HENRY R. By the King . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,17,E.4) Right trusty and welbeloved we grete you well (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,17,E.5) and forasmoche as the most reverend fader in God our right trustly {COM:sic} and right entierly welbeloved the Lord Cardinall Archebisshop of York dothe now repayre into those partyes , mynding to reside in that his Province for the bettre administration of the cure to hym committed , which now of long season hathe ben orbate and destitute of an archebisshop there resident ; (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,17,E.6) and consequently it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} the more nedeful unto hym to have the favorable and lovyng assistance of the noble men and other in those partyes : (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,17,E.7) We therfor wol and desyre youe not oonely to shewe yourself unto hym from tyme to tyme of toward and benevolent mynde , using , entreatyng , and accepting hym as to his dignitie dothe apperteyn , but also in suche things as shall concerne either the administration of hys sayd cure or the fortheraunce of hys owne reasonnable causes , with the good ordre of hys church , and things apperteynyng to the same , ye woll be to hym conforting , ayding , helping , and assisting , as we specyally trust youe . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,18,E.8) Yeven under our Signet at our Castell of Wyndesore the xxviij=ti= daye of Marche . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,18,E.9) To the richt trusty and welbiloved the Lord Dacre our Counsaillor . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,1.2,18,E.10) To our right trustie and right welbeloved cousin therle of Cumberlande . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.13) Henricus Rex By the Kinge (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.14) Right trustie and right welbeloved cousin wee greete you well . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.15) And albeit for certaine matters of great importance touchinge us and the wealth of this our realme , wee were minded to send for you to repaire hither unto us . Yet tendringe your labors and eschewinge your charges in the same , wee have thought good to send unto you our trustie servantes William Brererton , one of the Gentlemen of our Privie Chamber and Robert Leighton our Chaplin and Thomas Writhesley one of the clerkes of our Signet , to open and declare our mind and pleasure unto you , desireinge you to give firme credence unto the same . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.16) And straightly charge you to keepe secret such matter as they shall shew unto you without disclosinge or communicatinge it to any personne or then those whome ye understand by your said servantes to be made privie thereunto without failing as wee singulerly trust you . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.17) Yeven under our signett at our castell of Windesor the xiijth day of June . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.18) Right trustie and right welbeloved cousin wee greete you well . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,38,H.21) And forasmuch as wee bee enformed the borderers of Scotland have of late made divers roades into our East and Middle Marches to the greate damage and hurt of our subjectes there , due redresse whereof our officers , as they write unto us , $can $not {TEXT:cannot} attaine of the kinge of Scottes . So as wee accompt our self bound for the safegard and defence of our said subjectes to provide and furnish a convenient garrison to lie uppon the wide borders untill such time as wee may otherwise take order therein , wee therfore will and desire you , and likewise comaundinge you by these presentes authorishe the same , to putt in a readines and retaine of your tenantes and servantes the number of two hundreth able men , well horsed , with bowes and arrowes , in sufficient array so as they faile not to be at our towne of Newcastle the xviijth day of September next comeinge , to serve us in the said garrison under the leadeinge of a captaine to be by you appointed , whome wee require you to make Roger Lassells , a man thought unto us verie meete for the same . Signifieinge unto you that forasmuch as the fewer of thinhabitantes of Northumberland be retained in the said garrison the stronger shall the country bee as yee cann by your wisedome consider , our pleasure is therfore that there bee in no wise above two personages inhabitantes of Northumberland in every hundreth of your said number ne yet of the inhabitantes of your mannor of Cokermouth for disfurnishinge of those partes . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,39,H.22) And as for conducte money , and money for coates for your said men , wee have appointed payment to be made at our citty of Yorke the xijth day of September next ensueuing {COM:sic} by thandes of our trustie and welbeloved servant Sir George Lawson knight where fore sendinge thither therfore ye shall not faile to have the same paid accordingly . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,39,H.23) And as for instructions how and after what sorte and fashion wee will have the said garrison ordered , wee shall with all diligence send the same unto you . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,39,H.24) Yeuen under our signett att our monastarie of Abbington the xxiiijth day of August . (HENRY-1530-E1-P2,39,H.25)