Anno Domini. M.CCCC.ii. Anno Domini. M.CCCC.iii. (FABYAN-E1-P2,570.3)
Richarde Merlewe . Iohn~ Walcot , draper . Robert Chichele .
Anno. iiii. (FABYAN-E1-P2,570.5)
In this yere , and .xiiii. daye of the moneth of Septembre , was the
foresayde duchesse of Brytayne , and wyfe of y=e= kynge , receyued with
great honour into the cytie of London , and so by the mayre and the
cytezyens co~ueyed vnto Westmynster ; where , vpon the morowe folowynge
, she was crowned quene of Englande with great honoure and solempnyte ,
the circumstau~ce wherof I passe ouer . (FABYAN-E1-P2,570.7)
In this yere also Rupertus , whiche after the deposynge of Wessenselans
, was by y=e= electours of the empyre , and by auctorytie of Bonyface
the .ix. thenne pope , admytted for emperour of Rome ,
& came into Engla~de with a goodly companye oonly to se the countre and
co~modyties of the same ; the whiche of the kyng was honourably
receyued and festyd , and lastly conueyed by the kynge towarde
the see syde , where eyther departed from other , with exchaunge of
ryche and precyous gyftes ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.9)
for this Rupartus was named of wryters a man of excellent bounte and
largesse . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.10)
And he gaue more lyberally , for somoche as all the tyme of his beynge
in Englande , he laye here at the kynges costes ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.11)
and whyle he was at London , he was lodged at the house of seynt Iohi~s
in Smythfelde . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.12)
This yere also vpon seynt Laurence euyn , or the .ix. daye of August ,
a lorde of Brytayne named the lorde of Castyle in Frenshe , landed
within a myle of Plymmouth , w=t= a great company of Normans and
Brytons , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.13)
& came vnto the sayd towne (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.14)
and lodgyd there all nyght , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.15)
and spoyled & robbyd the sayde towne ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.16)
and vpon the daye folowynge , whan they hadde done what they wolde ,
they retourned agayne to theyr shyppes , with plente of pyllage and
prysoners suche as they fande . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.17)
Anno Domini. x.iiii.C.iii. Anno Domini. x.iiii.C.iiii.
Thomas Fawconer . William Askam . Thomas Pooll . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.20)
Anno. v. . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.21)
In this yere , soone after Candelmasse , the foresayd lorde of Castyle
, trustyng to wyn~e a lyke enterpryse as in the yere passed he had done
, he beynge acco~panyed with a stronge nauy of Frenshemen and Brytons ,
was encountred with the Englysshe floot , within .ii. myles of
Dertmouth , at a place called Blakpooll , where , after longe and
cruell fyght , the sayd lorde was slayne , with the more partye of y=e=
people , and dyuers of his shyppes taken , as wytnesseth the Englysshe
Cronycle , with dyuers other Englysshe auctours . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.23)
But the Frenshe boke excuseth this scomfyture of Frenshemen ,
and sayth , that by treason of a Gascoyne named Peryn or Perot de
Languyle , whiche shewed vnto the sayde lorde Castyle that he had
espyed certayne Englysshe shyppes in a creke lyghtly without resystence
to be taken , {COM:no_subject} caused the sayde lorde to make sayle
towarde the sayd towne of Dartmouthe , where , after he had contynued a
certayne tyme his course , he espyed the hole flote of Englysshemen ,
whiche made towarde hym , and so at the sayd Blakpool encountred and
faught , and lastly escaped the daunger of his enemyes , as testyfyeth
the sayd Frenshe Cronycle , but nat vnhurt , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.25)
for he was so wounded in that fyght y=t= he dyed shortly after .
And in the moneth of Apryll folowynge , the duke of Clarence with y=e=
erle of Kent , and many other lordes , toke shyppynge at Meregate ,
& so sayled vnto Sluce in Flaundres , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.28)
and after the sayd duke had there refresshed hym & his company , he
toke shyppyng agayne , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.29)
& holding his course toward Swyn~e , he was encou~tred with .iii. great
carykes of Ieane , the whiche he assayled , & after longe bekerynge ,
theym toke , beynge ladyn with marchau~dyse ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.30)
and so with y=t= praye retourned to Cambre before Wynchelsee , in y=e=
which haven y=e= sayd goodes were cantyd & sharid .
But how it was , by varyaunce amonge themself or otherwyse , one of the
sayd carykes was sodeynly feryd {COM:fired} and so consumyd . For
restytucyon of whiche goodes & shyppes , the marchau~tes Ianuence made
after great and longe sute to the kyng & his counsayll ; in which
$passetyme {TEXT:passetyme} they borowed cloth , wolle & other
marchaundyses , amountynge vnto great & noble {COM:notable} su~mes , of
dyuerse marchau~tes of Englande ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.32)
& whan they sawe that they myght haue none hope of recouery of theyr
losse , they sodeynly auoyded the lande , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.33)
& lafte the foresayd notable su~mes vnpayd , to the great hynderaunce &
vtter vndoynge of many Englysshe marchauntes . (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.34)
In this yere also , a yoman named Wylliam Serle , somtyme yoman of
kynge Richardes robis , was taken in the marches of Scotla~de and
brought vnto London , and there in the Guyldehall areygned for the
murder of the duke of Glouceter at Caleys , vpon whiche murder he was
atteynt & conuict , (FABYAN-E1-P2,571.35)
and vpon the .xx. day of Octobre he was drawen from the Tower
vnto Tyborn~ , and there hanged & quartred , (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.36)
& his hede was after set vpon London brydge , (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.37)
and his .iiii. quarters were sente to .iiii. sondry good townes .
Anno Domini. M.CCCC.iiii. Anno Domini. M.CCCC.v. (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.40)
Wylliam Lowfthe . Iohn~ Hyende , draper . Stephen Spilman .
Anno. vi. (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.42)
In this yere , and moneth of Ianuary , were certayn~ courses of warre
ron in Smythfelde atwene sir Edmu~de erle of Kent , and the lorde Moryf
a baron of Scotlande , vpon the chalenge of the sayd Scottisshe lorde ;
but y=e= erle of Kent bare hym so valyauntly , that to hym was gyuen
y=e= pryce of y=e= iourney to his great honour . (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.45)
And in the same year {COM:edit._1533} sir Richarde Scrope , than
archebisshop of Yorke , and the lorde Monbraye , than marshall of
Englande , with other to theym allyed , for grudge that they bare
{COM:edit._1533} agayne the kynge , gaderyd vnto theym great strength ,
entendinge to haue put downe the kyng , as the fame than went . Wherof
the kyng beyng enfourmyd , in all hast sped towarde them , and met with
theym on this syde Yorke , where , after a skyrmysshe by the sayde
lordes made , they were than taken , & after presented vnto the kynge
at Yorke , where they were bothe demyd to suffre deth for theyr
rebellyon . (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.46)
Then whan y=e= bysshop came vnto his place of execucion , he prayed the
bowcher to gyue to hy~ .v. strokes in the worshyp of Cristes fyue
woundes ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.47)
and for more penaunce , at eueryche of whiche .v. strokes , kynge Henry
beyng in his lodgyng , had a stroke in his necke ; in so moche , that
he demyd that some persone there beynge with hym present , had stryken
hym . (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.48)
And forthwith he was stryken with y=e= plage of lepyr , so that then he
knewe it was the hande of God , (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.49)
& repented hym of that hasty iugement , without auctoryte of the
Churche . (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.50)
And soon after God shewyd many myracles for the sayde bysshop , whiche
called the kynge vnto the more repentaunce . (FABYAN-E1-P2,572.51)
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.ix. Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.x.
Iohn~ Lawe . Richarde Marlowe , irenmonger Wyllyam Chycheley .
Anno. xi. (FABYAN-E1-P2,574.57)
In this yere , and moneth of Marche , a taylour of London , named Iohn~
Badby , was brent in Smythfelde for heresy ; albe it that by meanes of
the prynce , and one maister Courtnay , than chaunceller of Oxenforde ,
he was for a whyle reconcyled , (FABYAN-E1-P2,574.59)
and promysed to leue that errour ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,574.60)
but when the sacrame~t of the aulter was brought to fore hym , he
dispysed it , (FABYAN-E1-P2,574.61)
and wolde in no wyse therin byleue ; wherfore he had as he deserued .
Of whome a vercifier , in reproche of his errour , made thyse .ii.
versys folowyng . {COM:latin_verse_omitted} The whiche versys are thus
moche to meane in Englysshe . {COM:english_verse_omitted}
In this yere also , & moneth of April , within the lystes of Smytfelde
, was foughten a sore fight atwene an esquyre named Glouceter ,
appellau~t , & an other esquyer called Arthur , defendau~t , the whiche
acquyted them eyther partie so ma~fully , that the kynge , of his
especiall grace , seynge they were both so well fyghtynge me~ , toke
the quarell into his ha~des , & pardoned y=e= offence to eyther partie
. (FABYAN-E1-P2,575.64)
And this yere the market hous called the Stokkys , standynge by the
churche of Seynt Mary Wolchirche of Lo~don was begon to be edyfyed .
In this yere also , the kynge helde his parlyame~t at Westmester ,
duryng the whiche the co~mons of this lande put vp a bylle to the kyng
, to take the temporall landes out from spu~ell me~nes handes or
possession . The effect of whiche bylle was , y=t= the temporaltes ,
disordynatly wastyd by men of y=e= churche , myghte suffyce to fynde to
y=e= kyng .xv. erles , xv. C. knyghtes , vi.M. and CC. esquyers , & an.
C. houses of almes , to the releef of poore people , moo then at y=t=
dayes were within Englande . (FABYAN-E1-P2,575.66)
And ouer all thyse foresayd charges , the kynge myght put yerely i~ his
cofers .xx.M. li . Prouyded that euery erle shuld haue
of yerely rent .iii.M. marke , euery knyght an. C. marke , & iiii.
ploughe lande , euery esquyer .xl. marke by yere , w=t= .ii. plughe
lande , and euery house of almesse an. C. marke , w=t= ouersyghte of
.ii. trewe seculers vnto euery house . And also with prouycion y=t=
euery towneshyp shuld kepe all poore people of theyr owne dwellers ,
whiche myght nat labour for theyr lyuynge , with condycyon that if moo
fell in a towne than the towne myght maynteyn , than y=e= said almesse
houses to releue suche towneshyppes . (FABYAN-E1-P2,575.67)
And for to bere thyse charges , they allegyd by their sayd bylle ,
$that {TEXT:y=t=_that} the temporalties , beyng in the possession of
spirituell men , amounted to .CCC. and xxii.M. mark by yere , wherof
they affermyd to be in the see of Caunterbury , with the abbeys of
Cristes Churche , of Seynt Augustyns , Shrowsbury , Coggeshale , and
Seynt Osiys .xx.M. marke by yere . In the see of Durham and other
abbeys there .xx.M. marke : in the see of Yorke & abbays there .xx.M.
marke : in the see of Wynchester & abbays there .xx.M. marke : in the
see of London , w=t= abbays & other houses there .xx.M. marke : in the
see of Lyncoln~ , with the abbays of Peterbourth , Ramsay , & other
.xx.M. marke : in the see of Norwych , with y=e= abbays of Bury & other
.xx.M. marke : in the see of Hely , with the abbays of Hely , Spaldyng
, & other .xx.M. marke : in y=e= see of Bathe , w=t= the abbay of
Okynborne & other .xx.M. marke : in the see of Worceter , with the
abbays of Euisham , Abyngdon~ , & other .xx.M. marke : in y=e= see of
Chester , w=t= precinct of y=e= same , w=t= the sees of Sey~t Dauyd ,
of Salisbury & Exceter , with theyr precinctes .xx.M. marke :
the abbays of Rauens or Reuans , of Founteyns , of Geruons , & dyuers
other , to y=e= nombre .v. mo .xx.M. marke : (FABYAN-E1-P2,575.69)
the abbays of Leyceter , Waltham , Gisbourne , Merton~ , Circetir ,
Osney , & other , to the no~bre of vi. mo .xx.M. marke :
the abbays of Douers , Batell , Lewis , Cowentre , Daue~tre , & Tourney
.xx.M. marke : (FABYAN-E1-P2,575.71)
the abbays of Northampton~ , Thornton~ , Brystow , Kely~gworth ,
Wynchecomb , Hayles , Parchissor , Frediswyde , Notley , & Gry~mysby
.xx.M. marke . The which foresayd su~mes amou~te to y=e= full of
.CCC.M. marke ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,575.72)
and for y=e= odde xxii.M. marke , they appointed Herdford , Rochester ,
Hu~tyngdon~ , Swyneshede , Crowla~de , Malmesbury , Burton~ ,
Tewkisbury , Du~stable , Shirborn~ , Taunton~ , & Bylande .
And ouer this , they alledgyd by y=e= sayd byll , that ouer & aboue
y=e= sayd su~me of .CCC. & xxii.M. marke , dyuers houses of relygion in
Engla~de possessyd as many temporalties as might suffyce to fynde
yerely .xv.M. preestes & clerkes , euery preest to be allowed for his
stipende .vii. marke by yere . To the which byll none answere was made
, but that the kyng of this matyer wolde take delyberacion &
aduycement , (FABYAN-E1-P2,576.74)
and with that answere it endyd ; so that no ferther laboure was made .
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.ix. Anno Domini. M.CCCC.x. (FABYAN-E1-P2,576.77)
Iohn~ Penne . Thomas Knollys , grocer . Thomas Pyke .
Anno. xii. (FABYAN-E1-P2,576.79)
In this yere , a squyer of Walys named Rize ap Dee , y=e= whiche had
longe tyme rebellyd agayne the kynge , and fortifyed the partie of
Howan of Glendore , was taken and brought to London , and there , vpon
the .ix. daye of Decembre , drawen , hanged , and quarteryd , and his
hede set vpon the brydge , amonge the other . (FABYAN-E1-P2,576.81)
In this yere also was y=e= Guylde halle of Lo~don begon to be newe
edyfied , and of an olde and lytell cotage , made into a fayre and
goodly house as it nowe apperyth . (FABYAN-E1-P2,576.82)
Henrici Quinti . (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.86)
Henry the .v. of that name , & sone of Henry the .iiii. began his
reygne ouer this realme of Englande y=e= .xxi. day of the moneth of
Marche , in the yere of our Lorde and ende of the same .xiiii.C. and
.xii. and in the xxxii. yere of Charlys y=e= .vii. yet kynge of Frau~ce
. (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.88)
And the .ix. daye of Apryll folowynge , whiche was that yere Passion
Sondaye , beynge a day of excedyng rayne , he was crowned at
Westmynster . (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.89)
This ma~ , before y=e= deth of his fader , applyed hym vnto all vyce
and insolency , (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.90)
and drewe vnto hym all ryottours & wylde dysposed persones ;
but after he was admytted to the rule of the lande , anone & sodaynly
he became a newe man , (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.92)
and tourned al that rage and wyldnes i~to sobernesse & wyse sadnesse ,
and the vyce into co~stant vertue . (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.93)
And for he wolde contynewe y=t= vertue , and nat to be reduced therunto
by the famyliarytie of his olde nyse company , he therfore , after
rewardes to them gyuen , charged theym vpon payne of theyr lyues , that
none of theym were so hardy to come w=t=in .x. myle of suche place as
he were lodgyd , after a daye by hym assigned . (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.94)
In this begynnynge of this kynge Henry , y=e= olde mayre and shryues
contynued theyr ofyces to the termys accustomed , (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.95)
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xii. Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xiii.
Rauffe Leuyngham . Wyllyam Waldern , mercer . Wyllyam Seuenok .
Anno primo . (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.99)
Anone as kyng Henry was crowned , and y=e= solemnitye of the feest of
Eester was passyd , he sent vnto y=e= fryers of Langley , where the
corps of kynge Richarde was buryed , (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.101)
and caused it to be taken out of y=e= erth , and so with reuerence and
solempnytie to be co~ueyed vnto Westmynster , and vpon the south syde
of seynt Edwardes shryne there honourably to be buryed by quene Anne
his wyfe , which there before tyme was entered . (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.102)
And after a solempn~ terment there holden , he prouydyd that .iiii.
tapers shulde brenne daye and nyght about his graue , whyle the world
endureth ; and one day in the weke a solempne dirige , and vpon the
morowe a masse of Requiem by note ; after which masse endyd , to be
gyuen wekely unto pore people .xi. s. viii. d.
in pens : & vpon y=e= day of his anniuersary , after y=e= sayd
masse of Requiem is songe , to be yerely destrybuted for his soule .xx.
li. in d.
And about heruest tyme was sir Iohn~ Oldcastell knyght appechyd for an
heretyke and co~mnytted to pryson ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,577.104)
but howe it was he escaped for that tyme oute of the Tawer of London ,
and so rode into Walys , where he lyued ouer .iiii. yeres after .
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xiii. Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xiiii.
Iohn~ Sutton~ . Willyam Crowmer , draper . Iohn~ Mycoll .
Anno. ii. (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.111)
In this yere and moneth of Ianuary , certayne adherentes of y=e=
forenamed sir Iohn Oldcastell , entendynge y=e= distruccion of this
lande and subuercion of the same , assembeld them in a felde nere vnto
Seynt Gyles in great nombre , wherof the kynge beynge enfourmed , toke
the felde before them , and so toke a certayne of theym ; amonge the
whiche was sir Roger Acton~ knight , sir Iohn~ Beuerley preest , and a
squier called sir Iohn~ Browne , the whiche , with .xxxvi. mo in nombre
, were after conuict of heresy & treason , & for the same hangyd &
brent within the sayd felde of Seynt Gyles . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.113)
And in y=e= same yere , Iohn~ Claydon skynner , and Richard Turmyn
baker , were for heresy brent in Smythefelde . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.114)
And this yere the kyng helde his parlyame~t at Leyceter , where ,
amo~ge other thynges , the foresayd bylle put vp by the co~mons of the
lande , for the temporalties beynge in the churche , as it is before
towchid in the xi yere of the iiiith Henry , was agayne mynded . In
fere wherof , lest the kynge wolde therunto gyue any comfortable
audyence , as testyfye some wryters , certayne bysshoppes and other
hede men of the churche , put y=e= kyng in mynde to clayme his ryght in
Fraunce ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.115)
& for the exployte therof , they offrede unto hym great & notable
su~mes . By reason whereof y=e= sayd byll was agayne put by ,
and the kynge sette his mynde for the recouery of the same ; so y=t=
soon after he sent his letters vnto the Frensh kynge concernyng that
matyer , (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.117)
and receyued from him answere of dirision , as affermyth the Englysshe
booke . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.118)
And Gaguynus sayth in his Frenshe Cronycle , that kynge Henry sent his
oratours unto Charlys the .vii. than kyng of Frau~ce , for to haue dame
Katheryne his doughter in maryage , with other requestes towchynge his
ryght and enherytau~ce . Wherevnto it was answered by y=e= cou~sayll of
Frau~ce , that y=e= kyng had no leyser to entende such idelnes .
Wherupon ky~g Henry made quycke prouico~n for to warre vpon y=e=
Frenshe kynge , as after apperyth . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.119)
In this yere also , by procurement of Sigismunde than emperoure , a
great counsayl or synod of bysshops were assembled at a cytie in hygh
Almayn called Constaunce , for the vnyon of y=e= Churche , & for to
auoyde the scisme whiche began in the .xiiii. yere of Charlys the .vi.
as before in the said .xiiii. yere is touched . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.120)
In the sayd synode or genrall cou~sayll , was the .xxiii. Iohn~ than
pope put downe , (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.121)
or resygned by his volunte . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.122)
And by auctoryte of the same counsayll , the opynyons and heresy of
Wyklyf were vtterly anulled & dampned , (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.123)
and .ii. of his disciples there present named Iohn~ Hus or Husse &
Ierom the herytyke , were there brent . (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.124)
And many notable actes for the wele of the churche there were enacted .
And fynally , whan the sayd counsayll had endured nere vpon the terme
of .iiii. yeres , they there by an hoole assent chase a newe pope ,
and named hym the .v. Martyne , whiche occupyed Peters chayre .xiiii.
yeres and odde monethes , as indubitat pope , and so other after hym .
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xiiii. Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xv.
Iohn Mychell . Thomas Fawconer , mercer . Thomas Aleyn .
Anno. iii. (FABYAN-E1-P2,578.131)
This yere after the kynge hadde made sufficyent prouycion for all
thynges co~cernynge his warre to be made vpon the Frenshe kynge , he ,
with his lordes honourably accompanyed , rode through Lo~don , vpon the
.xviii. daye of Iuny , towarde the port of Southampton~ , where
he had appoynted his hoost to mete with hym . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.133)
And whyle the kynge there was shyppynge of his people , dyuers of his
lordes , that is to say , sir Richarde erle of Cambrydge & brother vnto
the duke of Yorke , whiche sir Richarde berynge the name of Langley ,
had wedded dame Anne , the doughter of syr Roger Mortymer erle of
Marche & Wolster , by whom he had yssue Isabell , which after was
maryed vnto the lorde Boucher erle of Essex , & Richard whiche after
was duke of Yorke & fader to kynge Edward the .iiii. To whom also was
assentyng , sir Richard Strop than tresourer of England , & sir Thomas
Gray knyght , were there arrestyd for treason , & aregnyd , and
{COM:edit._1542,_1559} so examyned vpon y=e= same , that the .xxix. day
of Iuly folowyng they were there all thre behedyd . After which
execucion so done , the kyng upon y=e= morowe or shortly after , with
his lordes toke shyppynge there , (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.134)
& landed at a place called Kydcaus in Norma~dy . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.135)
And the .xvi. daye of August , he layde siege vnto the towne of Harflew
, (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.136)
and assayled theim by lande and by water , (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.137)
and co~tynued so his siege vnto y=e= .xxii. day of Septembre ; at
whiche day , as sayth the Frenshe Gaguynus , it was delyuered by Albert
tha~ there capitayne , vpon condition y=t= kyng Henry myght sauely
wynne or passe to Calays , & so he beyng there , the towne to be yolden
vnto him . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.138)
But the Frenshe wryter Gaguynus vpholdeth y=e= honour of the Frenshmen
in all he may , (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.139)
& boroweth of his conscyence for sparynge the trouth in report of many
thynges . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.140)
For after most wryters , y=e= sayd towne , after sondry appoyntementes
of rescouse , was delyuered vnto the kyng w=t=out any condycion the
daye abouesayd , where , after the kyng had ordeyned sir Thomas
Beauforde his vncle & erle of Dorset , capytayne of y=t= towne , he
sped hym towarde Calays . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.141)
Than the dolphyn with other lordes of Fraunce , whiche at y=t= tyme had
the realme of Fraunce in gouernau~ce , for somoche as the Frenshe kynge
was vysited with suche malady as before I haue shewed , brake the
brydge to lette y=e= kyng of his passage ouer y=e= water of Sum .
Wherfore he was constrayned to drawe towarde Pycardy , & so passe by
the ryuer of Peron , wherof the Frenshmen beynge ware , assembled and
lodgyd them at certayne townes named Agyncourt , Rolandcourt and Blangy
, with all the power of Fraunce . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.142)
And whan kynge Henry sawe that he was so besette with his enemyes , he
in the name of God and seynt George pyght his felde in a playn , atwene
the sayd townes of Agyncourt and Blangy , hauynge in his companye of
hoole men y=t= myght fyght , nat passyng the nombre of .vii.M .
But at those dayes the yomen had their lymmes at lybertie ,
for theyr hosyn were than fastened w=t= one poynt ,
and theyr iackes were longe and easy to shote in , so that they myght
drawe bowes of great strentgth , & shote arowes of a yerde longe ,
besyde the hede . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.146)
Then the kyng consyderyng y=e= great nombre of his enemyes , and that
the acte of Frenshmen standynge moche in ouer rydynge of theyr
aduersaryes by force of speremen , he therfore charged euery boweman to
ordeyne hym a sharpe stake , & to pytche it a slope before hym , and
whan the sperys came , somdeale to drawe bak , and so to shote at the
horse men . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.147)
And $at the proper request of the duke of Yorke he ordeynyd hym to haue
the vawewarde of that felde . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.148)
And whan kynge Henry had thus prouidently orderyd for his batayll ouer
nyght , vpon the morowe beynge the .xxv. daye of Octobre , & the daye
of the holy marters Crispyne and Crispinian , the kynge caused dyuers
masses to be songyn . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.149)
And wher y=e= nyght before the Englysshe hoost was occupyed in prayer
and confession , he than caused the bysshoppes and other spirituell me~
to gyue vnto theym generall obsolucion . (FABYAN-E1-P2,579.150)
And that done , with a comfortable chere orderyd his people as they
shuld fyght , hauynge vnto them good & comfortable wordes ,
and so abode y=e= comyng of theyr enemyes , which of dyuers wryters
were and are remembred to be aboue xl.M. fyghtynge men . The whiche
aboute ix. of the clok in y=e= mornynge , with great pryde set vpon the
Englysshe hoost , thynkynge to haue ouer rydyn them shortly ;
but the archers lyke as befor they were taught , pyght theyr
sharpe stakes before them , (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.153)
and whan they sawe the Frenshe galantes approche , they a lytell yode
back (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.154)
and receyued them , as hereafter ensueth . (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.155)
The batayll of Agyncourt . (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.157)
That is to meane they shotte at them so feruently , y=t= what with the
shotte & gorynge of their horses with the sharpe stakes , they
stumbelyd one vpon another , so that he or they whiche ranne formest ,
were the confucion of hym or them that folowed , so y=t= in a short
whyle a great multytude of horse & men were layde vpon the grounde .
And after theyr shot spent , they layde aboute them with theyr glayues
and axes , that by y=e= great grace of God and comfortable ayde of y=e=
kynge , the victory fyll that daye to the Englyshmen , & with lytell
losse of theyr company ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.160)
for , after the oppinyon of sondry wryters , were slayne that day of
Englysshmen , the dukes of York & of Suffolke , and nat ouer .xxvi.
parsones more . (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.161)
But of Frenshmen were slayne y=t= day , after Englysshe wryters , ouer
y=e nombre of .x.M. albeit $the {COM:edit._1542,_1559} Frenshe Gaguynus
sayth , y=t= of the Englysshe hoost were slayne the duke of Yorke &
with hym iiii.C. Men , and of the {COM:edit._1542,_1559} Frenshe hoost
iiii.M. of me~ of name , besyde other , whiche he no~breth nat .
Also he affermyth to be horsmen at that felde , vpon the Frenshe partie
x.M. , ouer & besyde the fotemen , & that the Englysshmen were nombred
at .xv.C. spere men , & .xiii.M. of yomen and archers .
At this sayd batayll was taken prysoners , the duke of Orleau~ce , the
duke of Burbon~ , y=e= erles of Vendosme , of Ewe , of Rychemou~t , &
Bursigau~t than marshall of Fraunce , with many other knyghtes and
esquyres , which were tedyous to name , to the nombre of .xxiiii.C. and
aboue , as wytnessyth y=e= boke of mayres . (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.164)
And in this batayl were slayne of the nobles of Fraunce , the dukes of
Barre , of Alanson and of Braban .viii. erlis , and barons aboue .lxxx.
with other gentlemen in cote armours , to the nombre of .iii.M. and
aboue ; by reason of whiche pyllage the Englisshmen were greatly
auaunced , (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.165)
for the Frenshmen were soo assuryd of victory by reaso~ of their great
nombre , that they brought the more plentye of rychesse with theym , to
the ende to bye prysoners eyther of other . And also after the victory
by them opteyned , to shewe vnto Englisshmen their pryde and pompous
araye ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.166)
but God , whiche knewe the presumpcion & pompe , tournyd all thynge
co~trary to their myndes & ententes . (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.167)
Whan y=e= kynge by grace and power of God , more than by force of man ,
had thus goten this triumphaunt victorye , & retourned his people from
the chase of theyr enemyes , tydynges were brought vnto hym that a newe
hoost of Frenshmen were co~mynge toward hy~ . Wherfore he anon
co~mau~ded his people to be enbatayled , and that done made
proclamacions thorugh the host , that euery man shuld slee his prysoner
; by reason of which proclamacion , y=e= duke of Orleau~ce and other
lordes of Frau~ce were in such fere , that they anon by the lycence of
the kynge , sent such worde vnto y=e= sayd host y=t= they w=t=drewe
them , (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.168)
and the kynge with his prysoners vpon the morowe folowynge toke his way
towarde his towne of Calays , where he restyd hym durynge this mayres
tyme . (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.169)
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xv. Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xvi.
Wylliam Cambridge . Nicholas Wotton~ , draper . Aleyn Euerarde .
Anno. iiii. (FABYAN-E1-P2,580.173)
This yere , and .xxix. daye of Nouembre , as the mayre rode towarde
Westmynster for to take his charge , a pursyuaunt of the kynges came
with letters vnto the mayre , gyuynge to hym knowledge of y=e= kynges
good spede ; wher=e=fore the bysshop of Wynchester , than chauncellor
of Englande , hauynge lyke wyttyng , came that daye to Paulys ,
& there caused Te Deum to be songyn with great solempnyte ,
and in lyke wyse was lyke obseruaunce don in y=e= parysshe churches &
other relygyous houses thorough the cytie of London .
And at Poulys , by the sayd chaunceller , standyng vpon the steppes at
the quyer dore , were the sayd tydynges denou~ced vnto the people :
and vpon the morowe folowynge , y=e= sayd chau~celler , with other
bysshoppes and temporall lordes , with a general procession of y=e=
mayre and comynalte of the cytie , yode from Paulls to Westmynster on
fote , (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.179)
and offeryd at seynt Edwardes shryne , (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.180)
& so retourned to theyr own $houses . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.181)
Then kyng Henry w=t= his prisoners shypped at Calays ,
and so landed at Douer , (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.183)
& after he had been at Cau~terbury and there made his offeryng vnto
seynt Thomas , he than spedde hym on his iourney tyll he came vnto
Eltham , where he rested hym a season . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.184)
Vpon the .xxiii. daye of Nouembre , he was mette with the mayre & his
bretherne vpon the Blak Heth , & so conueyed with all honour thorugh
the cytie vnto Westmy~ster , wher , in dyuers places of the sayd cytie
, as the bridge & crosse in Chepe , were ordeyned certayne page~tes to
the kynges great comforte , the maner wherof , with also pro~cessions &
other seremonyes , I passe ouer for lengthynge of the tyme .
In this yere also , Sigismunde emperour of Almayne came into England ,
and in the month of May by the kynges co~maundement , and .vii. daye of
the sayd moneth , the mayre and bretherne mette hym vpon Blak Heth ;
and at Seynt Georges met hym the kynge & his lordes in great nombre ,
and so conueyed hym vnto Westmy~ster with great honoure ,
& lodgyd hym in his owne palays . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.190)
And shortly after was y=e= feest of seynt George holden at Wyndesore ,
whiche before was deferryd for his co~mynge ; in tyme of whiche
solempnyte , durynge the dyuyne seruyce , the kyng kept y=e= astate ;
but in syttyng at the feest , the emperour kept the astate ; the
seruyce and sotlytees of whiche feest , with syttynge of the lordes
after theyr degrees , I passe ouer . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.192)
And shortly after came the duke of Holande into this lande , for
certayne causes concernynge the emperour , whom the kyng honourably
receyued , (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.193)
& lodgyd hym in the bysshoppes palays of Ely in Holbourne ;
and so the kynge entreated & cheryd thyse strau~gers , that for the
season that they taryed in Englande , they laye here at the kynges
coste and charge : (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.195)
and the emperour and he were made knyghtes of the Garter , and also a
great duke of the emperours named duke of Briga .
And whan the emperoure had taryed vpon .vii. wekys and odde days in
Englande , whiche after some wryters , was to thentent to set an vnyte
& rest atwene the Frenshe kynge & kynge Henry , he after tooke mynde to
retourne into Almayne , whom the kynge for his comfort and nedes that
he had to do at Calays , acco~panyed hym thyder , where eyther with
gyftes and thankes departyd from other ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.197)
and the duke of Holande went with the emperoure into Holande and other
countres . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.198)
Whyle y=e= kynge was thus at Calays , to hym came thyder vnder sauffe
conduyt , y=e= duke of Burgoyn , (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.199)
& had w=t= them dyuers co~municacions , (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.200)
& after retourned to his owne . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.201)
And soon after the kynge retourned into Englande ,
& came to Westmynster vpon seynt Lukes euyn , or the .xvii. day of
Octobre . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.203)
This yere and season , whyle the kyng was at Calays , that is to meane
vpon y=e= daye of the Assumpcyon of our blessyd Lady , the duke of
Bedforde , accompanyed with the earle of Marche & other lordes , had a
great floyt {COM:conflict} and batayll with duyers carykkes of Ieane &
other shyppes , where after a longe and sore fyght , y=e= honour fyll
to hym & his Englysshemen , to the great losse of the straungers ,
bothe of theyr men and also of theyr shyppes , as some drowned , and
.iii. of the grettest of theyr carykkes taken . (FABYAN-E1-P2,581.204)
Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xvi. Anno Domini. M.iiii.C.xvii.
Robert Wodtyngton . Henry Barton , skynner Iohn~ Couentre .
Anno. v.
This yere the kynge holdynge his parlyament at Westmynster , to hym was
grau~ted by auctorytie of the same a fyftene ;
and by a conuocacion of y=e= clergy , was graunted to hym a dyme , for
the mayntenaunce of his warrys : wherupon newe prouyco~n was made for
his second vyage into Fraunce . (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.211)
By auctoryte of this parlyame~t also , Richarde , whiche was sone &
heyre of y=e= erle of Ca~brydge , which erle was put to deth at
Southampton , was {COM:edit._1542,_1559} created duke of Yorke , which
after was maryed vnto Cecile y=e= doughter of Daraby erle of
Westmerla~de , by reason y=t= he boughte his wardshyp of y=e= kyng . By
the whiche lady Cecile he had Henry y=t= dyed yonge , Edward y=t= after
was kyng , Edmu~de erle of Rutla~de , Anne duchesse of Exceter ,
Elizabeth duchesse of Suffolk , George duke of Clarence , Richard duke
of Glouceter & after kyng , & Margaret duchesse of Burgoyn .
And whan all thyng was redy for y=e= k~nges viage , he ordeyned Iohn~
duke of Bedforde his brother protecto=r= of this lande in y=e= tyme of
his absence ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.213)
& that done he with his lordes aboute Wytsontyde , toke his shyppyng at
Southhampton , (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.214)
and so sayled into Normandy , (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.215)
and landyd vpon Lammas day at a place called Tooke or Towke .
And after he was with his host there landed , for somoche as he was
warnyd of certayne shyppes of warre y=t= entendyd to do some harme in
Englande , beyng than vpon the see , he therfore to withstande theyr
malycyous purpose , sent y=e= erle of Marche , the erle of Huntyngdon ,
with other , to store {COM:scour} the see ; the whiche encountred the
sayd enemyes , and after a lo~ge and cruell fyght , them venquysshed
and ouercome ; which fyght was vpon y=e= day of seynt Romayn , or the
.ix. day of August , as hath the Frenshe Cronycle .
And of the Frenshe nauy was chief capitayn the vycou~t of Narbon ,
whiche in that fight was taken with great plente of treaso=r= ;
for , as sayth Gaguynus , he with one Mou~tney an other captayne , to
whome the sowdyours wages was co~mytted , of one assent , for theyr
synguler lucre , withhelde the sayd wages , by reason wherof whan they
shuld ioyne in batayll , many of them w=t= theyr shippes withdrewe ,
and laft theyr capytayns in the dau~ger of their enemyes .
But this is lyke to be a fayned excuse of the said Gagwyne , to saue
y=e= honour of y=e= Frenshme~ , as he many tymes semblably doth in many
places of his boke . (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.220)
Then to retourne vnto kynge Henry : whan he was thus landyd , he sent
vnto the rulers of the towne of Towke , (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.221)
and had it vnto hym delyuered ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.222)
but the castell was defendyd agayne hym tyll seynt Laurence daye
folowynge : the whiche he gaue after vnto his brother the duke of
Clarence , with all the signory therunto belongynge .
And this done , the kynge sped hym towarde Cane ,
and layd his siege therunto vpon the .xvii. day of y=e= foresayd moneth
of August , the which contynued tyll the feest of the Natyuite of our
Lady , & than won vpon the partie that the duke of Clarence assawted ;
but the castell helde by apoyntme~t , if no rescouse were had tyll y=e=
.xiiii. day folowyng , at whiche day the said castell was delyuered
with other .xiiii. stronge holdes , which had before taken the same
appoyntment . (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.226)
Than the kynge made the foresayd duke of Clarence capitayne of the sayd
towne and castell . (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.227)
And in this $passetyme {TEXT:passetyme} were diuers other townes &
stronge holdes gotyn by diuers of the kynges retynew , as the erle
marshall , the erle of Warwyke & other , the whiche wan Louers , Faloys
, Neuelyn , Cherburgth , Argentyne , and Bayons the cytie , with many
other stro~ge abbeys and pyles {COM:edit._1533,_1542,_1559} .
Than the kyng helde there seint Georges feest , (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.229)
and dubbyd there .xvi. knyghtes of the Bath , (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.230)
and after co~tynued his warres duryng this mayres yere , in wynnynge
vpon y=e= Frenshmen by appoyntme~tes & otherwyse , wherof the
circumstaunce were very longe to declare in ordre .
In this yere also , and vpon the feestfull day of Ester , fyll a
chau~ce in Lo~don , whiche , to y=e= fere of all good christen men , is
necessary to be noted ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,582.232)
for vpon the hygh & solempne day , by excytynge of the deuell , & yll
disposicion of .ii. women , that is to meane the wyfe of the lorde
Straunge , & the wife of sir Iohn~ Trussel knyght , such vnkyndnesse
fyll atwene theyr .ii. husbandes , y=t= eyther wolde haue slayne other
within the parysshe churche of Seynt Dunstanes in the East : in partyng
of which persones dyuers men were hurt & sore wounded , & one
named Thomas Petwarden slayne out of ha~de , whiche was a freeman and
fysshemonger of y=e= cytie . (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.233)
Than lastly both frayers were taken & brought vnto the countour in the
Pultry , (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.234)
& for the sayd lorde Strau~ge was demyd culpable of the begynnynge of
this fraye , he therfore vpon the Sonday folowynge , & for suspendynge
of the Church , was denou~ced accursyd at Poulis crosse , & in all
parysshe churches of London ; (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.235)
and fynally he was demyd to open penaunce (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.236)
& dyd it , (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.237)
and made great amendes vnto the wyfe of the said Thomas for the deth of
her husbande : (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.238)
and in the ende of this yere whete at London was solde for .ii.
s. a busshell . (FABYAN-E1-P2,583.239)