_@ Trusty ande right welbeloved Wee grete you well . (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,223.3) Whereas the Quene of Scotts our good sister charginge the Erle Moreton , Lord Ruthwen , and otheres their Complices , remayninge nowe at our Towne of Newcastle , not only with the slawghter of hir servant David the Italian not far frome hir persone , but with certein other treasons towards hir owne personne , hathe thereupon maide diverse ernest meanes to us , bothe-1 by messages ande Lettres , to deliver them unto hir ; and on hir behalfe the Frenche Kinge haithe ernestlie required us to deny them any succor : ande seinge that wee maye not indede maintein the keppinge of them withein our Realme , and yet consederinge the displesour that the Quene their soveraigne presentlie bearethe towardes them , wee wolde be lothe to committ them into hir handes duringe the tyme of hir indignation . (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,223.4) Wee therefore wolde that thaie shulde devise of some place out of our realme , where they maie provide for ther lives and safety vntil suche tyme as ether theye may procure their Soveraignes wrath and displeasoure to be assuaged towardes them , or ells that suche indyfferency of Lawe as they cane reasonably desier may , accordinge to their doings , be ministered unto them . Wherefore we requier you forthwith to repaire to them , ande thus muche to signify unto them , that therafter thay maie take spedy order for some place for their saiftie out of our Realme , where thaie shall think metest . (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,224.5) This matter you shall as of yourself firste declare unto them , as a thinge conveniente ande necessary for them to do : (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,224.6) ande if they shall not thereupon make their resolution to departe , then you shall singnyfie {COM:sic} unto them this our pleasor in our name expressely . (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,224.7) And thereof faile you not to see it executed . (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,224.8) Yeven under our Signet at our mannor of Grenewich the vij=th= of May 1566. the eight yere of our Reigne . (ELIZ-1560-E1-P2,1.2,224.9)