Pleas it your Highnes to knowe I have received your most honourable Lettres of your gracious thanks for my pure service done to your Grace according to my dieuty , which is to me the most singler comforth and rejoysing I can have ; (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,93.4) for by the same I well perceyve yo=r= Highnes regardeth not the sinistre reaport or rumor surmised ayenst me , ne your Grace regardeth or geveth ony credence thereunto , wherby I am bounde the rather to $do $unto {TEXT:doun_to} your Highnes the most laudable and acceptable service I can or may do , and so shall undoutedly at all my power : (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,93.5) and where as by the same your most honorable letters I understond your pleasor and commaundment is that I shold effectually procede to the spedy execution of ij Roods opon the West and Medyll Marches to the most annoyaunce of the Scotts that I possibly may , like it your Grace to knowe Opon Thuresday last past I assembled your subgietts in Northumbreland to the nombre of a thousand horsmen , and rode in at Gallespeth and so to the watre of Kale two myle within Scotland , and there set furth two foreyes ; my broder Philipp Dacre with ccc. men which burnt and destroyed the Town of Rowcastell with all the cornes in the same and thereabouts , and wan two towres in it , and burnt both roffe and flores : (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.6) and Sir Roger Fenwike with ccc. men burnt the Town of Langton (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.7) and destroyed all the cornes therein : which Townes er in the hert of the countre two myle beyond Jedworth opon the watere of Chevyot . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.8) And I come with a stale to a place called the Dungyon , a myle from Jedworth , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.9) and so went to the Sclater furd on the water of Bowset , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.10) and there the Scotts persewed us right sore , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.11) ther bekered with us , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.12) and gave us hand stroks ; (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.13) there come thre standards to bak theym , that is to say David Karr of Fernehirst and the lard of Boudgedworth opon the oon side , and the sheriff of Tevidale on the othre side , with the nombre of dcc. men or mo . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.14) The lard of Walghope was hurt there with oon arrowe and his hors slane ; (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.15) Mark Trumbill was strikken with a spere and the hede left in hym , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.16) his hors was won , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.17) and diverse Scotesmen were hurt there . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.18) And so we come forwards , where we saw my brother Syr Cristofer Dacre with his oste arreyed at a place called the Bellyng , which was to us no litill comforth , and to hym gret gladnes seyng the small power we were of at that tyme . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.19) My said broder come in at Cressopbrige (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,94.20) and there entred the Medyll marches , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.21) and so come thorow Ledesdale to the $rughe $swyre {TEXT:rughes_wyre} , xiiij myle within the ground of Scotland , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.22) and there he put furth two forreyes : Syr John Ratclif with fyve hundreth men in oon , which burnt the town of Dyker sex myle from the said swyre with a towre in the same , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.23) thei layed corne and straw to the dore (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.24) and burnt it both rofe and flore , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.25) and so smoked theym owt . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.26) Also the said Syr John and his company burnt the Townnes of Sowdon and Lurchestrother with a towre in it , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.27) and destroyed all the cornes about theym (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.28) and toke diverse prisoners with much insight and goods . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.29) Nicholes Haryngton , Nicholes Rydley , Thomas Medilton , and George Skelton with othre to the nombre of fyve hundreth in the othre forrey burnt the towne of Hyndhalghehede and a towre in the same flore and rofe ; and in likewise the townnes of Westsaw syde and Estsaw syde , with a Pele of lyme and stane in it : (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.30) and my said brother Syr Cristofer , with two thousand horsmen and cccc. fute men with bowes for savegard of thost in strayts come in a stale to Dykerawe ; (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.31) and there the said forreyes releved to hym , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.32) and so come forward (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.33) and met me . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.34) We had not rydden above the space of a myle when we sawe the Lord Chambrelane appere in our sight with ij M. men , and four standerds ; (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.35) the othre thre standerds resorted to hym (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.36) and so the countre drew fast to theym . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.37) We put us in arreye (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.38) and come homeworde (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,95.39) and rode no faster then nowr sheep and swyne that we had won wold dryve , which was of no gret substance , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.40) for the countre was warned of our comyng (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.41) and the bekyns burnt fro mydnyght forward . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.42) And when the Scotts had geven us overe we retourned home (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.43) and come in at the Redeswyre . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.44) I come to Harbotill at mydnyght : (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.45) my broder Syr Cristofer lay that night at the towre of Otterburne , and opon the morne to Hexham , and his folks in other townnes opon the water of Tyne , and , on the thrid day at home , as many as might git . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.46) Sir I se not the gentilmen of the countre in a redynes for defence of your bordoures , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.47) for certen of theym to whome I had geven warnyng , as my Lord Ogle which promised to com to me , the constable of Alnewike , and othre , trustyng thei wold have bene glad to do your Grace service accordingly as thei have done to your Wardens in tyme of werre , come not to me at the place appoynted , wherby I was not accompayned as I thoght to have bene . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.48) I was counselled and avised by my guyds to have rejorned my purpose , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.49) and so wold have done , but oonly that I had appoynted with my broder Syr Cristofer to mete hym in Scotland , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.50) for he departed fro me to the West Merches to bryng my folks from thens whome I might not disappoynt (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.51) for I had no space to gif him warnyng , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.52) it was xxx=ti= myle fro me and more , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,96.53) and els I had not keped my purpose which now is performed thanked be Jhesu , and all your subgietts in savety bot a servaunt of myn , which was killed there , (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,97.54) and two Scotts were slain and many othre hurt the same tyme . (DACRE-E1-P2,1.1,97.55)