_COD E Lovinge brother , I kindly recommend my love unto you . (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,5.3) I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be so unthankfull as to leave you unsaluted in thes few lines , you havinge given mee the first occasione by your kinde letter ; with the acknowledgment of youre harty affectione and tender of youre imployment , which I $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} redy in as large and ample manner to requite as it is by you frely offred , even with my best indeavoures in any your occasiones ; with your desire of this muteall entterchange of oure letteres , as the increase of oure never changable loves , the only meanes absence affordes to well affected mindes to shew there loving dispositione . (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,5.4) Pray remember my humble dutie to my Father and my harty commendacione unto my Lady Mother , my sister youre wife and all oure other lovinge frendes at home , with those at Canterbury when you see them . (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,5.5) So I bid you hartily farewell . (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,5.6) Your loving brother Richard Oxinden (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,5.7) Middle Temple , Londone (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,6.9) this 7 May (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,6.10) Lovinge brother , Youre frendly advice , least you might hereafter desist from thes kinde corses , $can $not {TEXT:cannot} let mee leave you unrequited and go unthanked in this my letter , the only meanes that at this time stirrs up my dull spirites , not used to many letteres , especially in one day , which , least now I might offend , I have undertaken , in which I will use brevitie rather than prove unmanarilly not to write at all . (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,6.12) Were my inventione soe ripe and apt as youres , or at least so plentiful as my inke and paper , I wold be more forward , and afforde volumes in stedd of letteres , (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.13) but I have other studies where in I now intend to spend my spirites , (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.14) and so have iust excuse to spare my writinge till $that $'s {TEXT:thats} finished ; (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.15) so commendinge myselfe to youre wife my sister I bid you hartely fare well . (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.16) Your everloving brother , Richard Oxinden (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.17) Middle Temple London (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.18) this 14 of May (ROXINDEN-1600-E2-P1,1,7.19)