My Lord Cardinall I recommand vnto yow as hartely as I can , (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.4) and I amme ryght glade to here of your good helthe , whyche I pray god may long contynv . (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.5) So it is that I have resavyd your letters , to the whyche by cause they aske long wrytyng I have made answer by my Secretary . (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.6) Tow thyyngs ther be whyche be so secrete that they cause me at thys tyme to wrytte to yow myselfe ; (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.7) the won is that I trust the quene my wyffe be with chylde ; (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.8) the other is chefe cause why I am soo lothe to repayre to London ward , by cause aboght thys tyme is partly off her dangerus tymes (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.9) and by cause off that I wolde remeve har as lyttyll as I may now . (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.10) My lord I wrytt thys vnto $you nott as a ensuryd thyng but as a thyng wherin I have grette hoppe and lyklyodes and by cause I do well know that thys thyng wvll {COM:sic} be comfortabyll to yow to understand : (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.11) therfor I do wrytt itt unto yow at thys tyme . (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.12) No more to yow att thys tyme , nisi quod Deus velit inceptum opus bene finiri . (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.13) Wryttyn with the hand off your lovyng Prynce Henry R. (HENRY-1510-E1-P2,1.1,126,E.14)