My bounden dewtie in moste humble and lowly wise rememberyd . (GCROMW-E1-P2,193.4) Pleaseth it your Lordeshipp to understonde that I have thus longe tyme deferred to wright unto you of my state and condition , and how both my wife and I lyke this Country by cause I wolde nott make reporte unto you therof before I had more experyence in the same then I colde have in a daie or $tweyne $s {TEXT:tweynes} proffe . (GCROMW-E1-P2,193.5) Trustinge that ye woll so take this my longe scilence , and nott as any slowthfulnes or forgottefulness of my dewtie . Wherfore as concerninge the Howse , and the situation of the same , it doth undoubtedly right moche please and content both me and my wife , (GCROMW-E1-P2,193.6) and is unto hir so comodious that she thinketh hir self to be here right well settylled . (GCROMW-E1-P2,193.7) My Lord Dakers and my Lady his wif , Sir John Gage , M=r=. Gainsforth , M=r=. Shelley , M=r=. Belinghom , and dyuers other gentylmen of this contrey and theire wifes hath , both-1 with theire preasences and also presents , right frendely enterteigned me and welcomed me into thies parties : unto all whome if ye shall have occasion , I moste humblie requyre yow to render herty thankes for their kynd gentylnesses unto me shewyd . (GCROMW-E1-P2,194.8) And thus I desyre our Lorde to have you in his tuition . (GCROMW-E1-P2,194.9) At Lewes , (GCROMW-E1-P2,194.10) the xj=th= daie of Apryll . (GCROMW-E1-P2,194.11) Your moste obedyent sone , Gregory Crumwell . (GCROMW-E1-P2,194.12) To the right honorable and his singuler good Lorde and father , my Lorde Privy Seale . (GCROMW-E1-P2,194.13)