To his right worshipful mother bee this delivered with speed . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.3) Right worshipfull mother , I humbly recomende me unto you , desiringe Jesus longe to continewe your healthe to the pleasure of God . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.4) Worshipfull mother , I am bounde to write to you , yea and you were not my mother , because it hathe pleased God of his inestimable goodnes to sende me some understandinge in the Scriptures ; (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.5) for everie man or woman that it shall please God to sende knowledge in the Scriptures is bounde to instructe theire brethren in the lovinge of the Gospell . Wherefore , it is my dutie to instructe you , most principalle of all other , which hathe shewed to me so muche kindenes , besides all motherly kindenes . Wherefore , I desire you , moste deare mother , that ye will take heede to the teachinge of the Gospell , (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.6) for it is the thinge that all wee muste live by ; (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.7) for Christe lefte it that we shoulde altogether rule our livinge thereby , (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.8) or els we $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be in favour with God . Wherefore , I woulde desire you for the love of God , that you woulde reade the Newe Testament , which is the trewe Gospell of God , spoken by the Holy Ghoste . Wherefore , doubte not of it , dearly beloved mother in the Lorde , (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.9) I write not this to bringe you into anie heresies , but to teache you the cleare light of Goddes doctrine . Wherefore , I will never write nothinge to you , nor saye nothinge to you , concerninge the Scriptures , but will dye in the quarrell . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.10) Mother , you have muche to thanke God that it woulde please him to geve you licence to live untill this time , (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,233.11) for the gospell of Christe was never so trewly preached as it is nowe . Wherfore , I praye to God that he will geve you grace to have knowledge of his Scriptures . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.12) Ye shall heare perceive what the profession of our Baptisme is , which profession we muste have written in our hartes . Which profession standeth in twoe thinges ; (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.13) the one is the knowledge of the lawe of God , understandinge it spiritually as Christe expoundeth it , Math. v. vi. and vii. chapters ; so that the roote and life of all lawes is this , Love thy Lorde God with all thy harte , all thy soule , all thy mighte , and all thy power , and thy neighboure as thy selfe for Christes sake . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.14) And love onely is the fulfillinge of the lawe , as saithe S. Paule , (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.15) and that whatsoever we doe and not of that love , that same fullfilleth not the lawe in the sighte of God . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.16) And what the lawe doth meane ye shall finde in the prologue to the Rom: in my fathers booke , called the Newe Testament . (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.17) I write unto you because that I knowe you have a fervent ... (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.18) and his lawes ... (RPLUMPT-E1-P1,234.19) {COM:rest_missing;_no_signature}