28 (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,49.2) To make a wicked and a sinful man most holy through his beleeuing , is more then to create a world of nothing . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,49.3) Our faith most holy ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,49.4) Surely Solomon could not shew the Queene of Saba so much treasure in all his kingdo~e , as is lapt vp in these words . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.5) O that our hearts were stretched out like tents , & that the eies of our vnderstanding were as bright as the sunne , that we might throughly knowe the riches of the glorious inheritance of Saints , and what is the exceeding greatnesse of his power towards vs , whome he accepteth for pure , and most holy , through our beleeuing . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.6) O that the spirit of the Lord would giue this doctrine entrance into the stonie and brasen hart of the Iew , which followeth the law of righteousnes but $can $not {TEXT:cannot} attaine vnto the righteousnesse of the law . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.7) Wherefore ? saith the Apostle . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.8) They seeke righteousnesse , and not by faith . Wherefore they stumble at Christ , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.9) they are bruised , shivered to peeces as a ship that hath runne her selfe vpon a rocke . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.10) O that God would cast downe the eies of the prowd , and humble the soules of the high minded , that they might at length abhorre the garments of their owne flesh which $can $not {TEXT:cannot} hide their nakednesse , and put on the faith of Christ Iesus , as hee did put it on , which hath said ; Doubtlesse I thinke all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus my Lord , for whom I haue counted all things losse , and doe iudge them to be dung , that I might winne Christ , and might be found in him , not hauing mine owne righteousnes , which is of the law , but that which is through the faith of Christ , even the righteousnesse which is of God through faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,50.11) O that God would open the Arke of mercy , wherein this doctrine lyeth , and set it wide before the eies of poore afflicted consciences , which fly vp and downe vpon the water of their afflictions , & can see nothing but only the gulfe and deluge of their sinnes , wherein there is no place for them to rest their feet . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.12) The God of pittie and compassion giue you al strength & courage , every day , and every houre , & every moment , to build , and edifie your selues in this most pure & holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.13) And thus much both of the thing prescribed in this exhortatio~ , & also of the properties of the thing . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.14) Build your selues in your most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.15) I would co~e to the next branch , which is of Prayer , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.16) but I $can $not {TEXT:ca~not} lay this matter out of my ha~ds , til I haue added somwhat for the applying of it both to others , & to our selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.17) 29 (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.18) For your better vnderstanding of matters contained in this exhortation , Build your selues , you must note , that every Church and congregatio~ doth consist of a multitude of beleeuers , as every house is built of many stones . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.19) And although the nature of the mystical body of the Church be such , that it suffereth no distinction in the invisible members , but whether it be Paul or Apollos , Prince or Prophet , hee that is taught , or he that teacheth , all are equally Christs , & Christ is equally theirs : yet in the externall administration of the Church of God , because God is not the author of confusion but of peace , it is necessary that in every Congregation there be a distinction , if not of inward dignitie , yet of outward degree : so that all are Saints , or seeme to be Saints , and should bee as they seeme . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.20) But are all Apostles ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.21) If the whole bodie were an eie , where were then the hearing ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,51.22) God therfore hath giuen some to be Apostles , and some to be Pastours , &c. for the edification~ of the body of Christ . In which worke we are Gods labourers , saith the Apostle , & yee are Gods husbandry , & Gods building . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,52.23) . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,52.24) The Church respected with reference vnto administration ecclesiastical , doth generally consist but of 2 sorts of men , the Labourers , & the Building ; they which are ministred vnto , and they to whom the worke of the ministery is committed ; Pastours & the flocke , over whom the holy Ghost hath made them overseers . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,52.25) If the Guid of a Congregation be his name or his degree whatsoever be diligent in his vocation , feed the flocke of God which dependeth vpon him , caring for it not by constraint but willingly , not for filthie lucre , but of a ready mind , not as though hee would tyrannize over Gods heritage , but as a patterne vnto the flocke , wisely guiding them : if the people in their degree doe yeeld themselues frameable to the truth , not like rough stone or flint refusing to bee smoothed and squared for the building : if the Magistrate doe carefully and diligently survey the whole order of the worke , providing by statutes and lawes , & bodily punishments , if need require , that all things may be done according to the rule which $can $not {TEXT:cannot} deceaue , even as Moses provided that all things might be done according to the patterne which hee saw in the Mount ; there the words of this exhortation are truely and effectually heard . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,52.26) Of such a Congregation every man will say , Behold a people that are wise , a people that walke in the statutes and ordinances of their God , a people full of knowledge and vnderstanding , a people that haue skill in building themselues . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,52.27) Where it is otherwise there , as by slothfulnesse the roofe doth decay , & as by idlenesse of hands the house droppeth thorough , as it is in the of Ecclesiastes , v. 18 , so first one peece and then another of their building shal fall away , till there be not a stone left vpon a stone . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.28) 31 (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.29) We see how fruitlesse this exhortation hath bene to such as bend all their trauaile onely to build manage a Papacie vpon earth , without any care in the world of building the~selues in their most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.30) Gods people haue enquired at their mouthes , What shall we doe to haue eternall life ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.31) where-in shall we build & edifie our selues ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.32) And they haue departed ho~e fro~ their Prophets , & from their priests , laden with doctrines , which are precepts of men ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.33) they haue bene taught to tire out themselues with bodily excercise ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.34) those thinges are inioyned them which God did never require at their hands , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.35) and the things he doth require are kept fro~ the~ ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.36) their eies are fed with pictures , and their eares filled with melodie , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.37) but their soules do wither , and starue , and pine away ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.38) they crie for bread , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.39) and behold stones are offered them ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.40) they aske for fishe , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.41) and see they haue scorpions in their hands ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.42) Thou seest , O Lord , that they builde themselues , but not in faith ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.43) they feede their children but not with food ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.44) Their rules say with shame , Bring , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.45) & not build . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.46) But god is righteous ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.47) their dru~kennesse stinketh , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.48) their abominations are knowne , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.49) their madnesse is manifest , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.50) the winde hath bound them vp in hir wings , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.51) and they shall be ashamed of their doings . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.52) Ephraim , saith the Prophet , is ioyned to Idoles , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.53) let him alone , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,53.54) I will turne me therfore from the Preists which do minister vnto Idoles , & applie this exhortation to the~ whom god hath appointed to feede his chosen in Israell . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.55) 32 (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.56) If their be any feeling of Christ , and drop of heavenly dewe , any spark of Gods good spirit within you , stirre it vp , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.57) be careful to build and edifie first your selues , & then your flockes in this most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.58) 33 (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.59) I say , first your selues ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.60) For he which wil set the hearts of other men on fire with the loue of Christ , must himselfe burne with loue . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.61) It is want of faith in our selues , My Brethren , which maketh vs retchlesse {COM:carelesse} in building others . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.62) We forsake the Lords inheritance (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.63) and feed it not . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.64) What is the reason of this ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.65) Our own desires are setled where they should not be . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.66) Wee our selues are like those women which haue a longing to eate coales , and lime , and filth ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.67) we are fed , some with honour , some with ease , some with wealth ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.68) the Gospell waxeth loathsome & vnpleasant in our tast ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.69) how should we then haue a care to feed others with that which we $can $not {TEXT:cannot} fancie our selues ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.70) If faith wax cold , and slender in the heart of the Prophet , it will soone perish from the eares of the people . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.71) The Prophet Amos speaketh of a famine , saying , I will send a famine in the land , not a famine of bread , nor a thirst of water , but of hearing the word of the Lord . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.72) Men shall wander from sea to sea , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.73) and from the north vnto the east shall they runne to and fro to seeke the word of the Lord , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.74) and shall not find it . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.75) Iudgement must beginne at the house of God , saith Peter . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.76) Yea , I say , at the sanctuarie of God this iudgeme~t must begin . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.77) This famine must begin at the hart of the Prophet . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.78) He must haue darknes for a vision , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.79) hee must stumble at noone daies , as at the twi-light , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.80) and then truth shall fall in middest of the streets , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,54.81) then shall the people wander from sea to sea , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.82) and from the North vnto the east shall they runne to and fro to seeke the word of the Lord . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.83) 34 (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.84) In the second of Haggaie , speake now , saith God to his prophet , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.85) Speake now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel Prince of Iudah , & to Iehoshua the son of Iebozadak the high priest , & to the residue of the people , saying , who is left among you that saw this house in hir first glory , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.86) and how doe you see it now ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.87) is not this house in your eies , in comparison of it , as nothing ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.88) the prophet would haue all mens eies turned to the veiw of the~selues , every sort brought to the consideration of their present state . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.89) This is no place to shew what dutie Zerubbabel or Iehoshua doth owe vnto God in this respect . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.90) They haue I doubt not such as put them hereof in remembra~ce . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.91) I aske of you which are a part of the residue of Gods elect & chosen people . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.92) Who is their amongst you that hath take~ a survey of the house of God , as it was in the daies of the blessed Apostles of Iesus Christ ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.93) who is there amongst you that hath seen & con~sidred this holy temple in her first glory ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.94) & how do you see it now ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.95) Is it not in comparison of the other almost as nothing whe~ ye look vpo~ the~ that haue vndertake~ the charge of your soules , & know how far these are for the most part growne out of kind , how few there be that tread the steps of their ancient predecessors , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.96) yee are easily filled with indignation , easily drawne vnto these co~plaints , wherein the difference of present fro~ former times is bewailed , easily persuaded to think of the~ that lived to enioy the daies which now are gon . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,55.97) Surely they were happy in co~parison of vs that haue succeeded them : (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.98) were not their Bishops me~ vnreprovable , wise , righteous , holy , te~perat , wel reported of even of those which were without ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.99) were not their Pastours , guids , & teachers , able & willing to exhort with wholso~e doctrine & to improue which gainesaid the truth ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.100) had they priests made of the refuse of the people ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.101) were men , like to the children which were in Niniveh , unable to discerne betweene the right hand & the left , presented to the charge of their congregation ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.102) did their teachers leaue their flocks over which the holy Ghost had made them overseers ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.103) Did their Prophets enter vpon holy things as spoils , without a reverend calling ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.104) were their leaders so vnkindly affected towards the~ that they could find in their hearts to sel them as sheepe or oxen , not caring how they made them away ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.105) But beloued , deceaue not your selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.106) Doe the faults of your guids and pastours offend you ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.107) it is your fault if they bee thus faulty . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.108) Nullus qui malu~ rectore~ patitur , eu~ accuset , quia sui fuit meriti perversi pastoris subiacere ditioni , saith S. Gregory , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.109) whosoever thou art whom the inco~venience of an evil governor doth presse , accuse thy selfe , & not him . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.110) His being such , is thy deseruing (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.111) O yee disobedient children , turn again , saith the Lord , (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.112) & the~ wil I giue you pastours according to mine own hart , which shall feed you with knowledge & vndersta~ding . So that the only way to repaire all ruines , breaches , & offensiue decaies in others , is to begin reformation at your selues . Which that we may all sincerely , seriously , and speedily doe , God the Father grant for his sonne our Saviour Iesus sake , vnto whom with the holy Ghost , three persons , one Eternall and everlasting God , be Honour , and Glory , and Praise forever . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.113) Amen . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.114) Finis . (HOOKER-B-E2-P2,56.115)