Cosin Oxenden , With the remembraunce of my love I hartily salute you . (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.3) I have nowe sent my Daughter Pettit a fewe smale Lopsteres taken yesterday , (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.4) and my Desire was to have had more store of this morninges takeinge to have sent them alive , that they might have the longer beene kept good , (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.5) but this northerly winde hath frustrateed my expectation therein . (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.6) My Desire is that these may bee accepted as a Signe of my Love , (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.7) and so prayeing you to remember us to my Ladye , my Cozine your wife , my Daughter and the rest of our freinds , I commende you to God (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.8) and rest , Your loveing kinsman Val. Pettit (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.9) Daundelion (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.10) this 25th of Aprill 1625 (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.11) At my last beeing at Denton it was desired that I should write to my son Val. to provide and sende downe to Sandwich a Grave Stone for his brother's Grave , with an Inscription according to that then geiven mee in writeing , and that his Coate Armes should bee likewise ingraven one the same , which directions I gave him at his goeing from hence . (PETTIT-E2-P1,21.12) He asked mee if the Spracklinge Coat should be joyned therwith or not , which I could not then resolve him of , (PETTIT-E2-P1,22.13) but promised to write to you to know your minde therein , which I thinke were needelesse , unlesse some mention were made in the Inscription of his match with one of that house (PETTIT-E2-P1,22.14) and then a pictchere of the Sprakling Armes $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} needefull to bee sent upp to him . (PETTIT-E2-P1,22.15) To his verie loveing cosin Mr. Richard Oxenden at his house neere Denton geve these . (PETTIT-E2-P1,22.16) Cosin Oxenden , With the rememberance of my Love I hartely salute you and the rest of our freindes with you . (PETTIT-E2-P1,22.18) God bee thanked for my daughter's safe deliveraunce (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.19) and God blesse that Little one (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.20) and make him his Servant , (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.21) and God sende us and all other his freindes much Joy and Comfort of him . (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.22) I purpose God willing to bee with you one Sonday next to perfourme my Daughter's Desire . (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.23) And so comendeing you to God I rest Your Loveing Freinde Val. Pettit (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.24) Daundelion (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.25) this 9th of September 1625 (PETTIT-E2-P1,23.26) Cosin Oxenden , With the rememberaunce of my love I doe hartily salute you (PETTIT-E2-P1,24.29) and I have now heerewith sent you a smale Roulett of Northdowne Ale which I praye you accept as a Signe of my Love and Token of my thankfulnes for manie Curtesies received from you ; (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.30) if it bee good I have my Desire , (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.31) but if it prove not well , I pray you blame the Brewer and not mee . (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.32) And so prayeing you to remember me to my Ladye , my Cosin your Wife , my Daughter Pettit and the rest of our Freindes , I commende you to God (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.33) and rest Your Loveing Freinde Val. Pettit (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.34) Daundelion (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.35) the 5th of March 1625 (PETTIT-E2-P1,25.36)