THE DESCRIPTION AND VSE OF THE TABLES OF TANGENTS AND SECANTS . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.3) Evclid in the second proposition of his third Booke defineth the line Tangent in this sort . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.5) A right line saith he is said to touch a circle when it toucheth it so as being drawn out in length , it woulde neuer cut the saide Circle . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.6) The line Secant is not by him any wher defined , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.7) but what these two lines are , you shall better vnderstand by this figure Demonstratiue here following , then by any definition that can be made thereof : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.8) for a definition ought to bee plaine and briefe , and not long , intricate or doubtfull , which will be hardly performed in shewing the nature of these two lines by way of definition , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.9) and therefore marke well this figure following . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.10) {COM:figure_omitted} In this figure you see first a Circle drawne vpon the Centre C. from which Centre is extended to the circumference of the Circle a right line , called the Semidiameter , marked with the letters A. C. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.11) then there is another right line which toucheth the said Circle , and also the outermost end of the said Semi-diameter making therewith a right Angle in the point A. and is called the line Tangent (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57R.12) then ther is a third line which proceeding from the Centre C. doth cut the circumference of the Circle in the point B. & also meeteth with the line Tangent in the point D and therfore is called y=e= line Secant , betweene which two lines , I meane the Tangent & Secant , is intercepted or included a certaine portion or arch of the foresaid Circle , lesse then a Quadrant marked with the letters A. B. of which Arke the line A. D. is the Tangent , and the line C. D. is the Secant thereof , which must needes meete with the Tangent in the point D. because that the two Angles C. A. D , and D. C. A. are lesser then two right Angles , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.13) for the one is right , and the other sharpe , by reason that the Arke is lesse then a Quadrant . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.14) And some doe call the line Tangent the line Ascript , because it is ascribed to the Circle , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.15) and they call the line Secant the Hipothenuse , because it subtendeth the right Angle A. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.16) & they call the Semidiameter or totall Sine , the base of y=e= rectangle Triangle C. A. D. which is called a rectangle Triangle because it contayneth one right Angle marked with the letter A. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.17) and note that when soeuer any maner of Angle is propounded by three letters , that the middle letter doth alwayes signifie the Angle propounded , be it right , sharpe , or blunt . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.18) Now if you would know to what ende the foresaid two lines were inuented , and wherto they serue you have to vnderstand that they chiefly serue in calculating the quantitie of Angles and their sides , as well in right lined Triangles as in sphericall Triangles , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.19) for the sides of Triangles are either right or crooked , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.20) and if they haue right sides , such Triangles are eyther right angled Triangles , or oblique angled Triangles , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.21) and you haue to note that the quantitie of euery Angle is to be measured by the arch of a Circle subtending that angle , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.22) for the point of every Angle is imagined to be the Centre of a whole Circle , which you may suppose to bee so great or little as you will , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.23) for euery Circle bee it great or little is deuided into degrees , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.24) and looke how many degrees and minutes the arch subtending that Angle containeth , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.25) so much is the quantitie of that Angle , the practise whereof is very wel set downe by Clauius in his commentaries vpon Theodosius , which I minde God willing hereafter to translate into our mother tongue : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.26) In the meane time my intention here , is onely to shew you by one example or two , the vse of the Tables made for the foresaid lines Tangent and Secant . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.27) THE VSE OF THE SAID TABLES ACCORDING TO CLAUIUS , IS THUS . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,57V.29) In seeking out the Tangent or Secant of any Arke giuen , or of the complement of any Arke by either of these Tables , you haue to obserue the selfe same order which you did before in finding out the right Sine of any Arke giuen , or of the complement of any Arke , Per tabulas sinuum . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.31) As for example , if you would finde out the Tangent of an Arke containing degrees , 2'4. then resort to the Table of Tangents in the front , wherof looke first for the Arke degrees , and then in the first collum on the left hand of the said table , for 2'4. right against which on the right hand vnder the Arke you shall finde in the common Angle the Tangent to bee the total Sine wherof is (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.32) but if you would find out the Secant of the foresaid Arke and 2'4. then you must resort to the table of Secants , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.33) and hauing found out the Arke , in the front of the said Tables , and the 2'4. on the left hand as before , you shall find in the commen Angle the Secant to be 15688144 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.34) And if you would haue the Tangent of the complement of the said Arke which is 39. degrees , and 3'6. you shall find the 39. degrees of the complement in the foot of the table of Tangents right vnder the Arke & the 3'6. in the outermost collum on the right hand of the said table , with which complement you must enter the table of Tangents , seeking for 39. degrees in the front of the table , and 3'6. in the first collum on the left hand of the said table , right against which in the common Angle you shall finde to be the Tangent of 39. degrees 3'6. which is the complement of degrees , 2'4 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.35) And you must worke in like manner with the table of Secants : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.36) As for example , if you would find the Secant of 72. degrees , 3'6 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.37) first then enter the table of Secants , looking for 72. degrees aboue in the front of the table , and 36. in the first collum on the left hand of the said table , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.38) and in the common Angle you shall find which is the Secant of 72. degrees , 3'6 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.39) But if you would haue the Secant of the complement of the said arch 72. degrees , 3'6. then looking in the foote of the Table right vnder 72. degrees , you shall finde 17. degrees , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.40) and in the outermost collum on the right hand , iust against 3'6. you shall find 2'4. so as you see that 17. degrees 2'4. is the complement of 72. degrees , 3'6. with which complement you must enter the Table of Secants , looking for 17. degrees , aboue in the front of the Table , and for 2'4. in the first collum on the left hand of the said tables , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58R.41) & in the common Angle you shall find to bee the Secant of the arch 17. degrees , 2'4. which is the complement of the arch 72. degrees 3'6 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.42) THE VSE OF WHICH TABLES IN ASTRONOMICAL MATTERS , I HAUE HERE SET DOWNE AS FOLLOWETH . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.44) 1 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.45) TO FINDE OUT THE DECLINATION OF THE SUNNE , THE PLACE THEREOF BEING KNOWNE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.46) Multiply the Secant of the complement of the greater declination by the totall sine , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.48) & deuide the product by the sine of the Suns distance fro~ one of the Equinoctial points , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.49) the quotient is the Secant of an arch , whose complement is the declination of the Sun ; (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.50) for example , suppose that the sunne be entering into {COM:symbol_omitted} . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.51) to find the declination thereof , first I multiply the Secant of 66. degrees 3'2. . which is the complement of 23. degrees 2'8. the greatest declination by (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.52) the product is which being diuided by the sine of degrees the Sunnes distance from the Equinoctiall point the quotient is for which number I seeke in the Table of Secants , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.53) the arch answering vnto it is 78. degr. 3'2. the complement wherof is 11. degrees 2'9. which is the declination of the Sunne . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.54) 2 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.56) KNOWING THE DECLINATION OF THE SUNNE HOW TO FINDE HIS DISTANCE FROM THE EQUINOCTIALL POINT , AND SO CONSEQUENTLY HIS PLACE IN THE ZODIACKE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.57) Multiply the Secant of the complement of the greatest declination by the totall sine (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.59) & deuide the product by the Secant of the complement of the declination giuen , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.60) the quotient is the distance of the Sun from the Equinoctiall point . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.61) As for example , the declination of the sun is supposed to be 11. degrees 2'9. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,58V.62) then to find his distance from the Equinoctiall , I multiply the Secant of 66. degrees 3'2. . which is the complement of the greatest declination by the totall sine (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.63) the product is which I diuide by (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.64) the Secant is 78. degr. 3'1 . the complement of 11. degrees 2'9. the supposed declination , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.65) the quotient is the sine whereof is degrees {COM:symbol_omitted} which is the distance of the Sunne from the Equinoctiall : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.66) then for his place you must take the same according to the season of the yeare : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.67) for if it be in Aprill , then the Sunne is entring into Taurus , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.68) but if it be in August it is entering into Virgo , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.69) and being in October , it is entring into Scorpio , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.70) and being in Februarie it is in the beginning of Pisces . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.71) 3 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.73) TO FIND OUT THE RIGHT ASCENTION OF THE SUNNE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.74) Multiply the Tangent of the distance of the Sunne from the Equinoctiall point which is nearest vnto it , by the signe of the complement of the greatest declination , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.76) and diuide the product by the total signe , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.77) the quotient is the Tangent of the right ascention of the Sunne , for which if you seeke in the Table of Tangents , the arch answering vnto it is your desire : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.78) For example the Sunne being in the first of Taurus , to knowe the right ascention thereof , I multiply the Tangent of degrees for that degrees is the distance of the Sun from the Equinoctiall point by the sine of 66. degrees 3'2. which is the complement of 23 degrees 2'8. the greatest declination . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.79) the product is which being deuided by the totall sine , the quotient is 5295987. which is the Tangent of 27. degrees , 5'4. which is the right ascention of the Sunne beeing entered into Taurus . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.80) 4 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.82) HOW TO FIND OUT THE DECLINATION OF THE SUNNE KNOWING ONELY THE RIGHT ASCENTION THEREOF . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.83) Multiply the Tangent of the complement of the greatest declination by the total sine , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.85) and diuide the product by the sine of the right ascention giuen , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.86) the quotient is the Tangent of the complement of the Sunnes declination : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59R.87) for example the right ascention of the Sunne being 27. degrees 5'4. I would know the declination thereof , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.88) multiplying the Tangent of 66. degrees 3'2. the complement of 23. degrees 2'8. by the product is which being deuided by 4679298. the sine of the giuen ascention the quotient is 49224856. the arch of which Tangent is 78. degrees 3'2. which being subducted out of the remainder is 11. degrees 2'8. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.89) and so much is the declination of the Sunne . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.90) 5 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.92) HOW TO FINDE THE PLACE OF THE SUNNE KNOWING ONELY THE RIGHT ASCENTION THEREOF . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.93) Subduct the right ascention giuen out of if it be lesse then (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.95) but if the same bee more then subtract the ascention giuen out of (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.96) and being greater then subduct the same from (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.97) and multiply the Tangent of the remainder by the sine of the complement of the greatest declination , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.98) and deuide the product by the totall sine , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.99) the quotient is the Tangent of the complement of the Suns distance from one of the Equinoctiall points : which distance being knowne , the place of the Sunne can $now {TEXT:not} be knowne . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.100) For example , supposing the right ascention of the Sun to be 27. degrees 5'4. the complement thereof is 62. degrees 6'. the Tangent wherof is 18886715. which being multiplyed by the product is which being deuided by the quotient is 17324598. for which I looke in the table of Tangents , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.101) and I finde the arch thereof to be the complement wherof is which is the distance of the Sunne from the Equinoctiall point , that is , from Aries , for that the right ascention is lesse then (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.102) I say then that the Sunne is in the beginning of Taurus . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.103) But if the right ascention had beene more then , and lesse then the place of the Sunne had beene betwixt Cancer and Libra degrees from Libra , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.104) so should it haue been in the first point of Virgo , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.105) but if the right ascention had beene more then the place of the Sunne should be betwixt Libra and Capricorne , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.106) that is in the beginning of Scorpio , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.107) but being more then the place of the Sun should be betwixt Capricorne and Aries , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.108) that is in the beginning of Pisces . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,59V.109) 6 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.112) TO FIND OUT THE ASCENTIONALL DIFFERENCE OF THE SUNNE OR ANY STARRE IN THE FIRMAMENT , KNOWING THE DECLINATION THEREOF , AND ALSO THE LATITUDE OF YOUR REGION . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.113) Multiply the Tangent of the declination of the sunne or star by the Tangent of the Latitude of the place , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.115) and deuide the product by the totall sine : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.116) the sine of the quotient is the signe of the ascentionall difference , the arch whereof is the desired ascentional difference . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.117) For example let the declination of the Sunne starre or other point in the firmament be degrees 3'. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.118) and suppose the latitude to be 52. degrees , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.119) the Tangent of degrees 3. is 1772268. the Tangent of 52. degrees is 12799416. which being multiplyed together , the product will be 2267$$4995$$395488. which being deuided by the totall sine , the quotient is 2267499. for which number I looke amongst the sines , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.120) the arch answering thereunto is 13. degrees 6' . which is the ascentionall difference desired . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.121) 7 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.123) TO FIND OUT THE OBLIQUE ASCENTION OF THE SUNNE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.124) Knowing the place of the Sunne , find out the right ascention of the same by the third proposition , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.126) and find also the ascentional difference of the same point , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.127) then if the declination of the Sun be North , subduct the ascentional difference out of the right ascention , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.128) the remainder is the oblique ascention . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.129) For example , suppose the Sunne to be in the beginning of Taurus , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.130) now to finde the oblique ascention thereof in the Latitude of 52. degrees , first by the third proposition I find out the right ascention of the beginning of Taurus , which I find to be 27. degrees 5'4. for that the declination is North the right ascention (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.131) the remainder is 12. degrees . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.132) & so much is the oblique ascention for the latitude of 52. degrees . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.133) But if the Sunne be in any of the Southern sines and that the declination be South , then the ascentionall difference is to be added vnto the right ascention before giuen . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60R.134) 8 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.137) TO FINDE OUT THE OBLIQUE DESCENTION OF THE SUNNE AT ANY TIME . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.138) First find out the right ascention of the Sunne by the third proposition , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.140) the same shall bee the right descention thereof , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.141) then finde the ascentionall difference by the sixt proposition , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.142) and if the Sun be in any of the Northerne signes , adde the ascentional difference vnto the right ascention , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.143) the summe shall be the oblique descention of the Sunne : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.144) but if it be in any of the Southerne signes , subduct the ascentionall difference out of the right ascention , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.145) the remainder is the desired descention : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.146) as for example the sunne being in the beginning of Taurus , the right ascention thereof by the third proposition is 27. degrees 5'4. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.147) the ascentionall difference thereof by the sixth proposition is 15. degrees 4'. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.148) for as much then as Taurus is a Northerne signe , I adde the ascentionall difference vnto the right ascention , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.149) the summe is 24. degrees 5'8. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.150) & so much is the oblique descention of the Sunne being in the beginning of Taurus . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.151) 9 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.153) TO FIND OUT THE LENGTH OF THE DAY OR NIGHT . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.154) Hauing found out the ascentionall difference by the sixth proposition , adde the same vnto if the sunne be in any of the Northerne signes , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.156) but if it be in any of the Southerne signes , subduct the ascentionall difference out of (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.157) then diuide the summe of the addition or the remainder of the subtraction by 15. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.158) the quotient will shew the halfe length of the day in houres and minutes , which being doubled you shall haue the whole length of the artificiall day . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.159) For example the Sunne being in the beginning of Taurus , the ascentionall difference thereof is 15. degrees 4'. which for the summe is degrees 4'. which being deuided by 15. the quotient is 7. houres the halfe length of the day which being doubled will be 14. houres the whole length of the artificiall day in the Latitude of 52. degrees . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.160) (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.162) TO FINDE THE HOURE OF THE SUNNE HIS RISING OR SETTING IN ANY LATITUDE ASSIGNED . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.163) First find out the halfe length of the artificiall day by the 9. proposition , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.165) and subtract the same from 12. houres , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,60V.166) the remainder will shew the houre of the sunnes rising , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.167) for example the Sun being in the beginning of Taurus to know the houre of his rising in the Latitude of 52. degrees , by the ninth proposition , the halfe length of the artificiall day I finde to bee 7. houres , which I subtract from 12. houres (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.168) the remainder is 5. which sheweth that the Sun riseth at 5. of the clocke in the Morning (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.169) but the halfe length of the day it selfe is the houre of the Sunnes setting . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.170) 11 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.172) TO FIND OUT THE LENGTH OF THE PLANETARIE HOURES AND TO FIND WHAT PLANET RAIGNETH AT ANY HOURE OF THE DAY . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.173) First find out the length of the artificiall day by the ninth proposition , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.175) and diuide the same by 12. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.176) the quotient is the length of one planetarie houre : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.177) or thus , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.178) hauing an houre of the artificial day giuen , looke what houre the same is from the Sunne rysing , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.179) and multiply the same by 12. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.180) diuide the product by the length of the artificiall day , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.181) the quotient is the number of the Planetarie houre . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.182) For example the sunne being in the beginning of Taurus , and our Latitude being 52. degrees , the length of the artificial day by the ninth proposition is 14. houres : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.183) then doe I deuide 14. by 12. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.184) the quotient is 1$$1$$4. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.185) that is 1. houre . the length of one Planetarie houre . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.186) But if an houre of the artificiall day be giuen as that I would know what Planetarie houre it is at 9. of the clocke the Sunne being in the first of Taurus in the Latitude of 52. degrees , hauing found that the Sunne riseth at fiue of the clocke by the tenth proposition , I see that 4. houres of the artificiall day are gone at nine of the clocke , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.187) I therefore multiply 12. by 4. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.188) the product is 48. which I diuide by 14. the length of the artificiall day , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.189) the quotient is 3$$1$$7. which is the Planetarie houre at the time set downe : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.190) likewise shall you find the Planetarie houre of the night , finding the length thereof , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.191) and then worke with it as was shewed before for the day . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.192) Now to know what Planet raigneth at any houre of the day or night is plainely set downe in the 52. Chapter which is the last Chapter of my second booke of the Spheare . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61R.193) 12 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.196) TO FINDE THE ARCH OF THE EQUINOCTIALL , COMPREHENDED BETWIXT THE MERIDIAN AND ANY CIRCLE OF POSITION ACCORDING VNTO CAMPANUS AND GAZULA . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.197) Multiply the Sine of the complement of your Latitude by the Tangent of the distance of the giuen Circle of position from the Zenith , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.199) & diuide the product by the totall Sine , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.200) the quotient is the Tangent of the arch of the Equinoctial , which is comprehended betwixt the giuen Circle of position , and the Meridian . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.201) For example in the Latitude of 52. I would knowe what part of the Equinoctiall is comprehended betwixt the Meridian and that Circle of position , which is degrees from the Zenith : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.202) the Latitude being 52. degrees , the complement thereof is 38. degrees , the Sine whereof is 6156615 , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.203) and the Tangent of degrees , for that is the distance betwixt the giuen Circle of position and the Zenith is which being multiplyed by 6156615. the product is which being diuided by the totall Sine , the quotient is 3554522. for which I seeke among the Tangents , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.204) and I finde the Arke aunswering thereunto . to be 19. degrees 3'4. the Arch of the Equinoctiall , betwixt the Meridian and the giuen Circle of position . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.205) 13 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.207) KNOWING THE LATITUDE OF YOUR REGION , AND ALSO THE ELEUATION OF THE POLE ABOUE ANY CIRCLE OF POSITION , HOW TO FINDE THE INCLINATION OF THE SAID CIRCLE OF POSITION VNTO THE MERIDIAN , AND SO CONSEQUENTLY THE ARCH OF THE EQUINOCTIALL , WHICH IS BETWIXT THE SAID CIRCLE OF POSITION AND THE MERIDIAN . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.208) Multiply the Secant of the complement of the eleuation of the Pole aboue the Circle of position by the Sine of your Latitude , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.210) and diuide the product by the total Sine , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.211) the quotient is the Secant of the complement of the inclination of the circle of position vnto the Meridian , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.212) and that is the distance betwixt the Circle of Position and the Zenith , by helpe whereof you shall find the Arch of the Equinoctiall , betwixt the Circle of Position and the Meridian , as in the former proposition . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.213) As for example , suppose the eleuation of the Pole aboue the Circle of position , in our Latitude of 52. to be 23. degrees 1'2 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,61V.214) Now to find out the Inclination of that Circle of Position vnto the Meridian , first I multiply 25384445. the Secant of 66. degrees 4'8. . for that is the complement of 23. degrees 1'2 . the eleuation of the Pole aboue the Circle of position by the Sine of 52. the Latitude of our Region , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.215) the product is which being diuided by the quotient is for which I looke in the Table of Secants , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.216) and the Arch thereof is degrees . the complement whereof is degrees which is the Inclination of the Circle of position vnto the Meridian , or the distance of the Zenith from the said Circle , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.217) then to finde the Arch of the Equinoctiall betwixt the said Circle of Position and the Meridian , repeate the worke of the former proposition . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.218) 14 (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.220) TO FIND OUT THE ELEUATION OF THE POLE ABOUE ANY ASSIGNED CIRCLE OF POSITION IN ANY GIUEN LATITUDE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.221) Knowing the Inclination of the assigned Circle of Position vnto the Meridian , Multiply the Secant of the complement thereof by the totall Sine , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.223) and diuide the product by the Sine of your Latitude , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.224) the quotient is the Secant of the complement of the Eleuation of the Pole aboue the giuen Circle of Position : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.225) as for example , suppose the inclination of a Circle of position to bee degrees (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.226) Now to finde the eleuation of the Pole aboue the same for the Latitude of 52. degrees First take the complement of degrees which is degrees the Secant whereof is which being multiplyed by the totall Sine the product is which being diuided by the Sine of 52. the assigned Latitude the quotient is for which I seeke in the Table of Secants , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.227) and the Arch answering thereunto I find to be 66. degrees 4'8. the complement whereof is , 23. degrees 1'2 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.228) and so much is the Eleuation of the Pole aboue the assigned Circle of Position in your Latitude . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.229) Thus much touching the vse of the Tables of Sines , Tangents and Secants , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.230) now here followeth the three Tables , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.231) first the Table of Sines , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.232) secondly the Table of Tangents , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.233) and thirdly the Table of Secants . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.234) Finis . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,62R.235) OF THE TWO COLURES , AND WHY THEY ARE SO NAMED , AND WHERETO $THEY {TEXT:THE} SERUE : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.238) ALSO OF THE FOURE CARDINALL POINTS , THAT IS OF THE TWO EQUINOCTIALL , AND THE TWO SOLSTITIALL POINTS , AND OF THE ENTRANCE OF THE SUNNE INTO ANY OF THOSE POINTS OR INTO ANY OTHER SIGNE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.239) CAP. 16 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.242) What be Colures ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.244) They bee great mooueable circles passing through both the Poles of the world , which the Astronomers do otherwise call Circles of declination , whereof they make which are halfe so many as there $bee {TEXT:vee} degrees in the Equinoctiall , applying them to diuers vses not needfull here to be rehearsed , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.245) for sith that there are but 2. Colures accustomably set down in the Spheare , without the which a materiall Spheare $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be made , I minde heere therefore onely to treate of them . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.246) Shew first what this name Colure signifieth . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,150V.247) This word Colure beeing compounded of Colos and Oura , is as much to say as vnperfect or maymed , the taile being cut off , because none of these Circles are euer seene whole aboue our Horizon , but parte thereof , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.248) for some part is alwayes seene , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.249) and some part is alwaies hidden , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.250) as that part which is aboue the Horizon , and nigh vnto the Pole , is alwaies seene , because it neuer goeth downe under the Horizon : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.251) likewise that which is nigh vnto the South pole is alwaies hidden from vs , because it neuer riseth aboue our Horizon , as by turning the Spheare about , you may easilie perceiue the same . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.252) Which be those Colures that are commonly set downe in the Spheare , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.253) and how are they named ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.254) They are two great mooueable circles , passing through the Poles of the world , crossing one another in the said Poles with right Sphearicall angles , by meanes whereof they deuide the whole Spheare into foure equall partes , of which two Colures the one is called the Colure of the Equinoxes , and the other the Colure of Solstices . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.255) Describe these two Circles , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.256) & shew why they are so named ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.257) The Colure of the Equinoxes is so called because it cutteth the Zodiaque in the beginning of Aries , which is called the vernal Equinoxe : and also in the beginning of Libra , which is called the Autumnall Equinoxe , at which two times the daies and nightes be equall , as hath been said before when we did speake of the Equinoctiall circle , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.258) and this circle deuideth the Ecliptique into two halfes , the one Septentrionall , and the other Meridionall (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.259) and thereby sheweth the signes wherein the Sunne maketh the dayes longer and shorter than the nights , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.260) for whilest he is in the 6. Northern signes , he maketh the daies with vs longer then the nights , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.261) and when he is in the 6. Southern signes he maketh the nightes longer then the daies : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.262) now you haue to vnderstand that the Colure of the Solstice , is so called because it cutteth the Zodiaque in the two Solstitiall points , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.263) that is to say , in the beginning of Cancer , and the beginning of Capricorne , as you may see in beholding and turning the Spheare about with your hand . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.264) Why are these two points called Solstitiall ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.265) They take their name of these two Latine words Sol and statio , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.266) that is to say , the Sun and standing , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.267) for when the Sunne is in any of the two points , hee seemeth to stand still , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151R.268) or at the least mooueth so little , as his proper moouing from West to East $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be easily perceiued , during the space of twelue dayes . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.269) And you haue to note , that when the Sunne entereth into the first degree of Cancer , which is about the 22. of Iune , then hee is at the highest , and the dayes be at the longest , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.270) and therefore , it is called the Summer Solstice . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.271) Againe , when hee entereth into the first degree of Capricorne , which is about the 12. of December , then the Sunne is at the lowest , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.272) and the nights are at the longest , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.273) & therefore it is called the Winter Solstice . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.274) And in this Colure there are set downe the two Poles of the Ecliptique line being distant from the Poles of the world 23. degrees and 2'8. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.275) Moreouer on this Colure is measured the greatest declination of y=e= Sun , which is alwayes equall to the distaunce of the Pole of the Ecliptique , from the Pole of the world , as hath been said before . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.276) And you haue to note that the 4. former points , that is to say , the 2. Equinoxes , and the 2. Solstices , are commonly called the foure cardinall or principall pointes , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.277) and of some they are called , the foure pointes of Change , signifying the 4. beginnings of the foure diuers seasons of the yeare : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.278) for betwixt the beginning of Aries and beginning of Cancer , is contained the Spring time , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.279) and betwixt the beginning of Cancer and the beginning of Libra , is the summer time : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.280) and from the beginning of Libra to the beginning of Capricorne is the time called Autumne , or fall of the leafe : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.281) and from the beginning of Capriconre to the beginning of Aries is contayned the winter season , albeit the Sunne entreth not into any of these signes alwayes at one selfe day or time of the yeare , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.282) for at Christ his incarnation , the Sunne entred into Aries the 25. of March , and into Cancer the 24. of Iune , and into Libra the 27. of September , and into Capricorne the 25. of December , which was then the shortest day in the yeare , and the beginning of Winter , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.283) and therefore is called of the Latines , dies brumalis , on which day Christ our Sauiour was borne , so as from the time of his birth vnto this present yeare , there are runne almost 13. dayes , wherefore , vnlesse the Kalenders bee reformed as well heere in England as elsewhere for the Romane reformation is not so exactly true as it might bee wee shall haue in processe of time , the Spring in Winter , and the Winter in Autumne . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,151V.284) How shall I know this present year , or any yeare to come hereafter , at what day and houre the Sunne entereth into any of the 12. Signes ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,152R.286) First you must learne by some good Ephemerides , or other Table , the true entrance of the Sun into euery signe in any yeare passed before , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,152R.287) then from the time of the entrance of the Sunne into the signe which you desire to know , consider how many yeares are betwixt , and how many leape yeares are in the same contained , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,152R.288) and substract for so many times as there be leape yeares , 4'4. , of an houre , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,152R.289) and ad to the houres remaining , so many times fiue houres , and 4'9. as there bee yeares remaining ouer and besides the leape yeares , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,152R.290) and that summe shall shew you the day , houre , & minutes of the true entrance of the Sunne into that signe in the same yeare that you desire to know . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,152R.291) CAP. 21 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,158V_misnumbered_as_157V.294) Hauing briefely described all the Circles as well greater as lesser that are imagined to be in the 8. heauen , I thinke it good now to speake somewhat of the starres and celestiall bodies placed in the saide heauen , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,158V_misnumbered_as_157V.296) And first of their substance , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,158V_misnumbered_as_157V.297) and then of their moouing , figure , shape , number , magnitude or greatnes , also of their Longitude , Latitude , declination , ascention , descention both right and oblique , and of the ascentionall difference , and finally of the threefold Poeticall rising and going downe of the starres , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.298) but first of their substance . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.299) Of what substance are the starres . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.300) The stars be of the same substance that the heauens are wherein they are placed , differing onely from the same in thicknes , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.301) and therefore some defining a starre doe say , that it is a bright and shining body , and the thickest part of his heauen , apt both to receiue and to reteine the light of the Sunne , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.302) and therby is visible and obiect to the sight : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.303) for the heauen it selfe being most pure , thinne , transparent , and without colour is not visible , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.304) and for this cause the milke-white impression in heauen like vnto a white way called of the Astronomers Galaxia , and of the common people our Ladies way , is visible to the eye , by reason that it is thicker then anie other part of the heauen . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.305) Why are not the starres seene as well in the day , as in the night . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.306) Because they are darkened by the excellent brightnesse of the Sunne from whome they borowe their chiefest light . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.307) OF THE MOOUING AND SHAPE OF THE STARRES . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.309) CAP. 22 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.312) What moouing haue the starres ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.314) The selfe same moouing that the heauen hath wherein they are placed . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.315) Whereby are the heauens mooued ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.316) Some say that the first mooueable is turned by God himselfe , and all the rest of the heauens euery one by his proper intelligence , which though it turneth his heauen about , yet it giueth neither life , sense , nor vnderstanding thereunto , as some haue vntruely holden , affirming the heauens to be liuing and intelligible bodies . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159R_misnumbered_as_158R.317) If the starres haue no moouing of themselues , whereof commeth it then , that some seem to our sight sometime nigher & sometime further off . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.319) All the fixed starres of the firmament are alwayes of like distance , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.320) notwithstanding by reason of the manyfold moouing of the firmament , wherein they are placed , they seeme to change their places , and sometimes to bee more towardes the East or West , North or South . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.321) And whereas the vii. Planets called the wandring starres , doe change their places now here now there , that chanceth not by their owne moouing , but by the moouing of the heauens wherin they are placed : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.322) for a starre being round of shape hath no members meete to walke from one place to another , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.323) but onely changeth his place through the motion of his Spheare or heauen wherein such Planet is fixed . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.324) Of the number of the stars , and of their magnitude or greatnesse , and into how many Images they are deuided , and how many starres euery Image containeth . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.325) CAP. 23 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.327) May the starres be numbred by man ? (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.329) No , for as Dauid saith , that belongeth onely to God , who as hee created them , so hee can number them and call them all by their names , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.330) notwithstanding the Astronomers by their industrie and diligent obseruacion , haue attained to the knowledge of manie : as first they know the seuen Planetes , otherwise called the wandringe starres , and haue made manifest demonstrations of their motions , and by continuall obseruation haue found out the manifolde vertues , powers and influences of the same , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.331) but of the fixed starres they could neuer finde more then , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,159V_misnumbered_as_158V.332) and because the starres are not equall in greatnes or bignesse , they make sixe differences of greatnesse , appointing to the first difference 15. starres , which are bigger then all the rest , whereof euerie one containeth the earth times , to the seconde difference 45. starres , whereof euery one containeth the earth times . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.333) To y=e= third they appoint starres , whereof euery one containeth the earth 72. times . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.334) To the fourth difference they appoint 474. starres , whereof euery one containeth the earth 54. times . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.335) To the fift they assigne 217. starres , whereof euery one containeth the earth 57. times . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.336) To the sixt or last greatnesse they appoint 49. small starres , whereof euery one containeth the earth 18. times , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.337) and some say times . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.338) Besides these there be 14 others , whereof 5. be called clowdy and the other darke , because they are not to be seene but of a very quicke and sharpe sight . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.339) And you haue to note that the auncient Astronomers do deuide all the fixed stars to them known into 48. images , wherof they liken some to liuing things as to men , women , beasts , monsters , foules , fishes , and creeping wormes , and some to things without life , hauing some artificiall shape , of which 48. images , they appoint 12. to the Zodiaque , commonly called the 12. signes , as Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo , Virgo , Libra , Scorpio , Sagittarius , Capricornus , Aquarius and Pisces . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.340) Againe they place in the North part of the firmament 21. images , and in the South part thereof 15. images , which make in all 48 . The description of all which images , together with their names hereafter followeth : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.341) and first I will describe vnto you the twelue Images contained in the Zodiaque . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.342) OF THE XII. IMAGES OR SIGNES OF THE ZODIAQUE . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.344) CAP. 24 . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.345) The twelue signes as some affirm doe containe of the foresaide number of fixed stars 273. (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.347) for the first signe called Aries , that is to say , the Ramme , containeth 13. starres , which Image or signe being placed in the coniunction of the Zodiaque with the Equinoctiall , hath his backe turned towardes the North , and his head towardes the East , and riseth with his head , and goeth downe with his feete . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160R_misnumbered_as_157R.348) The second figure called Taurus , that is to say , the Bull , containeth 33. starres , whereof there is one bright starre of the first bignesse called Oculus Tauri , that is to say , the Bulles eye , who hath his head enclyned towards the West as though he looked towards the earth , and riseth and goeth downe with his heeles vpwarde . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.349) The thirde Signe called Gemini , that is to saye the twinnes , doe containe 18. starres , their heads looking towards the North , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.350) and their backes being ioyned together doe embrace one another , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.351) doe rise lying , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.352) and doe goe downe with their feete . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.353) The fourth Signe called Cancer , that is to saye , the Crabbe contayneth nine starres , extending his feete towardes both the Poles , and looking towards Leo , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.354) hath his bellie turned towards the earth , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.355) and hee riseth and falleth with his hinder part or backe part of his bodye . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.356) The fifth Signe called Leo , that is to saye the Lyon , contayneth ten starres , whereof there be two bright starres of the first bignesse , the one in his breast called Cor Leonis , and Regulus , that is to say the Lyons heart , and the other in his tayle called Cauda Leonis , that is to saye , the Lyons tayle , who looketh towardes Cancer , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.357) and hauing his backe turned towardes the North , hee riseth and goeth downe with his head . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.358) The sixt Signe called Virgo , that is to saye , the Virgine , whose head is behinde the Lyon and toucheth the Equinoctiall line with her left hande , holding in the same hande an eare of Corne , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.359) shee both ryseth and goeth downe with her head : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.360) this Image containeth sixe and twentie starres , whereof there is one bright starre of the first bignesse called Spica Virginis , that is to saye , an eare of Corne . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.361) The seuenth Signe called Libra , that is to saye the Ballance , contayning eight starres hath two skales , whereof one hangeth towardes the North , and the other towardes the South . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.362) The eight Signe called Scorpios , that is to saye the Scorpion , contayneth one and twentie starres , who looketh towardes Virgo , and extendeth his feete towardes both the Poles , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.363) hee boweth his tayle towardes thte North , hauing his bellie turned towardes the Earth , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.364) and hee ryseth and goeth downe bowing . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.365) The ninth Signe called Sagittarius , that is to saye the Archer , contayning one and thirtie starres , hath his heade towardes the North , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.366) and looketh towardes the Scorpion , hauing a bowe and shaft , whereof the bowe toucheth his left hande and left foote , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.367) hee riseth right vppe (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.368) and goeth downe headlong . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,160V_misnumbered_as_157V.369) The tenth signe called Capricornus , that is to saye , the Goate contayning eight and twentie starres , hath his backe turned towardes the North , and his head towards the Archer , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.370) and turning himselfe towardes Aquarius , hee ryseth right vp , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.371) and goeth downe headlong . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.372) The eleauenth Signe called Aquarius , that is to saye , the water bearer contayning two and fourtie starres , hath his heade towards the North , extending his left hande vppon the backe of Capricorne , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.373) and with his right hande powreth out water out of his potte , which bendeth towards the East , runneth euen to Pisces , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.374) hee ryseth and goeth downe with his heade before anye other of his members . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.375) The twelueth Signe called Pisces , that is to saye , two Fishes , doe contayne foure and thirtie starres , wherof the backe of the first is towards the North , and the backe of the seconde towardes the West arme of Andromeda , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.376) and one of the Fishes looketh towardes Aquarius , and the other towardes the North , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.377) and betwixt these two Fishes is a certaine little line wherewith their tayles are bounde together as it were with a bond , the lower part of which Fishes , doth alwaies both ryse and goe downe , and not the vpper part : (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.378) And though the 12. Signes of the Zodiaque are said to bee equall both-2 in length and breadth , that is to saye , hauing thirtie degrees in length , and twelue degrees in breadth , as hath beene sayde before , yet these Images are not equall , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.379) for some doe extende , further then the Zodiaque in breadth , and some are more then degrees in length , As the Tables of Alphonsus doe manifestly shewe , who sayeth there that the twelue Signes doe contayne three hundred and fiftie starres , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.380) for he appointeth to Aries eighteene , to Taurus fourtie foure , to Gemini twentie fiue , to Cancer thirteene , to Leo thirtie fiue , to Virgo thirtie two , to Libra seuenteene , to Scorpio twentie foure , to Sagittarius thirtie and one , to Capricornus twentie eight , to Aquarius fourtie fiue , to Pisces thirtie eight , which make in all three hundred and fiftie , in which Tables are also set downe the Longitude , Latitude , and Magnitude of the saide starres , (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.381) but the Longitude of the saide stars , is farre altered from that Longitude which they had in his time , whereof we shall speake hereafter more at large . (BLUNDEV-E2-P2,161R_misnumbered_as_158R.382)