To my beloued sonne William Paston these at Cambridge spede (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.3) My good Will : the Lords blessinge be evermor upon the . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.4) I have receiued two letters from the this weeke with a booke , all which are most wellcom to me : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.5) I am glad to heer by good Mr. Roberts that thow hetherto haste demeaned thyself well and as it is meet thow shouldest haue giuen good respect to all ; (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.6) all good news of the , and from the , cheers me more then any thinge in this world ; (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.7) and I know thow dost loue to haue me cheerly . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.8) goe on still my good chilld in all well doinge (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.9) and be then as mery as mery maye be : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.10) Mr Parker I hope by this time haue delivered my letter and token to the , (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.11) he was to be at Cambridge on munday or tusday last : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.12) I doe like that thow doest inditt thy owne letters thy selfe . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.13) for thow weart wont to know how to speake to me . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.14) and euen so wold I haue the wright . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.15) and hetherto I doe like exedingly of them and of the well wrightinge of them : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.16) the use of wrightinge will perfict your hand very much : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.17) I am so strayted of time as I can not tary longer to talk with the now : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.18) but bid the farwell . besechinge god to keepe the in all thy ways now and euermore (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.19) thy most louinge Mother Katherine Paston (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.20) at the Commencement I will send a beaver hat to the (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.21) but I feare it will be to bigge ore to littell or too broad verged or sumthinge amis : | (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.22) but if it shold not doe Comly send it me then agayn - (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.23) and I will send for an other for the . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.24) $far $well {TEXT:farwell} and euermore well : (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.25) good will tell tom Hartstonge that I doe like well of his wrightinge . (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.26) I wold haue written to him to put him in minde of sum things (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.27) but I haue now no time : | (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.28) To my deerly beloued sonne William Paston these at Corpus Christy Colledge at his chamber ther Cambridge (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.30) My good will : I pray our mercyfull god to blese and guide the , in all thy ways words and works , to the glory of his own nam , thy sowlls euerlastinge comfort and my Ioy : | (KPASTON-E2-P2,73.31) it is true that I haue receiued 6. of thy letters and bothe thow and I haue wronge if thow hast not receiued 4. of mine . besids this , on by my Cosine Cook on by mr Parker . on by Iohnsons the Carier , on by Cowell the Carier . this last munday or tusday : (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.32) I hope thou hast had them all befor this : | (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.33) I doe send the a new sute of sattine to weare this comencment as allso a payer of silke stokins poynts garters and shoe strings and a siluer girdell , - sutable to weare with those things that are siluered (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.34) good boy haue a great care to wear thy Clothes neat and Clean (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.35) it is a great Comendation to se a yonge man spincs and neat . without spots and durtines upon his clothes : (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.36) I must confes I haue not heard to the contrary , but that thow hast bine a good and well gouerned chilld . (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.37) and therfore thow shallt finde me requitfull of thy loue and care to please ; | (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.38) and I will soon procure thy content and send for the hom a littell whill for a recreation fitt ; hopinge thow willt haue as longinge a desire to se Cambridge again as thou hadst before , (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.39) for that is the plase that I trust shall doe the good more ways then on . if thow continew still to be a good chilld as by the blesinge of my god I trust thow willt : (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.40) I doe not send my beuer Hate as I thought to haue don . which I wold , but that I looke to se the heer if god lett not with in this 3. weekes wherfor make use of your best beauer , (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.41) and when thow comest home I will see if any of myn will fitt of which I make sum doupt . | (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.42) farwell my sweet will to thy owne selfe (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.43) Christ Iesus bless the ewer more : | (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.44) Commend my best respect to the most worthy master of your Colledge (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.45) I am very glad of his kindnes to the with all my harte | (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.46) god bless the euer (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.47) amen (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.48) thy most louinge mother Katherine Paston (KPASTON-E2-P2,74.49)