$13 Sonday: (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.2)
W: hall: morning coram Rege & Regina , by the Bishop of St.
Asaph : (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.3)
on :24: Luke 17: shewing how God had punctualy fullfilled the
predictions concerning our B: Saviours suffering , after an
extraordinary manner ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.4)
something he also spake relating to the calling of the Jewes , which he
believed to be at hand , with other particulars relating to his
long-since {COM:sic} opinions concerning greate Revolutions to be at
hand for the good of the Christian orthodox Church & destruction of the
papacy : The same being the opinion of many devout $Apocalyptical
Divines , more than ordinarily , about this Conjuncture of the publique
Affaires & Emotions in the World , & especialy Europe :
Afternoone Dr. Young : on 23 Luke 22 :
16 (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.7)
Publique fast , Dr. Tenison at St. Mart. 5. Luke 33. 34. 35
Afternoon St. Anns , Dr. Wake , on Psal: 8. 9. shewing all victory to
be from God , not any provision or power of man ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.9)
exhorted to agreement among our selves : it being indeede a time of
very greate disention . (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.10)
18. Good friday : (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.11)
Dr. Tenison , at St. Mart. on :2. Act: 22. 23. (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.12)
The holy Sacrament follow'd at which I received : (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.13)
Afternoon at White-hall , the Arch bishopp of Tuam , on 1. Cor:
1. 22. 23. 24 &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.14)
Easter-day , (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.15)
morning , St. Mart. Dr. Tenison : on 24. Luke. 34.
I also received the holy Sacrament : (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.17)
The Lord make me mindfull & thankfull : (EVELYN-E3-P2,923.18)
Afternoone an Irish Minister at St. Ann , on .14. Rom 19. shewing
the benefit and importance of Union in the Church , in order to
the peace of the State ; that it did not at all concerne what Titles
Princes & Governors had or what the formes so they adminstred Justice ;
& tooke care of the True Religion : which were the vitals & sinues of
it : (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.19)
The same also of Churches , Ceremonies , & Rites , so they agreed in
the same substantials as to Scripture Truths , & Discipline truly
Apostolical : (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.20)
this he made out by divers particular Churches , perstringing our
national disentions , & ridigid tenaciousnesse on one side , &
peevishnesse on the other , about things Indifferent :
27 (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.22)
St. Mark a stranger St. Martins , on 12. Romans 14.
Pomeridia at White-hall , one of the chaplains : 3. Pro.
17: (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.24)
The death of the duke of Loraine now happning put our new King here
into greate Melancholy , being so considerable a member of the
Confederate Princes against France : (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.25)
Discontents at the indiscreete government of affaires amongst us , and
dissagreements among the Parliament men , had so intangld matters ,
that by a prodigal & carelesse menaging , the monys raised for the
reduction of Ireland &c. things were here at such a stand , & the
government so loose and neglected , every body minding onely
their own not the Publique , that we are like to fall into
greate Confusion , Partys , Interests of private persons , animositie ,
& vice in aboundance : (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.26)
May 4 (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.27)
Dr. Tenison at St. Martin on 1. James. 8. That all our threatning
Calamitie proceeded from mens Vices , (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.28)
and they , for want of stable , Christian and Moral Principles , an
universal atheistical , or sceptical , humor overspreading the nation :
&c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.29)
The holy Communion $followed , at which I participated .
14 Fast-day (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.31)
Dr. Tenison at St. Martin : on :3: Mark. 24. 25. A kingdome divided
$can $not {TEXT:cannot} stand : taking notice of our unreasonable
divisions &c. (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.32)
Afternoone White hall , Dr. Birch on 2 Malacy 2. (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.33)
15 (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.34)
My Wife & family , who had ben all the past Winter in Lond: came home :
18 (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.36)
Our Viccar at Deptford : q . (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.37)
19 (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.38)
I went againe to London . (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.39)
24 (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.40)
The Parliament adjourn'd , K. William preparing for Ireland .
Citty Charter restored : (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.42)
Divers Excepted from Pardon : &c. (EVELYN-E3-P2,924.43)
25: (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.45)
a stranger at St. Martin on 1. Joh. 5. 3. (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.46)
29 Ascention day , (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.47)
a stranger at St. Martin 1. Acts. 15. (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.48)
I received the holy Communion , (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.49)
Lord be gracious to me : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.50)
I returned home . (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.52)
1 June : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.53)
Our Viccar , on 14 Pro. 9: (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.54)
Afternoone Monsieur Severine , at Greenewich at Monsieur le Marq. de
Rovignie , 3 Colloss: 1. 4: (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.55)
K. William set forth upon his Irish Expedition , leaving his Queene
Regent during his absence &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.56)
8 Whitsonday , (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.57)
our Viccar proceeded on his former Text & subject :
The holy Sacrament following , I receiv'd with my Wife , daughter &
$family : &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.59)
I went to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.61)
Mr. Pepys read to me his Remonstrance , (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.62)
shewed with what malice & $injustice he was suspected , with Sir Ant:
Deane , about the Timber of which the ships were built by a late Act of
Parliament : with the exceeding danger the present Fleet would be
shortly in by reason of the Ignorance & incompetency of those who now
manag'd the Admiralty & affaires of the Navy , of which he gave an
accurate state , & shewed his greate abillitie : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.63)
I $returned in the Evening : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.64)
15 Trinity Sonday (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.65)
Our Viccar on :23 Jer: Against Swearing : The Act of
Parliament against Perjurie &c , having ben publiqly
read before Sermon : (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.66)
Afternoone Curate on 6 John 37: 16 (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.67)
I went to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.68)
Newes that K. William was safely landed in Ireland .
18 Fast day (EVELYN-E3-P2,925.70)
preached at St. Martin Dr. Birch on 2. Malachy 2 :
Afternoone a Chaplain at W.hall on 2. Pet: 3. 9:
I went after all publique devotions were finish'd to visite the Bishop
of St. Asaph the Queens Almoner who was now entered upon the
sole Regal Government during her husbands Absence where was
the Bishops of Lond. & Worcester & Deane of Paules Dr Tenison &c : all
of them not a little surpriz'd at what had happned in Savoy
, among the Voudois , who being so neere their
destruction & final extirpation by the French , as that they were
generaly given up as to slaughter , & that every body expected to heare
of their calamities & final destruction : It pleased God $that the Duke
of Savoy hitherto joyning with the French in
persecution of those poore Christians , & now pressed by the French to
deliver $Verrue & Turin as Cautionary to the French , upon their
suspicion that he might at last come into the German Princes
Confederacy having seacretly concerted with the Confederats ,
& adjusted the Condition &c , not onely declared for the Confederats ,
but invited those poore Christians from their dispersions &
Latebrae among the Mountain whither they had fled ; but
restor'd them to their Country , Dwellings , Exercise of the Religion ,
beged pardon for the ill usage they had received , & charging it upon
the cruelty of the French , who forced him to it &c : These being the
Remainder of those persecuted Christians , $whom the Bishop had so long
time , affirmed to be the 2 Wittnesses spoken of in the Revelation who
should be Kild , & brought to life againe ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,926.73)
It was looked on as an extraordinary thing ; That this Prophetique
Bish: should perswade two fugitive Ministers of the Vodois
to returne to their Country , & furnish them with pounds
towards their journey , at that very time , when it was believed
nothing but universal destruction was to be expected , assuring them ,
& shewing them from the Text in the Apocalypse that their Country men
should be returned safely to their Country , before they arived , let
them make what hast they could : (EVELYN-E3-P2,926.74)
This so hapning contrary to all expectation & appearance , did
exceedingly credit the Bishops Confidence how that prophesy of the
Witnesses , should so come to passe , so just at the time & very moneth
of which he had spoken some yeares before : (EVELYN-E3-P2,926.75)
I went afterwards with him to visite Mr. Boyle & Lady Ranelagh his
sister , to whom he explaind the necessity of its so falling out by the
Scriptures in a very wonderfull manner , which he most skillfully &
learnedly made out ; with what events were immediately to follow of the
French Kings ruine , The Turkes , & Calling of the Jewes to be neere at
hand ; but that the total Kingdom of Antichrist , would yet not be
utterly destroyed til years , when Christ $should begin the Milennium ,
not as himselfe $personally reigning in Earth Visibly ; but that the
true Religion & universal peace , should obtaine thro all the world :
he shewed how Mr. Brightman , Mr. Meade , and other Interpreters of
their Events , failed , by mistaking & reckoning the yeares as the
Latines & others did , to consist of the present Calculation & so many
dayes to the yeare ; wheras , the Apocalyps , reckons after the
Persian account , as Daniel did whose Visions St. John all along
explains , as meaning onely the Christian Church : &c.
I return'd home this Evening . (EVELYN-E3-P2,927.78)
22 (EVELYN-E3-P2,927.79)
Our Viccar proceeded on his former Text : (EVELYN-E3-P2,927.80)
The Curate on :2. Pet: 3. 11: 24 (EVELYN-E3-P2,927.81)
Dined with & Visited me Mr. Pepys , Mr. Stuart & other friends .
Mr. P: sent the next day to the Gate-house , & severall greate persons
to the Towre , on suspicion of being affected to K. James : amongst
which was my Lord Earle of Clarendon , unkle to the Queene .
Mr. Pepys was the next morning imprisoned &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,927.84)
29 St. Peters-day , (EVELYN-E3-P2,927.85)
both our Viccar & Curate proceeded on their former Texts .
November 2 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.89)
I received the B: Sacrament at St. Martines : Dr. Tenison preaching
there on :17: Pro: 27: (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.90)
I dined with Sir William Godolphin : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.91)
after prayers , visited Co: of Bristol : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.92)
3 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.93)
Went to the Co: of Clancarty , to condole with her concerning her
debauched & dissolut son , who had don so much mischef in Ireland , now
taken & brought prisoner to the Toure : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.94)
5 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.95)
At White hall Bishop of St. Asaph .
$9 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.97)
My defluction kept me from Church . (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.98)
16 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.99)
At St. Martines Dr. Tenison , on 37 :Psal: 37:
Exceeding greate stormes & yet warme season . (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.101)
23 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.102)
Dr. Patrick B: of Chichester : on :11. Isaiah : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.103)
9: (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.104)
I din'd at Sir W: Godolphin : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.105)
Carried my Lord Godolphin now resuming the Commission of the
Treasury againe to all his friends wonder
Mr. Pepys Memoires (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.107)
25 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.108)
I went home to Deptford , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.109)
returned 27th . (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.110)
Dr. Birch at St. James's on 62: Psal: 8. 9. (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.112)
December 1 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.113)
R: Society (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.114)
St. Bartholomews day , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.115)
I having been chosen President , by 21 Voices , with much difficulty ,
by all meanes resolved to avoyd it in this ill Conjuncture of publique
affairs , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.116)
with greate difficulty , devolved the Election on Sir Rob: Southwell ,
$Secretary of State to the King William in Ireland :
The mild weather now growing to hard frost , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.118)
greate apprehension of the French marching into Flanders :
Matters universaly in great Confusion with us , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.120)
nothing in any sort of apparent method for our preservation :
The Lord Jesus avert our danger : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.122)
Affairs in Savoy & among the Swisse Cantons , in very sad condition :
Geneva in danger , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.124)
The Kings journey into Holland to meete the Confederats doubtfull &c :
7 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.126)
Dr. Tenison at St. Mart. 4: Ephes: 26: (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.127)
The holy Sacrament at which I received followed :
14 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.129)
Dr. Tenison at St. James's 6: Joh: 14: (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.130)
The holy Communion followed , (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.131)
& I received : (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.132)
21 (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.133)
Dr. Pelling at St. Martin 2 Pet: 1. 4: (EVELYN-E3-P2,933.134)
25 Christmas day : (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.136)
at St. James's Dr. Birch 3. Ephes. 8. 9. (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.137)
The holy Communion , (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.138)
I received : (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.139)
28 (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.140)
Dr. Huff president of Magd: in Oxon who was displac'd with
several of the fellows , for not taking the oath : imposed by K James ,
now restor'd & made Bishop : at St. James church on 18 John
36: (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.141)
Afternoone at White hall Dr. Blagrave sub-Almoner on Mark.
15: (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.142)
Most of this moneth cold & frost : (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.143)
King preparing for his Journey into Holland hastens the parliament to
dispatch all bills : (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.144)
One Johnson a Knight executed at Tyburn for being $Complice with
Campbel brother to the Lord Argile , for stealing away a young heiresse
: &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.145)
31 (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.146)
I made up my Accompts for this yeare , (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.147)
paid wages &c : according to Costome - (EVELYN-E3-P2,934.148)
28 (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.150)
I went to Lond: about my petitions & grants : &c :
July 1 (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.152)
Dr. Tenison preach'd at St. Martines Heb: 23. (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.153)
The holy Communion followed , which I received : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.154)
The Lord blesse it to me : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.155)
2 (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.156)
I dind at my L. Godolphins where was the Duke of Grafton , L: Dover ,
&c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.157)
3 (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.158)
I went with Dr. Godolphin & his bro: Sir William
to St. Albans to see a library which he $would
$have bought of the Widow of Dr. Cartwrite , late Arch-deacon of St.
Albans , a very good collection of Books , especial Divinity :
he was to give for them pounds : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.160)
so having seene the greate Church now newly repaired by a publique
Contribution , we return'd that Evening : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.161)
8 In the morning at W. hall , preached Dr. {COM:lacuna_in_edition} one
of the Kings Chaplains before the princesse : on :14 Exod: 13. Stand
still & behold the salvation of the Lord : which he applied so boldly
to the conjuncture of the Church of England , as more could scarse be
said to encourage desponders : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.162)
In the meane time more $virulently did the popish priests , in their
sermons against the C. of England , raging at the successe of the
Bishops , as being otherwise no ways able to carry their Cause against
their learned Adversaries confounding them by both disputes & writings
: (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.163)
In the afternoone Preached for Dr. Tenison , at St. $James's
new church Dr. Bohune $the same sermon he
preached at Deptford , the of the last moneth : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.164)
12 (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.165)
I return'd home ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.166)
The Camp now began at Hounslow , (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.167)
but the nation in high discontent : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.168)
The 2 Judges , who favour'd the Cause of the Bish: had their writ of
Ease : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.169)
greate wroth meditating against the Bish: Cleargy & Church :
Coll: Titus , Sir H. Vane son of
him who was executed for his Treason & some others of the
Presbyt: & Indep: party , Sworn of the Privy Council , hoping thereby
to divert that party , from going-over to the Bishops & C: of England ,
which now they began to do : as foreseeing the designes of the papists
to descend & take in their most hateful of heretiques as they
at other time believed them to effect their owne ends , which
was now evidently , the utter extirpation of the C. of Eng: first ,
& then the rest would inevitably follow : (EVELYN-E3-P2,884.172)
14 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.174)
Came to Visite me my Lord Chief-Justice Herbert .
15 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.176)
One Mr. Turner Schole-Master of Lewsham
preached an excellent sermon our Viccar being sick on
1. Cor 15. ult: (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.177)
In the Afternoone the Curate on 11: Matt. 21: 16
Came to dine with us the Countesse of Sunderland , who staied 'til
night : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.179)
17 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.180)
I went to Lond: with my Wife &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.181)
& This night were the fireworks plaied , which were prepar'd for the
Queenes up-sitting : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.182)
We stood at Mr. Pepys's Secretary of the Admiralty to greate advantage
for the sight , (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.183)
& indeede they were very fine , (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.184)
& had cost some thousands of pounds about the pyramids & statues &c :
but were spent too soone , for so long a preparation :
19 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.187)
We returned home : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.188)
22 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.189)
Preached Dr. Hutchins on his former Text : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.190)
In the afternoone the Curate on Act: 38: 26 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.191)
I went to Lambeth to visite the ArchBish: of Canterbery ,
I found him very cherefull : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.193)
There was likewise at Dinner my Lord Clarendon & few others :
I returned after evening prayers : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.195)
29 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.196)
Came to visite me Sir Fra: Loylie :
$29 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.198)
Preached , our Ministers Lond: Lecturer a very excellent sermon on 2
Judges , 1. 2. 3: (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.199)
My Wife was ataqu'd with a suddaine fit of fainting , at dinner , but
without any sensible convulsion ; which yet to prevent , she was
immediately let blood , & I blesse God soone restored :
The Curate preached , or rather declaim'd on 19
Psal: 1 in a very unedifying philosophical discourse , about
Atomes &c that Chance could not create the World &c :
Aug: 5 (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.202)
Our Vicar on 5 Matt :
8: (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.204)
The holy Communion followed of which I participated :
The Curate on 9. Heb: 27: (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.206)
To Lond. (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.208)
Din'd with Sir William Godolphin , (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.209)
return'd (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.210)
Dr. Tenison now told me there would suddainly be some greate
thing discovered , which happened to be the P: of O: intended coming :
12. (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.212)
Our Viccar on his former Text : (EVELYN-E3-P2,885.213)
Pomerid. Went to visite the Marquis of Rouvigny :
heard a $french sermon in his Chapell on the Lords prayer : very well
preached by a young man , fled for his Religion :
14 (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.217)
I went to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.218)
$15 (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.219)
the next day to Althorp in Northampton shire , it being
miles , which in 2 Coaches one $of $4 $horses that $tooke me & my son
up at white-hall & carried us to Dunstaple , where we arived & dined at
noone , & another there of 6 horses , which carried us to Althorp 4
miles beyond N-hampton , by 7 a clocke that evening ;
both these Coaches laied for me alone , by that noble Countesse of
Sunderland , who Invited me to her house at Althorp , where she
entertaind me & my son with very extraordinary kindnesse , and convey'd
us back againe to London in the very same noble manner , both going &
coming , appointing a Dinner for us at Dunstaple , which we found ready
for us , as soone as we came to the Inn : (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.221)
I stayed with her Ladyship 'til the Thursday following .
18 (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.223)
Dr. Jessup the Minister of Althorp , who was my Lords Chaplaine , when
Ambassador in France , preached on {COM:lacuna_in_edition} the shortest
discourse I ever heard : (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.224)
but what was defective in the amplitude of his sermon , we found
supplied in the largenesse , & convenience of the Parsonage house ,
which the Doctor who had in spiritual advancements , at least
pounds per Annum had new-built , fit for any person of quality
to live in , with Gardens & all accommodations according .
My Lady carried us to {COM:lacuna_in_edition} my Lord of Northamptons
Seate , a very strong large house built of stone , not altogether
modern : (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.227)
they were now inlarging the Gardens , in which was nothing
extraordinary but the Yron gate , opening into the Parke , which is
indeede very good worke , wrought in flowers , painted with blew &
gilded ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.228)
& there is a very noble Walke of Elmes towards the front of the house
by the Bowling Greene : (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.229)
I was not in any roomes of the house besides a lobby looking into the
Garden , where my Lord , and his new Countesse Sir St: Foxes
daughter , whom I had known from a very Child entertained the
Countesse of Sunderland & her daughter the Countesse of Arran ,
newly married to the son of the Duke of Hamilton with so
little good grace , & so dully , that our Visite was very short ,
& so we return'd to Althorp : which is 12 miles distant :
The Earle of Sunderlands House , or rather palace at Althorp , is a
noble uniforme pile , in forme of an {COM:graphic_omitted} built of
brick & freestone , balustred , & a la moderne ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,886.232)
The Hale is well , the Staircase incomparable the roomes of
State , Gallerys , Offices , & Furniture such as $may become a greate
Prince : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.233)
It is situated in the midst of Gardens , exquisitely planted & kept ,
& all this in a parke wall'd with hewn stone ; planted with rows &
walkes of Trees ; Canales & fish ponds ; stored with Game :
& what is above all this , Govern'd by a Lady , that without any shew
of solicitude ; keepes every thing in such admirable order both within
& without , from the Garret , to the Cellar ; That I do not believe
there is any in all this nation or any other , exceeds her : all is in
such exact order , without ostentation , but substantialy greate &
noble ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.236)
The meanest servant lodged so neate & cleanely , (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.237)
The Services at the several Tables , the good order & decenccy ,
in a word the intire Oeconomie perfectly becoming , a wise & noble
person , & one whom for her distinguishing esteeme of me , from a long
& worthy friendship ; I must ever honour & Celebrate :
& wish , I do from my Soule ; The Lord her Husband whose parts
& $abilities are otherwise conspicuous were as worthy of her ,
as by a fatal Apostacy , & Court ambition , he has made himselfe
unworthy : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.240)
This is what she deplores , (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.241)
& renders her as much affliction , as a Lady of a greate Soule & much
prudence is capable of : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.242)
The Countesse of Bristol her mother , a grave & honorable Lady has the
comfort of seing her daughter & Grand-children under the same Oeconomie
, especialy , Mr. Charles Spencer , a Youth of extraordinary hopes ,
very learned for his age & ingenious , & under a Governor of
Extraordinary worth : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.243)
Happy were it , could as much be said , $of the Elder Bro: the Lord
Spencer , who rambling about the world , dishonors both his name &
family , adding sorrow to sorrow , to a Mother ; who has taken all
imaginable care of his Education : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.244)
but vice more & more predominating , gives slender hopes of his
reformation : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.245)
He has another sister very Young , married to the Earle of Clancartie
to a greate & fair Estate in Ireland , which $yet gives no greate
presage of worth ; so universaly contaminated is the youth of this
corrupt & abandoned age : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.246)
But this is againe recompens'd by my Lord Arran , a
sober & worthy Gent: & who has Espoused the Lady Ann Spencer , a young
lady of admirable accomplishments & vertue : (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.247)
23d (EVELYN-E3-P2,887.248)
I left this noble place , & Conversation on the 23d , passing through
Northampton , which having lately ben burnt & reedified , is
now become a Towne , that for the beauty of the buildings especialy the
Church , & Towne-house , may compare with the neatest in Italy itselfe
: (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.249)
24 (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.250)
Hearing my poore wife , had ben ataqu'd with her late Indisposition I
hasted home this morning , (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.251)
& God be $praised found her much amended . (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.252)
Dr. Sprat : Bish of Rochester , writing a very honest & handsome letter
to the Commissioners Ecclesiastical ; excuses himselfe from sitting no
longer among them , as by no meanes approving of their prosecution of
the Cleargy who refus'd to reade his Majesties declaration for liberty
of Conscience , in prejudice of the Church of England &c :
The French Arme (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.254)
& threaten the Election of the Elect: of Colin: (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.255)
The Dutch make extraordinary preparations both-1 at sea & land , which
with the very small progresse popery makes amongst us
puts us to many difficulties : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.256)
The popish Irish Souldiers commit many murders & Insolences ;
The whole Nation dissaffected & in apprehensions :
what the event will prove God onely knows : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.259)
After long trials of the Doctors , to bring up the little P: of Wales
by hand so-many of her Majesties Children having died Infants
not succeeding : A country Nurse the wife of a
Tile-maker is taken to give it suck : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.260)
26 (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.261)
our Curate on 4: Eph: 24: our Viccar
being sick . (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.262)
I went to evening prayer to Monsieur Ruvignies (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.263)
September 2 (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.264)
Our Viccar preached on his former Text : 5: Matt :
The holy Sacrament followed , at which I received ,
the L. Jesus make me thankfull : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.267)
9 (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.268)
He continued on the same Text : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.269)
16 (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.270)
On the same : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.271)
I went to Greenewich to the French Evening service ;
18 (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.273)
I went to Lond: where I found the Court in the uttmost consternation
upon report of the Pr: of Oranges landing , which put White-hall into
so panic a feare , that I could hardly believe it possible to find such
a change : (EVELYN-E3-P2,888.274)
Writs issued now in order to the Parliament , & a declaration to back
the good order of Elections , with greate professions of maintaining
the Ch: of England : but without giving any sort of
satisfaction to people , who now began to shew their high discontent at
several things in the Government : (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.275)
how this will end , God onely can tell : (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.276)
21 (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.277)
I heard an excellent sermon on 1. Cor: 9: Chap: 8. ver: at St.
Martins it being St. Matthew :
22 (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.279)
I returned home : (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.280)
23: (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.281)
Our Doctor concluded his former Text with a proper exhortation :
I went to Common prayer to the French church in Afternoone .
News of the French Investing Philipsburge : & of the Mar: Shombergs
putting in men into Collin , upon the dispute of that Electors Interest
against the Prince of Firstenberge : (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.284)
Appearances of wonderfull stirrs in this part of Europe , whilst the
Emp: was successfull in Hungarie , having taken Belgrade :
Earthquakes had now utterly demolished the antient Smyrna
, & severall other places , both-1 in Greece , Italy , & even
the Spanish Indies , forerunners of greater Calamities :
God $Almighty preserve his Church , & all who put themselves under the
shadow of his Wings , 'til these things be over-past .
Our Viccar on 3: Apoc:
I went to Greenewich where at Monsieur Rovignies
a French sermon on Apoc. 6 shewing the dignity
of a true Christian , & where in his $Royalty consisted &c :
The Court &c in $so extraordinary consternation upon
assurance of the Pr: of Oranges intention of Landing , as the Writs
which were sent forth to choose Parliament men , were recalled &c :
Octob: 6: (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.292)
I went to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.293)
$7 (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.294)
The next day being Sonday Dr. Tenison viccar of St. Martins , preached
on 2: Tim: 3. 16. shewing the Scripture to be our
undoubted & onely Rule of Faith , & its perfection above all other
Traditions & Writings , most excellently proved ; after which the
Communion was celebrated to neere devout people .
This sermon chiefly occasioned by an impertinent Jesuite who in their
Masse-house the Sunday before had disparaged the Scripture & railed at
our Translation with extraordinary ignorance and impudence ; which some
present contradicting , they pulled him out of the Pulpit , & treated
him very coursely , insomuch as it was like to create a very greate
disturbance in the Citty : (EVELYN-E3-P2,889.296)
Hourely dreate on expectation of the Pr: of Oranges Invasion still
heightned to that degree , as his Majestie thought fit to recall the
Writes of Summons of Parliament ; to abbrogate the Commission for the
dispencing power , but retaining his owne right still to
dispense with all Laws & restore the ejected Fellows of
Magdalen College Oxon: (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.298)
But in the meane time called over Irish , Scots ;
$continues to remove Protestants & put papists in to Portsmouth & other
places of Trust : (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.300)
& retaines the Jesuites about him , which gave no satisfaction to the
nation , but increasing the universal discontent , brought people to so
desperate a passe as with uttmost expressions even passionately seeme
to long for & desire the landing of that Prince , whom they looked on
as their deliverer from popish Tyrannie , praying uncessantly for an
Easterly Wind , which was said to be the onely remora of his expedition
, with a numerous Army ready to make a descent ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.301)
To such a strange temper & unheard of in any former age , was this
poore nation reduc'd , & of which I was an Eye witnesse :
The apprehension was & with reason that his Majesties
Forces , would neither-1 at land or sea oppose them with that viggour
requisite to repell Invaders : (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.303)
The late Imprisoned Bishops , were now called to reconcile matters , &
the Jesuites hard at worke to foment confusions amongst the Protestants
, by their usual tricks &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.304)
Leter sent the AB. of Cant informing from a good hand what
was contriving by the Jesuits : &c (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.305)
9 (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.306)
I return'd the 9th - (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.307)
A paper of what the Bishops advised his Majestie $was $published
A $forme $of prayer , (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.309)
the Bishops were $injoyn'd to prepare $an $office against the feared
Invasion . (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.310)
A pardon published : (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.311)
Souldiers & Mariners daily pressed &c. (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.312)
14 (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.313)
The Kings Birth-day , (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.314)
no Gunns from the Tower , as usualy : (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.315)
The sunn Eclips'd at its rising : (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.316)
This day signal for the Victory of William the Conqueror against Herold
neere Battel in Sussex :- (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.317)
The wind which had hitherto ben West all this day East
, (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.318)
wonderfull expectation of the Dutch fleete . (EVELYN-E3-P2,890.319)
Our Viccar proceeds $on his former Text :
a stranger in the afternoone on 1. Cor: 15. ult: exhorting to an
unmoveablenesse in our $Religion , these difficult times , &c :
Continual apprehensions of the Dutch Invasion , (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.323)
there were pub: prayers ordered to be read in the Church $against $it .
21 (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.325)
Our Viccar proceedes on his former Text : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.326)
27 (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.327)
I went to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.328)
the 28th (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.329)
Dr. Tenison at St. Martins $preached {TEXT:preache} on 9 Jer:
3 (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.330)
I din'd with Sir W: Godolphin : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.331)
A Tumult in Lond on the rabble demolishing a popish Chapell
set up in the Citty . (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.332)
29 (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.333)
My Lady Sunderland acquainted me at large his Majestie taking away the
Seales from her husband , & of her being with the Queene to interceede
for him : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.334)
It is conceiv'd he grew remisse of late in pursuing the Interest of the
Jesuitical Counsels , (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.335)
some reported one thing , some another ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.336)
but there was doubtlesse some seacret betraied , which time may
discover : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.337)
There was a Council now cald , to which were summon'd the A:Bish of
Cant. $&c : Judges , Lord Major &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.338)
Q: Dowager , all the Ladies & Lords , who were present at the Q:
Consorts labour , upon oath to give testimonie of the Pr: of Wales's
birth , which was recorded , both at the Council board , & at the
Chancery a day or two after : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.339)
This procedure was censur'd by some , as below his Majestie to
condescend to , upon the talke of Idle people : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.340)
Remarkable on this occasion , was the refusal of the A Bish Marq:
Halifax , Earles of Clarendon & Notinghams refusing to sit at the
Council Table in their places , amongst Papists , & their bold telling
his Majestie that what ever was don whilst such sate amongst them was
unlawfull , & incurr'd praemunire : if at least , it be true , what I
heard : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.341)
I din'd with my Lord Preston , now made Seccretary of state in place of
the E. of Sunderland : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.342)
Visited Mr. Boile , where came in Duke Hamilton & E. of Burlington :
The Duke told us many particulars of Mary Q: of Scots , and her amours
with the Italian favorite &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.344)
I dined with the Secretary of the Admiralty , (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.346)
visited Dr. Tenison : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.347)
31. (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.348)
My Birthday , being the 68 yeare of my age : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.349)
o` Blessed Lord , grant , that as I advance in $yeares , so I may
improve in Grace : (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.350)
Be thou my protector this following yeare , (EVELYN-E3-P2,891.351)
& preserve me & mine from these dangers and greate confusions , which
threaten a sad revolution for this sinfull Nation :
Defend thy Church , our holy Religion , & just Lawes ,
disposing his Majestie to harken to sober & healing Counsels , that yet
if it be thy blessed will we may still enjoy that happy Tranquility
which hitherto thou hast continued to us . (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.353)
Amen : Amen : I din'd at my sonns : (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.354)
November 1. (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.355)
Dined with my L: Preston againe , with other company , at Sir St: Foxes
: (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.356)
Continual al'armes of the Pr: of Oranges landing , but no certainty :
reports of his greate losses of horse in the storme ; but without any
assurance . (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.358)
A Man was taken with divers papers & printed Manifests , & carried to
Newgate after examination at the Cabinet-Council :
There was likewise a declaration of the States , for satisfaction of
all publique Ministers in their Dominions , the reason of their
furnishing the Prince with their Vessels & Militia on this Expedition ,
which was delivered to all the Ambassadors & publique Ministers at the
Hague except to the English & French : (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.360)
There was in that of the Princes , an expression as if the Lords both
Spiritual & Temporal &c had invited him over , with a deduction of the
Causes of his enterprise : (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.361)
This made his Majestie Convene my L: of Cant: & the
other Bishops now in Towne , to $give them an account of what was in
the Manifesto : & to enjoyne them to cleare themselves
by $some publique writing of this disloyal charge :
2 (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.363)
It was now certainly reported by some who saw the Pr: imbarke - and the
fleete , That they sailed from Brill on Wednesday Morning , & that the
Princesse of Orange was there , to take leave of her Husband ,
$3 (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.365)
& so I returned home . (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.366)
4 (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.367)
A stranger preached at Depford on :8. Luke :18:
The H: Sacrament follow'd , at which I participated ,
the L. Jesus blesse it to me : (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.370)
My Wife not yet out of her Chamber received at home &c
: (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.371)
Fresh reports of the Pr: being landed somewher about Portsmouth or Ile
of Wight : wheras it was thought , it would have ben north ward :
The Court in greate hurry - (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.373)
5 (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.374)
Being the Anniversary of the powder plot , our Viccar
preach'd on 76. Psal. by divers Instances : shewing the
disasters & punishments overtaking perfidious designes .
8 (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.376)
I went to Lond. (EVELYN-E3-P2,892.377)
heard the newes of the Prince of Oranges , being landed at Tor-bay ,
with a fleete of neere saile , so dreadfull a sight passing
through the Channell with so favorable a Wind , as our Navy could by no
meanes intercept or molest them : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.378)
This put the King & Court into greate Consternation ,
now employed in forming an Army to incounter their farther progresse :
for they were gotten already into Excester , & the season , & wayes
very improper for his Majesties forces to march so greate a distance :
The A Bish of Cant , & some few of the other Bishops , & Lords in Lond.
were sent for to White-hall , & required to set forth their abhorrency
of this Invasion ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.382)
They assured his Majestie they had never invited any of the Princes
party or were in the least privy to this Invasion , & would be ready to
shew all testimonies of their Loyalty &c : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.383)
but as to a publique declaration , they being so few , desired that his
majestie would call the rest of their brethren & peeres , that they
might consult what was fit to do on this occasion , not thinking it
convenient to publish any thing without them , & untill they had
themselves seene the Princes Manifest , in which it was pretended he
was invited in by the Lords Sp. & temporal : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.384)
This did not please his Majestie : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.385)
So they departed : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.386)
There came now out a Declaration , prohibiting all people to see or
reade the Princes Manifest ; in which was at large $set $forth
{TEXT:set-forth} the cause of his Expedition , as there had ben $once
before one from the States : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.387)
These are the beginnings of Sorrows , unlesse God in his Mercy prevent
it , by some happy reconciliation of all dissentions amongst us , which
nothing in likelihood can Effect but a free Parliament , but which we
$can $not {TEXT:cannot} hope to see , whilst there are any forces on
either side : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.388)
I pray God protect , & direct the King for the best , & truest Interest
of his People : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.389)
I saw his Majestie touch for the Evil , Piters the Jesuit &
F. Warner officiating in the Banqueting house
I dined at Dr. Godolphins , with Mrs. Boscawen &c
at her house warming in his prebends house near S. Paules :
Lay at my sonns , (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.393)
& $9 returned home the next day . (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.394)
11 (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.395)
Our Viccar proceeded on his former Text :76: Psal:
our Curate on 2: Joel : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.397)
My deare Wife fell very ill of the gravell &c in her kidnies this
afternoone . (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.398)
God in mercy give her ease & comfort : (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.399)
The Pr: of Orange increases every day in forces ,
several Lords go into him ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,893.401)
The King gos towards Salisbery with his Army ; doubtfull of
their standing by him , (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.402)
Lord Cornbery carrys some Regiments from him ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.403)
marches to Honiton , the Princes head quarters ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.404)
The Citty of Lond: in dissorder by the rabble &c who $pulled $downe
{TEXT:pull-downe} the Nunery at St. Johns , newly bought by the Papists
of my Lord Berkeley : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.405)
The Queene $prepares $to $go to Portsmouth for safty : to attend the
issue of this commotion , which has a dreadfull aspect :
18 (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.407)
Our Viccar on his former Text , shewing the wonderfull deliverances of
Gods church in its greatest necessities : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.408)
I went afternoone to Greenewich to visite the Marq: de Ruvigny , wher a
young man preached very excellently on 11. Heb: 6:
It was now very hard frost : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.410)
The King gos to Salisbery to rendevouze the Army ,
and returning back to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.412)
Lord De la Mare appears for the Pr: in Cheshire :
The nobility meete in Yorkshire : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.414)
The ABish & some Bishops , & such peeres as were in Lond: addresse to
his Majestie to call a Parliament : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.415)
The King invites all forraine nations to come over :
The French take all the Palatinat , (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.417)
& alarme the Germans more than ever : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.418)
25 (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.419)
Our Doctors Lond. Lecturer preached an excellent sermon on 122 Psal. 6.
29 (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.420)
I went to the R: Society , (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.421)
we adjourn'd Election of Praesident til 23. Aprill by reason of the
publique commotions , (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.422)
yet dined together as of custome on this day : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.423)
December 2 (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.424)
Dr. Tenison at St. Martins on :36 Psal: 5. 6. 7: (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.425)
I received the B: Sacrament . (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.426)
Visited my L. Godolphin , then going with the Marquis of Halifax , & E:
of Notingham as Commissioner to the Prince of Orange :
He told me , they had little power : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.428)
Plymoth declared for the Prince & L: Bath : Yorke , Hull , Bristoll ,
all the eminent nobility & persons of quality throout England declare
for the Protestant $Religion & Laws , (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.430)
& go to meete the Prince ; who every day sets forth new declarations
&c: against the Papists : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.431)
The Greate favorits at Court , $priests & Jesuites , flie or abscond :
Every thing til now conceiled flies abroad in publique
print , (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.433)
& is Cryed about the streetes : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.434)
Expectations of the Pr: coming to Oxon. (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.435)
Pr: of Wales & greate Treasure , sent daily to Portsmouth ,
Earle of Dover Governor : (EVELYN-E3-P2,894.437)
Addresse from the Fleete not gratefull to his Majestie :
The Popists in offices lay down their Commissions
& flie : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.440)
Universal Consternation amongst them : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.441)
it lookes like a Revolution : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.442)
Herbert , beates a french fleete : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.443)
7 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.444)
My son went towards Oxon. (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.445)
I returned home : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.446)
9 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.447)
Our Lecturer on 122. Psal: 6: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem :
Lord Sunderland meditating flight , I writ to my Lady ,
advised an Apologie : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.450)
13 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.451)
I went to Lond: (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.452)
The rabble people demolish all Papists Chapells & severall
popish Lords & Gent: $houses , especialy that of the Spanish Ambassador
, which they pillaged & burnt his Library &c :
16 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.454)
Dr. Tenison at St. Martins on :8: Isay: 11: (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.455)
I din'd at my L. Clarendons : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.456)
The King flies to sea , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.457)
putts in at Feversham for ballast (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.458)
is rudely detained by the people : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.459)
comes back to $Whitehall . (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.460)
The Pr: of Orange now advanc'd to Windsor , is invited by the King to
St. James , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.461)
the messenger sent was the E. of Feversham the general of the forces :
who going without Trumpet or passeport is detained prisoner by the
Prince : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.462)
The Prince accepts the Invitation , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.463)
but requires his Majestie to retire to some distant place , that his
owne Guards may be quartered about the palace & Citty :
This is taken heinously , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.465)
so the King gos away privately to Rochester : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.466)
Is perswaded to come back : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.467)
comes on the Sunday ; (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.468)
Goes to masse (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.469)
& dines in publique , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.470)
a Jesuite says grace : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.471)
I was present (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.472)
That night a Council , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.473)
$17 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.474)
his Majestie refuses to assent to all proposals ;
gos away againe to Rochester : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.476)
18 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.477)
The Pr: comes to St. James , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.478)
fills W-hall the King taking barge to Gravesend at 12 a Clock
with $Dutch Guard : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.479)
A Council of Peres meete about an Expedient to call a parliament :
Adjourne to the House of Lords : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.481)
The Chancelor , E. of Peterbor , & divers Priests & other taken :
E: of Sunderland flies & divers others , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.483)
Sir E: Hales , Walker & other taken & secured : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.484)
All the world go to see the Prince at St. Jamess where is a greate
Court , (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.485)
there I saw him & severall of my Acquaintance that come over with him :
He is very stately , serious , & reserved : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.487)
The Eng: souldiers &c. sent out of Towne to distant quarters : not well
pleased : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.488)
Divers reports & opinions , what all this will end in ;
Ambition & faction feared : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.490)
21 (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.491)
I visited L. Clarendon where was the Bishops of Ely & St Asaph :
we had much discourse of Afairs : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.493)
I returned home : (EVELYN-E3-P2,895.494)