Will you iudge of wheat by chaffe which the winde hath scattered from amongst it ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.2) Haue the children no bread because the dogs haue not tasted it ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.3) Are Christians deceived of that salvatio~ they looked for , because they denied the ioies of the life to come which were no Christia~s ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.4) What if they seemed to bee pillers and principall vpholders of our faith ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.5) What is that to vs , which know that Angels haue fallen from heaven ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.6) Although if these men had beene of vs indeed , O the blessednes of a Christian mans estate ! they had stood surer then the Angels , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.7) they had never departed from their place . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,19.8) Whereas now we mervaile not at their departure at all , neither are we prejudiced by their falling away ; because they were not of vs , sith they are fleshly and haue not the spirit . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.9) Children abide in the house for ever ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.10) they are bondmen and bondwomen which are cast out . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.11) 13 (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.12) It behoveth you therefore greatly every ma~ to examine his owne estate ; and to try whether you be bond or free , children or no children . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.13) I haue tolde you already that we must beware we presume not to sit as Gods in iudgement vpon others , and rashlie , as our conceipt and fancie doth lead vs , so to determine of this man , he is sincere , or of that man , he is an hypocrit , except by their falling away they make it manifest and knowne what they are . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.14) For who art thou that takest vpon thee to iudge another before the time ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.15) Iudge thy selfe . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.16) God hath left vs infallible evidence , whereby we may at any time giue true & righteous sentence vpon our selues . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.17) We $can $not {TEXT:cannot} examine the harts of other men , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.18) we may our owne . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.19) That we haue passed from death to life , we knowe it , saith S=t= Iohn , because we loue our brethren : (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.20) & knowe yee not your owne selues , how that Iesus Christ is in you , except yee bee reprobates ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.21) I trust , beloued , wee knowe that wee are not reprobates , because our spirit doth bear vs record , that the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ is in vs . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.22) 14 (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.23) It is as easie a matter for the spirit within you to tell whose yee are , as for the eies of your body to iudge where you sit , or in what place you stand . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.24) For what saith the Scripture ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,20.25) Yee , which were in times past strangers and enimies , because your minds were set on evill workes , Christ hath now reconciled in the body of his flesh through death , to make you holy , and vnblameable , and without fault in his sight : if you continue grounded and established in the faith , and bee not moved away from the hope of the Gospell , Colos. I . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.26) And in the third to the Coloss. yee knowe that of the Lord yee shall receiue the reward of that inheritance , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.27) for yee serue the Lord Christ . If wee can make this account with our selues ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.28) I was in times past dead in trespasses and sinnes , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.29) I walked after the prince that ruleth in the aire , & after the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.30) but God , who is rich in mercy , through his great loue , wherewith he loued me , eve~ when I was dead , hath quickned me in Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.31) I was fierce , heady proud , high minded ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.32) but God hath made me like the child that is newly wained : (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.33) I loved pleasures more then God ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.34) I followed greedily the ioies of this present world ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.35) I esteemed him , that erected a stage or theatre , more then Solomon which built a Temple to the Lord ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.36) the Harpe , Viole , Timbrell , & Pipe , men singers & wome~ singers were at my feasts , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.37) it was my felicity to see my children dance before me , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.38) I said of every kind of vanitie , O how sweet art thou vnto my soule ! All which things now are crucified to me , and I to them : (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.39) now I take as great delight in the way of thy testimonies , O Lord , as in all riches , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.40) now I finde more ioy of heart in my Lord and Saviour , then the worldly minded man , when his wheate and oyle do much abound : (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.41) now I tast nothing sweet , but the bread that came downe from heaven , to giue life vnto the world : (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,21.42) now mine eyes see nothing , but Iesus rising from the dead : (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.43) now my eare refuseth all kind of melodie to heare the song of them that haue gotten victory of the beast , and of his image , and of his marke , and of the number of his name , that stand on the sea of glasse , hauing the harpes of God , and singing the song of Moses the servant of God , and the song of the Lambe , saying , Great and marvailous are thy workes , Lord God Almightie , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.44) iust & true are thy waies , O king of Saints . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.45) Surely if the spirit haue been thus effectuall in the secret worke of our regeneration vnto newnesse of life ; if wee endeavour thus to frame our selues anew , then we may say boldly with the blessed Apostle in the to the Hebrews , We are not-4 of them which withdraw our selues to perdition , but which follow faith to the conservation of the soule . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.46) For they that fall away from the grace of God , and separate themselues vnto perdition , they are fleshly and carnall , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.47) they haue not Gods holy spirit . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.48) But vnto you , because yee are sonnes , God hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne into your hearts , to the end yee might knowe , that Christ hath built you vpon a rocke vnmoueable , that he hath registred your names in the booke of life ; that hee hath bound himselfe in a sure and everlasting covenant to be your God , & the God of your children after you , that hee hath suffered as much , groned as oft , prayed as heartily for you as for Peter , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.49) O father keepe them in thy name ! (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.50) o righteous father the world hath not knowne thee , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.51) but I haue knowne thee , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.52) and these haue knowne that thou hast sent me , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.53) I haue declared thy name vnto them , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,22.54) and will declare it , that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me , may be in them , and I in them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.55) The Lord of his infinite mercy giue vs hearts plentifully fraught with the treasure of this blessed assurance of faith vnto the end . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.56) 14 (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.57) Here I must advertise all men , that haue the testimonie of Gods holy feare within their breasts , to consider how vnkindly , and iniuriously our owne countrimen and brethren haue dealt with vs by the space of foure and twentie yeares , from time to time , as if we were the men of whom S. Iude here speaketh ; never ceasing to charge vs , some with schisme , some with heresie , some with plaine and manifest apostasie , as if we had cleane separated our selues from Christ , vtterly forsaken God , quite abiured heaven , & trampled all truth and all religion vnder our feet . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.58) Against this third sort , God himselfe shall pleade our cause , in that day , when they shall answer vs for these words , not we them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.59) To others by whom we are accused for schisme and heresie , wee haue often made our reasonable , and in the sight of God , I trust , allowable answers . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.60) For in the way which they call heresie , wee worship the God of our fathers , beleeuing all things which are written in the law & the Prophets . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.61) That which they call schisme , wee knowe to bee our reasonable service vnto God , and obedience to his voice , which cryeth shrill in our eares , Go out of Bablyon my people , that you be not partakers of her sinnes , and that yee receaue not of her plagues . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,23.62) And therefore when they rise vp against vs , hauing no quarrel but this , we need not to seeke any farther for our Apologie , then the words of Abiah to Ieroboam & his armie , 2. Chr. 13. O Ieroboam and Israel , heare you me , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.63) ought you not to knowe , that the Lord God of Israel hath giuen the kingdome over Israel to David , for ever , even to him & to his sonnes by a covenant of salt ? that is to say , an everlasting covenant . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.64) Iesuits & Papists , heare yee me , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.65) ought you not to knowe , that the Father hath giuen al power vnto the sonne , and hath made him the only head over his Church , wherein he dwelleth as an husba~dman in the midst of his vineyard , manuring it with the sweat of his owne browes , not letting it forth to others ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.66) For as it is in the Canticle , Solomon had a vineyard in Baalhamon , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.67) he gaue the vineyard vnto keepers every one bringing for the fruit thereof a thousand peeces of silver ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.68) but my vineyard which is mine is before me , saith Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.69) It is true this is meant of the mysticall head set over the body which is not seene , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.70) but as he hath reserved the mysticall administratio~ of the church invisible vnto himselfe , so hee hath committed the mysticall government of co~gregations visible to the sonnes of David by the same couenant ; whose sonnes they are in the governing of the flock of Christ , who~soever the holy ghost hath set over the~ to goe before them & to leade them in their seuerall pastures , one in this co~gregation , another in that : as it is written , Take heede vnto your selues , and to all the flocke , whereof the holy ghost hath made you overseers , to feed the church of God , which hee hath purchased with his owne blood . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,24.71) Neither wil ever any Pope or Papist vnder the cope of heaven bee able to proue the Romish Bishops vsurped supremacy over all Churches , by any one word of the covenant of salt , which is the Scripture . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.72) For the children in our streets doe now laugh them to scorne , when they force , thou art Peter , to this purpose . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.73) The Pope hath no more reason to draw the charter of his vniversall authoritie from hence , then the brethren had to gather by the wordes of Christ , in the last of S. Iohn , that the Disciple , whome Iesus loued , should never die . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.74) If I will that he tarry till I come , what is that to thee ? saith Christ ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.75) Straight waies a report was raysed amongst the brethren , that this disciple should not die , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.76) yet Iesus said not-2 to him , Hee shall not die , but if I will that he tarry till I come , what is that to thee ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.77) Christ hath said in the 16 of S. Matthewes Gospell to Simon the sonne of Ionas , I say to thee , thou art Peter . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.78) Hence an opinion is held in the world that the Pope is vniversall head of all Churches , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.79) yet Iesus said not the pope is vniversall head of all Churches , but Tu es Petrus , Thou art Peter . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.80) Howbeit , as Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat the servant of Solomon , rose vp and rebelled against his Lord , and there were gathered vnto him vaine men and wicked , which made themselues strong against Ieroboam the sonne of Solomon , because Roboam was but a child , and tender hearted , and could not resist them : so the sonne of perdition and man of sinne , being not able to brooke the words of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ , which forbad disciples to be like princes of nations , They beare rule and are called gracious , it shall not bee so with you , hath risen vp and rebelled against his Lord , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,25.81) & to strengthen his arme , he hath crept into the houses almost-1 of all the noblest families round about him , and taken their children from the cradle to be his Cardinals , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.82) he hath fawned vpon the kings and princes of the earth , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.83) & by spirituall cousenage hath made them sell their lawfull authoritie and iurisdiction for titles of Catholicus , Christianissimus , Defensor fidei , and such like , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.84) he hath proclaimed sale of pardons to inveigle the ignorant , built seminaries to allure young men desirous of learning , erected Stewes , to gather the dissolute vnto him . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.85) This is the rocke wherevpon his Church is built . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.86) Hereby the man is growne huge and strong , like the Cedars , which are not shaken with the wind , because Princes haue beene as children , over tender hearted , and could not resist . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.87) Hereby it is come to passe , as you see this day , that the man of sinne doth warre against vs , not by men of a language which we $can $not {TEXT:cannot} vnderstande , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.88) but he commeth as Ieroboam against Iuda , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.89) & bringeth the fruit of our owne bodies to eat vs vp , that the bowels of the childe may be made the mothers graue , that he hath caused no small number of our brethren to forsake their natiue country , & with all disloialty to cast off the yoke of their allegeance to our dread Soveraigne , whom God in mercy hath set over them , for whose sauegard , if they caried not the hearts of Tygers in the bosomes of men , they woulde thinke the dearest blood in their bodies wel spent . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,26.90) But now , saith Abiah to Ieroboam , yee thinke yee be able to resist , the kingdome of the Lorde , which is in the hands of the sonnes of David . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.91) Yee be a great multitude , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.92) the golden calues are with you , which Ieroboam made you for Gods , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.93) haue yee not driven away the priests of the Lord the sonnes of Aaron , and the Levites , & haue made you priests like the people of natio~s ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.94) whosoever commeth with a young bullocke and seaven rammes , the same may bee a priest of them that are no Gods . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.95) If I should follow the comparison , & here vncover the cup of those deadly and ougly abominations , where with this Ieroboam of whom we speake hath made the earth so drunke that it hath reeled vnder vs , I know your godly hearts would loath to see them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.96) For my own part I delight not to rake in such filth , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.97) I had rather take a garment vpon my shoulders , and go with my face from them to cover them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.98) The Lord open their eies , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.99) and cause them , if it be possible , at the length to see , how they are wretched , and miserable , and poore , and blinde , and naked ! (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.100) Put it O Lord in their hearts to seeke white raiment , and to cover themselues , that their filthy nakednes may no longer appeare ! (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.101) For , beloved in Christ , we bow our knees , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.102) & lift vp our hands to heaven in our chambers secretly , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.103) & openly in our churches we pray hartily , & howrely even for them also ; though the Pope haue given out as a Iudge in a solemne declaratory sentence of excommunication against this land , that our gracious Lady hath quite abolished praiers within her realme , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,27.104) and his schollers , whom he hath taken from the midst of vs , haue in their published writings charged vs not only not to haue any holy assemblies vnto the Lorde for praier , but to hold a common schoole of sinne & flattery , to hold sacrilege to be Gods service , vnfaithfulnesse and breach of promise to God to giue it to a strumpet to be a vertue ; to abandon fasting , to abhor confession , to mislike with penance , to like well of vsury , to charge none with restitution , to finde no goode before God in single life , nor in no well working ; that all men , as they fal to vs are much woorsed , and more , then afore , corrupted . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,28.105) I do not adde one word or sillable vnto that , which M=r= Bristow , a man both borne and sworne amongst vs , hath taught his hand to deliver to the view of all . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,28.106) I appeale to the co~science of every soule , that hath beene truely converted by vs ; whether his heart were never raised vp to God by our preaching ; whether the words of our exhortation never wrong any teare of a penitent heart from his eies ; whether his soule never reaped any ioy , any comfort , any consolation in Christ Iesus , by our sacraments , and praiers , and Psalmes , & thanksgivings ; whether he were never bettered , but alwaies worsed by vs . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,28.107) O merciful God ! if heaven and earth in this case do not witnesse with vs , and against them , let vs bee razed out from the land of the living ! (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,28.108) let the earth , on which we stand , swallow vs quicke , as it hath done Corah , Dathan , and Abiram ! (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,28.109) But if we belong vnto the Lord our God , and haue not forsaken him , if our priests the sonnes of Aaron minister vnto the lord , and the Levites in their office , if wee offer vnto the Lord every morning and evening the burnt offrings , & sweet incense of praiers , and thanksgivings , if the bread be set in order vpon the pure table , & the candlesticke of gold with the lamps thereof to burne every morning , that is to say , if amongst vs Gods blessed sacraments be duly administred , his holy word sincerely and daily preached , if we keep the watch of the Lord our God , and if yee haue forsaken him ; then doubt yee not this God is with vs as a captaine , his priests with sounding trumpets must cry alarme against you , O yee children of Israel fight not against the Lord God of your fathers , (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,29.110) for yee shall not prosper . (HOOKER-A-E2-P2,29.111)