{COM:postscript_to_letter_V} I beseech y=u= remember my deare loue to my sister farrar (NFERRAR-E2-P1,244.3) and tell her though I could not speake w=th= m=rs= Goddard being abroade yett I lefte her messadge w=th= the head man of the shop whoe promised to tell her - and to satisfy her as well as if I had com~ agayne (NFERRAR-E2-P1,244.4) I now send down a stone botle of white Wyne for my Cosen mary praying her to attend the perfect recouery of her health by all the good meanes prescribed and advysed unto her . y=t= being well she may w=th= her owne and her freinds comfort better performe the dutys belonging to her selfe & others which god grant (NFERRAR-E2-P1,244.5) My most deare Mother After the $remembraunce of my most bounden duty to y=r= self and best loue to all my dearest freinds humbly thanking god for your owne and others health & amendement thees are only to signify to y=u= what you shall receiue by Gymber whoe hath promised mee to deliuer them before saterday noone w=ch= perhapps may bee sooner then myne owne comming (NFERRAR-E2-P1,244.7) the things are thees (NFERRAR-E2-P1,244.8) {COM:list_omitted} For the weight I leaue it to you hauing noe opportunity to doe it heer (NFERRAR-E2-P1,245.11) {COM:signature_missing} {COM:beginning_of_letter_omitted} Insteade of Statute Lace I sende you downe silke (NFERRAR-E2-P1,260.17) and more there is diing black (NFERRAR-E2-P1,260.18) It coms to litle more then the statute - (NFERRAR-E2-P1,260.19) But being likely to last much Longer I suppose it much better (NFERRAR-E2-P1,260.20) and though because it is not in fashion the mercer partes w=th= it at halfe the price yett w=th= you I suppose it will bee in that regard nothing at all the worse Wherefore both-2 for Petticoats and sleeues you shall haue more - and enough - (NFERRAR-E2-P1,260.21) For Ioyce I am loth to lay out mony on a new Coate (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.23) her mothers petticoate will perhapps fitt her for the present . (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.24) And the boys may bee suplied out of Annas and Peggs petticoates (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.25) yf you can make things serue for the present it will bee best (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.26) and hereafter wee shal shuite {COM:suit} all things to all manner of Conveniency and decency - (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.27) You shall doe well to make Nathaiell ply his worke and sett forward things as much as may bee as heertofore y=u= haue used to doe taking advantadg both of the present necessity and of Nathaniells comm~g to London (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.28) I haue sent downe 9 Artichokes to my dearest mother praying her to accept and eate of them (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.29) And soe humbly crauing her blessing and all y=r= prayers I rest N.F. (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.30) xvij June 1631 (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.31) I haue noe leasure to peruse my letter (NFERRAR-E2-P1,261.32)