Madame I am verie sorye that I am necessitated upon my brother Gerard's letter to me , so freely letting me know the unseasonablenes of my intention to have visited yow this weeke , to deferr my waiteing upon yow somm few dayes longer . (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.3) Besides his desyre to be at home when I showld come , which by his brother Mildmay I understood he would not be all this weeke , theise resons inforced me to send into Hartfordshier and to make my apointment with my brother Litton , who hath both expected and invited me often and long , (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.4) and tharefor I hope yow will please not to impute my absence to any neglect . (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.5) I profess my resolutions were alltred by my brother's free and freindly notice , (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.6) else I had ben with you on Wedensday , which I intend and resolve to be as soone as possiblye I can God willing . (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.7) Meane while I beseich you perswade your affections and perfect your desyres for Hatfeild . (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.8) My wife presents her dewtye and love to you and her wishes that yow will turne our desolation to compleate consolation . (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.9) Thus I rest Your most dewtyfull sonn Thomas Barrington Hatfield (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.10) Broad Oak , (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.11) September 17=th= , 1629 (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.12) {COM:endorsed} To the honourable my very loving mother the lady Johann Barrington at Harrow on the Hill (TBARRING-E2-P1,87.13) Madame I am obedient to all your desyres (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.16) and desire to rest satisfyed with what yow please , (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.17) yet I must confess this sodaine allteration of your purpose and promise makes me imploye my patience and dewtie ; (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.18) dewtie towards yow injoynes me to be contented with your content , (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.19) patience houldes me within the limitts of a quiett mind in what soever might otherwayes contradict my desyres . (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.20) My wife and I had made it our studye to express dewtye and love and to render you all satisfaction , (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.21) and it so much the more troubles us by how much we ware confident to have wintred together . (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.22) The house is farr the colder for your absence , because you have made many harts so ; (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.23) but deferred hope though it faint the hart , yet accomplishments of prolonged wishes increase comfort (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.24) and bring a somer's warmeth of joyes . (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.25) My prayers attend your health and wellfare , (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.26) and I , resolveing God willing to see you , rest Your most dewtyfull sonn Thomas Barrington Hatfield (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.27) Broad Oak , (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.28) October , 1629 (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.29) {COM:endorsed} To the honourable my verie good mother the Ladye Johan Barrington at Harrow on the Hill (TBARRING-E2-P1,96.30) Madame Allthough your winter's absence from hence hath more then a little afflicted me in single relation to owr selves , yet so much am I obliged to serve your desyres as that I submitt to your pleasuer with as much patience as my judgment can worke in me . (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.33) And so much doe I desyre to be freindly to my freinds , as that I shall take the more glorye in my suffrings because theay are for the sake of those that love me . (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.34) Madame , $it $'s {TEXT:it's} now more then time not to abuse you longer with hopes of dew payments , (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.35) therefor ere long you shall have your mony long dew , and the rest with the first I can receive , God willing . (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.36) And now my wife tenders her lame legg for an excuse that her hand presents yow not her dewtye , (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.37) trewly she is not yet well but amending , (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.38) and so I pray God we may all and cheifly Your most dewtyfull sonn Thomas Barrington (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.39) October 14th , 1629 (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.40) {COM:endorsed} To my honourable good mother the ladye Johan Barrington at Harrowe on the Hill give $these (TBARRING-E2-P1,97.41) {COM:insert_helsinki_sample,_letter_94,_here}