Althoughe we have deferred longe to p'sent to yo=w= o=r= grieved thoughtes , because we liked full ill to make yo=w= the firste refleccon of o=r= misfortunes , whome we haue allwaies soughte rather to cherishe and comforte , yet knowinge that necessitie must bringe to yo=r= eares & nature consequentlye move passions in yo=r= harte , wee resolved noe long=er= to smother either o=r= care for yo=r= sorrowe or the sympathy of o=r= greife for his death wherein y=e= societie in sorrowe may worke diminution . (ELIZ-1590-E2-P2,43,G.3) We doe assure $yo=w= by this true messenger of o=r= mynde y=t= nature can have stirred noe more dolours of affection in yo=w= as a mother for a deare sonne , then the gratefullnes and memorye of his service past hath wroughte in us his sou'aigne , app=r=hension of o=r= mysse of so worthye a servant . (ELIZ-1590-E2-P2,43,G.4) But now y=t= $in nature his com~on worke is done and he that was borne to dye hath payd his tribute , let that Christian discretion staye the flux of yo=r= imoderate {COM:sic} greivinge w=ch= hathe instructed yo=w= both-5 by example & knowledge , that nothinge of this kinde hath happened but by gode's p'vidence , (ELIZ-1590-E2-P2,43,G.5) and let these lynes from yo=r= lovinge & gracous {COM:sic} sou'aigne serve to assure yo=w= y=t= there shall ever appeare the livelye characters {COM:all_uppercase_in_edition} of yo=w= and yo=rs= that are beste in o=r= valewinge rightelye all theire faithfull and honest indevo=res= : (ELIZ-1590-E2-P2,43,G.6) Nowe at this tyme we will not wryte of this unsilent subjecte (ELIZ-1590-E2-P2,43,G.7) but haue dispatched this gent. to visitt both yo=r= Lorde and yo=w= to condole w=th= yo=w= in the true sence of yo=r= Love and to pray yo=w= that the worlde may see $that {TEXT:what} tyme curethe in weak myndes that discretion & moderacon he hopeth in yo=w= in this accident , wheare there is the fitt occasion to demonstrate true patience and moderation . (ELIZ-1590-E2-P2,44,G.8)