Here foloweth the thyrde instruccyon agaynst Martyn luther .
Towching the third instruccyon it foloweth in the gospel . Et
vos testimonium perhibebitis . quia ab initio mecum estis .
That is to saye . & ye shall bere wytnese bycause ye be conuersaunt
with me fro the begynnynge . (FISHER-E1-P2,331.6)
To whom shall they bore wytnesse . but vnto the vnyuersall chirche of
chryst ? (FISHER-E1-P2,331.7)
Theyr wytnesse than must be allowed of euery true christen man .
Of these wordes & of the other aboue reherced . it shal appeere that
more testimony must be admytted for sufficyent authoryte . than only
that that is wryten in the byble . whiche one thynge yf we may
establyshe . it wyl cast downe a grete nombre of Martyn luthers
artycles . (FISHER-E1-P2,331.9)
But for this we must consyder that these .iij. persones of whome this
gospell hathe made mencyon . though all theyr workes be vndiuyded
& vndeseuered one from another . but ioyntly go to gyders . yet
scrypture assygneth thre seuerall tymes vnto these .iij. persones , in
the which they haue instructeth man . of the trouth necessary to be
byleued . (FISHER-E1-P2,332.10)
First almighty god the fader instructed our elders by his prophetes :
as saint Paule sayth . Multiphariam multisque modis olim deus
loquens patribus in prophetis . (FISHER-E1-P2,332.12)
that is to saye . Almyghty god the fyrst persone in the godhed many
dyuers wayes instructed our fathers by his prophetes .
saint Paule meaneth here by our fathers the Iewes . of whom we
spiritually descended . (FISHER-E1-P2,332.14)
for Abraham that was theyr carnal fader is oures also spiritual .
Now almighty god the father taught them by his prophetes . whose
prophecyes all be it they be wrytten in scrypture . yet was there many
moo thynges which they spoke vnwritten that was of as grete authoryte .
as that that was wryten which the mayster of Iewes calleth cabala .
which is deriued fro man to man . by mouthe onely & not by wrytynge .
After this the second person the sone of god our sauiour christ Iesu
was send by his father into this worlde to instructe man . bothe by
hymselfe & by his apostles . the which were conuersaunt with hym
as the gospel here sayth fro the beginning .
These blessid apostles left vnto vs also many thynges by mouthe . which
is not written in the byble . (FISHER-E1-P2,332.18)
This thyng may appeere by saynt paule . whiche cam after them & was not
present whan christ $sayde these wordes vnto them in .ij. epistole ad
thessalonicenses . State & tenete traditiones quas didicistis .
siue per sermonem siue per epistolam nostram .
that is to say . be ye constaunt (FISHER-E1-P2,332.20)
& kepe those instruccions & erudicyons that ye haue lerned of vs .
other by mouth , or els by wrytyng . (FISHER-E1-P2,332.21)
yf saynt paule that was latter than the other apostles
to whom these wordes were sayd of christ . wyl haue his
tradycions obserued & kept . as wel those that he tolde them by mouth .
as those that he wrote with his penne . why shall not lykewyse the
traditions of al the other apostles be of lyke strengthe to make fayth
& to bere wytnesse of the trouthe . (FISHER-E1-P2,333.22)
Here ye may se by expresse scrypture of saynt paule that we be bounde
to byleue many mo thynges than be wrytten & put in the byble .
we shall conferme this by Origene which is an auncyent doctor & to
whome in this poynt grete fayth is to be gyuen . (FISHER-E1-P2,333.24)
He in the boke of nombres $Homilia .v. sayth . Set in
ecclesiasticis obseruationibus sunt non nulla que omnibus facere
necesse est . nec tamen ratio eorum omnibus patet . Nam quod verbi
gratia genua flectimus orantes . et quod ex omnibus celi plagis ad
folam orientis partem conuersi fundimus orationem . non facile puto
cuiquam ratione compertum . Sed & eucharistie . seu percipiende seu quo
ritu geritur . explicande vel eorum que geruntur in baptismo . verborum
, gestorumque . et ordinum . atque interrogationem . et responsionum .
quis facile explicet rationem . Et tamen hec omnia operta licet et
velata portamus super humeros . quum implemus ea et exequimur . vt a
magno pontifice christo et a filiis eius tradita et commendata
suscepimus . (FISHER-E1-P2,333.25)
That is to saye . But in the obseruancyes of the chyrche be many
thynges whiche is necessary for vs to do (FISHER-E1-P2,333.26)
and yet the reason why that we so do is not open to al men .
As in example . whan that we make our prayers knelynge and whan amonges
all the other $places of heuen we chose the eest parte towarde the
whiche we make oure prayer I thynke not that the reason of this
is lyghtly knowen to any man . (FISHER-E1-P2,334.28)
Of the obseruancyes also and rytes that we vse aboute the sacramente of
the alter to be consecrate . or elles of the sacramente of baptyme to
be minystred whoo can expresse the reason of al those wordes . gestures
. orders . questyons . answers that there be accustomed .
And yet neuerthelesse al these we bere couered & hyd upon our sholders
whan that we do perfourme and execute them accordynge to the traditions
& erudycyons whiche we haue receyued commended vntyll vs by the grete
bysshop chryst & by his chyldren the holy apostles . Of the whiche
wordes of Origine it clerly dothe appere . that many suche tradycyons
were left vnto chrysten people by chryst & his apostles the whiche we
must folowe notwithstandynge they be not wryten in scrypture . To the
whiche purpose I myght also brynge the testymonyes of Damascene Demose
. Augustine . Hierome . and other moo . (FISHER-E1-P2,334.30)
Thyrdly the thyrd persone in the trynyte that is to saye the holy
spiryte of trouth was sent fro the other twayne to abyde with vs for
euer . And to be as a comforter contynuell in christes chirche . whan
the stormes & tempestes of heresyes do aryse . & agaynst al floghteryng
doutfulnes to teche vs the veray certayne trouthe . where vnto we shold
rest . (FISHER-E1-P2,334.31)
After that the apostles were departed from vs the holy spyryte dyd &
dothe remayne (FISHER-E1-P2,334.32)
& shall remayne with vs vnto the worldes ende . (FISHER-E1-P2,334.33)
but by whome I pray you speketh he vnto vs ? (FISHER-E1-P2,334.34)
by whome techeth he vs any trouth ? (FISHER-E1-P2,334.35)
by whome elles but by the fathers & doctours of the chyrche .
by theyr mouthes this holy spyryte techeth vs euery trouthe .
Non enim vos estis qui loquimini . sed spiritus patris vestri
qui loquitur in vobis . (FISHER-E1-P2,334.38)
that is to saye It is not ye that speke , but the holy spyryte
of your father whiche dothe speke within you . (FISHER-E1-P2,335.39)
Saynt Basyll whan he was baptised . a wonderful lyght was sene aboute
hym . which is not to be douted . but that it was a sensyble token of
the holy goost . (FISHER-E1-P2,335.40)
And lyke wyse saynt Ambrose whyles he was endytynge of the
xliij. psalme a lyght was sene aboue his heed in maner of a
shelde . whiche by lytle & lytle entred in at his mouthe in veray token
of the spyryte of god . (FISHER-E1-P2,335.41)
And so lykewyse it was of the other . Wherfore it is not to be douted
but in suche holy bisshoppes and doctours of the chirche the holy goost
dothe speke . but moche rather in councelles whan many of them were
assembled togyder . (FISHER-E1-P2,335.42)
For euer as the stormes and tempestes of heresyes dyd aryse . so they
were at length oppressed & conuynced by this holy spyryte . spekynge in
the mouthes of the fathers & doctours of the chirche . Somtyme by
generall councelles and assembles of many bysshoppes togyder .
In the counsel of Nicene was cccix. bisshoppes in whome the holy goost
spake to the confutacyon of an heresye that than sore vexed the chirche
. (FISHER-E1-P2,335.44)
After that in the counsell of constantynoble was assembled .c.l.
bisshoppes . (FISHER-E1-P2,335.45)
& in them the holy goost spake to the destruccyon of an other heresye
that than rose in the chirche . (FISHER-E1-P2,335.46)
In the counsell kept in Epheso in a grete cyte of Asye so named were
assembled CCC. bysshoppes in whome than the holy spyryte spake to the
confoundynge of another heresye that was a lofte .
& so contynually frome tyme to tyme euer as these clowdes arose and
made any grete tempestes . & began to lyghten and shewe a fals lyght of
myscoustruynge of scryptures . this holy spyryte was redy by these
fathers to enforme the vnyuersal chyrche of the certayn trouthe .
Se than I saye what we haue to conferme those thynges that be
taught vs by the chyrche . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.49)
Fyrst the prophetes that were instructed by the father almyghty god .
and also theyr Cabala . that is too saye theyr secrete erudycyons not
wryten in the byble . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.50)
Secondly the apostles . whiche were instructed by oure sauyoure chryst
Iesu . and also theyr tradycyons not wryten in the byble .
Thyrdely the holy fathers and doctours of the chyrche . that were
enformed by the holy spyryte of trouthe . aswell in theyr exposycyons
of scrypture . as also by theyr general assembles and counceyles had
here to fore . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.52)
Yf there were a fourthe persone in the trynyte . or another spyryte to
be sent vnto vs from almighty god we myght yet be in some doute wheder
Martyn luther had met with this spyryte by the wage and conueyed hym
from vs . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.53)
But sythen we be assured that there is no moo but .iij. persones in the
godhede . of whome this gospell maketh mencyon . and that euery one of
them hath done his dylygence to instructe vs of the trouthe . And
ferthermore . that there is none other holy spyryt preter
spiritum veritatis but this spyryte of trouthe . and he also
shall abyde with vs for euer & acertayne vs of euery trouthe . we may
be sure that Martyn luther hath not this spyryte when he dothe teche vs
agaynst the trouthe that hathe $been taught vs by this spyryte .
For he cutteth awaye the tradycyons of the apostles .
and refuseth the general councelles . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.56)
and contemneth the doctryne of the holy fathers and doctours of the
chyrche . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.57)
and laboureth to subuerte all the ordynaunce of the chirche . & namely
the vij. sacramentes . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.58)
and taketh awaye the fredome of mans wyll . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.59)
and affermeth that al thyng faylleth by necessyte contrary to all the
doctryne of christes chirche . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.60)
we may be sure therfore that he hath some other wretched spyryte . some
spyryte of errour & not the spiryt of trouthe . (FISHER-E1-P2,336.61)
saynt Paule sayth , In nouissimis temporibus discedent
quidam a fide . attendentes spiritibus erroris . et doctrims demoniorum
. (FISHER-E1-P2,337.62)
that is to say . In the latter dayes of the chirche some shall go from
the true faythe of christes chirche & gyue hede to the spirytes of
errour & to the techynge of the deuyl . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.63)
And here note this worde $discedent . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.64)
For saynt Paule saythe in an other place . Erit discessio primum
. (FISHER-E1-P2,337.65)
that is to saye . Before the comynge of antichryst there shall be a
notable discessyon & departyng fro the faythe of the chirche .
And it is not vnlyke to be at this same tyme by the occasyon of this
moost perylous heretyke . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.67)
Here Martin luther for his shrewed brayne wyll some thyng wrastell
agaynst vs . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.68)
He wyl say that the councelles somtyme erre . & that a the doctours
full often disagre . And as they erre & disagre at one tyme or in one
place so maye they do in an other . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.69)
and therfore he sayth he is bounden to byleue none of them all .
To this maye be answered that this reason strayneth not . as it shall
well appeere in lyke . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.71)
The prophetes somtyme left vnto themselfe dyd square from the trouthe .
Nam prophetie spiritus non semper prophetarum mentes irradiat .
That is to say the spiryte of prophecye dothe not alway shyne bright
vpon the myndes of the prophetes . As in example kynge Dauyd purposynge
to buylde the temple to almyghty god councelled with the prophete
Nathan wheder he sholde perfourme his purpose ye or naye .
And the prophete Nathan bad hym goo in hande with it . and do all that
he intended in his herte for to do . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.75)
Omnia que in corde tuo sunt fac . dominus tecum est .
That is to saye . do all that thou intendest in thy herte ,
for oure lorde god is with the . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.78)
yet he was deceyued . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.79)
it was not soo as he sayd . (FISHER-E1-P2,337.80)
Shall we nowe for this dysceyte truste none other thynge that
this prophete Nathan sayd besyde this ? (FISHER-E1-P2,338.81)
god forbede . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.82)
Lykewyse of the apostles . saynt Peter whan he sayd to christ .
Tu es christus filius dei viui . that is to say . Thou arte
christ the sone of the lyuely god . he spake this by reuelacyon .
and here our sauyoure praysed hym (FISHER-E1-P2,338.84)
& sayd . Beatus es petrus bariona . that is to saye .
Thou art blessed Peter the sone of Iohan . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.85)
within a lytle after he dyssuaded our sauyour from his passyon
and sayd . Abit a te domine . that is to saye . Not so
good lorde . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.87)
and in this he sayd wrong . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.88)
Shal we nowe bycause he sayd wronge this seconde tyme not byleue his
fyrst sayenge ? (FISHER-E1-P2,338.89)
that were not reasonable . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.90)
Almighty god suffred the prophetes and the apostles also somtyme to
erre to thentent that we myght knowe they were but men . And whan they
sayd trouthe that that they had of god . & whan they sayd otherwyse
than trouth that that came of themself . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.91)
And so lykewyse I saye of the doctours . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.92)
though they somtyme erred . bycause we myght knowe that they were men .
& that than they were left to themselfe . we shal not therfore denye
them generally . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.93)
And the councelles also thoughe some one of the last councelles whiche
perauenture was not gadred in that mekenes & charyte that was expedient
though one of them whiche thyng I wyl not afferme in
some artycle were permysed to goo amysse . Shold we therfore damne al
the resydue ? (FISHER-E1-P2,338.94)
It were no reason . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.95)
And this may suffyse for the third instruccion . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.96)
Here foloweth the fourth instruccyon . (FISHER-E1-P2,338.97)
The fourth & the fynall instruccyon taketh awaye the defence that may
be layde for Martyn luther by his adherentes . which defence also may
soone ouerthrowe the weyke soules whan they shall here it .
Theyr defence standeth in thre poyntes . (FISHER-E1-P2,339.100)
Fyrst they saye that Martyn luther is a man depely lerned in scryptures
. groundynge all his opinyons vpon the same . a man of relygyous lyfe .
& suche one that for his lernynge and vertue hath many adherentes .
Secondly they saye that he hathe a faste mynde in god . and spareth for
no mans authoryty to speke the trouthe . in so moche that he hath
excomunicate the pope (FISHER-E1-P2,339.102)
for he thynketh in his owne conscyence that those that folowe not his
doctryne be not of the chyrche catholyke . (FISHER-E1-P2,339.103)
Thyrdly he hath a merueylous feruent zeale to god for the whiche he
dothe labour to conuert all the world to his opinyon . thynkynge
assuredly to do a specyal sacrifyce & pleasure to god therby .
This whan a weyke soule hereth he is in peryll anone to gyue faythe
vnto it . & to mystrust the doctryne of the chirche .
For who may thynke but suche a man is in the ryght way .
But herfore to this the rest of the gospell that enseweth dothe answere
clerly . (FISHER-E1-P2,339.107)
It foloweth . hec locutus sum vobis . vt non scandalizemini .
absque synagogis facient vos . Sed venit hora vt omnis qui interficit
vos arbitretur obsequium se prestare deo . That is to saye .
This I haue tolde you before to the entent that ye shall not quale in
your fayth . (FISHER-E1-P2,339.108)
for they shall deuyde you from theyr synagoges . (FISHER-E1-P2,339.109)
& the tyme shal come that euery man that mordereth you shall thynke
that he dothe therby {COM:ed._1556:_therby_doth} grete seruyce vnto god
. (FISHER-E1-P2,339.110)
These wordes maye be taught of some to perteyne only vnto the
tyme of the Iewes . which dyd expell the apostles out of theyr
synagoges . or to the tyme of the tyrauntes . whiche dyd slee moche
christen people in the beginnynge of the chirche .
But yf that were a trouthe . than these wordes shold be no generall
instruccyon for the vniuersall chyrche . whiche thynge we gadred
agaynst luther at the begynnynge of our sermone . wherfore moche rather
they perteyn vnto the tyme of the heretikes . First bycause this
persecucyon lenger continued than the other twayne .
for the persecucyon of the Iewes was soone at a syde .
and the persecucyons of the tyrauntes had his course for a season .
but the herytykes hath persecuted the chirche from the ascencyon of
christ . (FISHER-E1-P2,340.115)
& shal do vnto the comynge of antichryst . (FISHER-E1-P2,340.116)
Forthermore the persecucyon of the herytykes is & was euermore perylous
. (FISHER-E1-P2,340.117)
for as for the Iewes & the tyrauntes they were manyfest enemyes vnto
chryst (FISHER-E1-P2,340.118)
& abhorred his scripturs . (FISHER-E1-P2,340.119)
but these herytykes pretend a specyall fauour vnto christ .
& coloure all theyr heresyes with his scryptures .
The Iewes & the tyrauntes whan they had slayn the bodyes of christen
men . yet they sent theyr soules to euerlastyng glorye .
but the heretykes misconstruynge the scryptures of god . by theyr false
doctryne . & erronyous opynyons & pestilent heresyes doth slee the
soules of chrysten people . & send them to euerlastyng damnacyon .
Wherfore these wordes must rather be vnderstanded of the persecucyon
that was made by the heretykes . (FISHER-E1-P2,340.123)
Now than chrysten man whan thou herest that Martyn luther is a man of
grete lernynge . & hath grete redynes in scryptures . and is reputed of
vertuous lyuynge . and hathe many grete adherentes . thynke that many
suche hath ben before hym in the chirche of chryst . that by theyr
lernynge and mistakynge of scryptures hathe made suche tempestes in the
chirche before this tyme . (FISHER-E1-P2,340.124)
How tempested one grete heretyke Arrius with his heresye the chirche of
christ . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.126)
how gret a murder of soules made he ? (FISHER-E1-P2,341.127)
was not he a man of grete lernynge . of synguler eloquence . of
vertuous lyfe in outwarde apparence . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.128)
& all his opynyons he grounded vpon scrypture . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.129)
and so dysceyued many a soule . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.130)
Saynt Hierome saythe . Arrius vna scintilla in Alexandria fuit .
sed quia non cito extincta est . totum orbem populata est flamma eius .
That is to saye . In the cyte of Alexandre Arrius was but one
sparkle . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.131)
but bycause this sparkle was not soon quenched the flam that rose of it
raged thorugh all the world . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.132)
& a longe tyme vexed the chirche of christ . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.133)
and ouerthrewe soules innumerable . tyll at the length by the holy
spyryte of trouth . whiche is the comforter of christes chirche spekyng
as I sayd before in the mouthes of the fathers & doctours of the chirch
this heresye was conuynced and playnly put asyde .
But after this tempest rose vp another clowde in contynent . one called
Macedonius . that vexed the chirche lykewyse . & after hym Nestorius .
after hym Eutices . & so forthe storme after storme one vpon other . so
that assone as one storme was pacifyed the wycked spyrytes raysed vp
another incontynent . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.135)
Saynt Austyn remembreth .lvij. capital heresies . that after the
ascencyon of our sauiour christ . at sondry tymes . lyke so many
clowdes & stormes rose in the chyrche . whiche fynally were conuynced
by the holy spiryt of trouthe . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.136)
And euery of these herytykes grounded his heresye vpon scrypture .
and many of theym were men of fell wyttes . of depe lernynge . of
myghty reason . & of pretensed vertue . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.138)
& had the propre fayth to wrye & to torcasse the scryptures . to make
them apparent for theyr erronyous opinions . (FISHER-E1-P2,341.139)
Fynally theyr lyfe lernynge . & handlyng of scryptures . were suche
that they had many grete adherentes & fautours . as wel of the
byshoppes . as of the emperours . & of other chrysten prynces also .
which were abused by them . (FISHER-E1-P2,342.140)
Therfore it was necessary that our sauyour christ Iesu for the grete
inestimable goodnes & for the tender loue that he bereth to his chirche
. sholde leue instruccyon & warnynge to all christen people & to his
vneuersall chirche of this persecucyon (FISHER-E1-P2,342.141)
and so dyd he sayenge . Hec locutus sum vobis vt non
scandalizemini . (FISHER-E1-P2,342.142)
I haue tolde you saythe he these thinges before . bycause ye shall not
quale in your faythe . (FISHER-E1-P2,342.143)
what hath he tolde vs before ? (FISHER-E1-P2,342.144)
This . that the spyrit of trouthe shal remayne in the chyrche for euer
. & that in all suche stormes & tempestes he shal be a comforter vntyl
vs . (FISHER-E1-P2,342.145)
O christen man here this gracyous warnyng of our sauyour christ .
marke well what he saith . (FISHER-E1-P2,342.147)
I haue warned you sayth he of these thynges before . bycause that whan
they fal . ye shal not be ouerthrowen in your soules by them .
as though he sayd . whan ye shal se the stormes aryse . whan ye shal
behold the thick black clowdes aloft . that shal darken al the face of
the heuen . & shadow from you the clere light of the sonne . & shewe a
false glysteryng light that yssueth out of the clowde . from the
spirite of the tempest . & ye shall here terryble comminacyon of theyr
thonderynge . Be ye than constant in your faythe .
byleue as dothe your mother holy chirche . lyfely
& put your trust in the spyryte of trouthe . whiche shall be your
comforter vnto the worldes ende . (FISHER-E1-P2,342.151)
Ferthermore whan thou herest christen man that Martyn luther hath a
faste mynde in god & letteth for no mans authoryte to speke the trouthe
. & reputeth all theym that folowe not his doctryne to be deuyded from
the chirch catholyke . in so moche that he hathe excomunycate the pope
. O wonderfull presumpcion . O madnes intollerable . knowe this for
certayne . that all the other heretykes thus dyd .
they dyd repute themeself & theyr adherentes only to be of the chirche
catholyke . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.153)
and rekeneth all other that folowe not theyr opinions to be deuyded
from the chyrche . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.154)
So dyd the Nouacyanes in Rome exclude the catholyke preestes &
byshoppes from theyr chirches . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.155)
So dyd the Arrianes in grece lykewyse . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.156)
So dyd the Donatystes in Afrycke . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.157)
Neuerthelesse the chyrche of christ is but one vna . sancta .
catholica . et apostolica . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.158)
this chirche is one hauynge one heed the pope . whiche is the vycare of
christ . of whome it is called vna . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.159)
And though there be in this chyrche many synners . yet for the holy
sacramentes that reneweth & repareth synners dayly . & for the holy
spyryte that contynually remayneth in it . it is called sancta . that
is to say holy . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.160)
And for bycause it is not lymyt to any certayne nacyon . but it is
comen to all nacyons . therfore it is called catholica . that is to
saye vnyuersall . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.161)
And fynally bycause it is deryuyed from the apostles . & specyally from
the prynce of the apostles saynt Peter . therfore it is called
apostolica . that is to saye apostolyke . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.162)
This onely chyrche is the spouse of chryst . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.163)
all other sembles that be not of this chirche be synagoges of sathanas
& concylyables of the deuyll . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.164)
And therfore christen man be not astonyed . thoughe they do
excomunycate & deuyde the true chrystyanes from theyr synagoges .
For our sauyour hathe gyuen vs warnynge hereof before sayenge as it
foloweth in the gospell . absque synagogis facient vos .
that is to saye . they shall excomunycate you and deuyde you from theyr
synagoges . (FISHER-E1-P2,343.166)
Thyrdly chrysten man whan thou herest that Martyn luther hathe so grete
a zeale to god . & thynketh in his conscyence that he is bounden to do
this that he dothe . & weneth that in so doyng he pleaseth god & dothe
a specyall seruyce vnto god . & all the soules that by his
false doctryne he sleeth and murdereth , he recommytteth them vnto
almyghty god : yet neuerthelesse be stronge in thy faythe
and se that in this poynt our sauyour hath also warned the chirche
sayenge . Sed venit hora quando omnis qui interficit vos
arbitretur obsequium se prestare deo . That is to saye . the
tyme cometh whan euery man that shall murder you . shall wene that he
dothe acceptable seruyce vnto god . (FISHER-E1-P2,344.168)
But yf thus the other heretykes dyd not before . than thynke that
Martyn luther is somwhat . (FISHER-E1-P2,344.169)
Dyd not thus the Arrianes ? (FISHER-E1-P2,344.170)
dyd not they furyously rage agaynst the catholyke bysshoppes and
preestes . whiche dyd resyste theym : (FISHER-E1-P2,344.171)
and not only by theyr pestylent errours they infected the soules of men
but also caused greate murders of bodyes . (FISHER-E1-P2,344.173)
Dyd not thus the Donatystes of whome saynt Austyn saythe ad Bonifacium
. Quicunque dura illorum verba contempserant , durioribus
verberibus quod iubebant facere cogebantur . innocentium qui eos
offenderant domus . aut deponebantur ad folum . aut ignibus cremabantur
. that is to saye . who so euer set at nought theyr hard wordes
. they were constrayned with harder strokes to folowe theyr pleasures .
that houses of the good christians . eyther were throwen downe to the
grounde , or elles were brente with fyre . (FISHER-E1-P2,344.174)
And after foloweth . quod plurimi cedibus eorum extineti sunt .
that is to say . & many was slayne by their murders .
Dyd not thus the discyples of wycclyffe . all be it that for fere of
the temporall laves they durst slee no man . (FISHER-E1-P2,344.176)
yet put they vp a byll of artycles vnto the temporall lordes in the
parlyament season mouynge them to slee theyr aduersaryes that resysted
agaynst theym . (FISHER-E1-P2,344.177)
And what suppose ye Martyn luther & his adherentes wolde do . yf he had
the popes holynes & his fauourers . whom he calleth so often in
derisyon papistas papastros . & papanos . & papenses in his
daunger . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.178)
I fere me that he wolde vse no more curtesy with them than he hath done
with theyr bokes . that is to say with the decretalles which he hath
brent . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.179)
And so lykewyse I fere me that he wold bren them or any other christen
man that he thought myght let his opinions to go forwarde .
And yet in so doyng he wold thinke that he dyd grete seruyce vnto god .
Thus ye may se that these heretykes . all be it they had grete redynes
in scryptures & were fell wytted men . & depely resoned . and had also
pretens of vertuous lyfe . & had a greter zeale thynkynge in theyr
conscyence that they were bounden to do asmoche as they dyd . yet were
they disceyued . & by the holy councelles & fathers of the chirche
conuynced of theyr erronious opinyons . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.182)
And why maye not lykewyse Martyn luther be deceyued as all they were
before hym . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.183)
& specyally sythen he wanteth the spiryte of trouthe . the whiche all
they wanted . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.184)
For yf they had had the spiryt of trouth they shold not haue erred in
misconceyuing the scriptures . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.185)
I saye not but that they were redy in scryptures . & coude brynge the
scryptures merueylously to theyr purpose . & frame them cursedly to
theyr opinyons . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.186)
but for lacke of the spiryte of trouthe they misconstrued these
scriptures . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.187)
& as saynt Paule saythe . Inuertebant , they tourned the wronge syde of
the scryptures outwarde . folowynge theyr owne brayne and phantasye led
by the spyryte of errour and ignoraunce as it foloweth . Hec
omnia facient vobis quia non nouerunt patrem neque me . that is
to saye . All this they shal do vnto you . bycause they knowe not my
father nor me . (FISHER-E1-P2,345.188)
Yf they had had the spyryte of trouthe . this spyryte sholde haue led
them to the true knowlege of the father and of the sone . that
is to say . to the true knowlege of the prophetes by whome almyghty god
the father spake . & to the true knowlege also of the apostles . by
whome the sone our sauiour christ Iesu spake . (FISHER-E1-P2,346.189)
but bycause they had not this spiryte of trouthe whiche was sent from
the father & from the sone . therfore they were ignoraunt of them bothe
. (FISHER-E1-P2,346.190)
& by that ignoraunce they fell to these inconueniences .
And so lykewyse hath now Martyn luther . (FISHER-E1-P2,346.192)
Now than here I make an ende . (FISHER-E1-P2,346.193)
I haue remembred vnto you accordynge to my promesse foure instruccyons
that be offred vnto vs of this gospel gracyously .
Fyrst that the holy spiryt which is the thyrd persone in the diuynyte
was sent from the holy father almyghty god & from his sone our sauyour
christ Iesu . to be the spyryte of trouthe . resyaunt for euer in the
chirch of chryst . & to be as a comforter fro tyme to tyme agaynst al
stormes & tempestes of heresyes . acertaynynge vs in the tyme of euery
doubtfulnes the veray trouthe where vnto we shal holde & kepe vs .
By the occasyon of this instruccyon I shewed .iij. thynges .
Fyrst that this instruccyon & all the hole gospell perteyneth to the
vnyuersall chirche of christ . whiche thynge I proued by Luthers owne
wordes . (FISHER-E1-P2,346.197)
Second that the heed of this vnyuersall chirche was the pope vnder
chryst . whiche one poynt taketh awaye one grete grounde of Martin
luther & shaketh sore many of his erronious artycles .
Thyrd that Martyn luther dyuydynge hymself from the heed of this body
can not haue in hym this spyryt of trouth . (FISHER-E1-P2,346.199)
For the second instruccyon I shewed that the hete of charyte spred in
our hertes by the holy spyryte of god gyueth euydence of the lyfely
lyght of faythe . shynynge vpon our soules from our sauyour christ . by
the whiche instruccyon was vndermyned an other grete grounde of Martyn
luthers . whiche is that onely faythe dothe iustyfye a synner
withouten workes . (FISHER-E1-P2,347.200)
For the thyrd instruccyon I shewed that the erudycyons left vnto the
chirch by the holy apostles . bereth vnto vs testimony of the faythe of
chryst . & what thynge we shall byleue in his church . where also was
losed another grounde of Martyn luther . which wyll not admyt any other
testimony . but onely that is wrytten in scrypture . Agaynst whome I
proued that he must besydes the scryptures wrytten . receyue also the
tradycyons of the apostles not wrytten . ouer this the councelles
generall . in whome the holy goost dyd speke and the interpretacyons of
scryptures made by the holy bysshoppes and doctours of the chyrche . by
whose mouthes the thyrde persone in the godhede the spyryt of trouthe
spake and speketh . enformyng the chirche for this tyme lyke as dyd the
father almighty god by his prophetes before . & as dyd his sone the
second persone by his apostles . (FISHER-E1-P2,347.201)
For the fourth instruccyon I shewed you that the defence which is made
for Martyn luther by his adherentes wherby many weyke soules be
ouerthrowen . is clerly take away by the moost louynge & moost gracyous
forwarnynge of our sauiour christ as ye haue herde in the ende of the
gospell . (FISHER-E1-P2,347.202)
And yet eftsones for his moost excellent charyte he warneth all his
christen people sayenge and repetynge . Hec locutus sum vobis .
vt quum venerit hora eorum reminiscamini quia hec dixi vobis .
That is to saye . These thynges I haue tolde you to thentent that whan
the daungers shall befall yet ye maye remembre that I before dyd warne
you of them . (FISHER-E1-P2,347.203)
who that thus often warned wyll yet gyue faythe to Martyn luther . or
any other suche herytyke rather than too christ Iesu & vnto the spyryte
of trouthe . whiche is left in the chyrche of chryst vnto the worldes
ende . specyally to enforme vs of the trouthe . (FISHER-E1-P2,347.204)
this man gothe fer wyde from the streyght waye . (FISHER-E1-P2,348.206)
& is neuer lyke to entre in to the port of euerlastynge rest . whiche
all we desyre & couet to come vnto . to the whiche he brynge vs qui cum
patre et spiritu sancto viuit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum
. (FISHER-E1-P2,348.207)
Amen . (FISHER-E1-P2,348.208)