Dragon frig=t= in the Downes , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.3) this May , a=o= 1657 (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.4) Hon=d= Father , Sir , these I hope will congratulate yo=r= safe arrivall at Leghorne , w=ch= God graunt may be with yo=r= health and well fare , for the continuation whereof I shall ever pray . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.5) I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} yet forgett my unhapynes y=t= soe short a tyme and small distance hindred me the inioym=t= of seeing you before you gote out y=e= Channell , seeing I made it my aime and bussines to performe it , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.6) but pleased God to frustrate me of my intended hapynes . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.7) I hope y=t= our next interview may be with the greater ioy and comfort . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.8) Indeed , when I returned to Dover , which was the Sonday following yo=r= departure , I was not a little greived when Major Gen=ll= Kelsey tould me y=e= unwellcome news of yo=r= being past by ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.9) and himselfe was very sory when I gave him an acc=t= y=t= I mett you not , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.10) and tould me , if I had in y=e= least desired not to have gone for Zeinhead , he would have ordered an other ship in o=r= roome . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.11) I was very thankfull for his respect he exprest towards yo=u= , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.12) but I knew not before y=t= I might be soe bould w=th= him as to desire such a favor . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.13) Yo=u= saild hence y=e= Fryday evening ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,1.14) and Satuarday , by in y=e= forenoone , we were soe neare y=e= head of Beachy y=t= noe shipp could or did passe by us , but we spake w=th= in hopes of meeting yo=u= . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.15) Surely the wind blew the harder to deny me y=t= hapynes . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.16) God in mercy goe alongst with yo=u= (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.17) and preserve yo=u= from the rage of unreasonable men . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.18) I shall not be wanting , as I am bound in duty , to make it my earnest request to God for yo=r= preservation . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.19) My wife , in good health , presents her humble duty to you , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.20) and hath ever since bine very sorrowfull she stayed not behind to present her duty and respects to yo=u= at yo=r= departure . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.21) Sir , litle of novelty ofers at present , only of great preparations for y=e= fitting out seavrall great shipps , as y=e= Resolution , Naiesby , and Andrew , from Portsm=o= ; y=e= Tryomph , Victory , Vantguard , and Entrance , from Chatham . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.22) I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} give you an acc=t= , y=e= occasion or upon w=t= designe y=e= shipps are prepared ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.23) only suppose it may be to be in a readynes to defend our selves if any treachorus act should be ofered by the Hollander , who will have saile men of warr out very sodainely , as is certainely reported . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.24) I hope noe act of hostillity against us is intended . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.25) We have iust cause to feare y=e= worst ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.26) and I think , as farr as I am able to aprehend , yo=u= will have little occasion to trust or put any confidence in them abroad . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.27) God send us peace at home and abroad ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.28) but , if these faile us , peace wth God will beare up our spirits in the greatest dificulties y=t= doe atend our earthly pilgrimage . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.29) Sir , my wife desires yo=u= please , at yo=r= arrivall at Ven=a= , to buy for her a foiled stone of the measure I conseave was given by her sisters to Brother Andrew at Leigh ; as alsoe a pott ketle and 2 stue panns , one lesser than the other ; as alsoe a jarr from Leghorne , with w=t= other things nessesary for a howse , to y=e= value of +L 3 in fower pound in all , which shall be thankfully repayed . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.30) I intend to wright yo=u= to Ven=a= , when $I conseave you may ataine thither , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.31) and what ofers shall not be wanting of advizeing you . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.32) My Lord Protector hath denyed y=e= governm=t= of the Comonwealth under y=e= title of King , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.33) and since , $it $'s {TEXT:its} established to him in the title he now beares . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,2.34) I have not heard from home since yo=r= departure . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.36) My intire love with my wives remembred to our 3 brothers w=th= all o=r= freinds on bord you . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.37) Brother Wm. , in health , pres=ts= his humble duty to yo=u= , w=th= his love to his Bro=r= . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.38) My saluts to Mr. Holder ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.39) and , with my most humble duty presented to yo=r= self , I remayne , Sir , yo=r= ever lo. and obedient sonne till death , Richard Haddock . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.40) My wife being present desires , w=th= y=e= presenting her humble duty to you , to subscribe herselfe yo=r= lo. daughter till death , Lydia Haddocke . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.41) Since y=e= Wrighting y=e= above lynes I have rec=d= order to goe over and ryde before Dunkerk , and to take y=e= comand of y=t= squadron now riding there . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.42) This day is arrived hapy news , Gen=ll= Blake's burneing and sinking 16 saile of the K. of Spaines gallions and shipps at S=ta= Cruse , most welcome and true . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.43) R. H. (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.44) To his hon=d=. father , Capt. Wm. Haddock , Comander of the shipp Hanniball , these present , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.45) Livorno . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.46) Dragon frig=t= in Dunkirk Road , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.48) this 15=th= June , a=o= 1657 (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.49) Hon=d= Father , S=r= , my most humble duty w=th= Bro. Wms. presented unto you w=th= o=r= intire loves to o=r= loveing brothers and freinds w=th= you . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,3.50) These only serve to advize yo=u= of our wellfare , hopeing and earnestly praying to the Lord that y=e= like good health atends you y=t= , blessed be God , we injoy . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.51) These I hope will find you safe arrived at Leghorne . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.52) My last from the Downes gave you an acc=t= y=t= we were ordered over hither to take the command of this squadron that now lyes w=th= us before this place . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.53) Since o=r= arrivall heere , w=ch= is 14 dayes since , not anything of action hath ofered worth yo=r= advice ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.54) the good we doe heere is only to keepe there men of warr in y=t= are in , and prevent those comeing in w=th= there prisses y=t= are abroad . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.55) But they want not harbours in Holland to secure them and w=t= they ketch from us . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.56) I conseave yo=u= want not letters of caution from yo=r= owners to be carefull of trusting the Hollanders . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.57) I feare they will prove treacherous to there ingagem=ts= w=th= us in the peace agreed betwixt us . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.58) They are almost ready to saile w=th= or upward men of warr , besides 16 saile now in or Channell . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.59) My Lord Protector is not wanting to prevent there treacherous actions , if any intended against us . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.60) I conseave in 14 dayes we may have upwards of saile , considerable men of warr , in the Downes , to answer any atempt may be ofered by them ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.61) and doe beleive both we and the squadron before Ostend may be called of , as soone as we have any intelligence of there redynes to saile . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.62) All o=r= freinds in England , I heare , are in health . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.63) My wife still at Deall , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.64) and stayes to accomp=a= Aunt Morgan to London ; my unkle now being in the Downes , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.65) and conseave may saile very sodainely , the wind presenting faire at present . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.66) Sir , please at yo=r= arrival at Ven=a= to present my service and respects to my Mr. and Mrs. Hobson , with Mr. Jno. Hobson , jun=r=. my saluts ; as also to Mr. Jones and his wife . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.67) Sir , I have not else at present worth yo=r= advice . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,4.68) With my earnest prayers to Almighty God to preserve you out of the hands of yo=r= mercyles enemyes , and send yo=u= a safe returne to the injoymt of yo=r= relations , for the happy accomplishm=t= whereof itt shall be the earnest request of , Sir , yo=r= most $affectionate {TEXT:affetionate} and obedient sonne till death , Richard Haddock . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.69) To his hon=d= freind Capt. Wm Haddock , Comander of the ship Hanniball , these present , at Livorno . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.70) Dragon frig=t= in Dunkirke Road , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.72) this 26 Aprill , 1658 ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.73) Monday (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.74) Hon=d= Father , S=r= , my most humble duty presented unto yo=u= w=th= my deare Mother , Grandfather , and Grandm=o= , w=th= my loveing saluts to my wife , bro=s= , sisters , and freinds . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.75) My last , of 18 instant , I sent by my Bro=r= Wm. , whome I gave leave to goe to London ; w=ch= hope is safely arrived with you . Since w=ch= , litle of acction here in these parts . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.76) The 21 instant , about midnight , heere escaped out a small pickeron of 4 or 6 guns out this habo=r= , notw=th=standing our vigilancy and indeavors for his surprizall , haveing o=r= boates in w=th= the shore and a small frig=t= , who gave him chase and fired seavrall guns at him ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.77) but the darknes of the night prevented there long keepeing sight of him , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.78) and , notw=th=standing they made after him to the best of there understanding , yet he got away (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.79) and noe sight of him at day light . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.80) Last Saturday heere went from Mardike Marshall d'Aumon , Duke of Bouligne , with 13 hundred French souldiers , imbarqued in seaverall vessells , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.81) and gone to Oastend , before w=ch= place they arrived that night w=th= the Vice Admirall . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,5.82) If the intelligence given me be true , we shall see a sodaine alteration in Flaunders . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.84) $It $'s {TEXT:Its} said y=t= , for a considerable summe of mony , the towne of Ostend is to be delivered up to y=e= King of Fraunce by the Governor and inhabitants of s=d= place , they being in such a sad condition by reasone of the extreame burden y=t= lyes upon them . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.85) For security of performance there is a considerable man , who hath confirmed the accord w=th= the K. of Fraunce , now w=th= Marshall d'Aumon , that belongs to Ostend , who hath ingaged his life for performance . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.86) I pray God they faile not in there undertakeings ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.87) and , although treachery be hateful and odious throughout the world , yet doubtles $'t $will$ {TEXT:'twill} prove hapye for our poore traders when such a considerable place as yt is , a neast of roages , shall be routed . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.88) If it proves efectuall , farwell most p=ts= of Flaunders this sumer . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.89) S=r= , please to keepe this intelligence to yo=r= selfe , least it should come from me , being privately advized me . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.90) I hope , when our victualling is out , we shall come over to tallow ; w=ch= God graunt , that I may not fayle of my earnest desire of seeing you before you goe forth . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.91) I intend sodaynly to send to the Vice Admirall to know where we shall be disposed by him or otherwise from the Comiss=rs= of Admiralty . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.92) S=r= , I have not other at present . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.93) W=th= my humble request to ye Allmighty for yo=r= preservation , I remayne Yo=r= most loveing and obedient son till death , Richard Haddock . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.94) To his hon=d= freind Capt. Wm. Haddock , at his howse nere the Newstaires in Wapping , these present , in London . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.95) Dragon frig=t= in Dunkirke Road , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.97) this prim=o= May , 1658 ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.98) Satuarday (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.99) Hon=d= Father , S=r= , my last from this place was of 26th past , since w=ch= not anything hath ofered . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.100) The great Mons=r= with the soldiers I gave yo=u= acc=t= of are yet before Oastend with the Vice Admirall (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,6.101) have efected nothing , not haveing had opertunity , these out winds preventing there landing . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.102) God sending us shore winds , we shall quicklie see the result of the action in hand . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.103) I sent to the Vice Admirall to desire he would order us into the river to tallow and revictuall ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.104) but he wrights me , in regard he hath noe ship with him to place in our roome , he will not w=th=out order from the Adm=ty= . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.105) Soe this day I have wrote to them , advizeing the neere expiration of our victualling , also makeing it my humble request that we may come to Chatham to tallow and revictuall ; w=ch= I hope they will graunt , (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.106) but am dubious of my desired hapynesse of seeing you before you goe forth . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.107) My humble duty presented to my deare Mother , Grandfather , and Grandm=o= , Father and Mother Steevens , w=th= my loveing salute to my wife , brothers , sisters , and freinds in gen=ll= ; (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.108) and , w=th= my most humble duty to yo=r= selfe , w=th= prayers to the Allmighty for yo=r= continued preservation , I remayne , S=r= , your most loveing and dutyfull sonne till death , Richard Haddock . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.109) Being hast , y=e= frig=t= under saile with a lee tyde , my wife must excuse my not wrighting her at present . (RHADDSR-1650-E3-P1,7.110)