CHAPTER X . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.3) An Acte conc~nyng Egypsyans . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.4) For as mouch as afore this tyme dyv~se and many outlandysshe People callynge themselfes Egyptians usyng no crafte nor faicte of marchaundyse have co~men into this Realme , and gone from Shire to Shire and Place to Place in greate company and used greate subtyll and crafty meanes to deceyve the people , beryng them in hande , that they by Palmestre coulde telle menne and womens fortunes , and so many tymes by crafte and subtyltie have deceyved the people of theyr money , and also hath co~mytted many and haynous felonyes and robberies to the greate hurte and deceyte of the people that they have comyn amonge : Be it therfore , by the Kynge our Sov~eign Lorde the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall and by the Co~mons in thys p~sente parliament assembled , and by the auctorytie of the same , ordeyned establysshed and enacted that from hensforth no suche p~sones be suffred to come within this the Kynges Realme , (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.6) And yf they do $than they and ev~y of them so doynge shall forfayte to the Kynge our Sov~eign Lorde all theyr goodes and catalls and then to be co~maunded to avoyde the Realme wythin xv. dayes next after the co~maundement upon payne of imprisonament : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.7) And it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} laufull to ev~y Sheryff Justice of Peace and Eschetour to sease to the use of our Sov~eign Lorde his Heyres and Successours all suche Goodes as they or any of them shall have , and therof to accompte to our said Sov~eign Lord in his Exchequer ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.8) and yf it shall happen any suche Straunger hereafter to co~mytte wythin this Realme any murder robbery or any other felonye and therof be indicted and arayned , and to plede not giltie or any other plee triable by the co~ntrie , that then thenqueste that shall passe betwene the Kyng and any suche partie shall be all together of Englysshemen , albeit that the partie so indicted pray $mediatem lingue according to the Statute of Anno viij Henrici vj or of any other Statute therof made . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.9) Provyded alwaye that the Egyptians now beynge in thys Realme have monycyon to departe within xvj dayes after proclamacyon of thys estatute among them $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made , upon payne of imprisonament and forfeyture of theyr goodes and catalls , and yf they then so departe that then they shall not forfayte theyr goodes nor any parte therof ; thys p~sente Estatute $notwythstondyng {TEXT:notwythstondyng} . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.10) Provyded alwaye that ev~y suche p~sone or p~sons which canne p~ve by ij credable p~sones before the same partie that seaseth suche money goodes or catalls of the same Egyptians , that any parte of the same goodes money or catalls were craftely or felonously taken or stolne from hym , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} incontynent restored unto the same goodes money or catalls wherof he maketh suche p~ve before the same partie that so seaseth the same money goodes or catalles upon payne to forfayte to the same partie that make such prove the double value of the same by accyon of Dette Bill , or otherwyse in any of the Kynges Courtes to be sued , upon which accyon and sute he shall not be admytted to wage hys Lawe , nor any p~teccion or essoyne to be alowed ; any thyng in the acte to the cont=a=ry $notwythstondyng {TEXT:notwythstondyng} . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.11) Provyded alwaye and be it farther enacted that yf any Justice of Peace , Sheryff or Eschetour which by auctorytie of this Acte have power to take or cease any goodes or catels of any Egyptians , at any tyme hereafter do sease or take the goodes or cattels of any suche Egyptians , that then ev~y such Justice Sheryff or Eschetour doyng the same shall have kepe and retayne to his owen use the moyte of all suche goodes so by hym seased , and of the other moytie so by hym seased or taken shall make answere and accompte to the Kyng in his Escheker accordyng to the tenour of this p~sent acte ; any thynge in the same Acte conteyned to the cont=a=ry herof notwithstondyng ; and that upon any accounte hereafter to be made for the said other moytie of the same goodes , the accountant shall paye no man~ of fees or other charges for his accounte or discharge to be hadd in the Kynges Eschequer nor els where . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,327.12) CHAPTER XII . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.15) An Acte conc~nyng punysshement of Beggers & Vacabund~ . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.16) Where in all places throughe out this Realme of Englande , Vacabundes & Beggers have of longe tyme increased & dayly do increase in great & excessyve nombres by the occasyon of ydelnes , mother & rote of all vyces , wherby hathe insurged & spronge & dayly insurgethe & spryngeth contynuall theftes murders & other haynous offences & great enormytes to the high displeasure of God the inquyetac~on & damage of the Kyng~ People & to the marvaylous disturbance of the Comon Weale of this Realme . And whereas many & sondry goode lawes , streyte statut~ & orden=a=nc~ have ben before this tyme devysed & made as well by the Kyng our Sov~eign Lorde as also by divers his most noble p~genytours Kyng~ of Englande for the most necessary & due reformation of the p~mysses , yet that notwythstondyng the sayde nombers of vacabundes & beggers be not sene in any p~tie to be mynysshed , but rather dayly augmentyd & encreased into greate routes & companyes as evydently & manyfestly yt dothe & maye appere ; Be it therfore enacted by the Kyng oure Sov~eign Lorde & by the Lordes Sp~uall & Temporall & the Co~mons in this p~sent p~liament assembled & by aucthoryte of the same ; That the Justices of the Peace of all & synguler the Shires of England wythin the lymytt~ of theyr Co~myssions & all other Justyces of Peace Mayres Sheryff~ Baylyff~ & other Offycers of all & ev~y Cytie Borough Ryddyng~ or Franches wythin the Realme of England wythin the lymytes of theyre aucthorytes , shall from tyme to tyme as often as nede shall requyre by theyre discrescions devyde themselfes wythin the sayde Shires Cites Boroughes Ryddyng~ or Frauncheses wherof they be Justic~ of Peace Mayres Sheryff~ Baylyff~ or Offycers & so beyng devyded shall make dylygent serche & inquyre of all aged poore & impotent p~sones whiche lyve or of necessyte be compelled to lyve by Almes of the charyte of the people that be or $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} herafter abydyng wythyn ev~y Hundrede Rape Wapentake Citie Boroughe Parysshe Lib~tie or Fraunches wythin the lymytt~ of theyre dyvysion (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.18) & after & upon suche serche made the sayde Justic~ of Peace Mayres Shireff~ Baylyff~ & other officers that ys to saye , ev~y of them wythin theire lymytt~ of theire aucthorytes wherunto they be devyded shall have power & aucthoryte by theyre dyscrecions to enable to begge wythin suche Hundrede Rape Wapentake Cytie Towne Parysshe or other lymytt~ as they shall apoynte suche of the sayde impotent p~sones whiche they shall fynde & thynke most convenyent wythyn the lymytt~ of theyre dyvision to lyve of the charyte & almes of the People & to gyve in co~maundement to ev~y suche aged & ympotent begger by them enabled that none of them shall begge wythout the lymytt~ to them so apoynted (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.19) & shall also regester & wryte the names of ev~y suche ympotent begger by them apoynted in a bill or rolle indented (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.20) the one parte therof to remayn wyth them selfe (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.21) & the other parte by them to be c~tefyed before the Justic~ of Peace att the next Sessions , after suche serche had , to be holden wythin the sayde Shires Cyties Townes or Frankcheses there to remayne under the kepyng of the Custos Rotulo~ : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.22) And that the sayde Justyces of Peace Mayres Sheryff~ Baylyff~ & other Officers , that ys to saye , as they be devyded , shall have power & aucthoryte to make suche & so many scales to be engraved wyth the names of the Hundred~ Rapes Wapentakes Cyties Boroughes Townes or Places wythin the whyche they shall apoynte & lymytt ev~y suche ympotent p~son to begge , & co~mytte the sayde Seales to the custody of suche of them or to the custody of suche other as they shall thynke convenyent , & shall make & delyv~ to ev~y suche ympotent p~son by them enhabyled to begge , a letter conteynyng the name of suche ympotent p~son & wytnsseng that he ys authorysed to begge & the lymytt~ wythin whiche he ys apoynted to begge , the same Letter to be sealed wyth suche of the sayde Seales as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} engraved with the name of the lymytte wherin suche ympotent p~son $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} apoynted to begge in , & to be subscrybed wyth the name of one of the sayde Justic~ or Offyc~s abovesayde . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.23) And yf any suche impotent p~son so authorysed to begge , do begge in any other place than wythin suche lymytt~ that he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} assigned unto , that then the Justic~ of Peace Mayres Shireff~ Baylyff~ Constables & all other the Kyng~ Offycers & Mynysters shall by theyre dyscrescions punysshe all suche p~sones by imprysonament in the Stockes by the space of ij dayes & ij nyghtes , gyvyng them but onely breade & water , & after that , cause ev~y suche ympotent p~son to be sworne to retourne ageyn wythout delaye to the Hundrede Rape Wapentake Cytie Boroughe Towne Parysshe or Franches where they be aucthorysed to begge in . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,328.24) And yt ys enacted That no suche ympotent p~son as ys above sayde after the Feast of the Natyvyte of Seynt John the Baptyst next co~myng shall begge wythin any parte of this Realme , excepte he be authorised by wrytyng under Seale as ys above sayde . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.26) And yf any suche ympotent p~son after the sayde Feast of Seynt John , be vagarant & goo abeggyng havyng no such letter under seale as ys above specefyed , that $than the Constables & all other ynhabytaunt~ wythin such Towns or Paryshe where suche p~son shall begge , shall cause ev~y suche begger to be taken & brought to the next Justyce of Peace or Highe Constable of the Hundrede ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.27) and therupon the sayde Justyce of Peace or Highe Constable shall co~maunde the sayde Constables & other inhabytaunt~ of the Towne or Parysshe whiche shall bryng before hym any suche begger , that they shall strype hym naked from the myddel upwarde & cause hym to be whypped wythin the Towne where he was taken or wythin some other towne where the same Justice or Highe Constable shall apoynte if it shall seme to the discretion of the sayde Justice of Peace or Highe Constable that yt be convenyent so to punysshe suche begger to hym brought : And yf not , than to co~maunde suche begger to be sette in the Stock~ in the same Towne or Paryshe where he was taken by the space of iij dayes & iij night~ there to have onely breade & water ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.28) and therupon the sayde Justyce or Highe Constable afore whom suche beggar $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} brought , shall lymytt to hym a place to begge in , & gyve to hym a letter under seale in forme above remembred & swere hym to departe & repayre thither ym~edyatly after his punysshement to hym executed . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.29) And be yt farther enacted by the aucthoryte aforsayde that yf any p~son or p~sones beyng hole & myghtie in body & able to laboure , at any tyme after the sayde feast of Seynt John be taken in beggyng in any parte of this Realme , or yf any Man or Woman beyng hole & myghty in body & able to laboure havyng no Lande $Master nor usyng any lawful marchaundyse crafte or mystery , wherby he myght gette his lyvyng after the same feast , be vagarant & can gyve none rekenyng howe he dothe lefully gett his lyvyng , that than yt $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to the Constables & all other the Kyng~ Offycers Mynysters & Subjects of ev~y Towne Paryshe & Hamlet to arest the sayde Vacabound~ & ydell p~sons & them bryng to any of the Justic~ of Peace of the same Shyre or Lib~tie , or els to the Highe Constable of the Hundrede Rape or Wapentake wythin whyche suche p~sones $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.30) and yf he be taken wythin any Cyte or Towen Corporate , than to be brought before the Mayre , Shireff~ or Baylyff~ of e~y suche Towne Corporate ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.31) and that ev~y suche Justyce of Peace Highe Constable , Mayres , Shireff~ & Bayleff~ by their dyscretions shall cause ev~y suche ydell p~son so to hym brought to be had to the next market Towne or other place , where the sayde Justic~ of Peace , Highe Constable , Mayres , Baylyff~ or other Officers shall thynke most convenyent by his or there discretions & there to be tyed to the end of a Carte naked and be beten wyth Whyppes thoroughe oute the same Market Towne or other place tyll his Body be blody by reason of suche whyppyng ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.32) and after suche punysshement & whyppyng had , the p~son so punysshed by the dyscretion of the Justice of Peace , Highe Constable , Mayre , Sheryff~ , Baylyff~ & other Officers , afore whom suche p~son $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} brought , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} enyoyned upon his othe to retourne forthewyth wythout delaye in the nexte & streyght waye to the place where he was borne , or where he last dwelled before the same punysshement by the space of iij yeres & there put hym selfe to laboure , lyke as a trewe man oweth to doo ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.33) and after that done ev~y suche p~son so punysshed & ordered shall have a letter sealed wyth the Seale of the Hundrede Rape Wapentake , Cyte , Boroughe , Towne , Lib~tie , or Fraunches , wherin he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} punysshed wytnessyng , that he hath bene punysshed accordyng to this estatute & conteynyng the daye and place of his punysshement & the place wherunto he ys lymytted to goo & by what tyme he is lymytted to come thither , wythin whiche tyme he may lawfully begge by the waye , shewyng the same letter , & otherwyse not : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.34) And yf he do not accomplysshe the order to hym apoynted by the sayde letter , than to be eftsones taken & whypped (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.35) & so as often as any defaute shall be founde in hym cont=a=ry to the order of this Estatute , in ev~y place to be taken & whypped tyll he be repayred where he was borne or where he last dwelled by the space of three yere and there put his body to laboure for his lyvyng or otherwyse trewly gett his lyvyng wythout beggyng as long as he ys able so to doo ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.36) & yf the p~son so whypped be an ydell p~son & no co~men begger $than after suche whippyng he shall be kepte in the Stock~ till he hathe founde suertie to goo to servyce or ell~ to laboure after the dyscretion of the sayde Justice of Peace , Mayres , Shireff~ , Baylyff~ , Highe Constables or other suche Offycers afore whome any suche ydell p~son beyng no comen begger $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} brought , yf by the dyscretion of the same Justice of Peace , Mayer , Shyreff , Bayly , Highe Constable , or other suche hedde offycer , yt be so thought convenyent (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.37) & that the partie so punysshed be able to fynde suretye (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.38) or ell~ to be ordered & sworne to repayer to the place where he was borne or where he last dwelled by the space of three yeres & to have lyke letter & suche further punysshement yf he eftsones offends this Estatue as ys above apoynted to & for the comen strong and able beggers , and so from tyme to tyme to be ordered & punysshed tyll he put his body to laboure or otherwyse gette his lyvyng trewly accordyng to the Lawe : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.39) And that the Justices of the Peace of ev~y Shire Ryddyng , Cyte , Towne & Lib~tie shall have power & aucthoryte wythin the lymytt~ of theyre Co~myssions to enquyre of all Mayres , Baylyff~ , Constables & other Offycers & p~sones that $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} neglygent in executyng of this Acte : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.40) And if the Constables & Inhabytaunt~ within any Towne or Parysshe where any suche ympotent p~son or stronge begger dothe happen to begge cont=a=ry to the fourme of this estatute be neglygent & take nat ev~y suche ympotent & stronge begger that so shall begge agayne the forme of this $estate & order , & punysshe ev~y suche begger as is above lymytted , that than the Townshyp or parysshe where such defaute $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , shall lose & forfayte for ev~y suche ympotent begger that $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} suffred to begge wythin the sayde Townshyp or Parysshe not beyng taken ordered & punysshed accordyng to the fourme of this Estatute , iij s. iiij d. & for ev~y stronge begger that shall happen to begge wythin any suche Township or Parysshe not beyng taken & ordered as ys above lymytted by this Estatute , vj s. viij d. the one halfe of all which forfaytures to be to the Kyng oure So~eign Lorde & the other halfe to hym that wyll sue for the same by any byll of information afore the Kyng~ Justices of his peace in theyre gen~all Sessions to be holden in the Shire or wythin any lib~tye where suche defaute shall happen ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,329.41) And that all Justices of Peace wythin any Shire , Cytie , Boroughe or Libertye shall have full power & aucthoryte as well to here & determyne ev~y suche defaute by p~sentment as by suche byll of information , & upon ev~y p~sentment afore them & upon ev~y suche bylle of information to make p~cesse by dystres agaynst the inhabytaunt~ of ev~y suche Towne & Parysshe where any defaute $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} p~sentyd or supposed by any suche information ; by auctoryte of whiche dystres the Sheryff or other Officer to whom by the lawe suche dystres $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made , shall dystreyne the good~ & catalles of such one or two of the sayde inhabytaunt~ as he may have knowlege $where most neglygent and in defaute in the execuc~on of this acte , (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,330.42) & the sayde dystres retayne tyll they fynde suretye to appere at the Sessions lymytted in the sayde dystres : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,330.43) And in case they appere & confesse the defaute , or ell~ yf they travers the p~sentment & yt be tryed agayne them by v~dyte , or denye the informacion & yt be proved ageyne them by suffycyent wytnes , $than the sayde Justices of Peace in theire Sessions shall have auctoryte to assesse the fynes as bee~ above lymytted after the Rates above sayde & to make p~cesse for the levyeng of the same by dystres of the inhabytaunt~ of suche Townes or Parisshes where suche defaute $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} tryed or p~ved : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,330.44) And that ev~y suche Fyne yf it growe by p~sentment to be onely to the Kyng~ use (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,330.45) & yf yt growe by information than the moyte therof to be to hym that pursuethe the informacion for the same & the other moyte therof to the Kyng~ use as ys aforsayde . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,330.46) And yff any suche p~son or p~sonnes dystreyned appere not at the daye and place conteyned , in suche dystres , then upon the retourne of the Sheryff or other Offycer , to whom the Dystres was delyv~ed to execute , that suche p~son or p~sonnes were distreyned , that ev~y suche p~son & p~sonnes so distreyned , at the furst distres shall lose xl d. & at the second vj s. viij d. & so to be doubled upon ev~y dystres in suche cases to be awarded tyll apparaunce may be had by one of the inhabitaunt~ of suche Towne or Parysshe to denye , travers or confesse the p~sentment of informacion exhibyted ageyne any suche Towne or Parysshe , to thentent that upon tryall or proffe therof the fynes above lymytted may be assessed & levyed of the inhabytaunt~ of every suche Towne or Parysshe as ys above rehersed . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,330.47) CHAPTER XVII . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.50) An Acte for shotyng in crosbowes & handgonnes . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.51) Where before this tyme dyvers and sondre good Statutes and p~vysions have byn made and ordyned for the avoydyng and eschewyng of shotyng in crose bowes and handgonnes ; which seid holsome statutes and p~vysions notwithstondyug , many wylfoll and lyght disposed persones frome tyme to tyme have attempted the breche or vyolacion of the same estatutes : In consideracion wherof be it enacted ordyned and establisshed by the auctoritie of this present parliament that no p~son or persons of what Estate or degree he or they be , except he or they in theire owne right or in the right of hys or theire wyfes to hys or theire owne uses , or any other to the use of any suche person or persons , have land~ tenement~ fees annuyties or offices to the yerely value of an hundred poundes , frome the furst day of June next co~myng shall shote in any $hangonne or crosse bowe , or use or kepe in hys or theire houses or els where any crose bowe or handgonne ; upon payne to forfayte for every tyme that he or they soo offende contrary to this acte $x $li. And that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to every person that may use and kepe any crose bowe or handgonne or that may shote in the same notwithstondyng this Acte , to sease and take every suche crosse bowe and handgonne or any of theyme frome the kepyng or possession of every suche offender , (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.53) and the same to kepe or retayne to hys or theire owne use . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.54) And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforseid that noo Lordes or Owners of any Lett~ beare or maynteyne any of theire ten=a=nt~ or servantes within the precincte or jurisdiction of ther Lett~ to doo or offende cont=a=ry to this Acte , uppon payne to forfayte for every tyme soo offendyng $x $li. ; the one moytie of all the same forfaytures to be to the Kynges Highnes hys heires or successours , and the other moytie to the partie that woll pursue for the same by byll playnt accion of dett or informacion in any of the Kynges Courtes , in which sute no essoyne or protection $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed nor the defendaunt receyved to wage hys lawe . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.55) Be it also further enacted by the auctoritie aforseid that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to the Justices of Peax in theire Cessions and to all Stuard~ and Baylyffes in theire severall Lett~ to enquyre here and det~myne every suche offence herafter to be co~mytted or don cont=a=ry to the fourme of this estatute ; Soo that alway noo lesse fyne than $x $li. be assessed uppon every suche p~sentment and convyccion accordyng to the due course of the lawe ; The same fyne soo by the Justices of the pease uppon every presentment or co~vyccion made before theym , to be payd and levyed only to the Kynges use ; And the moytie of every fyne to be assessed by the Stuard~ or Baylyffes of every Lette uppon every p~sentment and convyccion before theym to be made to be payde and levyed to the use of the Owner of the same Lette by distres or accion of dett , and the other moytie of the same fyne to be to the partie that woll pursue for the same in any of the Kynges Courtes by byll playnt information or accion of dett in which noo essoyne nor protection $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed nor the defendaunt $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} receyved to the wager of hys lawe . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.56) Provided alway $yf any offender contrary to the forme of this estatute by any maner of p~cesse or meane fyrst ayenst hym conceyved or presented , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} compelled or constrayned to pay or content any suche forfayture or penalitie as is aforseid for hys seid offence contrary to this Acte , that then every suche offender after payment or satisfaccion made therof $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} clerely acquyted and discharged ayenst every other p~son for the same forfayture or penaltie in ev~ey sute proces or presentment ayenst hym to be pursued for the recovery of the seid penaltie . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,457.57) Be it also further enacted by the auctoritie aforseid that all lycences letters placardes geven or graunted , or here after before the seid fyrste day of June nexte co~mynyng to be geven had or graunted , to any person or persons by the Kynges Highnes for the shotyng in crose bowes or handgonnes or for the usyng or kepyng of the same contrary to the forme of this Acte , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} utterly voyde and of none effecte . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.59) Be it also further enacted by the auctorytie aforseid that all former Statutes made and provyded of and for avoydyng and restraynt of shotyng in crossebowes or handegunnes , or of and for any of theym , or for the usyng and kepyng of the same , be frome henseforth , utterly voyde and of none effecte . Provyded alway that every proces suyte or informacion conceyved co~mensed and nowe dependyng for any offence don contrary to the forme of any estatute made or provyded for the shotyng in crose bowes and handegunnes not repeled , and for the kepyng of the same , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} good and effectuall to the parties that have co~mensed the same in suche forme effecte degree or condition as yf this Acte had never byn made . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.60) Provided alway that this Acte or any thyng therin conteyned be not in any wise hurtfull or prejudiciall to any person or persons now being that here after $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} appoynted by the Kynges Highnes $to $keep receyve or take any crose bowes or handgunnes that $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} forfayte or takyn within the precyncte or lib~tie of the Kynges forestes parkes or chases ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.61) but he or they may lawfully kepe and reteyne the same crose bowes or handgunnes frome tyme to tyme unto suche tyme as the further pleasure of the Kynges Highnes in that behalf be to every p~son shewed and declared . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.62) Provided alway that this Acte extend not to the makers of crosebowes or handegonnes but that they may lawfully kepe crosebowes and handgunnes in there howses and shote in crosebowes or handgonnes only for provyng and assaying of them . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.63) Provyded alwayes that in all walled townes within seven myles of the See and other townes or holdes standyng uppon the see cost or $apon any of the Englisshe marches for ayenst Scotland , it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to ev~y man dwellyng in any suche townes and holdes to kepe in theire houses being within the same townes or holdes , crosse bowes & hand gunnes for the only defence of the seid townes holdes and houses , & aswell to exercise and use theym in and for the defence of the seid townes and houses being in the same townes as for to carye theym to theire shippes there to kepe and exercise theym for defence of theire shippes and for theire good~ in the same shippes and $fore none other cause ; any thyng comprised or expressed in this pr~ent Acte to the cont=a=ry $notwithstondyng {TEXT:notwithstondyng} . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.64) Provyded also that yf any person or persones hereafter in any parte doo offende or doo contrary to the purvew and remedy of this Acte , $where $apon there is cause of accion for the same geven to the Kynge hys heires or successours or to any other p~son or persons that wyll sue by vertue of this acte for the punyshement of the seid offence or forfaytis , that yf the Kyng our Soveraigne Lorde hys heires or successours , within one yere next ymmedyatly after suche offences and forfaytes had and made , doo not pursue theire accion or accions soo geven by this seid acte or cause of examynacion uppon suche defautes and offences to be hade and made before theire counsell or other presentment~ therof to be had accordyng to the meanyng of the same acte , And every other p~son which hereafter may have accion or accions upon this Statute within half a yere next and immedyatly after suche offences and forfaytis had and made doo not comense theire sutes informacion or presentment~ of and $apon the sayd forffayt~ by accyon or otherwyse as of and upon suche forfaytes as be declared and expressed in this present acte , that then as well the Kyng our Soveraigne Lorde hys heires and successours after one yere next after suche offences and forfayties had and made , yf none sute in hys or theire name be taken by accion or otherwyse as is before expressed before the same yere ended and det~myned , as every other p~son after half a yere next after lyke offenses and forfayties had and made in forme aforeseid yf none sute $there $apon be taken by none of theyme in forme above declared , $be $utterly {TEXT:beutterly} excluded and barred of theire seid suett~ actions and examynacions to theyme geven by vertue of this seid acte ; And the parties and ev~y of theym soo offendyng be of all suche offences and forfayties clerely discharged and quyte ; any thyng in this Acte comprised to the contrary notwithstondyng , and as though this Acte had never byn had nor made . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.65) Provyded also that this acte or any thynge therin conteyned extende not or be prejudiciall to any marchaunt~ the which have or shall have any crose bowes or handgones to sell within this Realme and to none other use . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.66) Provyded alway that no maner of person rene in any daunger or take hurte by reason of any penalitie or forfayture conteyned in this acte tyll suche tyme as proclamacion be made of the same acte , nor by the space of xx=ti= dayes nexte after the seid p~clamacion be made within the Countie where the partie that shall or may offende contrary to this acte dwellith . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.67) Provyded also that yf any maner of person bryng or cause to be brought with hym into hys lodgyng or into any other mannes house any crosebowe or handegonne , that then the penalitie and forfayture yf any suche be or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} forfayted by reason of this acte to renne and be only $apon the brynger of the seid crosebowe and handgonne and not to the $awner of the same lodgyng or house , yf the seid owner of the seid lodgyng cause the brynger therof to take and recary away the seid crossebowe or handgonne agayne with hym at hys departyng ; any thyng in this acte made to the contrary notw=t=stondyng . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.68) Provyded alway that this acte conc~nyng crossebowes and handgonnes ne any thyng therin conteyned extend or in any wyse be hurtfull to any person or persones to whome it shall please the Kynge our Soveraigne Lorde hys heires or successours to geve lycence by hys letters patentes under hys greate seals to shott in crossebowes or handgonnes or in every of theym , or to have and keppe the same crossebowes and handgonnes in hys or their ehowses {COM:sic} for the defence of the same . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,458.69) Be it also enacted by the auctoritie of this present parliament that yf any person or persons hereafter from the fyrst day of June next co~myng se or fynde any p~son or persones offendyng or doing contrary to the forme and effecte of this acte , that then it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to every suche p~son or persones persayvyng fyndyng or seing any suche p~son or persons soo offendyng cont=a=ry to the fourme of this acte , to arrest and attach every suche offender or offenders , and to brynge or convey the same offender or offenders to the next Justice of the pease of the same Countie where the seid offender or offenders $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} founde soo offendyng , and that the same Justice of pease upon a due examynacion and prove therof before hym had or made by hys discression shall have full power and auctorytie to sende or co~mytte the same offender or offenders to the next gaole , there to remayne tyll suche tyme as the seid penalitie or forfayture $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} truly contented and payde by the seid offender , the one moytie of the same penalitie to be payde to the Kynges Highnes and the other moytie therof to the fyrst brynger or conveyer of the seid offender to the same Justice of pease . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,459.71) Provyded alway that this acte or any thyng therin conteyned be not in any wyse hurtfull or prejudiciall to any servant or person that here after frome the seid fyrst day of June shall bend beare use or assay any crosse bowe or handgonne by the co~maundement of hys Lorde or Maister , soo that the seid serv=a=nt or person doo not shote at any fowls Dere or other game what kynde or nature soo ever they be ; nor also to any suche servant person or persons that shall after the seid fyrst day of June beare or convey any crosebowe or handgunne to any place or places by the co~maundement of hys Lorde or Maister that may shote by the auctorytie of this acte , so that the seid s~vant or other person so brynging or conveying the seid crose bowe or handgonne have redy to shewe to every person requyryng the sight therof one licence in wrytyng sealed or subscribyd by hys seid Lorde or Maisters hande to cary and convey the same crosebowe or handgonne to thentent to be amended repayred or assayed as is aforseid . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,459.72) Provided also that this acte nor any thynge therin {TEXT:therin_therin} conteyned be hurtfull or prejudiciall to any gonners being in the Kynges wages only for shotyng in handgonnes beryng or kepyng of the same handgonnes in theire houses , soo always that they with the same do not shote unto any beaste or foule upon the paynes before expressed . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,459.73) Provyded alway that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lawfull for the inhabytaunt~ of the countrees of Northumberland Durisme Westmerlande and Cumberland to kepe in theire houses crosbowes and handgonnes , and shote in the same for defence of theire persones goodes and houses ageynste Thefes Scottes and other the Kynges ennemyes , and for clensing and scouryng of the same only and for none other purpose ; this acte or any thyng comprysed within the same not withstondyng . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,459.74) CHAPTER I . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,492.77) An Acte conc~nynge the Kynges Highnes to be supreme heed of the Churche of Englande & to have auctoryte to refourme & redresse all errours heresyes & abuses yn the same . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,492.78) Albeit the Kynges Majestie justely and rightfully is & oweth to be the supreme heed of the Churche of England , and so is recognysed by the Clergy of this Realme in theyr convocacions ; yet neverthelesse for corroboracion & confirmacion therof , and for increase of vertue in Cristis Religion within this Realme of England , and to represse & extirpe all errours heresies and other enormyties & abuses heretofore used in the same , Be it enacted by auctorite of this p~sent Parliament that the Kyng our Sov~aign Lorde his heires and successours Kynges of this Realme $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} takyn acceptyd & reputed the onely supreme $heed in erthe of the Churche of England callyd Anglicana Ecclesia , and shall have & enjoye annexed and unyted to the Ymperyall Crowne of this Realme aswell the title and style therof , as all Honours Dignyties p~hemynences jurisdiccions privileges auctorities ymunyties profitis and co~modities to the said dignytie of supreme heed of the same Churche belongyng and apperteynyng : And that our said Sov~aigne Lorde his heires and successours Kynges of this Realme shall have full power & auctorite frome tyme to tyme to visite represse redresse reforme ordre correct restrayne and amende all suche errours heresies abuses offences contemptes and enormyties what so ever they be , whiche by any maner spirituall auctoryte or jurisdicco~n ought or maie lawfullye be reformyd repressyd ordred redressyd correctyd restrayned or amendyd , moste to the pleasure of Almyghtie God the encrease of vertue yn Chrystis Religion and for the conservacy of the peace unyte and tranquylyte of this Realme : any usage custome foreyne lawes foreyne auctoryte prescripcion or anye other thinge or thinges to the contrarie hereof notwithstandinge . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,492.80) CHAPTER II . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,492.82) An Acte ratyfienge the othe that everie of the Kynges Subjectes hath taken and shall hereaft=r= be bounde to take for due obs~vacyon of the acte made for the suretie of the successyon of the Kynges Highnes in the Crowne of the Realme . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,492.83) Where at the laste Sessyon of this p~sent p~liament yn the acte then made for the establyshment of the Successyon of the heyres of the Kynges Highnes yn the imperiall Crowne of this Realme , it ys conteyned amonges other thinges that all and singler {COM:sic} the Kynges subjectes as well the nobles spirituall and temporall as other shulde make and take a corporall othe , whan so ever hit shulde please the Kynges Majestie or hys heires to appoynt , that they shulde truely fyrmely and constantly without fraude or gyle observe fulfille mayntayne defende and kepe to their connynge wytt and uttermoste of theyr powers the hole effectes and contentes of the said acte , as yn the same acte amonge other thynges more playnly apperithe ; And at the daye of the laste prorogaco~n of this present p~lyament aswell the nobles spirituall $and {TEXT:as} temporall as other the Comons of this present p~liament then assembled yn the highe house of p~lyament moste lovyngly acceptyd and toke suche othe as then was devysed yn wrytinge for maynten=a=nce and defence of the said Acte , and mente and intendyd at that tyme that ev~y other the Kyng~ Subject~ shulde be bounde to accepte and take the same uppon the paynes conteyned in the said acte , the tenour of whiche othe hereafter ensueth : (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,493.85) Ye shall swere to beare faith truth and obedyence alonely to the Kynges Majestye and to his heires of his body of his moost dere and entierly belovyd laufull wyfe Quene Anne begotten & to be begotten , And further to the heires of oure said Sov~aign Lorde accordyng to the lymytacion in the Statute made for suretie of hys succession in the crowne of this Realme mencioned and conteyned , and not to any other within this Realme nor foreyn auctorite or Potentate ; And in case any othe be made or hathe be made by you to any p~sone or p~sones , that then ye to repute the same as vayne and adnychillate ; And that to your connynge wytte and utter moste of your power without gyle fraude or other undue meane you shall observe kepe maynteyne & defende the saide acte of successyon , and all the hole effectes & contentes therof , and all other actes and statutes made yn confirmac~on or for execuc~on of the same or of any thynge therin conteyned ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,493.86) and this ye shall do ayenst all maner of p~sones of what estate dignyte degree or condition so ev~ they be , And in no wyse do or attempte , nor to your power suffre to be done or attemptid , directly or indirectly any thinge or thinges prively or appartlye to the lette hindraunce damage or derogation therof or of any parte of the same by any maner of meanes or for any maner of pretence ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,493.87) So helpe you God all Sayntes and the Holye Evangelystes . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,493.88) And for asmoche as yt is convenyent for the sure maynten=a=nce and defence of the same acte that the said othe shulde not onely be auctorysed by auctoryte of p~lyamente , but also be ynterprete & expowned by the hole assent of this p~sent p~liament that it was mente and entended by the Kinges Majestie the Lordes & Commons of the p~lyament , at the saide daye of the saide laste p~rogacion , that everie subject shulde be bounden to take the same othe accordinge to the tenour and effect therof uppon the peynes & penalities conteyned in the said acte ; Therfore be hyt enacted by auctoryte of this p~sent p~liament that the said othe above rehersyd $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} interprete expowned reputed acceptyd and adjuged the verie othe that the Kinges Highnesse the Lordes spirytualle & temporalle and the Commons of this present p~lyament mente & entended that everie subjecte of this realme shulde be oblyged and bounden to take and accepte , for maynten=a=nce & defence of the same acte , uppon the peynes conteyned yn the sayd acte , and that everie of the Kinges subjectes uppon the said peynes $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} obliged to accepte and take the said othe . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,493.89) And be yt further enacted by auctoryte aforesaid that the Commyssyoners that hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} appoynted to receyve suche othe of the Kinges subjectes , or two of theyme at the leste , shall have power and auctoryte to certifie ynto {COM:sic} the Kinges Benche by writinge under their seales everie refusell that hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made afore theym of the same othe by any person or persons commynge afore theym to take the same othe ; And that everie suche certificat to be made by suche Commyssyoners as is aforesaide $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken as stronge & as available yn the lawe as an ynditement of xij men laufully founden of the said refusell ; So that the person and persons ayenste whome any suche Certificat $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} compellyd to answere there unto as yf they were endyted ; and that suche p~cesse judgement execusyon and everie other thinge $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} hadde used and mynystred of and uppon everie suche certificat ayenste the offendours as yf they had ben lawfully endyted of suche offences by the due course & order of the commen lawes of this Realme . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,493.90) CHAPTER XXV . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.93) An Acte for punysshement of sturdy vacabundes and beggers . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.94) Where in an Acte made at Westmynster in the xxij. yere of the reigne of our Sov~aigne Lorde Kinge Henry the viij=th= amonge other thinges it was ordeyned establisshed and enacted , that ev~y strong and valeante begger and vacabounde after he were whipped for his vacabundcy and idelnes should deperte frome the place where he was whipped directely unto suche Towne Hundred and Countie where he was borne , or where he had dwelled by the space of $three {TEXT:there} yeres nexte before , there to contynue and abid , And also that aged poore and impotent people shuld in likewise repayre into ev~y hundred within the said Counties there to remayne and contynue according to the menyng and purport of the said Acte , upon peynes limited $as in the same acte more pleynlye appereth : And forasmoche as it was not p~vided in the said acte howe and in what wise the said pore people and sturdie vacabundes shuld be ordered at thir repaire and at theyr comyng into thir countreis , nor howe thinhabitauntes of ev~y hundred shuld be charged for the reliefe of the same pore people , nor yet for the setting and keping in worke and labour of the aforesaid valiaunt vacabundes at theyr said repaire into ev~y hundred of this Realme , It is therefore nowe ordeyned and establisshed and enacted by the King our Sov~aigne Lorde the Lordes sp~uall and temporall and the Co~mons in this p~sent parliament assembled and by thauctoritie of the same , that all and ev~y the Maiers Aldermen Shireffes Bailiffes Constables Householders , and all other hede Officers and Ministers of ev~y Citie Shire Townes and Parisshes of this Realme , at the repaire and co~myng thider of suche poore creature or sturdie vacabund as is conteyned in the said acte , shall moost charitably receyve the same and order the same in man~ and forme followyng , (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.96) that is to sey ; That all the Gov~nours and Ministres of ev~y of the same Cities Shires Townes Hundred~ Wapentakes Lathes Rapes Rydinges Tythinges Hamlettes and Parisshes aswell within lib~ties as without , shall not oonly socour fynde and kepe all and ev~y of the same poore people by way of voluntarie and charitable almes , within ev~y of the same Cities Shires Townes Hundred~ Wapentak~ Lathes Rapes Tythinges Hamlettes and Parisshes as well within lib~ties as without , to be socoured relived and holpen with such and convenient and necessarie almes as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought meete by their discrecions , in suche wise as none of them of verie necessitie $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} compelled to wander idelly and go openly in begging to aske almes in any of the same Cities Shires Townes and Parisshes ; but also to cause and to compell all and ev~y the said sturdie vacabund~ and valeant beggers to be sett and kepte to continuall labour , in suche wise as by their seid labours they and ev~y of them may gette their owne living~ with the contynuall labour of their owne handes ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.97) And ev~y Maier Alderman Shireffe Bailiffe Constable and all other hed officers and Ministers of ev~y Countie Citie Towne and Parisshe within this Realme , or within any the Kinges Dominions as well within lib~ties as without , and all other p~sonnes inhabitauntes {COM:sic} within any of the same , shall endevour them selfes to order and directe the poor people valiaunt beggers and sturdy vacaboundes in such wise as the effecte of this p~sent acte $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} duely observed and putt in due execution ; upon peyne that ev~y parysshe shall losse and forfaite twentie shillinges for ev~y monethe in whiche it is omitted and undone ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.98) And that to be enquired of at e~y Quarter Sessions and to be duely p~sented and founde by the verdicte of xij men (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.99) Item , it is further enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that all and ev~y p~sonne or p~sonnes being whipped or sentt unto thir Countreis in fourme aforesaid , at the ende of ev~y tenne myles shall repaire unto the Constable of any parisshe , beyng directly in his waye towardes the Countie and Place wherunto he is so appoynted , and upon sight of his l~res gyven unto hym at the tyme of his whipping and sending of hym into the same his Countrey , ev~y of the said Constables and others the Kinges Subjectes shall and may furnyshe hym with competent meate drinke and lodging for one nyght onely or for one meale , (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.100) and so he shall continue his daily journey of tenne myles until suche tyme as he shall co~me unto the hundred and place wherunto he is assigned to goo . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,558.101) Item , it is enacted by auctoritie aforesaid that all and ev~y idell p~sonne , and p~sonnes ruffelers {COM:sic} calling themselffes s~vyngmen , as well within the Citie of London as within all other Cities Shires Townes Parisshes and Hamlettes of this Realme , havyng no Maisters , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} entreated used and ordered in ev~y behalff and to all intentes as is conteyned and especified aswell in the aforesaid formar acte as in this p~sent acte , upon the peyne aforesaid to be loste and forfaited by the Maier Aldermen Shireffes Bailiffes Burgesses Ministres and inhabitauntes of ev~y of the same Cities Borowes and Townes corporate , where any suche ruffeler shall be suffered to be resiaunt {COM:sic} and abiding by the space of two dayes and not punysshed in forme hereafter declared . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.103) Item , it is ordeyned and enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that all and ev~y the Maiers Gov~nours and hede officers of ev~y Citie Borough & Towne corporate and the Churche Wardens or two others of ev~y Parisshe of this Realme shall in good and charitable wise take suche discrete and convenient order , by gathering and p~curing of suche charitable and voluntarie almes of the good christen people within the same with boxes ev~y sonday holy day and other festivall day or otherwise amonge them selffes , in such good and discrete wise as the pore impotent lame feble syke and disseased people , beyng not able to worke , may be p~vided holpen and relieved , so that in no wise they nor none of them be suffered to go openly in begging ; And that suche as be lustie or havyng their lymmes stronge ynough to labour may be daily kepte in contynuall labour , wherby ev~y one of them may gette theyr owne substaunce and lyving with their owne handes ; uppon peyne that all and ev~y the Maiers Gov~nors Aldermen hede officers and others the Kinges officers and Ministers of ev~y of the said Cities Borowghes Townes corporate Hundredes Parisshes and Hamlettes shall lesse and forfaite for ev~y moneth that yt is omitted and undon , the some of twentie shillinges . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.104) Item , it is enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that all leprouse and poore bedred creatures what so ev~ they be may at thir owne lib~tie remayne and continue in suche place where they be , and shall not be compelled to repaire into their Countres according to the tenour and purporte of thaforsaid formar acte ; any thing conteyned in the same acte or in this p~sent acte to the cont=a=ry notwithstanding . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.105) Item , it is also enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that the said Governours Aldermen Justices of the Peace and hede Officers Baylifes and Constables of ev~y Citie Borowe Towne Hundred and Parisshe of this Realme shall have auctoritie by v~tue of this p~sent acte to take upp all and singuler children in ev~y parisshe within their limites , that be not greved with any notable dissease or syknes , and beyng under the age of xiiij yeres and above the age of fyve yeres in begging or idelnes , and to appoynte them to maisters of Husbondrie or other craftes or labours to be taughte , by the whiche they may gette their livinges whan they shall come to age ; geving to theym of the said charitable Collections as it may conveniently be susteyned and borne , a rayment to entre into suche s~vice ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.106) And if any above the age of twelve yeres and under the age of syxtene yeres refuce {COM:sic} suche s~vice or departe frome the same without cause resonable , than they to be arested and app~hended by any of the said officers , and to be brought before the Maier Aldermen Justices of the Peace Bailiffes Gov~nours Constables or other Officers & Ministers of that limite and circuite where they be taken ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.107) And if it shall appere by his or thir confession or other sufficient testimonye before the same Officers and Ministers , that he or they have refuced to s~ve or have departed frome thir s~vice without cause resonable , he shall then in the parisshe where he was app~hended be openly whipped with roddes by the discretion of the said Gov~nours or Bailiffes , And thirupon to be sent agayne unto his s~vice , and so to be s~ved as often as he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} app~hended and convicted in forme aforesaid ; (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.108) And if any p~sone or p~sonnes do refuce to execute and to do the said punysshement at the co~maundement of any of the said Gov~nours Aldermen Justices of Peace and others the said Officers and Ministers , then he or they so refusing the same $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} sette in the stokkes by the space of two dayes without havyng of any other sustenaunce savyng onelye breade and water . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.109) Item , it is also enacted by the auctoritie aforesaid that all and ev~y the forsaid Maiers Governours Aldermen and ev~y the Justices of the peace as well within lib~ties as without , shall ones in e~y moneth or oftener if nede shall require , comaunde a privie or secrete serche to be made within e~y Citie and Warde Towne Hundred Parisshe and Hamlete of this Realme , in suche tyme of the nyght and day as they shall thinke conveniente , to thentente that all ruffelars sturdie vacaboundes and valiaunte beggers and other suspecte p~sones may be by suche meanes app~hended taken and ordered according to the purporte and meanyng of this p~sent acte , and otherwise to be used according to the Lawes of this Realme ; And that all and e~y p~sone and p~sones obey aide assiste and mayntene frome tyme to tyme all and ev~y the co~maundementes of the said Justices of Peace and others hede officers aforesaid , for and conc~nyng the making of all the said serches and the app~hending of all and ev~y the suspecte p~sonnes aforesaid , upon peyne to make fynne for not doyng of the same at the nexte Quarter Sessions as it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought by the discrecion of the Maiers Gov~nours Aldermen and Justices of peace . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.110) Item , it is enacted by thauctoritie aforsaid that no p~sonne nor p~sonnes at any tyme after the feaste of Seint John Baptiste nexte co~myng , shall use $kepe {TEXT:kepte} and mayntene any open playeng House , or place for co~men bowling dysyng carding closhe tenys or other unlawfull games , taking money for the same or other gayne , in any place of this Realme , upon peyne to forfaite fyve markes for ev~y moneth that any such unlawfull Howses or Games shall so be openly kepte used and mayntened in any place within this Realme , be it within lib~tie or without , any graunte heretofore made to any p~sonne or p~sonnes in any wise notwithstanding . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,559.111) Item , it is enacted by auctoritie aforesaid that ev~y preacher p~sone Vicare Curate of this Realme , as well in all and ev~y their s~mons collacions biddynges of the beades as in tyme of all confessions and at the making of the willes or testamentes of any p~sonnes at all tymes of the yere , shall exhorte move stirre and p~voke people to be lib~all & bountefully to extende their good and charitable almes and contribucions frome tyme to tyme for and toward the comforte & reliefe of the said pore impotent decrepite indigent and nedie people , as for the setting and keping to continuall worke and labour of the forsaid ruffelers sturdie vacabundes and valiaunt beggers in ev~y Citie Warde Towne Hundred and Parisshe of this Realme aswell within lib~ties as without . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,560.112) Item , it is enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that if any of the aforesaid ruffelers sturdy vacabundes and valiaunt beggers , after suche tyme as they have ben ones app~hended taken whipped and sent unto any Citie Warde Towne Hundrede or Parysshe by any Justice of peace Maier Constable Bailiffe or any other the Kinges officers and Ministers , happen to wandre loytre or idelly to use them selfes and playe the vacaboundes and willingly absent themselfes frome suche labour and occupation as he or they shall be appoynted unto , within any Citie Warde Towne Hamlett Hundreth or parisshe wherunto he or they have ben appoynted in man~ and forme aforesaid , that than he or they being eftsoones app~hended and taken of suspicions of idelnes in any privie serches aforesaid or otherwise , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} brought before the nexte Justice of Peace , and upon due examinacions and p~fe of the continuaunce of his seid loytering wandering in idelnes or vacabundcie $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} eftsones not onely whipped ageyne and sent into the Citie Warde Towne Hundred or parisshe wherunto he was first appoynted , but also shall have the upper parte of the gristell of his right eare clene cutt of , so as it may appere for a p~petuall token after that tyme , that he hath ben a contemmour of the good order of the Co~mon welth : And that ev~y Constable of the Parisshe with the assistence of the moost substanciall of ev~y suche parisshe where any suche ruffeler or vacabonde shall happen thus to be taken , shall do or cause to be don this p~sent execution as well in whipping as in cutting off the said upper gristell of the eare of ev~y suche ruffeler or sturdie vacabounde or valiant beggar , upon peyne to lesse and forfaite fyve markes for ev~y tyme that he shall refuce to do or cause to be don the same execucion ; and all and singular the inhibitauntes of the seid Citie Warde Towne Hundred or Parisshe shall assiste and aide the said Constables in execution of the p~misses to the best of their power with good diligence and without contradiccion upon the peyne aforesaid . (STAT-1530-E1-P1,3,560.113)