Ffyrst the ffryday a for mydlent , that was Seynt Cuthberdy's Day , And the xx Day of Marche in the vii yer of Kyng Herri the viii=th= And the yer of ower Lorde God m=l=cccccxvij , a bowte viij of the cloke the same mornyng , I shipped at Rye , in Sussex , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.3) And the same Day a bowte x of the cloke at nyghte I loaded at Depe , in Normandy , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.4) And ther I lay in the Shippe all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.5) Satirday that was Seynt Benett's Day I cam on londe in to Depe , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.6) And ther I taryed all Day . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.7) Midlente sonnday , the xxij Day of Marche , a browte xj of the cloke , I toke my hors at Depe (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.8) and rode to Totys wher I baytyd (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.9) And so to Rone the same nyght , where I bode munday all Day (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.10) Twesday , the xxiiij Day of March , I departyd from Rone to Cuys to Diner , And to Myny the nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1.11) Wedynsday , the Anunciacion of ower lady , to Povntese to Dine (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.13) and to Parys the same nyght , wher I bode Thursday , ffryday , and Satyrday . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.14) The thursday I went to Seynt Denys on ffote , wher I offerd and sawe the relyqwys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.15) and so retornyd a gayne the same nyght to Parys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.16) Passion Sonday , the xxix Day of Marche , abowte none , I departyd from Parys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.17) And the vj Day of Aprill I cam to Tarrare , wher I passyd an ill mountayne all alone . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.18) And to Labrylle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.19) The munday aftyr Palme sonday I cam to Lyon , which was a long Jorney , xij scor myle and x . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.20) At Lyons I visityd the Reliques at the yle wher Sent Anne lyes and longious . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.21) Ther ys also a Cupe of an Emerawde stone , wherof ower Savyor Crist Drank at hys Mawdy . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.22) At the Grey ffreres $there {TEXT:the} lyes the Holy body of Seynt Bonaventur in Lyon . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.23) Tewysday , the vij Day of April , at ij of the cloke at aftyr none , I Departyd ffrom Lion . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.24) Thursday that was the ix Day of Aprill , I com to Agnebelleto . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.25) The aftyr none I passed ovyer an ill and a grevows Mounte callyd mounte Gobylyn , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.26) the same nyght I com to Cambery with inne the mountis . Wher I bode ffryday and hard Divine service . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,2.27) Ther in a Castyll ys a ffayer Churche where ys the sudary of ower Savyor Crist Jhu . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.29) And ther I hard a ffamus Sermon of a Doctor which began a v of the cloke in the mornyng (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.30) and contynuyd tyll it was ix of the clok . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.31) In hys sermon at on tyme he had a balys in hys hond , a nother tyme a schorge , the iij=de= tyme a Crowne of thorne , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.32) the iiij=th= tyme he shewyd the pepyll a pictur poyntyd on a clothe , of the passion of our lorde . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.33) And after that he shewyd them the ymage of god crucyfyed vpon a crosse , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.34) and thanne all the peple bothe yong and old they fell downe vpon ther knes (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.35) and cryed with lamentable voce , oman , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.36) the precher , the peple they weppe , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.37) marvell it was to see . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.38) Estern evyn , I com to Seynt John Muryan , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.39) ther I a bode Ester Day all Day (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.40) and hard Devine service ; (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.41) in that Cite ys a Cathedrall Church of seculer Prests . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.42) Ther I sey many Reliquis . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.43) Ther ys as they say yt the ffynger of Seynt John Baptiste whych he notyd or shewyd crist Jhu whanne he seyd Ecce Agnus Dei , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.44) ther I offerd . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.45) Ester munday , the xiij Day of Aprill , to Seynt Michell (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.46) and so to Seynt Andrew to Dyner . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.47) The aftyr none to lynnygbur to bede . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.48) Estern tewysday to Suza to Diner , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.49) And $there {TEXT:the} I rest me , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,3.50) for I was were and my hors also ffor the grett labor that I had the same mornyng in passing over the evyll and grevows mounte Senes (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.51) yet I come the same nyght to sent Ambros to my logeyng . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.52) Ester Wedynesday , the xv Day of Aprill , to Turyn , a fayer Cite and Universite , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.53) and to Shewans the same nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.54) Thursday , the xvj Day of Aprill , to Salys to Diner , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.55) And to Wersell the same night . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.56) ffriday , the xvij Day of Aprill , to Novera , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.57) and the same nyght to the grett Cite of Myllane . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.58) Ther I a bode Satyrday , Sunday and munday , All Day . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.59) $There {TEXT:The} in a Chirche of Seynt Silvester ys many grett reliquis , a pece of the vesture of our blyssyd lady . And also of Seynt Jamis , a nother relik of ij of the Innocentis , Also on of the thornys that ower lord was crownyed with . The erth of the Sepultur of ower lady , the staff of Seynt Ambros , the Gyrdell of Seynt Ambros , also the hede of Seynt Barbere , And many moo Reliquis it ys to long too wrytte . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.60) Also ther ys a grett Churche of our Blyssyd lady , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.61) And ovyr the hye Auter in the Roff or toppe of the Churche ys a syne of a sterr of golde , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.62) and in the mydys of the Sterr ys on of naylis that ower Savyr Crist was crucifyed with . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.63) Ther brenne lampes a bowth it that ye may se $it {TEXT:in} perfyghtly . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,4.64) Item , in an old Chyrch nott fer ffrom the Castell of Myllane , ys a Solatory and a Dilectable Place , wher lyes the Holy Body of Seynt Ambros , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.65) And ther I offerd , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.66) And it ys callyd Sanctus Ambrosius . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.67) Munday , the xx day of Aprill , the aftyr none , I rode to Papia or Pavia , a cite and universite , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.68) ther lyes Seynt Austyn , the grett Doctor , in a howse of Religion , of Chanons reguler , and ffryers Austyns , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.69) all being withine the circuite and precincte of Place , they have nevthelesse severall Cloysters and severall logyngs . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.70) But they kepe All ther Divine service in on qwere all to gedyr . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.71) In the same church lyeth Lyonell , the second sonne of king Edward the iij=de= , honorable , vpon whose tumbe ys wretyn , Sanguine insignis fuerat vel floribus armis . Ossa Leoneti continet iste lapis . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.72) In thys cite I abode tewysday , all Day and all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.73) In the same Cite I sold my horse , and my sadyll , and brydell . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.74) Wedynsday , the xxj Day of Aprill , I toke a barke att the forseyd Pavia vpon the Ryver which ys callyd Poo ; (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.75) the same nyght I cam to Placiencia or Plesaunce ; (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.76) ther I stuffed me w=t= wyne and bred and other caseles as me thowght necessary for me at that tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.77) Seynt Gorgys Day to Cremena , a ffayer Cite , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.78) and ther I a bode all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.79) Seynt Markes day to Dosor . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,5.80) Sunday , the xxvj Day of Aprill , I passyd by Mantua , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.82) And so to the towne which ys called Ryver . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.83) And ther I lay all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.84) Munday , the xxvij Day of Aprill , to fferare , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.85) and ther I lay all nyght , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.86) it ys a good Cite , And well and substancially Edifyed . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.87) Tewysday , Erly in the mornyng , we went on fote v myle to a lytyll velage that stande on the watir called ffranccolyno , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.88) ther I toke a barke with Marchauns of Venyse , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.89) the same nyght we lay att Corbala . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.90) Lityll above fferare the Poo departeth in to two parts , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.91) The oon goth to fferare , And so in too the see , And the other parte to Padow . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.92) Wedynsday , the xxix Day of Aprill , ij howrys afore Day , we toke the same barke ageyne , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.93) And a none we left all the Poo , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.94) and toke ower course by a lytyll Ryver that cometh to the same , called the ffosse , made and cutte owte by hande , whych browght vs overwhart in to a nother Ryver called Latyze , that cometh from Verone And Trent , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.95) And yett w=t= inne a whyle we traversed owt of that Ryver into a nother lytyll Ryver , whiche browght vs overwhart a gen in to Latyze , which Latize browght vs in to chose vpon the see called in latyn Claudin , xxv myle ffrom Venys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.96) and ther Dyned . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.97) The same Day we sayled toward Venys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.98) and a bowt iij of the cloke at aftyr none we com to the goodly and ffamose cite of Venys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,6.99) Ther I was well at ese , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.101) ffor $there $was {TEXT:therwas} no thyng that I Desyred to have but I had it shortly . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.102) At Venyse , at the fyrst howse that I cam to except oon , the good man of the howse seyd he knew me by my face that I was an englysshman . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.103) And he spake to me good englyssh , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.104) thane I was Jous and glade , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.105) ffor I saw never englyssh man ffrom the tyme I Departed owt of Parys to the tyme I cam to Venys , which is vij or viij C myles . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.106) The Reliquies at Venys canne not be nowmbred . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.107) Ther lyeth Seynt Elyn , Seynt Barbara , Seynt Luke , Seynt Roke , Seynt Zachary , Seynt Jervas and Prothase . And many other Seyntis and grett reliques . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.108) May Day we went to Seynt Elyn (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.109) and offerd ther , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.110) She lith in a ffayer place of religion of whith monks (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.111) ye may se hyr face perfythly (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.112) hyr body ys Covered with a cloth of whith Sylke . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.113) The iii=de= Day of May , the Invencion of the holy Crosse . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.114) The patrone of a new goodly sheppe with other Marchauntes Desyred vs Pylgrymys that we wold com a bord and see hys shippe with inne , which Shippe ley afor Seynt Markys chirche , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.115) And a bowyte viij of the Cloke we went all in to Seynt Markys Churche , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.116) And aftyr that we went all in to the fforeseyd Shippe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.117) Ther they mad vs goodly Chere w=t= Diverse Sotylties as Comfytes and Marche Panys , And Swete Wynes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.118) Also the v=th= Day of May , the Patrone of another Shippe whiche lay in the see v myle from Venys , he Desyered vs all Pylgrymys that we wold come and se hys Shippe (TORKINGT-E1-P1,7.119) And the same Day we went all with hym , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.120) And ther he provydyd for vs a mervelous good Dyner , wher we had all maner of good viteales , And wynes , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.121) And thanne we retornyed to Venys a geyne . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.122) At the Archinale ther we saw in makyng iii=xx= {COM:three_score} new galyes and galye Bastards , And galye Sotyltes , besyd they that be in viage in the haven . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.123) Ther ys Werkying Dayly upon thez Galyes a m=l= men and moo . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.124) Ther be werkying Daly at the same Archinale , in a place that ys in lengthe m=l= lxxx ffote , mo thanne an C men and women that Doo no thyng Dayly but make Ropes and Cables . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.125) Ther in that Castyll the Marchauntes schewyd vn to vs all maner of artyllary And Ingynes that myght ben Devysed ffor warre , other be see or ellys be londe . As grett gunnes that sum of them be Divided in ij partes and sum in iij partes Joynyd to gedyr be vyres , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.126) marvell it ys to see . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.127) Also ther ys many howses and Chaumbers full of gunnes , bothe grett and small , bryganynes , Crosbowys , Swardys , byllys , halbardes , Sperys , Moryspekys , with all other thynges that ys required necessary for warre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.128) Wedynsday , the vj Day of May , we went by watir to Padua , by the Ryver of Brente , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,8.129) And there we visite and Sawe many Reliquies , As Seynt Antoni , whiche was a grey ffryer , And lith Rygth ffayer in the body of the Churche , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.130) In the Vestrye ther ys an herse that stonde full of Chalys to the nowmbyr of iiii=xx= or v=xx= wher in ys closyd many grett Reliquies , A rybbe of the syd of Seynt Bonaventur , which translate the holy body of Seynt Antony ; And also the tong of Seynt Antony , yet ffayer and ffressh whiche tong he convertyd mych peple to the ffeythe of Crist . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.131) Also in the Abbey of Seynt Justine virgyne , a place of blake monkys , ryght Delectable And also Solytary , Ther lithe the holy body of Seynt Justine , And Seynt Luke , and Seynt Mathew , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.132) And ther we see the ffynger of Seynt Luke that he wrotte the holy gospell with . And also the table of ower blyssyd lady , which Seynt Luke poyntyd with hys owen hande , berying her sone in hyr Armys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.133) it ys seyd who so ever be hold thys pictur of our blyssyd lady , Devowtly onys in hys lyff he shall never be Deprivyd ffrom the syght of hyr evlastyng . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.134) Also ther ys ij locures of iij quarterys of a yard long ffull of bonys of Innocentis whyche kyng Herrodys slew ffor malyce that he bar to Criste . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.135) Thursday , the vij Day of May , we retornyed by the same watir of Brent to Venese ageyne . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.136) Item at Venese ys a place of Nonnys which ys callyd Seynt Johnis Zachari , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.137) in a Coffer by hynd the hith Auter lies the holy body of Zachari , ffather of Seynt John Baptiste , And other ij holy bodys whose namys be wretyng in libro vite . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,9.138) In the Abbey of Seynt George ther we sey many Reliquies of holy Seyntes , bothe Martyres and Virgines , the holy Bodyes and Armys of them , the ffaces , ther ffyngers , the tethe of them , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.140) it ys grett mervell to see , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.141) Ther is a parte of the hede of Seynt George , hys left Arme with the holl hande . The Arme of Seynt Lucie , The Bodys of Seynt Cosme and Damiane . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.142) May Day we went to Seynt Elyne , to a place of Whith Monkes that stande in the See . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.143) Ther she lyeth in a fayer Chapell Closyd in a Coffer , hyr face bare and nakyed that ye may se it perfyghtly , which Seynt Elyne ffond the Crosse at Jherusalen , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.144) Also ther lyes upon hyr brest a lytyll crosse made of the holy crosse , Also the Tunbe of Constantini magni , Sone of Seynt Elyn , And a bone of Seynt Mary Mawdleyn . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.145) In the Monastery of blake monkys callyd Seynt Nicholas De Elio , Ther lyes the body of Seynt Nicholas as they sey , Also oon of the Pottis that ower lord turnyd watir in to wyne , The staff of Seynt Nicholas that he vsed whanne he was Bushoppe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.146) In the Monastery callyd Accusechirii lyes the body of Seynt Barbare , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.147) Also in a nother Auter ys a bone of Seynt Cristofer . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.148) Also in the Church callyd Sancta Marina lies the holy body of hyr De qua miracula vitaspatrum leguntur . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.149) Also in a nother Church lies the holy body of Seynt Luce Virgyn , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.150) ye may see perfyghtly hyr body and hyr Papys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,1O.151) In the Curche of Seynt Marke ther ys many grett Reliquies and Jowellys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.153) ther ys a gret Chalis of fine gold of Curius werke , set with many precius stonys which ys in heyght iij quarters of a yard (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.154) it ys to large to vse at messe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.155) But they vse it in ornyng the Auter at principall tymes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.156) Ther be also iij grett Sensurys Of gold as hye as the Chalys ys , and peyer of grett Candylstykes , a mong other a wonderfull gretnesse that be rygtht Curiusely wrogth and arn {COM:an_urn} fyne gold garnyshed over all with stones of gret Pryse . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.157) Ther be also xij Crownes of fine gold , And a Riche Cappe which eviry Duk ys Crowned with at hys ffrist Intrononyzacions . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.158) The price of all with Crownes Pectorales . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.159) And a Coppe ys inestymable , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.160) ffor they be full sett with precious stunys of grett valor that may be . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.161) Also ther be viij grett Copys of fyne gold garnyshed over with precius stonys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.162) All these thyngs I sawe whanne they war shewyd to the Marchose of Mantua , which browght with hym many Knyghtes and Gentylmen in Riche aperell . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.163) Thys Don we passed owt of the Vestre , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.164) and so to the hye Auter , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.165) And a non it was sett opyn , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.166) And ther war ij torchis brynyng . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.167) The Marchose had a Candyll govyn to him in hys hande bornyng . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.168) The gold , the precius stonys in the Auter when they Glysteryd And shone , it was grett mervell to See . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,11.169) The Richesse , the sumptuous buyldyng , The religius howses and the stabelyssyng of ther Justyces and Counceylles , with all other thynges that makyth a Cite glorius Surmownteth in Venys a bove all places that ever I Sawe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.171) And specially at ij festis wher at we war present , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.172) the on was vpon the Assencion Day . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.173) The Duke with grett Triumphe and solemnyte with all the Senyorye went in ther Archa triumphali , which ys in maner of a sayle of a straange facion and wonder stately , etc. (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.174) And the Marchose of Mantua was w=t= them in the forseyd Galye . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.175) And so they rowed in to the see , with the assistens of ther Patriarche , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.176) And ther Spoused the see with a ryng . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.177) The spousall words be In signum veri perpetuique Domini . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.178) And therwith the duke lete fall the ryng in to the see , the processe and the cerymonyes wherof war to long to wryte . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.179) Thanne thaye Rode to the Abbey of Seynt Nicholas of blake Monkys that stond by juste be them , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.180) And all thaye brake ther fastes , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.181) And so retornyd a geyne to Venys , To the Dukys palace , Wher they had provyd for them a mervelows Dyner , wher at we Pilgrymes war present and see them servyd . At which Dyner $ther {TEXT:her} was viij Corse of soundery metys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.182) And att every Corse the Trunpettes and the mynystrellys com inne a for them . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,12.183) Ther was excedyng myche plate , As basons , Ewers , wonders grett And of a straunge facion , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.184) every iiij persons had a bason and Ewer to washen ther handes , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.185) Also ther was a grett Vesell of Sylver , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.186) And it had at every ende rounde rymys gylte (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.187) and it was iiij cornarde , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.188) And it had at every ende iiij ryngs that ii men myght bere it betwyne them ffor to Cast owt the watyr of ther basons whanne they had wasshed ther handes , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.189) Ther Dysshys ther platers ther Sawcers , all was of Syliver and gylte . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.190) And while they satt at Dyner ther was parte of the Dukys Chapell singing Dyverse balyttys , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.191) And sumtyme they song with Orgones , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.192) And aftyr that ther cam on of the Trompetores (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.193) and he pleyd with the Organs all maner of messur the excellent conyng man that ever I hard with Diverse Instrumets I hard nor never see a ffor . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.194) And whanne Dyner was Don , the Duke sent to the Pilgryms gret basons full of Marchepanys , And also commfytes and maluysey , And other Swete Wynys as myche as ony man wold ete and Drynke . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.195) This Don ther cam on that was Disgysyd (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.196) and he gestyd a for the Duke and the Marchose and the company (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.197) and made them Very mery . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.198) And aftyr that ther cam Dauncers and some of them Disgysyd in women clothes that Daunsyd a gret while . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.199) And after them come Tombelers , both men And children , the marvelows ffelaws that ever I saw (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.200) So myche that I conne nott writt it . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,13.201) The other ffest was oon Corpus xpi Day , wher was the most Solemne pcession that ever I saw . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.203) Ther went Pagents of the old law and the new law Joynyng to gedyr . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.204) The ffygmyes of the blyssyd sacrament in such nowmber and so apte and convenient for that ffest that it wold made any man Joyus to se it . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.205) And over that it was a grett merveyle to se the grett nowmbre of Religius ffolkes and of Scolys that we call Bachelors or ffelachippys Clothid all in white gramens with Diverse bags on ther brestis which bar all lights of wondyr goodly facion , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.206) And be twyne every of the Pagents went lityll childern of both kynds , gloriously and rechely Dressed beryng in ther handys ryche Cuppes or other vessales of gold and silver Rychely inamelyd and gylt ffull of plesaunt fflowers and well Smellying which chyldern kest the flowers vpon the lords and pylgrymes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.207) They war Dressed as Aungellis with clothe of gold and crymsyn velvet to order the seyd procession . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.208) The forme and manner therof excedyd all other that ever I Saw , so much that I canne nott wryte it . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.209) The Duke Satt in Seynt Markes Churche in ryght hys astate in the Qwer on the ryght syd with senyoryte which they call lords in Riche aparell as purpyll velvet , cremsyn velvet , ffyne Scarlett . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.210) Also all the pylgrymes war commandyd to com in to the ffor seyd Qwer (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.211) and ther we Satt all on the lest syd on the quere . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.212) The Duke thus Syttyng with hys lords , the seyd procession be ganne to com be hym a bowte viij of the clok (TORKINGT-E1-P1,14.213) and it was xij or the seyd pression myght Com oonys $abowt {TEXT:abowt} pessyng by as faste as they myght goo but on tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.214) Thanne the Duke rose vp with hys lords and company to folow , the fforsayd procession . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.215) He commaundyd hys lordys that they shuld in the procession every oon of them take a Pylgryme on his Right-hande hys servaunts gevyng to vs grett Candyls of wax , whych Candelys every Pylgrim bar a-way the procession Doon at hys owen plesur . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.216) We procedyd owt of Seynt Markes Churche , in to the Dukys pales , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.217) and so went procession with inne the seyd place because it was Reyne wedyr , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.218) And so retornyed in the Churche a geyne of Seynt Marke (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.219) and ther made ende of the seyde Procession . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.220) Sonday aftyr Corpus xpi Day , the xiiij of June , we Departyd from Venys in a lytyll bott whyche bott browght vs to the Shippe that lay iiij myle withowt the Castellys , a good new shippe whiche mad never Jorney a fore of viij C tunne , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.221) The name of the Patrone was callyd Thomas Dodo . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.222) Twesday , the xvj Day of June , whiche was the translacion of Seynt Richard , a browt v of the Clok in the mornyng we mad sayle with scace {COM:sic} Wynde . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.223) Thursday , the xviij of June , we cam to Ruyne in Histria , x myle from Parens , C myle and x from Venys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.224) Ther we went a lond (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.225) and lay ther all nyght , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.226) ffryday in the mornyng we hard messe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,15.227) Friday , the xix Day of June , a lityll a for nyght , we com all to the Shippe a geyn . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.229) Ther we lay Satyrday all Daye at a naker in the havyn , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.230) ventus erat contarius . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.231) Sonnday a for Midsom day , abowyt vij of the cloke in the mornyng we made Sayle , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.232) And passyd by the Costes of Slavone and Histria , And also Pole which ys xxx myle from Parence , a good havyn (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.233) ffor many Shippys and galyes towche ther rather thanne at Parence . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.234) We Passyd also by Gulfe of Sana , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.235) that y=s= the entre in to Hungeri . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.236) Munday , that was Seynt Albon's Day , we passyd by the havyn of Jarre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.237) Midsomerday we passyd by the most strong and myzghty towne callyd Aragouse , in the Countre of Salvanye or Dalmacie , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.238) they hold of no man but of them self . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.239) They pay tribute to the Turke whiche marche with inne half a myle of the same towne , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.240) it ys the Strongest towne of walls , towers , Bulwerks , waches , and wardes that ever I saw in all my lyff . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.241) This Cite ys v C myle ffrom Venys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.242) Abowte xxx myle by yond Arragouese endith Slovonania , And begyneth Albane , at the town of Budua . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.243) Thursday aftyr MidsomDay , a bowte iiij of the Cloke at aftyr noon we passid by Corfona . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,16.244) The wynd made so well for vs That we approched nott {TEXT:nott_noon} nye non of ther havyns a forseyd . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.245) At Corfona as the Patrone Shewyd me $there {TEXT:the} be ij strong Castellys , stonding vp on ij Rokkys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.246) They hold of the Venysyans . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.247) I trowe they had no wher so strong a place (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.248) yt ys in Grece . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.249) And the Turkes mayne londe lithe with in ij or iij myle of them . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.250) And on Dowtyd the seyd Corfona ys the key entre and hold for the suerte of the seyd Venysyans Sayles and Shippis and countrie a bowte , And be fore any other that they have in those parts . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.251) And at the seyd Corfona they speke all Greke (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.252) and be Grekes in Dede . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.253) Ther growes smale Raysons that we call reysons of Corans , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.254) they grow Chefly in Corinth callyd now Corona in Morrea , to whom Seynt Poule wrote many epistelis . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.255) Corfo ys the fiyrst yle of Grece , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.256) and it ys from Arrogous iij C myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.257) At my commying homward I shall writte mor of the forseyd townes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.258) ffryday was Johns et Pauli (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.259) we sayled with Ese , wynde styll , in alto Pelago , levyng Grece on the left hand and Barbary on the ryght honde . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.260) These be the parte of the Countres that we passyd by . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,17.261) S. {COM:scilicet} Histria , Croacia , Slovonia , Dalmacia , Hilliricum , Corfieu Insula , Dardania Insula , per Achaya , et Albanian per mare , Molon , whiche Countres be all to Grece be yongh Corffew , Aswell the mayne londs as the yles , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.262) And so Doth bothe Candy and Cypres with many moo , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.263) And thanne comyth inn Pathmos Insula , Troya , Constantynapolis , Tracia . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.264) Satyrday , the xxvij Day of Junij , a bowght iiij of the cloke at aftyr noone , we cam to Ganta , in Grece , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.265) and ther we went on londe , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.266) And ther we taryed Sonnday , whych ys vnder the Dominacon of the Venycians . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.267) Also we mette with ij Galyes of Venys , whiche went owte of Venys a moneth a for vs , whiche Galyes went to the Turke Ambasset , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.268) And they Caryed with them Riches and pleasurs , As clothe of gold and Crymsyn velvett , And other thyngs mor than I knewe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.269) Ther is the grettest wynys and strongest that ever I drank in my lyff . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.270) Sunday , whanne I had dyned I went to the Castyll , which stondeth in the toppe of a Mownte , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.271) then the Captyne of the Castyll made me good Cher , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.272) And shewyd to me all the Castyll with in The towers , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.273) the wallys are sore brosyd and brokyn with the erthe qwake which was in Aprill last past , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.274) And all the yle ys sor trobled with the seyd erthe qwake Dyvse tymes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.275) And it ys Also plenteouse of all maner of thyngs that any man nede to have . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.276) Tewysday , the last Day of June that was the Commeracion of Seynt Poule , we passed by Modona , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.277) it was but late the Venycians , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.278) but now the Turke have it . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,18.279) Ther groweth moche Rumney , And mawnsey . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.280) Thys Modona ys CCC myle ffrom Corfona , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.281) And from Modona to Candia ys other CCC myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.282) Also we passyd by the yle Callyd Cyrygo , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.283) it ys directly a yenst the Poynt of Campo Maleo in Morrea , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.284) And in the same yle was Venus borne , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.285) And in the some yle ys Delphos , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.286) And it ys all in Europa , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.287) And so ys all the remnant of Grece , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.288) And be yonthe Grece ov {COM:sic} a brache of the see ys Asia , where in all most at thentre $stonds {TEXT:stonding} Troya , whiche ys the Cheffe Porte of the yle of Tenedos that stondeth in the see . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.289) And all the Countre of Troya ys the Turkes owen contre by herytaunce . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.290) And that countre ys propyrly callyd now Turkey , And non other (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.291) Neverthelasse he hath lately vsurped Grece with many other Countres , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.292) And call them all Turkey . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.293) Over a gens the forseyd yle of Cirigo to the se wardes ys the Stopull of Craggs called in Greke Obaga , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.294) for it ys leke an egge . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.295) Thursday , the ij=de= Day of Julii , a bowt xj or xij of the Cloke a for non , we com to Candi , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.296) itt is callyd otherwyse Crete , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.297) ther be ryht Ill Peple , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.298) it is vnder the Venyschyans . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.299) Ther we ffonde vj or vij englissh Marchaunts whiche made vs good cher . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.300) And they gaff to vs at our Deptyng to the Shippe , Muskedele as myche as fyllyd our botellys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.301) In Candia sive Creta was Musyke fyrst founde . And also Tourneys and exercyse of Armys fyrst founde on horsebake ; (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.302) Ther was lawe fyrst put in wrytyng . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,19.303) Armour was fyrst ther Divisyd and founde , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.304) And so was remys and rownyg in bootes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.305) In Candia ther grows grett Vynes , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.306) And specially of malwesy and muskadell . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.307) In the same yle was Saturnus borne . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.308) Primus Creteys Saturnus venit ab oris , etc . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.309) In Candi Also ys the old Churche wherof Titus was Bysshoppe , to whom Pole wrott Epystyllis , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.310) I saw the hede of the seyd Titus Coverd w=t= sylver and golde , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.311) it ys ther excedyngly hoote . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.312) Thes be the Principall Cetees Off Candi , S. {COM:scilicet} Canea , Candida , Aretymo , Sotiglia . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.313) And the seyd Ill ys v C myle a bowte , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.314) And thys Citee of Candi was sum tyme the habitacule and lordshippe of the Kyng Mynos . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.315) At Candi ys a strong Castell and a large and a fayer towne $w=t= owt the Castell , well wallys strongly , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.316) thys Ile ys a grett Ile and a Plenteows of all maner of thyngs . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.317) They be Grekes in that Ile , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.318) And the Vencions ben Lord ther , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.319) And every yer or every other yer ys Chosyn a Duke by the same Venycions . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.320) Ther groweth the Voyne that ys callyd Malweysy and muskedell . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.321) Sumtyme ther Dwellyd Cretes (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.322) yt ys wretyng of them in Actibus aptor {COM:Apostolurum} , Cretenses semper mendaces bestie . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.323) In that londe , xxx myle from Candy , ys an old brokyn Citee whiche was callyd Cretina , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.324) And a lityll ther be syd stondyth an old Churche which was byldyd in the honor of Jhu Criste And holowyd in the worshipe of Titus Epiis , to whome Seynt Poule wrott in Actibus Aptor {COM:Apostolurum} Ad Titum . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,20.325) In thys Ile as they sey ther war sumtyme a C Citees and C Kynges , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.326) In thys Citee we taryd ij Dayes and an half . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.327) And there was grett hete , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.328) ffor from May to Halowmasse ther groweth no gresse , It is so brent with the hete of the sone , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.329) And thanne abowzt halowmesse begynneth gresse , herbes and flowers to springe , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.330) And it ys ther thanne as somor ys in Inglonde . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.331) So in wynter it ys temperat , no cold but lityll , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.332) ther ys never Snow nor frost with yse , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.333) And yf ther cometh any frost with a lityll yse they wyll shew it eche to other ffor a mervell . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.334) And fro May tyll the latter ende of October Ther ys no Rayne nor clowdes but ryghte selde {COM:seldom} . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.335) But ever the sone shyneth ryght cler and hote . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.336) And a bowte Seynt Martyns tyme the sonne ys as hote ther as it ys in August in Englond . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.337) And so it ys in Rodes and Cipres . And all that Countre Estwarde . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.338) Sonday , the v Day of Julii , a bowghte vi of the Cloke in the mornyng , we made seyle ffrom Candy towardes the Rodes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.339) Munday , at nyght , we passed by the Ile of Pathmos wher Seynt John wrote the Apocalips , whych Ile we left on ower left hande towardes Grece . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.340) The next Day , tewysday , we passed by the Ile of Seynt Nicholas of Cartha wher as be tooles made of Iron that never lese ther egge by myracle of Seynt Nicholas , As they say , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.341) I saw it not : (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.342) The same tewysday , we Saylyd ryght Estwardes toward Cipres , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.343) And left the Rodes on the left hande , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.344) nott aproched ny the rodes by C myle ffor fer of the Turke . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,21.345) Ower patrone of the shippe had sent to hym letters at Candy that he shuld toche at the rodes in no wysse . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.347) Yf he Dede the Turke wold sone have knowlage . And so to take greet Displesur with vs all , and peraventur putt vs in Joypte off over lyffe , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.348) ffor of trewthe he ys not content with no man that ys famyliar with the company that ys at the Rodes , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.349) ffor that hell broude takys them as hys mortall enimes . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.350) It is from Candy to the rodes iij D {COM:sic} myle . And from the Cipres iiij C myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.351) Sunday , in the mornyng , the v Day of Julii , a bowght v of the Cloke in the Mornyng , we made sayle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.352) Wedynsday , the viij Day of Julii , we came Cipres , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.353) And ther we lay thursday all Day . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.354) ffriday , the x Day of July , a bowght x or xj of the Cloke , we made Sayle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.355) Satirday , the xj Day of Julii , a bowght iiij of the Cloke at aftyr noon , we had sight of the holy londe . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.356) Thanne the Maryners song the letany , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.357) And aftyr that all the Pylgryms with a Joyffull voyce song Te Deum Lawid-amus , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.358) And thankyd all myghty god that he had goven {COM:sic} vs such grace to have onys the sight of the most holy lande . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,22.359) {COM:insert_helsinki_sample_1_here} The Pylgimagis w=t= in the Place of Mownte Syon . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,36.363) ffyrst in the sayd Chirche of Mownte Syon , in the self place wher the hyeh auter ys , Ower blyssyd Savior Crist Jhu made hys last Soper and mawdy w=t= his Discipulis , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.365) And made ther the Preciose Sacrament of hys blyssyd body that we vse Dayly in memory of hys glorius passion . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.366) Ther ys clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.367) And vpon the ryght honde of the seyd hyeh Auter ys a nother Auter in the next yle , wher our Savyor wasshed hys Discipullys ffete at the seyd Maundy . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.368) Also a loft wythowt forth at the queres end , ys the place wher the holy goost com and Discendid vpon hys Discipulis in the likenesse of brennyg tongis , and in spyred them vpon whithsonday , as the Servyce of same ffest shewyth . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.369) And ther ys clene Remyssion . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.370) And vnder nethe in the Cloyster in the same place , ys a lytyll Chapell wher our Savyor Crist aftyr hys Resurreccon apperyd to hys Discipulis , the Dorys shete , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.371) And aftyr viij Days , whanne they war a geyn gaderyd to gedyr , And Seynt Thomas with them , he cam vpon them agen , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.372) and seyd to Thomas , Infer Digitum tuum et mitte manum tuam in latus meum , etc. (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.373) Clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.374) Thys Citie of Jherusalem ys a ffayer Emynent Place , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.375) for it stondith vpon suche a grounde , That from whens so ever a man comyth ther he must nedys ascende . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.376) ffrom thens a man may se all Arabye , And the Mownte of Abaryn , and Nebo , and Phasga , the playnes of Jordan , And Jherico , And the Dede see vnto the ston of Deserte . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,37.377) I saw never Citie nor other place have so fayer prospects . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.378) It stondeth fayer a mong hyllys (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.379) and ther ys no Ryver comyng ther to , nor well in it , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.380) but the watir cometh all by condite , in grett plente , ffrom Ebrom and Bedelem , which condites serve all the Citee in every place , And fyll all the pyscynes , whiche are in grett nowmber , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.381) And myche watir renneth now to waste . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.382) Thys londe of Jherusalem hath ben in the handys of many Sundry Nacions . As of Jewys , Cananers , Asseryens , Parciens , Macidens , Medoyns , Grekes , Cristen Men , Sarrasyns , Barbaryns , Turkes , and many other nacions . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.383) Jherusalem ys in the londe of Jude , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.384) and it marcheth Estwardis to the kyngdom of Araby , Southwardys to the londe of Egipte , of Westward to the grett see , Northwardis to the kingdom of Surr , And to the se of Cipres , in sum place . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.385) And the seyd holy lond ys in length , North and Suth , ix score myle , And in bred , Est and west , lx myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.386) Pylgrimages with ine the Temple of the holy Sepulcre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.388) The Tewysday , at vj of the cloke at aftyr non , that was the evyn of Seynt Mari Mawdleyn , we war admitted by the lordes , Turkes , and Mamolukes of the Citie , to entre into the Temple of the holy Sepulcre , Dilyvd in by them by name and tale , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.390) And at the seyd entre to every pylgryme ys granted plenary remission , De pena et a culpa . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,38.391) The same tyme the moste parte of the ffryers of the Mownte Syon Entred with us in to the seyd temple , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.393) ffor they have certeyn placys in ther kepyng with in the same , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.394) That ys for to sey the holy Sepulcre . And the Chapell of our lady wher our savyor apperyd fyrst on to her aftyr hys resurreccon , And Sayd Salve sancta parens , wherin be contynually at the leste ij ffryers of the seyd mownte Sion , to kepte Devowtly the seyd holy places , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.395) and ther lyvyng ys mynystired vnto them twyes a Day from the seyd Mownte Syon . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.396) And ye shall vnderstonde that the Doores of the seyd Temple of the Sepulcre be never openyd by the paynyms , But by the commyng of Pylgrymys at ther grette Sute and Coste , or to chaunge ffryers that have the kepyng of the seyd places with in the Temple . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.397) And over thys ye shall vnderstonde that ther be in Jheruslm ix Diverses Sectis of Cristen men . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.398) And every of the have places Distincte and severall to them self with in the Temple of the holy Sepulcre , to vse the ryghte of ther Sectis , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.399) And with owt forth be for the Entre into thys Temple x pacis in Distan ys put a ston in memory and token that our Savior Crist beryng hys Crost for very febylnesse fell ther to the grounde vnder nethe Crosse . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.400) The Chirche of the holy Sepulcre ys Rounde , myche leke the forme and makyng of the Temple at London , saff it ys excedyng fer in gretnesse , and hath wonder many yles , Crodes and vowtes , Chapellys hygh and lowe , in grett nowmber , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,39.401) and mervell it ys to see the many Deferens and secrete places with in the sayd temple . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.402) And the grett gounde parte westwarde of the seyd tempe ys all open in the Roffe , wher vnder stondith the holy sepulcre of our lord , whiche ys made all of ston Rooke , And all in forme of a lytyll Capell . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.403) And fyrst at the entre of the same ys a lytyll Door , wher we come into a lytyll rounde Chapell vowtyd , other wyse callyd a spelunke , of viij foote of brede and as myche in length . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.404) And from thys we entred into a myche lesse , and a lower Doore , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.405) And come in a like spelunke . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.406) And vpon the ryht hande of the same , evyn with ine the seyd low Door , ys the very holy Sepulcre of our lord cov with a mervyll stone the lenght wher of ys viij foote . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.407) And ther ys no light in to the seyd lytyll Spelunke of the Sepulcre by no manere of wyndow , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.408) But the lyght ys ther mynystred by many lampes hangyng within the seyd Spelunke ov the Sepulcre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.409) In to the ffyrst of thes ij Spelunks entred the women whanne they seyd , Quis revolvit nobis lipidem ab hostio monumenti (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.410) And parte of the same stone lieth ther yett now in the same vttermost Spelunk , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.411) And the other grettest parte ys a stonne of the hye Auter , in Seynt Savyor Churche , wher of ys mention made by for . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.412) Off the procession Doon ther . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.414) Tewysday , that was Seynt Mary Mawlyn evyn , at vj of the cloke at aftyr none , we entred in to the holy sepulcre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,40.416) Thanne war we had by and by in to the Chapell of ower blyssyd lady , whiche the ffryers kepte (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.417) and ther thei made $them {TEXT:the} redy in ornaments (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.418) And be gan ther a very solempne procession . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.419) And at every Station was shewyd vn to vs by on of the ffryers , the mysterys and holynesse of the places wher they made ther Stations . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.420) And thei sang Antemes , ympnys versiculis , and collects approperyd on to the seyd holy place ryght Solennly and Devowtly . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.421) And ffyrst at the procedyng owt of the seyd Chapell of ower blyssyd lady , They Shewyd on to vs that ther the hye Auter ys of the same Chapell , ys the very self place wher our Savyor Crist aftyr hys Resurrection ffyrst apperyd vnto hys blyssyd mother , And seyd , Salve Sancta Parens . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.422) And ther ys plenary remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.423) Also in the same Capell , on the ryght honde of the seyd high Auter , with in a vowte , in maner of a wyndow , ys a grett pece of the peler that our Savyor was bound to whanne in the Howse of Pilate . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.424) Also in the same Chapell , vpon the left honde of the seyd hye Auter , in a lyke wyndow , ys the place where longe remayned the holy Crosse of ower Savyor Criste , aftyr that Seynt Elyne fond it , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.425) and now ther remayne non of it . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.426) Also in the myddes of that Chapell ys the Place wher the holy crosse was provyd by resyng of a Dede man whanne they wer in Dowte whiche it was of the thre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.427) Thys Day the procession procedyd forthe (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.428) and we folowyd with prayers and contemplation as Devowtly as all myghty god yaff vs grace with Candyllys of wax brennyng in our handys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,41.429) And goyng owt of the seyd Chapell , with owt the Dore of the same , be ij whith marble stonys round a bowte x foote a sundre (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.430) $there {TEXT:the} on ys the place wher ower Savyr stode whanne he apperyd to Mary mawdeleyn aftyr hys Resurreccon , in lekeness of a gardner . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.431) And the other ston ys the place wher Mary mawdeleyn stode and Seyd , Raboni . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.432) Thanne our Savyor Criste seyd , Maria noli flere . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.433) And thanne she knew hym perfyghtly . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.434) ffrom thense $they {TEXT:the} Descendid in to a corner of an yle of the same Chirche , wher ys a lityll vowght , Strongly made , wherin owyr Savyr was kept in preson , whiles hys Crosse was in Dressyng and makyn redy . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.435) Also next thys place ys an Auter wher the Crucyfyers Devydyd hys Clothes by Chaunce of the Dyce . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.436) ffrom thens we Discendyd in to a lowe Chapell by xxx grees , wher Seynt Elyn Stode , Sawe , and commaundyd the Diggyng of the Invencion of the holy Crosse . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.437) And aftyr warde she made ther hyr Oratry , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.438) And vsyd to sey her Devotions and prayers most comonly in the same palce {COM:sic_in_text} . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.439) In the same Chapell at the Auters ende , on the Right hande , ys a wyndow , wher , aftyr messe , Seynt Elyn vsyd to knele and wepe by the space of half an howre , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.440) ffor ther she see the place wher she fonde the most holy Crosse perfyghtyly . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.441) And ther ys clene remisson . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.442) ffrom thense we Discendid by xj grees , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,42.443) that browght vs in to a place vnder a Rooke , xxij fote of brede , wher the holy Crosse , the Spere , the Nayles , and the Crowne of Thorne of our blyssyd Savyor was founde , whiche place ys spoke by for . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.444) And ther ys Also clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.445) Also from thense we ascendid a gen in to the Churche , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.446) and came to an Auter , vnder the whych ys a place of stone myche lyke a pece of a pyler , vpon the whyche our Savyor Sate in the Courte of Pilate whanne he was Crowned with thornys , Scornyd and buffetyd . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.447) ffrom thense we ascendyd by xviij grees , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.448) and cam to the Mownte of Calvary , wher o=r= Savyor Crist was Crucyfyed and suffered Deth for ower redempcon , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.449) and ther ys a fayer large Chapell , well vowted , and lytyd by many lampes brennyng , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.450) this place ys mervelows holy and venerable a bove all other . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.451) Also vpon the hight of the same Mownte of Calvery , ys the very hold or morteys hevyn owt of the stone Rooke wherin the Crosse stode , with ower blyssyd Savyor at the tyme of hys passion , whyche Morteys ys in Depnesse ij Spannys to the botom , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.452) the brede ys sumwhat more thane a Spanne . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.453) And ther ys a plate of Coper Sett with inne the commpas of the Stone to the entent that no man shuld kutt nor take a wey any parte of the Sayd ston , and soo Disfygur the same Morteys . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,43.454) Therby Also by the space of viij palmes from the place of the left Arme of Crist hanging on the Crosse ys a scissur or clyfte in the Stone Rooke so myche that a man may almost lye therine , which Ryft goth Downe thorow the rokke of Calvery and appereth by nethe at the Pavyment of the nether Chapell and so goth thorow owt the erthe , vsque in abissu , which Clyft with moo ther be but not so myche Reffe at the precious Dethe of our Savyor Crist . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.455) And it ys of a trouthe as they sey ther , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.456) And it ys assigned by token of a fayer ston layde for remembrance that ower blyssyd lady and Seynt John Evngeliste stod not a bove upon the hyest parte of the mounte of Calvery at the passion of our lord , as it ys poynted And kerven in many places , But she stod sumwhat benethe by for her Der sonne face to face at the tyme of his precious Deth . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.457) Vnder the mounte of Clavery {COM:sic} ys another Chapell of our blyssyd lady and Seynt John Evngeliste that was callyd Galgatha , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.458) and ther , ryght vnder the Morteys of the Crosse , was founde the hede of our fore father Adam . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.459) ffrom the Mownte of Calvery we Decendyd (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.460) and cam to the place assigned like a grave , wher ower blyssyd lady most Dolorous mother Satt havyng in hyr lappe the Dede body of hyr Dere sone , new takeyn Downe from the Crosse , to be put in hys Sepulcre , Seynt John Evngeliste knelyng by her , And Seynt Mari Mawleyn knelyng at our lordys feete . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.461) ffrom thens we went (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.462) and made our stacion at the holy Sepulcre , as in to the pryncipall of that Temple , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.463) ffor all the holl Temple ys Dedicate and halowed in the honor and name of the holy Sepulcre . Off the whiche Sepulcre ys wrytyn more largely at the begynnyng of the Chaptre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,44.464) And ffrom thys holy Sepulcre we went a gen , folowyng always the procession into the Chapell of our lady , wher as we fyrst be gan to go forth with the seyd procession , (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.466) and ther we made an ende . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.467) And whanne we war retornyd a yen on to the sayde Chapell of ower lady , aftyr a lytyll refeccion with mete and Drynke , evy man thanne gaff hym self to Prayer and contemplacion , besely visyng the holy places a for sayd aftyr ther Devocion . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.468) Duryng the hole nyght And erly in the mornyng , all we that war prestis seyd masse , Sum at Calvery , Sum at ower ladys Chapell , And Sum At the holy Sepulcre aftyr our Devocion . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.469) And the laye Pylg=r=mes war howsyld at the Chapell of Calvery . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.470) And also by vij or viij of the cloke in the mornyng we had seyd all masse . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.471) And thanne We refreshed vs with wyne and bred and such other caseles as we cowd gett for ower mony of the Thurkes And Sarrasyns . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.472) The same wedynsday that was the Day of mary Mawdleyn , we taryd all Day and all nyght in the Temple of the holy Sepulcre . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.473) And the next morow we sayd masse as we Ded the tewysday be for . (TORKINGT-E1-P1,45.474)