Madame , of late time I have receaved divers letters from yow to the which you maie well gesse , by the accidentes of the time , whie I have not made anie answer ; but speciallie because I sawe no matter in them that required any such answer as could have contented yow , (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,1.3) and to have discontented yow had bin but an increase of your impatience which I thought tyme would have mitigated as it doth commonlie where the cause thereof is not truelie grounded (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,1.4) and that it be so understand ; (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,1.5) but now findinge by your last letter the 27=th=. of the last , an increase of your impatience tending allsoe to manie uncomelie , passionate , and vindicative speeches , I thought to change my former opinion and by patient and advised wordes to move yow to staie , or ells to qualifie your passions , and to consider that it is not the manner to obtaine good thinges with evill speeches , nor benefitts with injurious chalenges , nor to gett good to yourself with doinge evill to another . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,2.6) And yet to avoyd the fault which I note yow have comitted in filling a longe letter with multitude of sharpe and injurious wordes , I will not by way of letter write anie more of the matter , (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,2.7) but have rather chosen to committ to my cosin the Erle of Shrewsbury the thinges which I have thought meete upon the readinge of your letters to be imparted unto you , as in a memorial in wrytinge he hath to shewe you : wherwith I thinke yf reason may be present with you , and passion absent at the reading , you will folowe hereafter rather the course of the last part of your letter then the first ; the later being wrytten as in a calme and the former in a storme , wishing to you the same grace of God that I wish to myself , and that he maie direct you to desire and attaine to that which is meete for his honnor and your quietnes , with contentacion both-8 of bodie and minde . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,2.8) Given at my Pallace of Westminster the first daie of February 1571 . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,2.9) Your Cosyn that wisheth you a better mynde . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,2.3,2.10) Elizabeth R. By the Quene . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,261.14) Right trusty and welbeloved we grete yow well , (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,261.15) and fyndyng in the traytoroous attempts lately discovered that neither Barker nor Bannister the Duke of Norfolks men have uttred ther knolledg , nother will discover the same without torture ; forasmuch as the knolledg herof concerneth our suerty and estate , and that they have untruly allredy answered , We will and by warrant herof authoriss you to procede to the furder examynation of them uppon all poynts that you can thynk by your discretions mete for knolledg of the truth . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,261.16) And , they shall not seme to yow to confess playnly ther knolledg , than we warrant yow to cause them both , or ether of them , to be brought to the rack : and first to move them with feare therof to deale playnly in ther answers , (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,262.17) and if that shall not move them than yow shall cause them to be putt to the rack , and to find the tast therof untill they shall deale more playnly , or untill yow shall thynk mete . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,262.18) And so we remitt the whole procedyng to your furder discretion , requiryng yow to use spede herin and to require the assistance of our Lieutenant of the Toure . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,262.19) Gyven under our signet the xv=th= of Septemb. 1571 . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,262.20) To o=r= trustie and right well beloved Counsellors S=r=. Thomas $Snyth K=t= . and to o=r= $trustie and welbeloved Doctor $Wilson one of the Masters of our Requestes . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,262.21) {COM:indorsed} Receaved at the Towir the xvj. daie of 7=ber=. at eleven of the clocke in the forenoone 1571 . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,262.22) My Lord me thinkes that I am more beholdinge to the hindar part of my hed than wel dare trust the forwards side of the same , (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.25) and therfore sent to the Levetenant and the S. , as you knowe best , the Ordar to defar this execution till $they {TEXT:the} here furdar . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.26) And that this may be done I doubte nothing , without curiositie of my further warrant , for that ther rasche determination upon a very unfit day was countermaunded by your considerat admonition . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.27) The causes that move me to this ar not now to be expressed , lest an irrevocable dede be in mene while committed . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.28) If $they {TEXT:the} wyl nides a Warrant , let this suffice , all written with my none hand . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.29) Your most lovinge Soveraine Elizabeth R. (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.30) {COM:indorsed_in_Lord_Burghley's_hand} xj. Ap=l=. 1572. The Q. Ma=ty= with hir own hand , for staying of the Execution of the D. N. (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.31) R~ at 2 in the Morning . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,263.32) _C ODE Elizabeth R. By the Queen . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,278.36) Right trusty and right welbelovid Cosin and Counsellor we greete yow well . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,278.37) Whereas the Queene of Scotts hath ben destitute of a Frenche Secretary sens the deathe of Rollet , and hath by her awne lettres , and by meanes out of France , desyred us to suffer an other to come and supplye that place about her ; which we have hitherto forborne to graunt , for dyvers good causes , and emong other , for the evell offices whiche her other Secretary did there , wherof yow ar not ignorant . Now forasmuche as the bearer hereof , called de Naou , a Frencheman , hath ben chosen and recommended to us by our brother the Frenche King , with request that he may gooe to her and serve her as her Secretary , and hath promised that he shall carye himself in that even maner that becommeth an honest mynister , nor shall practise any hurtfull or offensyve thing , which he himself hath also vowed and promisid heere , with offer that if he shall at any tyme be fownd fawtye , he submittith him self to any punishment : Upon these respects , and at her earnest request , we ar pleased that the said de Naou shall resort thither and abyde with her as her Secretary . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,278.38) And so our pleasour is yow shall receive him into her company , and suffer him to serve her in that place ; admonishing him now , at his entrey , and also herafter , to have consideracion of the caution whiche our said brother the Frenche King hath gyven us for him ; and also of his awne promes , as he will avoyd the danger wherin he hath condempnid himself , if he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} herin fownd faultye . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,279.39) Geven vnder our Signet at our Mannor of Saint James the xxix=th= of Marche , 1575. in the xvij=th= yere of our Reign . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,279.40) To our right trusty and right welbeloved Cosin and Counsellor , the Erle of Shreusbury , Erle-Marshall of England . (ELIZ-1570-E2-P2,1.2,279.41)