Sir Please it your Grace , over and besides the joyous personnall Commyng to your Highnesse of $the $Emperor {TEXT:the_th'Emperor} within this your Reame , and of the comfortable mutuell communicacion and entreteignment that was betwene you , whoys commyng into your said Reame is greatly estemed and noted to th'inestimable honor of your Highnes and your said Reame , we have had knowledge to our most singular comforte and rejoysing , not oonly of your gode , prosperous , and fortunate late passage and arrivall at your towne of Calays , but also of the most honorable personnal late meting of your Grace and the Frenshe King , with the goodliest and moost commendable ordre devised and observed therin at that tyme , the like whereof heretofore hath nat been seen . For the which , and for that every thing hitherto in this your royall Journey so fortunately and prosperously succedeth oon thing after another , we and all other your subgietts have greate cause to geve laudes and praise to almighty God , (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,175.3) and so full humbly do ; firmely trusting all your causes and matiers shall take such effectuell and fortunate conclusion as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the perpetuall and immortall memorie of your said Grace , and to the universall weale , rest , and tranquilitie of all Christendome . (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,175.4) Ascertaignyng your Highnes we were on Saturday last passed at your manoir of Richemounte with your dearest daughter the Princesse , who , lauded bee Almighty God , is right mery and in prosperous helth and state , dailly exercising her self in vertuous pastymes and occupacions , whereof we sawe sum experience afore we departed from her . (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,175.5) Fynally as for thastate of your Reame , loved be God , it is in good peax , rest , and tranquilitie , and your subgietts conserved in good ordre and peasible rule : (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,175.6) and we ensuyng your commandement according to our duties , dailly assemble and contynue in your Counsaill , (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,175.7) and have had afore us sum causes and matiers to bee punysshed and refourmed after yo=r= Lawes as well from farr places as from other nigh in these parties , to th'ordering wherof we trust we do endevor us as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the contentacion of yo=r= said Highnesse . (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,176.8) At your Paloys of Westm. (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,176.9) the xiij=th=. day of June . (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,176.10) Your most humble subjects T. Norfolke Ri. Wynton . W. Lincoln . J. Abbot of Westm. John Berners . Jo. Fyneux . Thomas Louell . Robt. Brudenell . John Cutte . C. Wyndham . T. Magnus . John Fitz James . (INTERVIEW-E1-P2,1.1,176.11)