It maie please yor honor . The Master of Gray hath tould me that he hath latelie receiued aduertisement out of the lowe Countries that the Spanyardes doe Contynue their practises for the employing of the lord Bothwell , and therefore that he would acquainte me wth as much as he knew of the said intended enterprises , wch is that he is first to attempt in his passage the burning of her maties shippes , if the tyme geiue him apt comoditie thereunto , wthout staying his voyage . That afterwardes he designeth to land in Scotland , and to fortifie Taymouth wch is a stronge seate there , and for that pourpose they hath sent one ffoster to the lord of leisterac , both to sell unto him ffastcastle wch is thereunto adioyning and is likewise of good strengthe , and also to sollicitt him to practise such intelligences as he maie haue in Barwicke , to facyllitate the entreprise against the said Towne wth offers of great recompence to be made to the said lord of leisterac , and to all others that $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} gayned to be of their p~tie . That the said Earl hath moreouer suggested to the Spanyardes , that there $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} noe great difficultie to take also Newecastle , and Hartlepoole , if they should fayle of Barwicke , and for these enterprises hath demanded to be onlie furnished wth muskettiers pyoners and som~e armes and munition , and Crownes to enterteine such nombrs as he should be able to assemble uppon his landing . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,404.3) He sayth that the Spanyardes are Content to hazard this expense thoughe it wourke noe other effect then to breake the borders to serue them for a kind of diuersion , to hould her mat=ie= manie waies occupyed , and that they care not though it be to the offence also of the K. of Scottes for that they belieue that the Insynuations wch he maketh to them , are onlie to serue his turne the better wth her matie , but if the lord Bothwells enterprizes doe take place , that there uppon such aduantage they will enter into treatie wth the said Kinge . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,404.4) He affirmeth also that the Spanyardes doe certeinlie determyn to send men into Ireland . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,404.5) I pressed him to tell me as yor honor dyrected me , wth what p~sons the lord of leisterac hath intelligence in Barwicke . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.6) He p~tested unto me that he could not as yett Certeinly tell , but that hee would seeke to enfourme himself thereof , and that the said lord doth ordynarelie frequent & bancquett wth the most of the Captens of the towne , hauing free recourse thither , (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.7) And afterwardes he remembred that one Capten Waker , who is tall of stature , highe coulored & lefthanded , was by the lord of leisterack dealth wth , foure or fyue yeares since in the like practise , but that he doth not thincke that the said Capten is to be detected to haue consented to anie disloyaltie , (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.8) and he prayed me to recom~end wth great instance his request unto yor honor that the extremitie of rigor might not be used towardes anie , by the occasion of his enfourmations , or otherwise that he could not contynue to serue her matie . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.9) I asked him also whether he were not able to dyuert the lord Bothwell from these badd courses , wch he hath least reason to enterprize against her matie specially hauing neuer geiuen him iust cause of discontentement . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.10) He sayd that the said Earles desperatt necessitie to seeke the meanes to lyue , doth make him wthout other regard to embarque himself into anie action who notwhstanding his miserie doth leade so riotous a lief as he doth not make himself wourthie others regard , and that the least preuention will hinder anything wch he shall intend , not being able to carrie anie enterprize wither wth secrecie or good conduct , and besides hauing lost all creditt by reason of his disorderlie lief . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.11) He wished rather that the matter might be suffered to rypen to manifest to the King of Scottes what affection the Spanyardes doe beare unto him , wch other enjourmation $can $nott {TEXT:cannott} make him to belieue . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.12) Lastlie I dealt wth him in the manner as yor honor comanded me , for the seacrett carrying of the intelligence betweene yor honor & him . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.13) He would not accuse himself to haue wrytten thereof to Hudson , (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.14) neither ded I instant the same , (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.15) but receiued his assurances that he would use all secrecie wch $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} noe small myracle in that nation . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.16) He tould me that he had ben earnestlie sollicited by the lord Bothwell in the Spanyardes name to be a p~tye in the enterprize to thend to assist them wth Shipping from Dundee wch app~teyneth to him , and wth the fauor of his frendes in those p~tes , and also to haue employed his Creditt to haue drawne awaie such of the Scottishe nation as doe serue the States but because he will not take such monie as was offred him by the Spanyardes , that therefore they haue him in jallousie . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,405.17) Moreouer he declared unto me that one Phillipp Dayalla a Secretarie of Spayne longe since of his acquayntance , hath latelie wrytten to him , praying him to resolue him in respect that he knewe that heretofore he had good correspondencies in England , whether he understand that her matie haue an inclynation to a peace and whether she determine not to make it , wthout comp~hending the States . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.18) He sayeth that he made answeare that it is long since he enterteyned anie Correspondencie in England , but that for a good occasion he would seeke to renewe it and therefore that he desired that he would first expresse unto him of whatt affection the K: of Spayne is , touching the said p~positions . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.19) I tould him that they are onlie practises of the Spanyard to putt her matie in Jallousie , both wth those of the lowe Countries , and also wth this Kinge , who hath hitherto onlie handled her maties treatie . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.20) He sayd that his answeare importeth noe engaging , but onlie to make them to speake and if the said Dayalla doe replye unto him , that he will send yor honor his letter to make a iudgement thereof . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.21) I fynd notwthstanding he doth affect to be used as $an {TEXT:in} instrument in that negociation (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.22) And so I most humbly take my leaue (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.23) ffrom Paris (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.24) the 26th of Januarie 1598 . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.25) yor honors most humble Thos Edmondes (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.26) Endorsed 1598. 26. Jan. M=r=. Edmondes to my M=r=. the M=r=. of Grais (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.27) Declaracon~ of Bothwells Enterprizes . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.28) To the right honorable S=r= Robert Cecyll knight Principall Secretarie to the Queenes matie and chancelor of the Duchie of Lancaster . (EDMONDES-E2-P2,406.29)