CHAPTER IX . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,66.3)
Whereas the greatest Part of the Highways betweene Shenfeild &
Ingatestone Towne and between Kelvedon & Stannaway co~monly called
Domesey Road and from Stirwood to Harwich being Part of the Ancient
Highway and Post Road leading from London to Colchester and so to
Harwich aforesaid and also of the Road between Colchester aforesaid and
Langham called the Severalls and also the Road called Bulmer Tye and
Armsey Road in Bulmer leading to Ballingdon in the County of Essex by
reason of the great and many Load~ which are Weekly drawn through the
same are become very ruinous and almost impassable insomuch that it is
become very dangerous to all Persons that passe those Ways and for that
the ordinary Course appointed by the Laws and Statutes of this Realme
is not sufficient for the effectual repairing & amending the same
neither are the Inhabitant~ of the several and respective Parishes in
which the said ruinous Places of the said Road~ doe lie of Ability to
repaire the same without some other Provision of Monies to be raised
toward~ the putting the same into good and sufficient Repaire there
being also noe Stone Gravel or other Materials fitting for the mending
thereof to be had but att great distance from the said respective
Places . For Remedy whereof and to the intent the same may be forthwith
effectually repaired and amended and from time to time hereafter kept
in good repaire may itt please Your Majesty that it may be enacted And
be it enacted by the King~ most Excellent Majesty by and with the
Advice and Consent of the Lord~ Spiritual and Temporal and the Co~mons
in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same
That for the surveying ordering repairing and keeping in repaire of the
said ruinous Places in the said Road~ the Justices of Peace att the
Quarter Sessions to be holden for the said County next after the
passing of this Act shall and may then and so from time to time in
every Yeare nominate and appoint a convenient Number of sufficient and
able Persons residing and inhabiting in or neare to the respective
ruinous Places of the said Road~ so to be amended as aforesaid to be
the several & respective Surveyors of the respective Places aforesaid
for the Yeare from thence next ensuing and that the said Justices shall
cause Notice to be given to the several Surveyors so chosen in Writing
of their said Choice which said Surveyors and every of them having no
lawfull Impedim=t=. to be allowed by the said Justices by whom they
shall be chosen in manner aforesaid or any Two of them within One Week
next after such Notice to him or them given of their Election shall and
are hereby required respectively to meet in some convenient Place
within their several and respective Divisions for the which they are
respectively appointed Surveyors to the Intent to view and survey the
said respective ruinous Places and consider the Deffect~ thereof and
the best Method and Means that can be used for the repairing and also
the several Su~ms that will be necessary for making good the same and
make ther respective Certificates thereof to the Justices of the Peace
att the next Quarter Sessions to be held for the said County who
thereupon shall and may make such Order and Orders in and about the
same as to them shall seem good which said Order or Orders so to be
made shall be by the said respective Surveyors and all other Persons
concerned in putting this Act in Execution duely observed and performed
And the said respective Surveyors are hereby impowered to appoint &
require such Cart~ and Persons who are liable to work in the Highways
by the Statutes already in force from time to time to come and work in
the said respective Places as they shall think needful and appoint for
which the said respective Surveyors shall pay unto such Labourers and
to the Owners of such Teams Cart~ and Wains according to the usual Rate
of the Country wherein if any difference happen the same to be settled
by the Two next Justices of the Peace which is to be conclusive to all
Parties . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,66.7)
Provided neverthelesse That no Person be compellable by this Act to
travel above Foure Miles from his Dwelling House nor to work above Two
Days in any one Week nor att any time in Seed Time Hay Time or Corne
Harvest . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,66.8)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That where there
is not sufficient Gravel Chalk Sand or Stones within any Parish Towne
Village or Hamlett wherein the said ruinous Places doe severally lye to
repaire the same itt shall and may be lawfull for the said Surveyors in
their several and respective places and such Person or Persons as they
shall appoint to digg take and carry away Gravel Chalk Sand or Stones
or of the Waste or Co~mon of any neigbouring Parish Towne Village or
Hamlett without paying any thing for the same for amending the same or
where there is not sufficient of such Materials in any Co~mon or Waste
Ground thereunto neare adjoyning to digg in the several Ground~ of any
Person or Persons not being an House Garden Orchard Yard Meadow
or Park stored with Deer Avenues and Planted Walk~ where any
such Materials are or may be found and from time to time to carry away
such and so much thereof as the Surveyors in their respective Places
shall adjudge necessary for the said Reparations without paying any
thing for such Materials save onely such reasonable Satisfaction to the
Owner or Occupier of the Ground where the same shall be so digged and
$carried $away {TEXT:carriedaway} as for the Damage hee or they shall
thereby sustaine to be assessed and adjudged by the said Justices att
the next or any other Quarter Sessions for the said County in case of
Difference concerning the same and that the Pitt~ and Places where and
from whence such Materials shall be digged and carried away for the
Reparations aforesaid shall with all convenient Speed if adjudged by
the said Justices of Peace as aforesaid or desired by the Party owning
such Ground be filled upp and levelled with Earth or other Materials .
And for defraying of the Charge in and about the Reparations to be done
in the places aforesaid Be it further enacted That the said Justices
att the Quarter Sessions aforesaid shall and may choose and appoint one
or more fitt Person or Persons to be Receiver or Receivers Collector or
Collectors of such Su~m or Su~ms of Money in the name of Toll or
Custome to be paid for all such Horses Cart~ Coaches Waggons Droves and
Gang~ of Cattle as in time to come shall passe be led or droven in or
through the said Way as are hereafter in this Act limitted that
is to say For every Horse One penny For every Stage Coach or
Hackney Coach Six pence For every other Coach Calash or Chariot Six
pence For every Waggon One shilling For every Cart Eight pence For
every Score of Sheep or Lambs One penny and so proportionably for every
greater or lesser Number For every Score of Calves Three pence For
every Score of Hogg~ Three pence and so for every greater or lesser
Number of Calves or Hogg~ proportionably not being under Five For every
Score of Oxen or Neat Cattle Six pence and so for every greater or
lesser Number proportionably And that from and after the passing of
this Act all and every Person and Persons who shall travel with Horse
Coach Cart or Waggon or shall lead or drive any Oxen Sheep or other
Cattle before mentioned in and through the Highway aforesaid shall and
are hereby required to pay unto the said Collector or Collectors
Receiver or Receivers of Toll in that behalfe from time to time to be
appointed as aforesaid after the Rates aforesaid the Place for
collecting the said Toll to be in some convenient Place upon the said
Highway between Brentwood and Ingatestone aforesaid by setting upp a
Turnpike or otherwise as the Justices of the Peace att the next Quarter
Sessions to be held for the said County next after the passing of this
Act shall direct and appoint (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,67.11)
But in the meane time until the said Quarter Sessions shall happen Itt
is hereby enacted That Two Justices of the Peace who live neare to
Shenfeild aforesaid shall and may order a Turnpike to be sett upp att
or neare to Mountnessing and appoint one or more Person or P~sons to be
Receiver or Receivers Collector or Collectors of the said Toll there
who shall give in a Weekly Account thereof upon Oath to the said
Justices of Peace or one of them who shall truely returne the same to
the next Quarter Sessions (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,67.12)
and all the Money so to be collected shall be paid for the purposes
appointed by this Act as the Justices of Peace att the said Quarter
Sessions shall direct (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,67.13)
And further also That every Receiver or Collector to be afterward~
appointed by the Justices of the Peace att the Quarter Sessions for the
receiving of the said Toll shall give in a Weekly Account upon Oath
unto one or more Justices of the Peace that lives neare to Shenfeild
aforesaid which Oath they are hereby impowered to administer
which said Accompt shall be duely returned to the Justices of
Peace att the next Quarter Sessions who shall thereupon examine the
same and make such Orders therein as to them shall seem meet according
to the true meaning of this Act And in case any Person or Persons
upon Demand made of Toll aforesaid by the Collector or Receiver
in that behalfe to be appointed shall neglect or refuse to pay
the same That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said
Collector or Receiver appointed for Receipt of the said Toll upon such
Refusal to distraine and detaine such Horse Cart Coach Calash Charriott
Waggon Oxen or other Cattle before mentioned or any of them until the
said Toll shall be satisfied and paid according to the Tenor of this
present Act together with such Damages as the Party or Parties so
distraining shall sustaine in and about the making of the said
Distresse or by the keeping thereof which said Moneys so to be received
shall be paid proportionably to the said respective Surveyors for &
toward~ the Amendment of the said Ruinous Places in the said Highways
according to the true Meaning hereof and not elsewhere .
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said
Surveyors and every of them att the Quarter Sessions of the Peace for
the said County to be holden next after Easter in every Yeare shall
make and yeild upp unto the said Justices of Peace there to be
assembled a p~fect Account in Writing under their Hand~ of all the
Moneys which they or any of them have received from the said Collector
or Receiver of Toll and likewise of all their Disbursement~ in and
about the said Highway or otherwise by reason of their Offices and in
case any Overplus of Money so received remaine in theire Hand~ shall
pay the same to the Surveyors to be chosen for the Yeare ensuing to be
disbursed and laid out in mending the said Road~ according to the true
Meaning of this Act and not elsewhere which said Justices to whom such
Account shall be given att the said Quarter Sessions shall out of the
Benefitt of the said Toll make such Allowance unto the said Surveyors
for and in Consideration of their Care and Pains taken in Execution of
their Offices and to such other Person or Persons who have been or shal
be assisting in and about procuring the said Highways to be amended as
aforesaid by advancing or laying out any Moneys or otherwise relating
thereto as to them shall seem good (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,67.15)
And in case the Collector or Receiver of the aforesaid Toll so to be
paid as aforesaid shall not upon Request duely pay the same unto the
said Surveyors for the time being so to be appointed as aforesaid or in
case the said Surveyors or any of them shall not make such Account and
Payment unto the several Person and Persons according to the Order
Direction and Appointment of the said Justices as aforesaid That then
the said Justices att any Quarter Sessions to be holden for the said
County shall make Enquiry concerning such Default as well by Confession
of the said Parties themselves as by Testimony of Two or more Credible
Witnesses upon Oath which Oath they are hereby impowered to administer
and if any Person or Persons shall be thereof convicted the said
Justices upon such Conviction shall co~mitt the Party or Parties so
convict to the Co~mon Gaol of the said County there to remaine without
Bail or Mainprize until hee or they shall have made a true and perfect
Account and Payment as aforesaid . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,67.17)
And forasmuch as the Moneys so to be collected by such Receipt of the
said Toll will not at present raise such a Stock or Su~m of Money as
may be sufficient for the speedy repairing of the Premisses Itt is
hereby further enacted That the said Surveyors or the more part of them
are hereby enabled by Order of the said Justices to be made att the
Quarter Sessions and not otherwise to engage the Proffitt~ ariseing by
the said Toll for such Su~m or Su~ms of Money by them to be borrowed
for that purpose and by Indenture under the Hands and Seales of the
said Surveyors for the time being or the more part of them to transferr
, the said Proffitt~ of the said Toll and to grant and convey
the same for any time or terme not exceeding Fifteene Yeares unto any
Person or Persons that shall or will upon that Security advance any
present Su~m or Su~ms of Money so lent with Interest for the same after
the Rate of Six Pound~ per Cent~ per Annum for every Hundred Pound~
which said Money so to be advanced shall be distributed by the Justices
att the Quarter Sessions in the Proportions and for the Purposes
aforesaid and not otherwise . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,68.18)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Person
or Persons not having any lawfull Excuse to be allowed as aforesaid
shall neglect or refuse to take upon him or them the said Office of
Surveyor being thereunto nominated and chosen as by this Act is
appointed or to doe and performe his or their Duty in the due and
speedy Execution of this Act the said Justices att their Quarter
Sessions shall and may hereby have Power to impose on such Person or
Persons so refusing or neglecting such Fine or Fines not exceeding Five
Pounds upon each Person so refusing as to them shall seem meet and to
cause the same to be levied by Distresse and Sale of his or their Good~
rendring to the Party the Overplus if any shall be
and then and in such Case or in Case of the Death of any of the said
Surveyors some other Person or Persons shall be appointed by Two or
more Justices of Peace that live nearest to the Party or Parties so
dyeing refusing or neglecting (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,68.20)
and such other Person or Persons so to be appointed by the said
Justices are hereby required to execute their said Offices in such
Manner and under such Penalties as if they had been chosen by the
Justices att their Sessions of the Peace as aforesaid .
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Fines and
Forfeitures to be imposed or incurred by virtue of this Act shall be
paid to the Surveyors for the time being for and towards the repairing
of the said ruinous Places in the said Highways according to the true
meaning of this Act and not to any other Person or Persons or to or for
any other Use or Uses Intent or Purpose whatsoever .
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Suit
shall be co~menced against any Person for any thing done in pursuance
of this present Act that in every such Case the Action shall be laid in
the said County of Essex and not elsewhere and the Defendant in such
Action to be brought may plead the General Issue and give this Act and
the Special Matter in Evidence at any Tryal to be had thereupon and
that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of the said
Act (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,68.23)
And if it shall so appeare to be done or that such Action shall be
brought in any other County that then the Jury shall find for the
Defendant (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,68.24)
And upon such Verdict or if the Plaintiffe shall be nonsuited or
discontinue his Action after the Defendant shall have appeared or if
upon Demurrer Judgement shall be given against the Plaintiffe the said
Defendant shall have and recover his Double Cost~ and have the like
Remedy for the same as any Defendant had , in other Cases by Law .
Provided always That no Person or Persons having occasion to passe the
Place where the Toll is taken & returne the same Day before Eight of
the Clock att Night between the Months of September and February and
before Ten of the Clock att Night dureing the other Months of the Yeare
with the same Horse Coach Waggon or other Carriage or with Cattle shall
be compelled the same Day to pay the said Toll a Second time
And further also That all and every Person and Persons passing through
the Place appointed for the receiving the Toll aforesaid and coming
from any Parish next adjoining to the said Road shall have a liberty to
carry any quantityes of Stones Sand Lime or Gravel Dung Mould or
Compost of any Nature or Kind whatsoever Brick or Chalk or any Wood not
goeing to any Markett And that all Cart~ with Hay not goeing to any
Markett or Corne in the Straw att Hay time or Harvest Ploughs Harrows
and other Implement~ of Husbandry and all other thing~ whatsoever
imployed in the husbanding stocking & manuring of their several and
respective Land~ in the said several and respective Parishes shall
passe to and fro through the said Place where such Toll is to be
received as aforesaid without paying any thing for their respective
passing through the same And that it shall and may be lawfull also for
all and every Soldier and Soldiers upon their March and all Cart~ and
Waggons attending them and all Persons riding post to passe through the
said Place where the said Toll is to be collected without paying any
thing for their passing Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,68.27)
Provided also That all and every Person and Persons who by Law are
chargeable toward~ repairing the said Highways shall still remaine so
chargeable and doe their respective Work~ in the said Highways as
before they used to doe therein Any thing aforesaid to the contrary
thereof notwithstanding . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,68.28)
Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing herein contained
shall extend to any further time or be of force any longer then the
Terme of Fifteene Yeares to be accounted from the passing of this Act
And also That if att any time before the Expiration of the Fifteene
Yeares aforesaid the ruinous Places in the said Highways shall be
sufficiently amended and repaired and so adjudged by the Justices of
the Peace of the said County att their Quarter Sessions That then from
and after such Adjudication made and Repayment of such Moneys as shall
have been borrowed the aforesaid Toll shall cease and determine Any
thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding .
CHAPTER XXI . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,98.32)
Forasmuch as the Strength and Safety of this and other His Majesties
Realmes and Dominions doe very much depend upon the furnishing and
supplying of His Majesties Royall Navy with a competent number of able
Mariners and Seamen which may bee in a Readiness att all tymes for that
Service . And whereas the Seamen of this Kingdome have for a long tyme
distinguished themselves throughout the World by their Industry and
Skilfullnesse in theire Imployments and by their Courage and Constancy
manifested in Engagements for the Defence and Honour of their Native
Countrey And for an Encouragement to continue this theire antient
Reputation and to invite greater Numbers of His Majesties Subjects to
betake themselves to the Sea itt is fitt and reasonable that some
competent Provision should bee made that Seamen who by Age Wounds or
other Accidents shall become disabled for future Service att Sea and
shall not bee in a Condition to maintayne themselves comfortably may
not fall under Hardshipps and Miseries may be supported att the publick
Charge and that the Children of such disabled Seamen and alsoe the
Widdowes and Children of such Seamen as shall happen to bee slaine
killed or drowned in Sea Service may in some reasonable manner be
provided for and educated (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,98.35)
And whereas His Majesty and Her late Majesty the Queene of blessed
Memory reflecting upon the Premises determined with themselves that an
Hospitall should bee erected established and endowed for the purposes
aforesaid and in order thereunto by their Letters Patents under their
Great Seale of England beareing Date the Five and twentieth Day of
October last past did give and grant to certaine Persons named therein
theire Heires and Assignes a certaine Peice or Parcell of Ground
scituate and being within the Parish of East Greenwich in the County of
Kent Parcell or reputed Parcell of their Mannor of East Greenwich
aforesaid and in the said Leters Patents particularly described and the
capitall Mesuage commonly called by the Name of the Palace of Greenwich
standing upon the said Peice or Parcell of Ground and severall other
Edifices Buildings and other Things in the said Letters Patents
mentioned except as herein is excepted to the Intent
that the Premisses should bee converted and employed unto and for the
Use and Service of an Hospitall for the Reliefe of Seamen their
Widdowes and Children and an Encouragement of Navigation as therein is
mentioned . And whereas His Majesty in further Execution of His pious
and princely Intention for the founding and endowing of an Hospitall at
Greenwich for the Purposes aforesaid by His Letters Patents under the
Great Seale of England bearing Date the Tenth day of September
One thousand six hundred ninety and five hath constituted Commissioners
and granted an annuall Summe payable out of the Treasury and given
divers proper Directions Powers and Authorities for the carrying on and
perfecting of the said Hospitall and the Endowment and Maintenance
thereof and of the said Persons to bee placed therein And to the Intent
that such Mariners Watermen Seamen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen and
Keelmen As shall voluntarily come in and register themselves in and for
His Majesties Sea Service as hereafter is mentioned may have and
receive the Priviledges Benefitts and Advantages following Bee itt
enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and
Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this
present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all
and every able Mariners {COM:sic} Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman
Bargeman Keelman or Seafaring man being a natural borne Subject of this
Realme or any of His Majesties Dominions or being naturalized or made a
Denizen in England and above the age of Eighteene Yeares and under the
Age of Fifty Yeares and being capable of Sea Service who shall bee
willing to enter and register himselfe for the Service of His Majesty
His Heires and Successors in His or Theire Royall Fleete or Navy shall
and may by himselfe or by any other Person or Persons by him thereto
in Writeing authorized or employed deliver or give in
his Christian Name Sirname and proper Addition together with his Age
and the Place of his Abode and Habitation unto such Officer or Officers
As shall bee appointed for the Registring of Seamen as is herein after
mentioned And that such and soe many Publick Officers for the
registring of the said Persons for Sea Service shall bee kept att the
Charge of His Majesty His Heires or Successors att the Navy Office in
London or other Places (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,99.36)
and such of the Principall Officers of the Navy or other Persons shall
be appointed thereunto and the makeing and keeping such Registers shall
bee performed in such forme and methods as His Majesty His Heires or
Successors or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High
Admirall of England or any Three or more of them now being or the Lord
High Admirall of England or any Three or more of the Commissioners for
executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme
being shall from tyme to tyme prescribe direct and appoint soe as that
in the said Register or Registers there shall bee truely and faithfully
entred downe and registered in order and course of Tyme as well the
Names Sirnames Additions Ages Places of Abode or Habitation of all and
every such Mariner Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman
Keelman or Seafaireingman as aforesaid and also the true Dayes and
Tymes of such Entry or Registring for all or any of which Entries or
Registrings noe Fee Reward or Gratuity whatsoever other than
from His Majesty His Heires and Successors shall be demanded
or received (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,99.37)
And if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall willingly and knowingly
make or cause or procure to bee made in any of the said Offices any
Entry or Registry of the Name of any Person or Persons whatsoever save
of the very true Person or Persons and according to the truth of the
matter contained in such Entry every Person soe offending and being
thereof convicted shall forfeite the Summe of One hundred Pounds the
Moiety whereof shall bee to His Majesty His Heires and Successors and
the other Moiety to such Person or Persons as shall sue for the same by
Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac~on in any of His Majesties
Courts of Record wherein noe Essoigne Wager of Law or Protection shall
be allowed (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,99.38)
And for the due and faithfull Execution of the said Offices or Places
of Registers the respective Registers soe to bee appointed as aforesaid
shall before his and their Entrance thereunto or intermeddling
therewith take an Oath before the Judge of the Admiralty for the tyme
being or before Two or more of His Majesties Justices of the Peace in
or for that County City Towne or Place wherein such Office shall bee
for the true and faithfull Execution thereof and for his and theire
good Demeanour therein Which Oath the said Judge of the Admiralty for
the tyme being or any Two such Justices of the Peace as aforesaid have
hereby Power to administer . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,99.39)
And bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said
Navy Office or such other Office as shall be appointed by His Majesty
His Heires and Successors shall bee and bee called the Head Office
whereunto and to the Register or Registers therein to bee appointed as
aforesaid all other the Registers of and in the other Sea Ports and
Maritime Townes and Places shall from tyme to tyme and without any Fee
or Reward for the same other than from His Majesty His Heires
or Successors make and give Certificates under their
respective Hands and Seales of the Number Names Places of Abode and
Additions of All Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen
and Seafareing men that shall bee entred or registred within theire
respective Offices and of the true Dayes and Tymes when such Entryes or
Registrings were first made Which said Certificates shall from tyme to
tyme bee transmitted unto the said Register or Registers in the said
Navy Office or other Office as aforesaid and by him or them fyled in
course of tyme as they came in (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,99.40)
And the Names of the Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen
Keelmen and Seafareing men therein mentioned shall bee in order of tyme
as they come in and without any undue Preference entred and registred
there alsoe soe that in that Office the Number Names and Places of
Habitation of all the Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen
Keelmen And Seafareing men registred throughout the Kingdome and their
respective tymes of their comeing in to bee registred may from tyme to
tyme appeare a true Account of all which shall once in every Yeare or
oftner if required bee made and given in Writeing by
the said Officer or Officers att the Navy Office or other Office as
aforesaid unto the Commissioners for executeing the Office of Lord High
Admirall of England and to the Lord High Admirall of England for the
tyme being who are to take effectuall Care and give such tymely and
necessary orders and Directions that such and soe many of them as they
shall find most proper for His Majesties Service may from tyme to tyme
in each Yeare bee ordered and disposed for Service of the Fleete .
And bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in every or
any Yeare computeing the Yeare to beginne from the First day of January
dureing which the whole Number of registred Seamen there alive or in
being shall not exceed Thirty thousand $every {TEXT:and_every} such
Seaman entred registred as aforesaid shall have paid and allowed to him
from His Majesty His Heires and Successors whether hee bee in
actuall Service or not the yearely Summe or Bounty of Forty
Shillings over and besides such other Pay and Allowances which hee
shall bee intituled unto by being in His Majesties actuall Service
And in every or any Yeare dureing which the whole Number of registred
Seamen then alive or in being shall exceed Thirty thousand there shall
bee in the like manner allowed and paid a Bounty of Forty Shillings a
peice to Thirty thousand of the Number last mentioned for every such
Yeare respectively to witt to such of them as by the
Bookes of the said Registers shall appeare to be longest entred in or
for His Majesties Sea Service (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.44)
And moreover none but such registred Mariners Watermen Fishermen
Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing men shall bee capable of
being preferred to any Commission or Warrant Offices in the Royall Navy
of His Majesty His Heires and Successors (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.45)
And that every such registred Seaman being in Service upon any Shipp or
Vessell of His Majesties His Heires or Successors in any Foreigne
Voyage or designed for any Foreigne Voyage shall from tyme to tyme or
att any tyme have Power and is hereby authorized to signe or appoint to
his Wife or any other Person or Persons any part or proportion of the
Pay due or to bee due to him for his Service not exceeding Two Months
Pay in every Six Months Pay which shall bee due to him which
Assignements shall bee duely satisfied and complyed with upon due
Proofe to bee made of the Six Moneths Service by Returne of Musters
according to the Practice of His Majesties Navy
And that upon the like Proofe of such Seamans Death in the said Service
the Moneys which shall bee due or remaineing due to him for his Wages
shall bee paid to his Executors or Administrators without tarrying for
the Shipps Returne or her generall Pay (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.47)
And alsoe every Seaman registred as aforesaid shall have and receive
for and as his Share and Dividend out of and for all Prizes taken att
Sea wherein hee shall bee concerned in the takeing or whereunto hee
shall bee intituled to have any Part or Share a double Part or Share in
every such Prize more than any other Seaman of like Quality in the
Shipp with himselfe whoe shall not bee registred as aforesaid Any Law
or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.48)
And that every such registred Seaman upon produceing a Certificate
under the Hand and Seale of the Register or Registers in the said Navy
Office or other Office as aforesaid that hee stands there soe registred
as aforesaid shall bee from tyme to tyme freed and exempted from
serveing upon any Juryes or Inquests or in the Militia or in or about
the assessing or collecting of any publick Taxes or Assessments or in
the Offices of Constables Tithingmen Borsholder Churchwarden Overseer
or Collector for the Poore or any other Parish Officer whatsoever
except such registred Seaman shall declare himselfe willing to serve in
such Office for which Certificate noe Fee or Reward shall bee demanded
or received (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.49)
And every Election and Appointments of any such registred Seaman or
Seafareing man soe long as hee continues soe registred
to any of the said Offices Places or Employments aforesaid shall bee
and is hereby declared to bee voyd unlesse hee shall declare his
Consent as aforesaid . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.50)
And for the Releife Benefitt or Advantage of such the said registered
Mariners or Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen or
Seafareing men who by Age Wounds or other Accidents shall bee disabled
for future Service att Sea and shall not bee in a Condition to
maintaine themselves comfortably and the Children of such disabled
Seamen and the Widdowes and Children of such of them as shall happen to
bee slaine killed or drowned in Sea-service soe farr forth as the
Hospitall herein before mentioned shall bee capable to receive them and
Revenue thereof will extend for or towards theire Releife or Support
and according to the Rules Orders and Constitutions to bee settled and
provided for the said Hospitall and the Government and Regulation
thereof Bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every
such Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or
Seafareing man registred and disabled as aforesaid shall upon
Certificate thereof from the Captaine Master Surgeon and Purser or soe
many of them as were in the said Shipp for the tyme being under his or
theire Hand and Seale unto the Governour or Governours of the said
Hospitall att Greenwich for the tyme being bee admitted and placed in
the said Hospitall and shall have provided and allowed unto him dureing
his Life att the Charges of the said Hospitall and out of the Revenues
thereof according to the Rules , Orders and Constitutions to bee
provided and settled for the said Hospitall and the Government and
Regulation thereof fitting and convenient Lodging Meate Drinke Clothing
and other Necessaries and Conveniencies (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.51)
And alsoe the Widdowes of such Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen
Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing-men whoe shall bee slaine killed or
drowned in the Sea-Service and the Children of such Seamen Watermen
Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen or Seafareing-men soe slaine
killed or drowned and {COM:sic} not of Ability to maintaine or provide
comfortably for themselves shall bee received into the said Hospitall
and there bee provided for (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.52)
And the said Children shall bee educated att the Charges of the said
Hospitall till they are fitt to be putt out or of Ability to maintaine
themselves All which shall bee done soe farr forth as the said
Hospitall shall bee capable to receive such disabled Seamen and such
Widdowes and Children as aforesaid and as the Revenues thereof will
extend for the Purposes aforesaid and according to the Rules Orders and
Constitutions to bee provided and settled for the said Hospitall and
the Government and Regulation thereof . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,100.53)
Provided allwayes and be itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That if any such Mariner Seaman Waterman Fisherman Bargeman Keelman or
Seafareing-man registred as aforesaid shall dureing the tyme of actuall
Warre withdraw or absent himselfe from the Service of His Majesty His
Heires or Successors in His or Theire Shipps or Navy and shall not
within Thirty Dayes next after due Summons or Warneing from the
Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall
of England or any Three or more of them now being or the Lord High
Admirall of England or the Commissioners for the executing the Office
of Lord High Admirall for the tyme being or any Three of them or the
Commissioners of the Navy for the tyme being or any Three of them or
such Persons as shall bee appointed by the King for keeping the said
Register or any Three of them or by the Vice-Admiralls of the severall
Counties or theire Deputies , repaire on board such of His Majesties
Shipps whereunto hee shall bee directed not being detained by Sicknesse
or other bodily Infirmity attested by the Oath of Twoe credible
Witnesses to bee allowed by the Commissioners for executing the Office
of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them now being
or by the Lord High Admirall of England or the Commissioners for
executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme
being or the Commissioners of the Navy for the tyme being or any Three
of them or such Persons as shall bee appointed by the King for keeping
the said Register or any Three of them or by the Vice Admiralls of the
severall Counties or theire Deputies or if any such registred Mariner
Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafareing man
shall absent him or themselves or relinquish the Sea Service of His
said Majesty His Heires or Successors without the consent of the
Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England
or any Three or more of them now being or the Lord High Admirall of
England or Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral
for the tyme being or any Three of them first had and obtained in
Writeing for that purpose that then every such Mariner Seaman Waterman
Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafareing-man soe neglecting
or refuseing to appeare on board upon such Notice as aforesaid or who
shall absent him or themselves or relinquish the said Service without
such Consent as aforesaid shall for ever loose the Benefitt of this Act
and serve in His Majesties Navy Six Moneths without any Pay
but such Person for such Offence onely shall not suffer as a Deserter .
Provided neverthelesse That nothing in this Act contained shall extend
to take away or alter the Punishment appointed by an Act made in the
Thirteenth Yeare of the Reigne of King Charles for such Captaines
Officers or Mariners as shall desert the Service of His Majesty His
Heires or Successors in his Shipps or shall run away from the s~d
Shipps or entice any others soe to doe . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,101.56)
And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That when and
after Five and twenty Yeares to bee reckoned from the Five and
twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety and six shall be
expired noe Person or Persons whatsoever shall bee capable of being a
Brother of Trinity House of Deptford Strond but onely such as att the
tyme of his or theire Election or before shall bee or shall have beene
a Seaman or Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen
registred in pursuance of this Act And that every Seamen whatsoever
that shall serve His Majesty His Heires or Successors or any other
Person or Persons whatsoever in any of His Majesties Shipps or in any
Shipp or Vessell whatsoever belonging or to belong to any the Subjects
of England or any other His Majesties Dominions shall allow and there
shall bee paid out of the Wages of every such Seaman to grow due for
such his Service Six pence per Mensem for the better support of the
said Hospitall and to augment the Revenues thereof for the purposes
aforesaid which Monthly Allowance shall and may bee collected levyed
and recovered by such Officers and according to such Rules and Methods
as shall in that behalfe bee appointed by the said Commissioners for
executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or
more of them or by the Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being
. (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,101.57)
Provided alwayes and itt is hereby enacted That every Seaman att the
tyme of his being registred as aforesaid shall bring or cause to bee
brought a Certificate of his Place of Abode under the Hands of Two
Justices of the Peace of the County or Place where hee lives
And when and as often as any such Seaman shall change his Place of
Abode hee shall bring or cause to bee brought a new Certificate thereof
to the said Register under the Penalty of looseing the Benefitt of his
being registred as aforesaid (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,101.59)
Provided also That every registred Seaman or Seafareing-man being under
the Age of Eighteene Yeares or above the Age of Five and Fifty Yeares
shall bee exempted from Service on Board His Majesties Shipps upon such
Summons as aforesaid unlesse hee or they will voluntarily enter
himselfe or themselves to serve on board the same .
Provided also That where any Registred Seaman shall bee preferred to
bee a Commission or Warrant Officer in His Majesties Service or Master
Mate Boatswaine Gunner Carpenter Purser or Surgeon hee shall not bee
intituled to the said Bounty of Fourty Shillings a Yeare or other
Benefitts hereby intended for Seamen in respect of theire being
registred as aforesaid or be lyable to incurre the Penalties or
Disabilities whereunto Seamen not registred or not serveing as this Act
directs are hereby intended to bee subjected .
Provided also and itt is hereby enacted That itt shall and may bee
lawfull to and for the said Commissioners for executing the Office of
Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them or the Lord
High Admirall of England for the tyme being to discharge any Seaman who
shall have beene registred as aforesaid from the said
Register upon any Cause for which itt shall be desired or for any
Offence to dismisse and expunge any Seaman from the said Register and
thereby deprive him of the Benefitt thereof according to the best of
theire Judgements and Discretions Any thing in this Act before
mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,102.62)
CHAPTER XXVIII . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,118.65)
Whereas several Laws have been made to prevent the Exportac~on of Wooll
yet neverthelesse the said Exportac~on is still continued whereby dayly
Mischiefs and Evils doe happen and a Correspondence with France is
maintained to the great Prejudice of the Government and Discouragement
of the Manufacture of this Kingdom . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,118.68)
And whereas in the First yeare of the Reigne of King William and Queene
Mary there passed an Act intituled An Act for the better preventing the
Exportac~on of Wooll and incouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this
Kingdom which Act was continued by an Act made in the Fourth and Fifth
yeares of King William and Queen Mary intituled An Act for reviving
continuing and explaining several Laws therein menc~oed which are
expired and neare expiring and will now soon expire And whereas for
preventing the said Mischiefs it is necessary the said Act should be
continued Be it therefore enacted by the King~ most Excellent Majesty
by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lord~ Spiritual & Temporal
and Co~mons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority
of the same That the said Act and every Clause Matter and Thing therein
contained except what is hereafter otherwise altered explained
or repealed shall continue and remaine in full Force as if the
same were herein and hereby particularly recited and mentioned .
And whereas the Statute of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth of King
Charles the Second made against the Exportac~on of Wooll among other
thing~ in the said Act mentioned doth enact the same to bee deemed
Felony by the Severity of which Penalty the Prosecution of Offenders
hath not been soe effectually put in Execuc~on Be it therefore enacted
by the Authority aforesaid That soe much of the said Act which relates
to the making the said Offence Felony be repealed and made void .
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the
better Incouragement of the Importation of Wooll from Ireland that it
shall and may be lawfull for any Person or Persons whatsoever from the
Place or Places in the said Act limited to import into England from
Ireland any Quantity or Quantities of Wool to any the ports hereafter
mentioned that is to say Whitehaven in the County of
Cumberland Leverpoole Chester Bristoll Bridgewater Minehead Barnstaple
and Biddiford and to noe other Any thing in this Act to the contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,118.71)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the
Co~missioners or Farmers of the Customs in the Kingdom of Ireland for
the time being shall from time to time and att all times hereafter once
every Six Months transmitt or cause to bee transmitted unto the
Commissioners of His Majesties Customs in England a true Account of all
such Wooll as shall bee from time to time exported from any of the
Places within the said Kingdome of Ireland from whence the same may be
exported the Quantity and Weight thereof and by whom and in what Ships
exported and where consigned and the Names of the Persons signing the
Certificates of the Landing the same in England and the Date of the
said Certificates and where the same was landed as alsoe the Quantity
and Weight contained in the said Certificates in order that the same
may be compared with the Account by the said Act appointed to be kept
by the Co~missioners of the Customs of this Kingdome .
And for preventing the Mischief~ of razing obliterating or interlining
such Certificates as aforesaid Be it further enacted That all
Certificates given for the landing of Wooll from Ireland or from one
Port to another in England shall bee written upon Paper and not
Parchment and that the Quantities therein expressed shall not be
obliterated or interlined upon any Pretence whatsoever .
And whereas the several Inhabitant~ of the several Counties and Shires
of this Realme next adjoyning to the Kingdome of Scotland and to the
Sea Coast~ doe reap great Profit & Advantage by the carrying out of
Wooll Wooll Fells Mortling~ Shortling~ Yarn made of Wooll Wooll Flock~
Fullers Earth & Scouring Clay into the said Kingdome of Scotland and
exporting of them into France and other Part~ beyond the Seas to the
great prejudice and decay of the Woollen Manufacture of this Realme Bee
it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the
First day of May in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred
ninety six no Wooll or any other of the Co~modities aforesaid shall be
laid or loaden on any Horse or other Carriage whatsoever or shall bee
carried or conveyed by Land to or from any Place or Places within the
said Counties next adjoyning to the said Kingdome of Scotland or within
Five Miles of the Sea Cost as aforesaid but between Sun riseing and Sun
setting under the Penalty and Forfeiture of the said Co~modities and of
the said Horses and other Cattle and Carriages imployed in carrying the
same And that no Shipp or Vessell shall export or carry the same into
any Part beyond the Seas under the Penalty and Forfeiture of the said
Co~modities Shipp and Vessell and Treble the Value thereof with Treble
Cost~ of Suit (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,118.74)
And the Inhabitant~ of the respective Hundred Port or Place exempt next
adjoyning to the said Kingdom of Scotland or to the Sea Coast~ out of
or through which any Wooll or any other of the Co~modities aforesaid
shall be so carried or exported shall forfeit Twenty Pound~ if the said
Wooll so carried out or exported shall bee under the Value of Ten
Pound~ (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,118.75)
but if it shall be of greater Value then Treble the Value thereof so
exported or carried out of the said Kingdom as also Treble Cost~ of
Suit all which said Forfeitures Penalties and Cost~ of Suit
are to be recovered and received by him or them that shall sue for the
same and to be prosecuted by any Action of Debt Bill Suit Plaint or
Information against the Inhabitant~ of such Hundred Port or Place
exempt out of or through which the said Wooll or other Comodities shall
be exported in any of His Majesties Court~ of Record at Westminster
where noe Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall bee allowed nor any
more then one Imparlance . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,119.76)
And bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the
Execution for the Informer shall and may bee had against Two or more of
the said Inhabitant~ And that after Execution had by Force of this Act
it shall and may be lawfull upon Complaint made by the Party or
Parties so charged to and for the Justices of the Peace of the
same County or Place where any such Execution shall be had att their
General Quarter Sessions to be held for the said County or Place to
assess and tax rateably and proportionably according to their
Discretions all and every the Townes Parishes Villages and Hamlett~ in
the said Hundred Port or Place exempt in the same Manner and Forme as
any Hundred ought to bee charged in case of Robbery co~mitted for the
Persons against whom Execuc~on shall bee had for the person so robbed
pursuant to an Act made in the Seaven and twentieth Yeare of Queen
Elizabeth intituled An Act for the following of the Hue and Cry And
that the Justices of the Peace of the said County or Place where such
Fact shall be committed shall and are hereby impowered and required att
their General Quarter Sessions to be held for the said County or Place
to levy the Penalties hereby charged upon the said Inhabitant~ by an
equal Assessment upon the said Inhabitant~ and reimburse such Person or
Persons Inhabitant~ within the said Hundred Port or Place exempt
adjacent to the Kingdom of Scotland or the Sea Coast from whence the
said Wooll or other the said Co~modities shall be transported in the
same manner as if there had been a Judgment att Law against the said
Hundred Port or Place exempt . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,119.77)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Persons
who shall be aiding abetting or assisting in carrying or exporting any
of the said Co~modities out of this Realme as aforesaid being
legally convicted thereof shall suffer Three Yeares
Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize and the Owner of the said Wooll
or of any other of the Co~modities aforesaid and all and every Person
or Persons who shall be aiding abetting or assisting in carrying or
exporting of them or any of them out of this Kingdom shall answer and
satisfie Treble the Value of all such Forfeitures and Penalties which
such Inhabitant~ shall be so charged with and liable to as alsoe Treble
Cost~ of Suit which shall and may be recovered by Action of Debt Suit
Bill Plaint or Information in any of His Majesties Court~ of Record att
Westminster wherein noe Essoigne Protection or Wager of Law shall bee
allowed nor any more than one Imparlance by and in the Name of the
Clerk of the Peace for the time being of or for every such County or
Place without naming the Christian Name or Sirname of the said Clerk of
the Peace which Treble Value and Treble Cost~ of Suit shall be to the
onely use and behoofe of the said Inhabitant~ And that notwithstanding
the Death or Removal of any such Clerk of the Peace after such Action
of Debt Suit Bill Plaint or Information sued comenced or p~ferred the
same shall be prosecuted and pursued to Judgment and Execution , in
such Manner and Forme to all Intent~ and Purposes as that Clerk of the
Peace might have done which first co~menced or preferred the said
Action of Debt Suit Bill Plaint or Information .
And for the better and more impartial Tryals of all such Actions and
Informations which shall be co~menced or prosecuted by virtue of this
Act be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such Actions and
Informations shall be tryed in any of His Majesties Court~ of Record by
a Jury of good and lawfull Freeholders to bee su~moned out of any other
County than that wherein the Fact shall bee co~mitted
And to encourage Persons to discover the said Crime the first Three
Persons who have been aiding abetting or assisting in carrying out or
Exportation of Wooll or any other of the Co~modities as aforesaid that
shall informe thereof any Justice of the Peace in either of the said
several Counties as aforesaid whereby the Punishment and Penalties
appointed by this Act may be inflicted and recovered the Party or
Parties so discovering not being Owner or part Owners of the
said Wooll or other Co~modities aforesaid shall not suffer any
of the said Penalties or Punishment . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,119.80)
Provided always and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if
any Action or Suit shall bee brought and prosecuted by any Person or
Persons against any Justice of Peace or other Person imployed by them
or any of them in the Execuc~on of this Act for any Matter Cause or
Thing by them or either of them done co~mitted or executed by virtue or
reason of this Act or any Clause or Article therein contained That then
and in every such Case the Action shall be layd in the proper County
where the Fact was done and co~mitted and not elsewhere
And the Defendant or Defendant~ may plead the General Issue and give
the Special Matter in Evidence at the Tryal That the same was done in
pursuance and by Authority of this Act (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,119.82)
And if upon Examination it shall so happen to be done the Jury shall
find for the Defendant or Defendant~ (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,119.83)
And in such Case or if the Plaintiff shall be nonsuit or discontinue
his Action after the Defendant or Defendaunt~ hath or have appeared the
Defendant or Defendant~ shall have and recover their Treble Cost~ which
hee or they shall sustaine or be put unto by reason of his or their
wrongfull Vexation in Defence of the said Action or Suit
And that every Action Suit Bill Plaint or Information by virtue of this
Act shall bee commenced and prosecuted within One yeare after the Fact
co~mitted . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,119.85)
Provided always that if any Person who is intituled to the Penalties
and Forfeitures by this Act given shall compound with any Hundred Port
or Place exempt hereby liable to pay the same for any lesser Su~m then
what is hereby given That it shall att any time hereafter be lawfull
for any other Person to sue for and recover the same in
Manner and Forme as aforesaid as if no such Composition had been made
and the Person so compounding shall for such his Offence suffer Five
yeares Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize
And this Act to continue in force for Three yeares and from thence to
the end of the next Session of Parliament . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,120.87)
And for the better preventing the Exportation of Wooll and
Correspondence with France Be it further enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That the Lord High Admiral of England or Co~missioners for
executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the time being shall from
time to time direct and appoint One Shipp of the Fifth Rate & Two
Shipps of the Sixth Rate and Foure Armed Sloops constantly to cruize
from off the North-foreland to the Isle of Wight with Orders for taking
and seizeing all Shipps Vessells or Boats which shall export any Wooll
or carry or bring any prohibited Good~ or any suspected Persons .
CHAPTER VI . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,462.91)
Whereas King Philip and Queene Mary by their Letters Patents dated at
Westminster the Sixth Day of February in the First and Second Yeares of
their Reigne being willing to animate advance and further the Persons
in the said Letters Patents named in their good Purpose and profitable
Adventure for the discovering discrying and finding out Isles Lands and
Territories unknowne lying to the Northward and by English Subjects
before then not commonly frequented by Sea as well for the Glory of God
as for illustrating the Royall Dignity in the Increase of the Revenues
of the Crowne and the generall Wealth of this Realme and of the
Subjects of the same as in the said Letters Patents is
particularly expressed did incorporate the said Persons by the
Name of Merchants Adventurers for the Discovery of Lands Territories
Isles and Seigniorities unknowne and not by the Seas and Navigations
before their said late Adventure or Enterprize by Sea or Navigation
commonly frequented with Power to make Statutes Acts and Ordinances for
the good Government of the said Fellowship and alsoe to admitt unto the
said Fellowship Persons to be free of the same and that every Person or
Persons soe to be admitted should from the time of his or their
Admittances be free of the said Fellowship and that the said Fellowship
should have and enjoy the sole Trade to all the main Lands Isles Parts
Havens Creeks and Rivers of the Emperor of Russia and to all and
singular other Lands Dominions Territories Ports Creekes and Armes of
the Sea whatsoever in the said Letters Patents particularly
mentioned and described as by the said Letters Patents among
other Things therein contained more at large may and doth
appeare And whereas the Liberties Powers and Priviledges granted by the
said Letters Patents were afterwards by an Act of Parliament made in
the Eighth Yeare of the Reigne of Queen Elizabeth ratified and
confirmed to the said Fellowship and their Successors by the Name of
the Fellowship of English Merchants for Discovery of new Trades with
Power to have and enjoy all and singular the Liberties Priviledges
Jurisdictions Powers and Authorities as well in the said Letters
Patents as {COM:in_the} Act of Parliament mentioned or contained with a
Prohibition that no Subject or Denizon of this Realme should traffick
to visitt or frequent any of the Places granted by the said Act to the
said Fellowship to trade in but by Order Agreement or Consent of the
Governour Consulls and Assistants of the said Fellowship for the time
being or the major Part of them upon Paine that every Person and
Persons offending in that behalfe should forfeite and loose
ipso facto every such Ship and Ships with the Appurtenances
and all such Goods and Things whatsoever as by any such Persons should
be by any Meanes directly or indirectly carried conducted brought or
exchanged in at or to through or from any of the Places prohibited
contrary to the true Intent of the said Act One Moiety thereof to the
Queens Majesty Her Heires and Successors and the other Moiety thereof
to the said Fellowship and their Successors as by the said Act of
Parliament amongst other Things therein contained more
at large may and doth appeare And whereas the easie Admission of
Persons into the said Company or Fellowship will in all probability
tend very much to the enlarging the said Trade for the publick Good and
for that there is no mention made either-5 in the said Letters Patents
or Act of Parliament upon what Termes Persons shall be admitted or what
certaine Fine shall be taken by the said Fellowship for the admitting
Persons to be free thereof the ascertaining whereof would very much
tend to the encreasing the Number of Traders to the said Places
therefore for the ascertaining hereafter what Fine shall be taken by
the said Fellowship for the said Admissions and For enlarging and
encouraging the Trade to Russia and other the Places in the said
Charter and Act of Parliament mentioned and described Be it enacted by
the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of
the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and of the Commons in this present
Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and
after the Five and twentieth Day of March which shall be in the Yeare
of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety nine every Subject of the
Realme desireing Admission into the said Fellowship of English
Merchants for Discovery of new Trades commonly called or knowne by the
Name of the Russia Company on Request in that Behalfe to be made to the
Governour Consuls and Assistants for the time being of the said
Fellowship or any Three or more of them shall be admitted into the said
Fellowship and shall have use and enjoy all the Liberties Priviledges
Jurisdictions Franchises Powers and Authorities granted to the said
Fellowship either-13 by the said Letters Patents or Act of Parliament
as largely fully and amply to all Intents Constructions and Purposes as
any other Member of the said Fellowship could can or may have use or
enjoy the same by virtue of the said Letters Patents and Act of
Parliament or either of them such Subject paying for such his Admission
for the use of the said Fellowship only the sum of Five Pounds and no
more (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,463.94)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from And
after the said Five and twentieth Day of March the Sum of Five Pounds
only and no more shall be demanded taken or accepted by the said
Fellowship for any Admission to the Freedom thereof Any By-Law Statute
or Ordinance of the said Fellowship made or to be made to the contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,463.95)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That where any
Person or Persons residing in any Out-port or any other Place within
this Realme the Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed shall
make Request to be admitted into the said Fellowship as aforesaid by
his Agent or Deputy making Tender of Five Pounds for his Admission the
said Governour Consuls and Asistants shall under the Common Seale of
the said Fellowship within Ten Daies after such Request appoint one or
more Person or Persons to admitt such Person or Persons into the
Freedome of the said Fellowship and to administer to him and them the
Oath to be taken by the Freemen of the said Fellowship which Oath they
are hereby impowered to administer which Admission and Administration
of the said Oath shall be as good and effectuall as if the same were
actually done by the said Governour Consulls and Assistants
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the
Commissioners of His Majesties Customs shall at every Session of
Parliament lay before both Houses a true Account in Writing under their
Hands of what Navall Stores shall have been imported into this Kingdome
by any Persons trading to Russia . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,463.97)
CHAPTER X . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,598.100)
Whereas it is most Evident That the Continuance of the Trade to the
East-Indies in the same Manner and Proportions as it hath been for Two
Yeares last past must inevitably be to the great Detriment of this
Kingdom by exhausting the Treasure thereof and melting downe the Coine
and takeing away the labour of the People whereby very many of the
Manufacturers of this Nation are become excessively burdensome and
chargeable to their respective Parishes and others are thereby
compelled to seeke for Employment in Forreigne Parts For Remedy whereof
Be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the
Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in
this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That
from and after the Twenty ninth Day of September One thousand seaven
hundred and one All Wrought Silks Bengalls and Stuffs mixed with Silk
or Herba of the Manufacture of Persia China or East India and all
Callicoes painted dyed printed or stained there which are or shall be
imported into this Kingdom shall not be worn or otherwise used within
this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed
but under such Limitations as are hereinafter mentioned and expressed
And for the better effecting the same Be it enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That from and after the said Twenty ninth Day of September
One thousand seaven hundred and one all such Wrought Silks Bengalls and
Stuffs mixed with Silk or Herba of the Manufacture of Persia China or
East India as aforesaid and all Callicoes painted dyed printed or
stained there which are or shall be imported into this Kingdom of
England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed shall after
Entry thereof be forthwith carried and putt into such Warehouse or
Warehouses as shall be for that Purpose approved of by the
Commissioners of His Majesties Customs for the Time being soe as none
of them shall be taken or carried out thence upon any Account
whatsoever other than in order for Exportation and not untill
sufficient Security be first given to the Kings Majesty His Heires and
Successors which the said Commissioners are hereby required and
impowered to take that the same and every Part thereof shall
be exported and not landed again in any Part of this Kingdom of England
Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed which said Securities
shall be discharged without any Fee or Reward upon Certificate returned
under the Common Seale of the Chiefe Magistrate in any Place or Places
beyond the Seas or under the Hands and Seales of Two knowne English
Merchants upon the Place that such Goods were there landed or upon
Proofe by credible Persons that such Goods were taken by Enemies or
perished in the Seas The Examination and Proofe thereof being left to
the Judgment of the said Commissioners (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,598.104)
And all such of the aforesaid Goods whether the same shall be mixed
sewed or made up together for Sale with any other Goods or Materials or
otherwise which shall be found in any House Shopp or Ware-house or
other Place whatsoever other than in such Ware-houses as shall
be approved of by the said Commissioners as aforesaid shall be
forfeited and subject and liable to be searched for and seized in like
Manner as prohibited and uncustomed Goods are by an Act
intituled An Act for preventing Frauds and regulating Abuses in His
Majesties Customs made in the Fourteenth Yeare of the Reigne
of our late Sovereigne Lord King Charles the Second
And all such Goods soe forfeited as aforesaid shall upon Seizure
thereof be carried to the next Custome-house
and after Condemnation shall be sold to the best Advantage for
Exportation at Publick Sale by the Candle The Buyer and Buyers giveing
Security for the Exportation thereof in Manner as aforesaid
And One Third Part of the Moneys to be raised by such Sale shall be
paid to the Kings Majesty His Heires and Successors and the other Two
Third Parts thereof to him her or them that shall seize or prosecute
for the same (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,598.108)
And over and above the Losse of the said Goods the Person or Persons in
whose Custody knowing thereof the forfeite shall be found or seized or
that shall sell or dispose thereof to any Person or Persons whatsoever
shall forfeite and loose the Summe of Two hundred Pounds
One Third Part thereof to the Kings Majesty His Heires and Successors
and the other Two Third Parts thereof to such Person or Persons that
shall sue for the same to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint
Suite or Information in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at
Westminster wherein no Essoigne Protection or Wager of Law shall be
allowed or any more than one Imparlance (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,598.111)
And for preventing all Clandestine importing or bringing into this
Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed
any of the aforesaid Goods hereby prohibited or intended to be
prohibited from being worne or used in England Be it further enacted by
the Authority aforesaid That if any Person or Persons or Bodies
Corporate from and after the said Twenty ninth Day of September One
thousand seaven hundred and one shall import or bring into any Port of
or in this Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick
upon Tweed other than the Port of London any of the aforesaid
prohibited Goods or into the Port of London and shall not make due
Entries of such Goods soe imported or brought in , the same shall be
and is hereby adjudged deemed accounted and taken to be Clandestine
running thereof (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,598.112)
and such Person or Persons or Bodies Corporate soe offending therein
and their Abettors shall not-1 only-2 forfeite and loose the said Goods
soe clandestinely run as aforesaid but alsoe the Summe of Five hundred
Pounds to be recovered and divided in such Manner as aforesaid
And be it further enacted That if any Question or Doubt shall arise
where the said Goods were manufactured the Proof shall lie upon the
Owner or Owners thereof and not upon the Prosecutor any Law Usage or
Custome to the contrary notwithstanding (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.115)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Action
Bill Plaint Suite or Information shall be commenced or prosecuted
against any Person or Persons for any Seizure or other thing to be made
or done in pursuance or in execution of any thing before in this Act
contained such Person or Persons soe sued in any Court whatsoever may
plead the Generall Issue and give this Act and the speciall Matter in
Evidence for their Excuse or Justification (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.116)
And if the Plaintiffe or Plaintiffs or Prosecutor or Prosecutors shall
become Nonsuit or forbeare Prosecution or suffer Discontinuance or if a
Verdict passe against him her or them in any such Action Bill Plaint
Suite or Information as aforesaid the Defendant or Defendants shall
have Treble Costs for which they shall have the like Remedy as in any
Case where Costs by Law are given to the Defendant
And for preventing clandestinely carrying out of the said Ware-houses
any of the said Goods hereby prohibited and by this Act intended for
Exportation as aforesaid Be it further enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That the Warehouse-keeper or Warehouse-keepers shall keepe
one or more Book or Books wherein he or they shall fairly enter or
write downe an exact particular and true Account of all and every Chest
Bail and Number of Pieces therein contained of such of the aforesaid
Goods only which shall be brought into and carried out of his or their
said Ware-house or Ware-houses and the Daies and Times when the same
shall be soe brought in and carried out and shall every six Months in
the Yeare transmitt in Writing an exact Account thereof upon Oath to
the said Commissioners together with an exact Account how much shall be
remaining in his or their said Ware-house or Ware-houses respectively
And the said Commissioners are hereby impowered and enjoyned within one
Month after the same shall be transmitted to them as aforesaid to
appoint one or more Person or Persons to inspect the said Booke or
Books Warehouse or Warehouses and examine the said Accounts and to lay
a true Account of the same before the Parliament within the First Weeke
of every Sessions thereof (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.119)
And if upon Examination it shall appeare That any of the aforesaid
Goods were carried out unlesse for Exportation or before sufficient
Security given for their Exportation as aforesaid that then the
Ware-house-keeper or Ware-house-keepers so offending therein shall not
onely forfeite and loose the Value of the said Goods soe carried out as
aforesaid and be for ever disabled from any publick Employment for the
future but shall alsoe forfeite the Summe of Five hundred Pounds for
every such Offence to be recovered and divided in manner as aforesaid
Provided alwaies and it is hereby enacted That this Act shall not
extend to any Silks Bengalls Stuffs mixed with Silke or Herba or
painted dyed printed or stained Callicoes manufactured in Persia China
or East-India which shall have been made up and used in any sort of
Apparell or Furniture before the said Twenty ninth of September One
thousand seaven hundred and one (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.121)
Provided alwaies and be it further enacted That it shall and may be
lawfull to and for the Proprietor or Proprietors of the said Goods so
lodged in any Warehouse or Warehouses as aforesaid to affix one Lock to
every such Warehouse or Warehouses the Key of which shall remaine in
the Custody of the said Proprietor or Proprietors and that he or they
may view sort or deliver the said Goods in order for Exportation as
aforesaid in the presence of the said Warehouse-keeper or
Warehouse-keepers who is and are hereby obliged at seasonable times to
give Attendance for that purpose (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.122)
Provided alsoe and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every
Person or Persons or Bodies Corporate who shall on or before the said
Twenty ninth Day of September One thousand seaven hundred and one
import into this Kingdom Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon
Tweed any of the Comodities aforesaid and shall within the space of
Three Years from such Importation export the same again shall be
allowed and paid the severall Duties payable upon the Exportation
thereof as fully as if the same had been exported within Twelve Months
after the Importation thereof (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.123)
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and
after the said Twenty ninth Day of September which shall be in the
Yeare of our Lord One thousand seaven hundred and one there shall be no
Customs or Duties whatsoever paid or secured to be paid for any of the
said Goods or Commodities which shall be imported at any time from and
after the said Twenty ninth Day of September One thousand seaven
hundred and one other than and except the Halfe Subsidy which is to
remain by Law after the Goods are exported But that all other Customs
and Duties now chargeable upon or payable for the said Goods shall from
that time cease and determine . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,599.124)
CHAPTER XVIII . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.127)
Whereas many Parts of this Kingdom are extremely oppressed by the
usuall Method of conveying Vagabonds or Beggers from Parish to Parish
in a dilatory Manner whereby such Vagabonds or Beggers in hopes of
Releife from every Parish through which they are conducted are
encouraged to spend their Lives in wandring from one Part of this
Kingdom to another and to elude divers charitable and well-disposed
Persons very frequently forge or counterfeite Passes Testimonialls or
Characters whereby the charitable Intentions of such Persons are often
abused For Remedy whereof Bee it enacted by the Kings most Excellent
Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and
Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled That from
and after the Four and twentieth Day of June One thousand seaven
hundred if any Vagabond Beggar or any other Person whatsoever shall be
brought to any Constable Headborough Tythingman or other Officer
thereof with any Passe Testimoniall Letter of Request or other Writing
whatsoever pretending thereby either-6 to be relieved or conveyed that
all and every such Person and Persons shall by such Constable or other
Officer or some other sufficient Person or Persons whom he shall order
or depute be taken before some Justice of the Peace of every such
County wherein they shall arrive who inhabites or resides nearest the
Towne or Place where such Persons shall first come appear or be brought
before the Constable or other Officer which said Justice of the Peace
shall carefully and diligently examine them (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.130)
and if he finds them such Persons as ought by Law to be punished he is
then required to send them to the House of Correction and take such
further Course with them as the Law in such Case directs
or if they are not such Persons then to order them immediately to be
conveyed out of the said County to each Towne of the next County unto
or through which such Person or Persons are to passe or be conveyed as
such Justice shall think most proper (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.132)
And every Constable or other Officer is hereby required accordingly to
convey them either to the House of Correction or to such Towne as
aforesaid of the next County without Delay (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.133)
and the said Justice of Peace is hereby further required to give the
said Constable a Certificate without Fee of the Number of such Persons
whom he shall so order to be punished or conveyed as also the Manner
how when and from whence such Persons are to be conveyed whether by
Cart Horse or Foot and what Number of Persons any such Constable or
Officer had Occasion to employ to bring such Persons before him or for
conveying any such Person or Persons to the House of Correction or next
County as aforesaid (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.134)
And to the Intent that every such Constable or other Officer may be
fully paid and satisfied for his Losse of Time and his Expences in
Execution of this Act Be it enacted That the said Justices of Peace
shall tax on the Backside of such Certificate such Constable a
reasonable and sufficient Allowance for his Trouble and Expence which
Certificate the said Constable shall deliver to the Chiefe Constable of
that Divison who is hereby ordered forthwith out of the Summs of the
Goal and Marshalsea Money he shall receive to pay such Constable the
Summ soe taxed upon each Certificate and take a Receipt of such
Constables for the same which Receipt the said Chiefe Constable shall
deliver to the Treasurer of the County at the next Quarter Sessions who
shall discount the same with the said Chiefe Constable takeing in the
said Receipts and Certificates which shall alsoe be allowed him upon
the generall Account of the said Treasurer (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.135)
And in case the said Goal and Marshalsea Money be not sufficient after
having discharged the Purposes for which it is raised to reimburse the
Expence and satisfie the Allowance as is hereby required It is hereby
further enacted That the Justices of Peace in their Quarter Sessions
shall have Power to raise Moneys upon their respective Counties Ridings
and Divisions in which they are impowered to act by their respective
Commissions in such Manner as they raise it for County Goals and
Bridges to satisfie the said Expences (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,607.136)
and Allowances soe raised shall Quarterly be paid to the Chief
Constable of each Division soe as the said Chief Constables shall have
a Quarters Payment in their Hands before hand
And as often as the said Petty Constables or Deputies shall produce
the said Certificates of his or their Expences and Allowance
of the Chief Constable of their Division under the Hand and Seale of
the said Justice of Peace the said Constable is hereby required to pay
the said Charges according to the said Certificate which he must take
in and account for at the next Quarter Sessions as aforesaid
And it is hereby further enacted That the said Petty Constables shall
not charge the Inhabitants of his Constablery with any Summ or Summs of
Money or any Provision towards the Releife or Conveyance for such
Rogues and Vagabonds (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,608.139)
And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That any Constable or
other Officer neglecting to apprehend such Vagabond or wandring Beggars
or be {COM:sic} remisse or negligent in doing his Duty by the Act
required shall for every such Offence forfeit the Summ of Twenty
Shillings One Fourth Part whereof shall go to the Informer and the
other Three Parts to the Use of the Poor of the Parish or Place where
the said Offence shall be committed the same to be levied by Distresse
and Sale of the Goods of such Offender by Warrant under the Hand and
Seale of any Justice of the Peace of the said County who is hereby
impowered and required to hear and determine the said Offence by the
Oath of one Witnesse (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,608.140)
Provided alsoe and be it further enacted That this Act shall continue
for the Space of Three Yeares to be commenced from the Four and
{TEXT:and_and} twentieth Day of June One thousand seaven hundred and
from thence to the End of the next Session of Parliament and no longer
Provided alwaies and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That whereas there are in some Counties severall Ridings or Divisions
Liberties and Towns Corporate wherein the Justices of the Peace for the
said Counties do keep separate or distinct Quarter Sessions and have
severall Treasurers for their County Stocks that all such Rideings and
Divisions of Counties Liberties and Townes Corporate shall be taken and
deemed as Counties for the severall Purposes and Provisions in this Act
mentioned And that the Justices of the Peace Treasurers Chief
Constables Petty Constables and other Officers residing therein shall
in the certifying and conveying of Passengers and raising and paying of
Money act in such Ridings and Divisions as they are by this Act
impowered and directed to doe in Counties at large Any thing herein
contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding
And whereas there is an ancient Hospitall or Corporation in the Towne
of Kingston upon Hull called or knowne by the Name of the Guild or
Brotherhood of Masters and Pilotts Seamen of the Trinity House in
Kingston upon Hull founded upon the Incouragement of Navigation and for
the Releife of poor distressed Seamen their Widows and Children within
the said Towne of Kingston upon Hull And whereas an Act passed in the
Third Sessions of the last Parliament holden in the Ninth and Tenth
Yeares of His now Majesties Reigne intituled An Act for erecting
Workhouses and Houses of Correction in the Towne of Kingston upon Hull
for the Imployment and Maintenance of the Poor there wherein there is
contained a Clause to this Effect that all Charitable Gifts Devises and
Dispositions that shall hereafter be given devised or disposed to or
for the Use of the said Towne or of any Place within the same shall be
paid to and be had received and enjoyed by the Corporation in the said
Act made to and for the Use of the Poor of the same Towne by which
Clause all Gifts made by Seafaring Men or others well-disposed for the
Endowment of the said Hospitall of the Trinity House in Kingston upon
Hull for the better and further Maintenance of the said distressed
Seamen their Widows and Children are or may be prevented or discouraged
to bestow any Charitable Benefaction thereon least the same should be
or be claimed to be applied to the Use of the Poor of the said Towne in
generall contrary to the Intention of such Benefactor by Meanes whereof
the said Hospitall is likely to be greatly prejudiced by the Clause
aforesaid and other Clauses in the said Act contrary to the Intent
thereof Be it therefore declared and enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That the said recited Clause in the said Act shall stand absolutely
repealed And that neither the said recited Clause or any other Thing in
the said Act contained shall extend or be construed to affect or extend
to the said Hospitall or Corporation of Trinity House in Kingston upon
Hull nor to the Prejudice of the Poor belonging thereunto but shall
as to them and every of them stand repealed and void
and that the said Hospitall or Corporation of the Trinity House
aforesaid and all the Poor belonging and to be belonging thereunto
shall in all respects stand and be in the same Freedome Plight and
Condition as they were before the making the said Act and as if the
said Act had never been made . (STAT-1690-E3-P1,7,608.143)