To the right worshipfull , my full singuler good master , Sir Robart Plumpton , knight , this letter be delivered in hast . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,162.3) Right reverent and worshipfull and my singler gud master , in the most humble and lowly maner that I can , I recomend me unto you , and unto my gud lady your wyfe , desiryng to have knowledg of your prosperous helth , worship , and welfayre , which I besech almyghty Jesus long to contynue to his pleasure , and your most comforth . Hartely beseching the gud Lord that redemed me and all mankind upon the holy crosse , that he will of his benigne mercy vouchsafe to be your helper , and give you power to resist and withstand the utter and malicious enmity , and false craft of Mr. Empson , and such others your adversaries ; which , as all the great parte of England knoweth , hath done to you and yours the most iniury and wrong , that ever was done , or wrought , to any man of worship in this land of peace . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,162.4) And non more sory therfore , then I myselfe is . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,162.5) If it were , or myght be in my poore power to remedy the matter , or any parcell of the matter , in any maner , condition , or dede , and whereas I may doe no more , my dayly prayers $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , and have bene , ever redy , with the grace of Jesu . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,162.6) And wher it is so that I am bounden to pay to your mastership , or to your assignes , certayne money by yere , to the sume of x=li= , at ij tymes , for such lands as be assigned in ioynter to my nephew , Germayne Pole , and my cousin , his wyfe and your daughter , I have delivered and payd to his hands for this last past Martynmas rent v=li= , trustyng that your mastership is contented therwith . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.7) What parte , or how much thereof , my sayd neveu , Germayne , hath sent to your mastership , I am ignorant , saving that he shewed me that he sendeth you but x=li= towards the exibicions of my nese , his wyfe . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.8) I required you as my singler trust is in you , to send me acquitaunce for my discharg , for the payment of this sayd v=li= ; (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.9) and moreover I besech you to send me word in writting by the bringer hereof , how I shall pay my rent from hence forward , and to whom I shall pay it ; (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.10) and as it pleaseth you by yore owne writting to comand me , I $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} redy to performe it , by the grace of Jesu , who ever preserve your gud mastership . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.11) Wrytten at Rodburne in hast , the morow next after St. Kathren day . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.12) Your true and faythfull beadwoman to hir power , Elizabeth de Pole (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.13) 26 Nov. . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,163.14) {COM:no_address} Right worshipfull and my singuler good master , in the most humble and lowly maner that I can or may , I humbly recomend me unto your good mastership , and unto my good lady your wyfe , desiryng hartely to here of your welfaire , and also of your good speed in your weighty and great matters , which I have prayed for , and shall doe dayly . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.18) Sir , I receyved a letter from you , which bare dayt the viii day of June , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.19) and in that letter ye wrote to me , that it was my sone Germyne mynd , and yours , with other his frynds , that I should occupie still att Rudburne , as I have done in tymes , as long as we can agre ; upon condition that I wold be as kynd to my sayd son Germyne , as he intendeth to be to me . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.20) I pray Jesus that I may find him kynd to me , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.21) for it is my full entent and purpose to be kynd and lovyng unto him and his , whersoever I come . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.22) But thus the matter is now , that I have taken another house within the Freres at Derby , which is but of a smale charge , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.23) and ther I entend to dispose myselfe to serve God dilygently , and kepe a narrow house and but few of meany ; (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.24) for I have such discomforth of my son Thomas unfortunate matters , that it is tyme for me to get me into a litle cornner , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.25) and so wyll I doe . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.26) I will besech you and him to take no displeasure with me for my departing , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.27) for it $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} no otherwyse ; (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.28) my hart is so sett . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.29) Moreover , as touching the custodie of all such evidence , as I have now in my keeping , concernyng thenherytance of my sayd son Germyne , a gentleman of your acquantance , Mr. Herry Arden , hath bene in hand with me for them , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,190.30) and I have shewed him , whensoever and to whom it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought by you most convenyent tyme of the delyverance of them , I $will $be {TEXT:wylbe} redy to delyver them , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.31) for I will be glad to be discharged of them ; (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.32) for I will flitt at this next Mighelmas , as I am full mynded , or sonner , with Gods grace . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.33) I pray you contynew my gud master , (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.34) and owe me never the worse will therfor ; (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.35) for it ryseth on my owne mynd to give over grett tuggs of husbandry which I had , and take me to lesse charge . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.36) And with Gods grace I $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} as kynd to him , and to my daughter , his wyfe , as ever I was in my life , as well from them , as with them . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.37) With the grace of Jesu , who ever preserve you . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.38) Wrytten at Rodburne in hast , the x=th= day of July . By your poore sister and trew beadwoman , Elizabeth Pole (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.39) July . (EPOOLE-E1-P2,191.40)