To his right worshipfull father , Sir Robart Plompton , kt. deliver thes . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,166.3) Right worshipfull father , in the most humble and lowly wyse that I can , or may , desiryng to here of your prosperous health , worship , and welfaire , which I hartely besech Almighty Jesus encrease and contyuew to his pleasure , and your most comforth . Father , I am very desirous to here from you , and to know how you do in your matters . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.4) I can noe more doe therein , but hartely pray to God to helpe you in your right , and send you gud speede . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.5) And I pray you let my wyfe have some word from you by this next carryer , how you doe in your sayd matters ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.6) and she and my sister Ellynor humbly recomend them unto you , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.7) and pray you for your dayly blessing . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.8) And both they , and I , pray you that we may be recommended unto my brother William Plompton and all your folkes . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.9) And we rehersed them by name . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.10) And thus the holy Ghost guid you and all the matters that you labor about . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.11) Scribbled in hast the viii day of November . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.12) Father , I can not yet tell whether I come to London my selfe on this side Christenmas or not ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.13) my servant , the bringer hereof , shall shew , as sone as he hath the certenty , whether I shall come or be at home . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.14) Your loving sone to his smale poore , Germayn Pole (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.15) 8 Nov. . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,167.16) To his right worshipfull and most especiall gud father in law , Sir Robart Plompton , kt. be thes delivered . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,178.19) Right worshipfull and my most especiall gud father in law , in my most umbele maner I recomend me most hartely unto you , and unto my lady my mother in law , gladly desiringe to have knowledg of your prousperyte , wellfayre , and harts ease , the which I besech almyghty Jesu long to contynew and increase unto his pleasure , and unto your most joyfull comforth and gladness . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,178.20) Sir , if it please you to understand , that since my last coming into Darbyshire , it was infirmed me , that ther was in Staforthshire a parcell of land , the which should be ther at Combryge and Cramarsh , that was not receined the recovery of the size at Nottingham and Derbye . Wherfore , Sir , I toke upon me in your name to send unto the tenants for as much rent as thay were behind , since the last payment that was made unto Sir John or Preston ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,178.21) and they desired my servants to com agane , as that day sennyt , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,178.22) and they should either have the rent , or be suffered to streyne on such guds as they fond on the ground . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,178.23) And so they did com againe as they had apoynted them , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.24) and in the meane season , thorow the meanes of one Berdall of Assope , ther had bene iiij of Suttell and Roclife servants , the which wold have had the rent ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.25) and your tenaunts answered , that they knew not wherfore that they should pay them , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.26) and so they went ther way . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.27) Howbeit , they sayd they wold be ther shortly againe , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.28) and for that cause they wold not pay my servant , as for at that tyme . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.29) Howbeit , they promysed them upon ther fayth that they shall not pay one penny unto the tyme that they have some word from you . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.30) Furthermore , Sir , if it please you to understand of the great unkindnes that my grandam hath showed unto me now latly , as the bringer herof can more planly shew you by muth , to whom I besech you to take credence on . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.31) For be ye sure , Sir , that I was never so unkindly delt with ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.32) all is because that she well know it that ye are asunder , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.33) therfore she thinketh that she may give and sell all at her owne pleasure . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.34) I will besech you for the reverence of Jesu to be so gud father unto me and my wyfe as to mayntayne it that is my ryght , and to se a remedy for it , as my speciall trust is in you above all other creatures livinge . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.35) Furthermore , I wold desire you that I may have knowledge how that you do in your matters , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.36) for I here tell that you dyd well . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.37) That wold be the most joyfull tydings unto me that ever was , or ever $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , as knoweth the blessed Rode of Rodeborne , who save you in his blessed keepinge . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.38) Amen . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.39) I will besech you , Sir , that this simple letter may recomend me unto my brother William , and my brother Maliverey , with both my sisters , and my sister Eyre , with all your houshold . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.40) By your humble son and beadman , G. de la Pole (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.41) Anno . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,179.42) To his right morshipfull father , Sir Robart Plompton , kngght , thes letter be delivered . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.45) Right worshipfull and my most singuler good father in law , in my most humblest maner I recommend me right hartely unto you , and unto my lady my mother in law , inwardly desiring to have knowledg of your wellfare and harts ease , the which I besech almyghty Jesu of his infinyt mercy and grace shortly to send you , unto your most joyful comforth , and to the pleasure of your harte . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.46) So it is , Sir , that I understand by the letter that I received from you , that ye have the Kings protection ryall , the which is the most joyfullest tydings that ever I hard , since the tyme that I was borne of my mother . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.47) For now , I doubt not but with dew labor mad unto the Kings grace , and with the gud counsell of your lovers and frinds , all the vexation and troble that ye have had now laytly for your matters , by the grace of the blessed Trenity , shall turne unto your joyfull comforth and harts ease , considering how falsly , and how unrighteously , the size is past against you , contrary to the law either-3 of God , or man . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.48) Furthermore , Sir , I have bene at Combrige for your rent at your tenaunte , William Smith , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.49) and I received of him for one yeares rent xl=s= . the which I send you by the brynger hereof . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.50) Howbeit , I lay at outside ij dayes or I cold have it , he was so fearfull to pay it because of Sir Robart Shefell and Emson ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.51) and he desireth you to be his gud master and beare him out , that a {COM:he} be not vexed nor trobled therfore , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.52) for be ye sure he is stedfast unto you . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.53) And I wold have had rent in Crakmarsh , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.54) but the tenaunts wold pay me none ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.55) and I wold have streaned , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,180.56) but ther could no man shew me which was your ground . Wherfore , I supposed that it should have hurt your matters to have streyned , not knowing your ground from his . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.57) Also , Sir , I desired you in my last letter to be so gud father unto me , as to com speake with my grandam for diverse matters , the which longeth unto my profit . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.58) Howbeit , I have no gud answere of you . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.59) But now I will desire you , for the reverence of Jesu , to doe for me as I will do for you , if my power were unto my will , and make it in your way to com speake with hir for the welfare and profit of your daughter , my wyfe , and me . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.60) Many a gentleman in Darbyshire marvelleth , I being so nere my age , that ye will not com and speake with hir for my right ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.61) and if ye come , it will save me greatly , more then ye know , in dyvers matters that I shall shew you of , by the grace of Jesu , who have you in his gloryous keeping . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.62) Your owne son and beadman , German de la Pole (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.63) Anno . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,181.64) To my right worshipfull father-in-law , Sir Robart Plompton , kt. be this delivered . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,191.67) Right worshipfull and my most singuler good father-in-law , in my best maner I hartely recomend me unto you , right glad to here of your welfare , the which our Lord contynew long unto his pleasure and your most comforth . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,191.68) Father , the cause of this my wryting unto you of myn own hand , is for a matter that no man knoweth of but onely my wyfe , and I , and the partyes . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.69) Father , this is the matter ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.70) ther is a gentleman , the which had maryed one of my naunts , whose name is Randolpe Manwring , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.71) and he beareth great love and favor unto my sister Ellynor , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.72) and she doth likewise unto him the same . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.73) And the gentleman hath desired me to wryte unto you , to know if ye can be contented that he have hir in marage to his wyfe ; the which if that ye so be , he $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} glad to meat you in any plase , that it please you to apoynt , and to have a communication in the matter . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.74) And I thinke in my mynd that he $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} contented to take lesse with hir than any man in Inglond wold doe , being of his avyowre , because of the great love and favour that is betwyxt them . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.75) And , father , this I will say by myn uncle Manwryng ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.76) his land is a c marke , (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.77) and also he is as godly and as wyse a gentleman , as any is within a m. myle , of his hed . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.78) And , Sir , all the whole matter lyeth in you and in noe man els ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.79) but if that she were myne owne borne sister , I had lever that she had him , knowing him as I doe , than a man of vi tymes his land . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.80) Father , how that ye are disposed in this matter , I besech you that I may have answere , as shortly as ye can ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.81) for my sister Ellynor putteth herselfe utterly unto that thing , that is your mynd . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.82) And my wyfe and I will doe the same , by the grace of Jesu , who send you shortly a good end in your matters . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.83) Amen . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.84) Your son , Germayn Pole . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.85) Anno . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.86) To my right worshipfull father-in-law , Sir Robart Plompton , kt , this letter be delivered in hast . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,192.88) Right worshipfull and my most singuler good father-in-law , in the best manner that I possibly can . I hartely recomend me unto you with effectuall desire to here of your welfare and gud speed in your great matters . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.89) And likewise , Sir , doth your poore daughter my wyfe , and my sister Ellynor , desiring to have your dayly blessing . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.90) Father , I have word brought me , by one Duckmanton of Moginton , from you , that you had a joyfull end in all your matters , the which were unto me the joyfullest tydings that cold be thought . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.91) Howbeit , Sir , I have had great marvell , that I have not , since that tyme , hard some word from you . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.92) Father , pleaseth yt you to understand , that I have comuned with my uncle Maywheryng , according to the effect of your letter ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.93) and veryly , Sir , I can no other wyse perceive by my sayd uncle , but that he is reasonable in all causes . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.94) For first , he $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} contented to make hir xx marke joynter ; (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.95) and as for such essew as God sendeth them , it is noe doubt but he wyll so provyd for them , that they shall live like gentlemen or gentlewomen , whichsoever God suffereth . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.96) And veryly , father , I am right sure that my sister Ellynor had rather have hym , you beyng so content , then a man of far greater lands . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.97) And also , father , I know wher that my sayd uncle myght have great marraiges , both-2 with great lands , and guds . Wherfore , Sir , yfe yt is your mynd that the matter goe forward , and the preferment of my syster , your daughter , in this behalfe , I pray you that I may have shortly knowledg in writting , what your mind is in this matter , and what you be worthy to give for his large proffers . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.98) And , you being any thing resanable , I am right sure that ye shall like my sayd uncle , as well as ever you liked any man , by the grace of Jesu , who preserve you . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.99) Written at Rodburne in hast upon Martingmas even . By your son-in-law , Germayn Pole . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.100) 1O Nov. . (GPOOLE-1500-E1-P2,193.101)