiauns , and often tymys done very good and faithefull service to the Kinge his father and other his progenitors ; for which he saith he bereth theym as your Grace well knoweth very speciall favor . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,197.4) His Grace saith also that he knoweth well and your Grace also that there is mych beryng agaynste theym in Ireland , and that ther the citie standeth so in the daynger of the wild Irishe peple that they can not without great ieopardie resort for the pursuit of theyre right in to such placis of Ireland as the Lawes be ministred in . Wherfore his Grace commaunded me to write un to your Grace , that he requyreth your Grace that it may lyke you either in the Starre Chambre to examine the mater of the said citee , or ellis to committe the same to the examination of sum justices or other , such as your Grace shall thynk convenient , so that they may have expedition with such lawfull favor as it may be a cumfort to theym to se that their trew service is by the Kinge and his Counsaile in England considered ; wherby the Kings Grace thinketh that other Cities and Lordis also , in Ireland , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} encoraged un to the lyke . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,197.5) Sir , if it lyke your Grace , at my retorne whan I spake with the King , his Grace was very ioyfull that notwithstanding your so continuall labors in his maters in which he saied ye have many moo than appere to theym that see you but at Westminster or with the Counsaile your Grace is so well in helth as he hereth by diverse ; (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,197.6) and he saith that ye may thank his counsaile thereof by which ye leve the often takyng of medicines that ye were wont to use ; (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.7) and while ye so do he saith ye shall not faile of helth , which our Lord long preserve . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.8) At Okyng (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.9) the v=th= day of July . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.10) Your moste humble servaunt and mooste bounden beedman Thomas More . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.11) To my Lord Legats grace . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.12) Hit may lyke your good Grace to undrestand that the Kings Grace hath commaunded me to advertise your Grace that the Embassiator of the King of Castile hath this present Wedynesday spoken with his Grace and declared un to hym such newis on the byhalfe of his maister the King of Castile as your Grace knoweth of , for which the Kings Grace requyreth your Grace that there may be such Lettres of gratulation devised un to the said King of Castell as your politique wisedome shall thinke moost convenient . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,198.14) The Kings Grace hath also commaunded me to shew your Grace that th'embassiator hath requyred his Grace to send his advice to the King of Castile concernyng the mater of the laste Diete , in which the great Maister of Fraunce deceaced , in which thing th'embassiator desireth to have Lettres of Credence of the Kings Grace by which he myght hym selfe declare to his maister by mowth the Kings advice concernyng the premissis , how be it the Kings Grace thinketh hit mych better that his hole advice be written at length by Lettres devised by the prudent caste of your Grace . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,199.15) The Kings Grace commaunded me ferther to wrighte un to your Grace that among other communications had with thembassiator , his Grace remembred un to hym that he had allway been a very hartie frend un to the King of Castil and during his life so entended to percever , and wold of none erthely thing be more loth than if eny occasion shold fall which he trusted shold never fall wherby he myghte be constrayned un to the contrary ; for the avoiding wherof his Grace advised th'embassiator that he shold in eny wise counsaile his Maister that he no thing attempte herafter that shold extend to the breche of eny article comprised in the amitee concluded bytwen his Grace and the King of Castil and the French King , which if he did , hys Grace shold think hym selfe bounden to regard the frendship of none erthely man so highly as his othe geven to God for the observation of the said Amite and Liege . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,199.16) The Embassiator is riden fro the court now after diner , (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,199.17) and I think he $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} with your Grace very shortely . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,199.18) And thus our Lord long preserve your Grace in honor and helth . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,200.19) At Okyng (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,200.20) the vj=th= day of July (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,200.21) Your mooste humble servaunt and mooste bounden beedman Thomas More . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,200.22) Hit may lyke your good Grace to undrestand that the Kingis Grace hath commaunded me to wryte un to your Grace that he geveth You harty thankis for your diligent advertisement of all such things as your Grace hath written un to hym in your latter Lettres , towching the contents wherof his Grace hath commaunded me to shew you that he very well lyketh your politique ordre taken with hedyng the King of Castile his orator , which his Grace thinketh very good and honorable . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,200.24) And as towching the overture made by my Lord of Shevers for the mariage of my Lord of Devonshire , the King is well content , and as me semeth , very glad of the motion , wherein he requireth your Grace that it may lyke you to call my Lord of Devonshire to your Grace , and to advise hym secretely to forbere eny ferther treatie of mariage with my Lord Mountjoy , for a while ; staying the matter , not casting hit off : shewing hym that ther is a farre bettre offre made hym , of which the King wold that he shold not know the specialtie byfor he speke with his Grace . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.25) As towching the demeanure of the Cardinall Sedunense concernyng the truste that the Kings Grace did put in hym his Grace commaunded me to shew your Grace that he mystrusted the same hymselfe byfore : and that he so shewed your Grace at Richemount . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.26) And though he be not glad of the Cardinallis delyng , yit is he glad he saith that your Grace may se that he fore saw it , wherby he thinketh your Grace will the bettre truste his conjecture hereafter . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.27) I send un to your Grace by your servaunt , this berer , certayn Wryting which the Kings Grace commaunded me to send un to your Grace , to take such ordre in the same as your moost politique wisedom shall thynke convenient . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.28) And thus our Lord long preserve your good Grace in honor and helth . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.29) At Oking (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.30) this present Saterday the ix=th= day of July . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.31) Your moost humble servaunt and moste bownden beedman THOMAS MORE . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,201.32) Hit may like your good Grace to be advertised that according to your Grace's commaundement geven me by your Lettres dated the xxx.=th= day of Auguste I have shewed un to the Kings Grace the byll devised for Sir Richard Wyngfeld subscribed by your Grace , and the old Bill also advertisyng his Grace of such things as your Grace in the new Bill caused to be left owte for th'advantage of his Highnes which points I shewed his Grace cancelled in the old Bill and omitted in the new , for which his Highnes with hartie thanks to your Grace for your labor taken therin hath signed the new , which I have delivered to hym of whom I receaved hit . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,202.35) And thus our Lord long preserve your good Grace in honor and helth . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,202.36) At Okyng (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,202.37) the fyrst day of Septembre . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,202.38) Yo=r= humble Orator and moost bounden bedeman THOMAS MORE . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,202.39) {COM:insert_helsinki_sample,_letter_72,_here} _CO DE Hit may lyke your good Grace to be advertised that the Kings Highnes this nyght going to his souper called me to hym secretely , and commaunded me to wryte unto your Grace that where as hit hath pleased our Lord to call to his mercy M=r=. Myrfyn late Aldreman of London , his Grace very greatly desireth for the speciall favor which he bereth toward Sir William Tyler , that the same Sir William shold have the widoo of the said late Aldreman in mariage . For the furtheraunce whereof his Highnes considering your Grace's well approved wisedome and dexteritie in $th' $acheving {TEXT:th'acheving} and bringing to good passe his vertuouse and honorable appetites , commaunded me with diligence to advertise your Grace that his Highnes in moost hartie wise requyreth your Grace that hit may lyke you , at the contemplation of this his affectuouse request , by your high wisedome to devise , put in ure , and pursue the moost effectuall meanys by which his Grace's desire may in this mater best be brought abowt and goodly take effecte ; wherein his Highnes saith that your Grace shall do him a right speciall pleasure , and bynd the said Sir William duryng his life to pray for your good Grace . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,208.43) Thus mych hath his Grace in this byhalfe commanded me to write to Yours ; whom both Our Lord long preserve in honor and helth together . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,208.44) At Esthamstede (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,208.45) the xvij=th.= day of Septembre . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,208.46) Yo=r=. humble Orator and moost bounden Beedman . Thomas More . (MOREWOL-E1-P1,1.1,208.47)