Myn owne enterly belouyd Cromwel , I beseche yow , as ye loue me and wyl euyr do any thyng for men repare hyther thys day as sone as the Parlement ys brokyn vp , leyng aparte all thyngs for that tyme ; (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.3) for I wold nut onely commynycat thyngs vnto yow wherin for my comfort and relief I wold haue your good , sad , dyscret aduyse and counsell , but also opon the same commytt sertyng thyngs requyryng expedition to yow , on my behalf to be solycytyd : (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.4) this , I pray yow therfor , to hast your commyng hyther assafore {COM:sic} , with owt omyttyng so to do as ye tendyr my socor , reliff , and comfort , and quyetnes of mynde . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.5) And thus fare ye wel : (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.6) from Asher , in hast , thys Satyrday , in the mornyng , with the rude hande and sorowfull hert of your assuryd louer T. Car=lis= Ebor. . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.7) I haue also serteyn thyngs consernyng yowr sylf wych I am suere ye $will $be {TEXT:wolbe} glad to here and knowe : (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.8) fayle not therfor to be here thys nygth , (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.9) ye may retorne erly in the mornyng ageyn yf nede shul so requyre . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.10) Et iterum vale . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.11) M. Agusteyn shewyd me how ye had wryttyn onto me a Lettre wherin ye shuld adu'tyse me of the commyng hyther of the Duke of Norfolke : (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.12) I assure yow ther cam to my hands no suche Lettre . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,2.13) {COM:editorial_material_omitted} My owne goode Mastyr Secretary , aftyr my moste herty recommendacions , with lycke thanks for your goodness towards me , thes $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to advirtyse yow that I have beyn informyd by my trusty frende Thomas Crowmuell that ye have sygnyfied unto hym to my synguler consolations howe that the Kyngs Hyghnes , mouyd with pity and compassyon , and of his excellent goodnes and cheryti consyderyng the lamentable condition and stat that I stand yn , hath wyllyd yow with other lords and mastyrs of hys honorable Cownsell to intende to the perfygttyng and absolvyng , without further tract or delay , of myn end and appoyntment , and that my pardon shulde be made in the most ample forme that my Cownsell cowde devyse ; (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,5.19) for thys the Kyngs moste gracyous remembraunce , procedyng of hymsylf , I accompte my sylf not onely moste bowndyn to serve and pray for the preservation of hys moste Royal Majeste , (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,5.20) but also thancke God that ye have occasyon govyn {COM:sic} unto you to be a sollycyter and setter forth of such thyngs as do and shall conserve my said ende , in the makyng and compownyng whereof myn assuryd trust ys that ye wele shewe the love and affection wych ye have and bere towards me your old lover and frende . So declaryng your sylf therin that the world may perceive that by your good meanys the Kyng ys the better goode Lorde unto me ; and that , nowe , newly in maner commyng to the world , ther may be such respect had to my poore degre , olde age , and longe contynuyd servys , as shal be to the Kyngs hygh honor and your gret prayse and laude , wych undowttydly shal folowe yf ye extende yowr benyvolence towards me and mine , perceiving that by your wysdom and dexteryte I $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} releuyd and in this my calamyte holpyn . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,6.21) At the reverens therfor of God , myn owne goode M. Secretary and refuge , nowe set to your hande that I may come to a laudable ende and reposse ; seyng that I may be furnyshyd aftyr suche a sorte and maner as I may ende my short tyme and lyff to the honor of Cryst's Churche and the Prince . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,6.22) And , besydys my dayly prayer and true hert , I shal so requyte your kyndnes as ye shal haue cause to thyncke the same to be wel imployed , lycke as my seyde trusty frende shal more amply shewe unto yow to whom yt may please yow to give for me credens and loving audience : (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,6.23) and I shall pray for the increase of your honor . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,6.24) Wryttyn at Asher with the tremylling hand and hevy hart of your assuryd lover and bedysman . T. Car=lis= Ebor. . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,6.25) To the rygth honorable and my synguler goode frende Master Secretary . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,6.26) _@ My owne goode mastyr Secretary aftyr my moste herty commendacons I pray you at the reverens of God to help , that exspedicion be usyd in my presents , the delay wherof so replenyssheth my herte with hevynes , that I can take no reste ; nat for any vayne fere , but onely for the miserabli condycion that I am presently yn , and lyclyhod to contynue in the same onles that ye , in whom ys myn assuryd truste , do help and releve me therein ; (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,7.29) for fyrst contynuyng here in thys moweste and corrupt eyer , beyng enteryd in to the passyon of the dropsy , cum prostatione appetitus , et continuo insompnus , I $can $not {TEXT:cannat} lyve ; wherfor of necessyte I muste be removyd to summe other dryer eyer and place , wher I may have comodyte of Physycyans . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,7.30) Secondly havyng but Yorke , wych ys now decayd by viij C. =li= by the yeere I can nat tell how to lyve and kepe the poore nombyr of folks wych I nowe have ; (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,7.31) my howsys ther be in decay , and of every thyng mete for howsold onprovidyd and furnyshyd . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,7.32) I have non apparell for my howsys ther , nor money to bryng me thether , nor to lyve with tyl the propysse tyme of the year shal come to remove thither . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.33) Thes thyngs consyderyd , Mr Secretary , must nedys make me in agony and hevynes ; myn age therwith and sycknes consyderyd . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.34) Alas Mr Secretary , ye with other my lordys shewyd me that I shuld otherwyse be furnyshyd , and seyn unto . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.35) Ye knowe in your lernyng and consyens whether I shuld forfit my spiritualties of Wynchester or no . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.36) Alas the qualytes of myn offencys consyderyd , with the gret punisshement and losse of goodes that I have sustignyd , owt to move petyfull hertys . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.37) And the moste nobyl Kyng , to whom yf yt wold please yow of your cherytabli goodnes to shew the premyses aftyr your accustomable wysdom and dexteryte , yt ys nat to be dowettyd but hys Hyhnes wold have consyderacon and compassion , aggmentyng my lyvyng , and appoyntyng such thyngs as shuld be convenyent for my furniture ; wych to do $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the Kyngs high honer , meryte , and dyscharge of consyens ; and to yow gret praysse for the bryngyng of the same to passe for your olde brynger up and lovyng frende . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.38) Thys kyndnes exibite from the Kyngs Hyghnes shal prolong my lyff for sum lytyl whyl , thow yt shall nat be long ; by the meane wherof hys Grace shal take profygtt , and by my deth non . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,8.39) What ys yt to hys Hyhnes to geve summe convenyent porcion owt of Wynchester and Seynt Albons , hys Grace takyng with my herty good wyl the resydue . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.40) Remembyr , good M=r= Secretary , my poore degre and what servys I have done : and how nowe approchyng to deth I must begyn the world ageyn . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.41) I beseche yow therfor , movyd with pity and compassyon , soker me in thys my calamyti , (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.42) and to your power , wych I do knowe ys gret , releve me : (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.43) and I with all myn shall not onely ascrybe thys my relef unto yow , but also pray to God for the increase of your honor . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.44) And as my poore shal increase , so I shal not fayle to acquyte yor kyndnes . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.45) Wryttyn hastely at Asher with the rude and shackyng hand of your dayly bedysman and assuryd frende . T. Car=lis= Ebor. . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.46) To the rygth honorable And my assuryd frende Mastyr Secretary . (WOLSEY-E1-P1,1.2,9.47)