The xviij day of May was drane a-pone a sled a proper man namyd Wylliam
Thomas from the Towre unto Tyborne ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.2)
the {COM:lacuna} (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.3)
he was clarke to the consell ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.4)
and he was hangyd , and after ys hed stryken of , and then quartered ;
and the morow after ys hed was sett on London bryge , and iij quarters
set over Crepullgate . (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.6)
The xx day of May my lade Elsabeth the $quen's syster cam owt of the
Towre , (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.7)
and toke her barge at Towre warfe , and so to Rychemond , and from
thens unto Wyndsor , and so to Wodstoke . (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.8)
The xvj day of May , and the furst yere of quen Mare , was Henry Machun
lvj yere old , Anno Domini M. v=c= liiij . (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.9)
The xxiij day of May a certain woman was set on the pillory
in Cheapside for speaking lies and seditious words against the queen's
majesty . (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.10)
The xxiiij day of May was Corpus Christi day , (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.11)
and {COM:lacuna} ther wher mony goodly $prossessyons in mony parryches
{COM:lacuna} was yll , (MACHYN-E1-P2,63.13)
for mony had long torchys garnyshyd $in $the old fassyouns , and
stayffe torchys bornyng , and mony $canopies borne a-bowt the
strett ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.14)
and sant Pulcurs parryche went a-bowt ther owne parryche , and in
Smythfeld ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.15)
as they wher goohyng , ther cam a man unto the prest $that $bare the
sacrament , (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.16)
and began to pluke ytt owt of ys hand , (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.17)
and contenent he druw ys dager {COM:blank} , (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.18)
and contenent he was taken and cared to Nuwgate . (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.19)
The xxv day of May was ij men set on the pelere in Chepe ;
one ys ere was naylyd for horabull lyes and sedyssyous wordes aganst
the $quen's mageste and her consell ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.21)
and th'odur was sedyssyous slanderous wordes gaynst the $quens mageste
and her consell and the mages {COM:lacuna} (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.22)
The xxv day of May , wyche was the sam day , whent owt of the Towre
northwarde the yerle of Devonshyre , (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.23)
and cared into Northhamtunshyre to a castyll called $Fotheringay with
serten of the gard , and dyvers knyghtes , by iij and iiij of the cloke
in the mornyng . (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.24)
The xxvj day of May was the sam man that had ys her {COM:ear} naylyd
a-for , was ys thuder her {COM:the_other_ear} naylyd ; and a woman sett
on the pelere for spykyng of serten words thuchyng {COM:touching} the
quens prosedynges and the consell . (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.25)
The xxvij day of May whent owt of the Towre unto Westmynster hall by
land , and cam my lord John Gray , the duke of $Suffoke's brodur latt
beheddyd . (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.26)
The xxix day of May the Queen removed from St. James's ,
passing through the park , (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.27)
and took her barge at Whitehall , and so to Rychmond , on
her progress . (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.28)
The xxx day of May was ij sett on the pelere , a $man $and $a $woman ;
but the woman had here ere {COM:her_ear} nayled to the pelere for
spykyng of falles lyes and rumors ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.30)
the man was for sedyssyous wordes and slanderous wordes .
The xxxj day of May was a marchand-man of {COM:lacuna} slayne by a
servyng-man with-in Sant Marten {COM:lacuna} . (MACHYN-E1-P2,64.32)
The furst day of Junii was the sam woman set on the $pillory , $that
her ere was nayled a-ffor , (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.34)
was her thuder {COM:her_other_ear} nayled thys sam day for the sam
offense . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.35)
The iiij day of Junii wasse all the galus {COM:gallows} in London
plokyd done in all places . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.36)
The sam day the mayre of London and the althermen commanded that a
skaffold shuld be mad abowt the crosse , for to be gyldyd agaynst the
prynse of Spayne commyng in . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.37)
The sam tyme wher granted by the lord mayre and the aldermen and the
common consell a xv and a d. for the commonse , payd forth-with-all
toward the commyng of the prynsse of Spayne . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.38)
The sam tym wher commondyd that ij althermen to wache evere nyght , and
j or ij constabulls to wache evere nyght , tyll iij or iiij of the
cloke in the mornyng . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.39)
The ix day of Juin was the crosse in Chepe covered with canves from the
fott to the tope , and endyd , for the $prynce's $coming , and gyldyd .
The x day of Juin dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master doctor Pendleton
; (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.41)
and be-twyn x and a xj of the cloke ther was a gunne shott over the
prycher , (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.42)
and yt {COM:hit} the wall , (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.43)
and yt was a pellett of tyne . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.44)
The xij day of Juin was a gret fray be-twyn the lord $Warden's servands
of Kent and the Ines {COM:lacuna} of $Gray's inn , $Lynkolne's inn ,
and sum slayn and hurt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.46)
The xxiiij day of Juin was a goodly masse kept at sant Edmond in
Lumbard-strett for the strangers , and the chyrche hangyd with ryche
cloth . (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.47)
The xxv day of Juin anodur masse kept at the Gray-frers for the sextons
of London , (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.48)
and after pressessyons with the whetes plahyng , and clarkes syngyng ,
thrug Chepe-syd unto Soper lane , (MACHYN-E1-P2,65.49)
and agayn thrug Powlles chyrche yerd by master denes $place ,
and thrug Warwyke lane unto the Gray-frers , (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.52)
and so to dener unto the Kukes-hall {COM:Cook's} . (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.53)
The sam day cam to Londun by water the prynche of Pymon with a grett
compeny of Spaneards ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.54)
sum had crosses , sum red , and sum gren , and sum whyt ,
and so to {COM:unfinished} (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.56)
The xxix day of Juin , the wyche was sant Peter and Powlles day , was a
fayre at Westmynster abbay ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.57)
and ther was a goodly pressessyon , and after masse ;
and ther the prynse of Pymon and dyvers Spaneards ,
and hard messe in kyng Henry the vij chapelle . (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.60)
The vj day of Julij was a goodly sermon $by on of the prebendares of
Powlles ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.61)
and ther was a nuw skaffold mayd ther for the mayd that spake in the
wall and wystelyd in Althergat stret ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.62)
and she sayd openly that yt was on John Drakes ser Antony Knevett
servand ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.63)
and she whept petefully , (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.64)
and she knelyd (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.65)
and askyd God mercy , and the quen ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.66)
and bad all pepull be ware of false thechyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.67)
for she sayd that she shuld have many goodly thynges gyffyn her
{COM:lacuna} (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.68)
The xxj day of July by x of the cloke $was $proclaimed thrug London
that the prynche of Spayne was $arrived $at $Southampton and that evere
pere and lord and lade shuld $resort unto her $graces cete of
Wynchester with all spede to her graceus weddyng . (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.69)
The sam after non commondyd by my lord mayre that hevere man shuld make
bone-fyres in evere strett , (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.70)
so ther was mony plases had tabuls and {COM:lacuna} tyll x at nyght ,
and ryngyng and plahyng . (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.71)
The xxiij day of July wher commondyd that evere {COM:lacuna} shuld goo
a prossessyon and to syng Te Deum laudamus in evere
parryche in London , and ryngyng of the belles . (MACHYN-E1-P2,66.72)
The xxix day of July dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master
Harpfeld (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.73)
and he dyd pray in ys bedes for the kyng and the quen Phelipe and Mare
by the grace of God kyng and quene of England , Franse , Napuls ,
Jerusalem , Ierland , deffendors of the fayth , prynces of Spayne and
Sycylye , archedukes of Austryche , dukes of Mylayne , Burgundye , and
Brabant ; contes of Haspurge , Flandurs , and Tyrole ; whyt thes stylle
as ys a-ffor . (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.74)
The xxx day of July was bered at Grenwyche ser Robart Whentworth knyght
, with armes and dyvers mornares . (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.75)
The vj day of September wher creatyd ser Antony Browne creatyd vyconte
lord Montyguw . (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.76)
The j day of August the King and Queen were proclaimed in
London , by the titles as above , dukes of Melayne ,
Burgundye and Brabant , contes of Haspurge , Flandurs and Tyrole .
The {COM:lacuna} day of August was bered master Lambard , altheman and
draper , with mony mornars , (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.78)
and they bare stayff torchys , (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.79)
had mantyll fryresse gownes , and the armes of ys craft and the armes
$of the marchant adventorers . (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.80)
The vij day of August was bered the wyff of master Lambard alderman and
draper , with-in the monyth of the sam , with torchys and tapurs .
The viij day of August was bered the $jentle master Austyne Hynd
altherman , the wych hyt $had plesyd Almyghty God that he had levyd
tyll $myghelmas , (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.82)
he shuld had byne the nuw mayre of thys $noble cete of London ;
with a standard and a cote of armur and iiij penons of armes and a C.
iiij=xx=. of mantyll frysse gownes for men and women , and the women
havyng raylles , with xxiiij torchys , and ij fayre whyt branchys , and
mony mornares , and the compenye of the Clarkes , and with vj dosen of
schochyons of ys armes , and a C. of blake gownes , and a-boyffe the
nombur , (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.84)
and after a gret dener . (MACHYN-E1-P2,67.85)
The vij day of September was bered in sant Bothulff with-owt
Bysshope-gate chyrche , good master James Suttun sqwyre , and
clarke of the gren cloth unto kyng Henry the viij=th= . and unto kyng
Edward the vj=th= . and unto quen Mare , (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.86)
and so buried with a cot armur , and a penon of armes , and ij dosen of
schochyons , and ij whyt branchys and xij stayff torchys , and mony
mornars , and the compene of the Clarkes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.87)
and vj of ys servantes bare hym in blake cotes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.88)
and ther dyd pryche master doctur Smyth at ys masse .
The same day was the funeral of sir Harry Huncotes knight ,
alderman , and fishmonger . (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.90)
{COM:lacuna} pore men and women of {COM:lacuna} mantyll
frysse {COM:lacuna} (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.91)
Fyssmongers halle hangyd with blake and with armes ;
$then came the standard and then mornares ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.93)
and then $came ys armes , and then a harold bayryng ys cot armur
{COM:lacuna} master Clarenshws the kyng at armes in ys ryche cote ;
then cam the corsse , and a-bowtt the corsse iiij mo penons , and
a-bott xxiiij torchys bornyng , and ij goodly whytt branchys ,
{COM:lacuna} and cam mornars the sward-berrer , my lord mayre , and
$the $aldermen mornars , and the resedue of them in vyolett , and then
{COM:lacuna} boyth men and women ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.97)
and so to the chyrche , (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.98)
and then on ha {COM:lacuna} prahynge for ys solle ,
and then began the durge (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.100)
and {COM:lacuna} pepull whent to the halle to drynke boyth spysse and
wyn ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.101)
and the morow mass of requiem ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.102)
and after they offered furst ys cot armur , (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.103)
and after cam the harold (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.104)
and {COM:lacuna} offered ys target ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.105)
and after ij offered ys sword ; and after ij $morners ys elmet with the
crest ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.106)
and then the mayre offered , and the altherman , and the mornars , and
the craft ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.107)
and , all done , master doctor Smyth dyd pryche ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.108)
and when masse was don then offered the standard and the v penonsse of
armes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.109)
and after to the Fyssmongars hall to dener ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,68.110)
and my lord mayre and the althermen and all the mornars ;
$and ther was a grett dener as youe have sene now a days .
The xiiij day of September was iij sett in the pelere for playhyng with
falsse dysse and deseyffeng honest men in playng ;
and the same day was ij wypyd a-bowt London , $after a care-hars
, for lotheryng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.114)
and as wacabondes wher they taken . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.115)
The xvij day of September was a proclamasyon that all vacabonds and
lotherus , boyth Englys men and all maner of strangers , that have no
master , shuld avoyd the cete and the subarbes a-pon gret payn .
The xx day of September was ij men dran of ij hyrdles unto Tyburne and
un-to hangyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.117)
the ij for gwynnyng of noythy money , and deseyvyng of the $quen's
subjects ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.118)
the one dwelt in London sum tym . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.119)
Item the {COM:blank} day of October was a woman sett on the pelere for
sedyssyous wordes . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.120)
{COM:lacuna} and alle to evere body that wold cum (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.121)
{COM:lacuna} money a-way for lake of pepull . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.122)
The xxiij day of September dyd pryche doctor Rud at Powlles crosse ,
and he recantyd and repentyd that he ever was mared ,
and sayd openly that he cold not mare by God's law .
The xxvj day of September wher ij yonge men sett on the pelere , and
ther ere nayled for spykyng sedyssyous wordes and malessyous wordes
aganst the commonwelth . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.126)
The xxvij day of September wher iiij hangyd , on was a Spaneard , at
Tyburne : (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.127)
ij wher goodly felows . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.128)
The xxviij day of September the Kyng and the Quen removyd from Hamtun
court unto Westmynster tho her $grace's plasse . (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.129)
The xxx day of September dyd pryche at Powlles crosse my lord
Chansseler the bysshope of Wynchester , (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.130)
and he mad a goodly sermon ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.131)
and ther wher as grett a audyensse as ever I saw in my lyff .
The ij day October whent from Westmynster xx carres with veges
{COM:wedges} of gold and sylver to the Towre to be quennyd {COM:coined}
. (MACHYN-E1-P2,69.133)
The iiij day of October was the monyth myn {month's_mind} at Waltham
Abbay of master James Suttun sqwyre , and clarke of the
grencloth ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.134)
and ther was a sarmon , and a dolle of money unto evere howsse that ned
the charete , and after a grett dener . (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.135)
The ij day of October was bered the nobull duke of Norffok at a plasse
callyd Fremyngham chyrche ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.136)
and ther was a goodly hersse of wax as I have sene in thes days , with
a dosen of banerrolles of ys progene , and xij dosen penselles , xij
dosen of kochyons , and with standard , and iij cotes of armes , and a
baner of damaske , and iiij banars of emages , and mony mornars , and a
gret dolle , and after gret dener . For the furnishing of
which dinner were killed forty great oxen and a hundred sheep , and
sixty calves , besides venison , swans , and cranes , capons , rabbits
, pigeons , pikes , and other provisions both flesh and fish .
There was also great plenty of wine ; and of bread and beer as great
plenty as ever had been known , both-4 for ryche and pore :
all the $country $came $thither ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.139)
$and a grett dolle of money ther wher $bestowed $upon $the $poorer
$sort ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.140)
for he was cared from {COM:unfinished} . (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.141)
The v day of October was the obsequy of the duke of Northfoke at sant
Mare Overes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.142)
a hers mad with tymber , and hangyd with blake , and with ys armes ,
and iiij goodly candlestyks gyldyd , and iiij grett tapurs , and with
ys armes , and alle the gwyre hangyd with blake and armes ; and durge
and masse on the morowe . And my lord chanseler cheffe morner ,
and next master $controller , and master Gorge Haward ;
at the durge my lord Montyguw , my lord admerell , and my lord Brugys ,
and divers others ; and a xl in gownes and cotes in blake ;
and after to my $lord's $place , (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.146)
and gret ryngyng ij days . (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.147)
The vij day of October was the monyth $mynd $of ser Hare Huncotes
knyght , late mayre and altherman , and Fyssmonger of London ,
and ther ys hersse bornyd (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.149)
durge , (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.151)
and the morow-mas the furst masse of the $trinity , and with a harold ,
and after the masse of requiem ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,70.153)
and doctur Smyth dyd pryche , the reder of Oxford ,
and after $a $great dener ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.155)
and he gayff muche money to evere $ward in London (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.156)
and he has fondyd ij prestes to syng , on in London and th'odur in
Lynckolneshyre , wher he was borne : (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.157)
thys shall be for ever . (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.158)
The vi day of October was bered at Westmynster a grett man a Spaneard ,
with syngyng , boyth Englys and Spaneards , with a hand-belle , a-for
ryngyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.159)
and $every Spaneard havyng gren torchys , and gren tapurs to the nombur
of a C. bornyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.160)
and ther bered in the Abbay . (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.161)
The ix of October was bered master Gorge Medley merser , and lat
Chamburlayn of this cete of London , with ij whyt branchys and xij pore
men with xij stayffes torchys , and xij gomes {COM:gownes} , and dyvers
men and women in blake gownes ; and ys armes a-pone ys body , and the
compene of the Clarkes , and of the Marsars ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.162)
and when alle was don , they whent hom to drynke ;
and the morow after the masse of requiem ;
and ther dyd pryche doctur Smyth ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.165)
and after hom to dener . (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.166)
The x day of October was bered the good lord De la Warr in Sussex ,
with standard , banar of armes , banar-roll , $coat armur , targat ,
sword , elmet , with harolds of armes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.167)
then cam the corsse with iiij baners borne abowt hym .
$He was the best howssekeper in Sussex in thes days ,
and the mone $was $greater for ym , (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.170)
for he ded withowt essue ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.171)
and ther wher mony morners in blake ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.172)
and ther wher a goodly hersse of wax and pensels , and viij dosen
skochyons ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.173)
and ther was a grett dolle of money , and met and drynke as was ever
known in that contrey . (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.174)
The xij day of October ther was on of the pelere for spykyng of
sedyssyous wordes , a colyar , iij tymes . (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.175)
The xiiij day of October dyd pryche in the shruds the good bysshope of
Durram , Donstall , (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.176)
that was Sonday . (MACHYN-E1-P2,71.177)
The xj day of October was the obsequy of {COM:blank} a Spaneard at
Westmynster ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.178)
ther wase a praty herse after the fassyon of Spayn , with blake , and a
goodly masse of requiem ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.179)
and the chapell that he was bered in was hong with blake ; and ys
harmes mony , with a baner of armes and cote of armes , alle in gold ,
and target and elmett and mony skochyon , and a fere hers-clothe of
blake , and a crosse of cremesun velvet , done to the ground - the ij
yer of quen Mare . (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.180)
The xv day of October was kyllyd with-owt Tempall bare almost at stren
{COM:Strand} a servand of ser Gorge Gyfford , shamfully slayne by a
Spaneard , a-bowt iiij of the $clock at after-non .
The xvj day of October cam rydyng owt of Northfoke on John Day prynter
and ys servand , and a prest , and an-odur prynter , for pryntyng of
noythy bokes , to the Towre . (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.182)
The xviij day of October king Philip came down on horseback
from Westminster unto Paul's , with many lords , being received under a
canopy , at the west end : (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.183)
and the lord Montagu bare the sword afore the king .
There he heard mass , (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.185)
and Spaneards song mase ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.186)
and after masse $he $went $back $to Westmynster to dener .
The xxj day of October ded the yerle of Warwyke , the eldest sune of
the duke of Northumberland that was heddyd , (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.188)
at ser $Henry Sydnay plasse at Penthurst at mydnyght he ded .
The xxiiij day of October was bered {COM:lacuna} Rechard Townlay in
sant Austyn parryche syd Powlles with xvj torchys and iiij grett
$tapers , and ij whyt branchys , with a harold of armes , with a
standard , a penons of armes , cote , helmet , target , sword , the
crest a hauke w {COM:lacuna} , and vj dosen of skochyons , and prestes
and clarkes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.190)
a C. of the $inns of the cort cam to the berehyng , and the morow masse
, and a sermon . (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.191)
The xxvj day of October was hangyd at Charynge-crosse a Spaneard that
kyld a servant of ser Gorge Gefford , the wyche was slayne with-owt
Tempull-bare . (MACHYN-E1-P2,72.192)
The xxix day of October the nuw lord mayre of London , master
Lyons groser , toke ys hoathe at Westmynster ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.193)
and alle the craftes of London in ther barges , and with stremars ;
and ther was a grett penoys decked with ij topes and stremars and
{COM:lacuna} gones and drumes and trumpetes , rohyng to Westmynster up
and don ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.195)
and when thay cam hom thay landyd at Powlles warff ,
and ther mett the mayr lx in rosett gownes and with targetts and
gyffelyns and blue hattes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.197)
and then a goodly pagant , a gryffen with a chyld lyung in harnes , and
sant John Baptyst with a lyon , and ij vodys {COM:woods,_i.e._wild_men}
and a dulle {COM:devil} with squybes bornyng , and trumpetes blohyng ,
and $drums and $flutes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.198)
and then the bachelers with cremesun damaske hedes ,
and then trumpeters , and the wettes {COM:waists} of the cete ;
and so to yeld-hall to dener , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.201)
for ther dynyd my lord chanseler and all the nobuls , and the
Spaneardes , and the juges and lernyd men . (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.202)
The same day sir Thomas Audley , a famous captain , was
buried in saint Mary Overy's . (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.203)
There attended his funeral the lord Gray , lord Fitzwalter , and divers
other captaynes and knyghtes and gentyllmen to the
number of lx. be-syd odur . (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.204)
The furst day of Novembar was $carried by the gard into Nuwgatt serten
men . (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.205)
The ij day of November was bered at sant Peters in chepe on master
Pekeryng with ij fayre whyt branchys and viij torchys , iiij grett
tapurs , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.206)
and he gayffe unto xij $pore $men xij gownes that dyd bere them ,
and eldyd th {COM:lacuna} dyvers mornars , and the felowshype of the
{COM:lacuna} (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.208)
and the morow the masse of requiem .
The iiij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Harpfeld ;
and ther wher v dyd penance with shetts a-bowt them , and tapurs and
rods in ther handes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.211)
and the prycher dyd stryke them with a rod , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.212)
and ther dyd they stand tyll the sermon was all done ;
and then the sumner toke the shets and the rods , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.214)
and they whent into Powlles a-gayn , (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.215)
and so up the syd of the quer ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,73.216)
on prest , ys nam ys ser Thomas Lawes , odur wysse callyd ser Thomas
Gryffyn , sum tyme a chanon at Eyssyng spyttyll ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.218)
iiij of them wher relegyous men , (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.219)
and the feyth was a temporall man that had ij wyeffes .
The iiij day of November be-gane a grett fray at Charyng crosse at viij
of the cloke at nyght be-twyn the Spaneardes and Englysmen , the wyche
thrugh wysdom ther wher but a fuwe hort , (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.221)
and after the next day thay wher serten taken that be-gane yt ;
on was a blake-mor , (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.223)
and was brought a-for the hed offesers by the $knyght-marshall's
servandes . (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.224)
The vj day of November the earl of Shrewsbury came riding to
London with vj=xx= horse , and of gentlemen in velvet caps thirty , to
his place in Coleherber in Thames-street .
The vij day of November was ij men sett in the pelere in ther
fordgownes {COM:furred_gowns} ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.226)
on had the $wryting $over ys hed for falshood and wylfull perjury ; and
th'odur for subtyll falshod and crafty desseytt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.227)
The ix day of November cam rydyng to London the yerle of Penbroke with
ij C. horsse , and in velvet cottes and cheynes , the cotes with iij
lasses of gold , and lx reseduw in bluw cotes gardyd with velvet , and
badge a gren dragon , to the parlement . (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.228)
The xj day of November dyd pryche master Pendylltun at Powlles crosse
and mad a good sermon . (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.230)
The xij day of November the Kyng and the Quen rod unto West-mynster
chyrche to the masse of the Holy-gost , and after masse to the
parlement-howsse ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.231)
and all the bysshopes and the lordes in ther parlement robes , with
trompeters blohyng , and all the harolds in ther cote armurs , and the
juges in ther robes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.232)
the yerle of Penbroke bare the $kyng's sword , (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.233)
and the yerle of Comberland bare the $quen's sword ,
and the yerle of Shrewsbury bare the $kyng's cape of mantenance ,
and the yerle of Arundell bare the $quen's cape of mantenance ;
and a-for them rod to-gether my lord chansheler and my lord tressorer
in ther parlement robes . (MACHYN-E1-P2,74.237)
The xiij day of November was commondyd by the bysshope of London to all
clarkes in the dyoses of London for to have sant Necolas and to go
a-brod , as mony as wold have ytt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,75.239)
The xiiij day of November , saint Erconwald's day , it was
commanded that every priest in the diocess {COM:lacuna}
The {COM:blank} day of November cam to the Fleet $Barlow sumtyme
bysshope of Bath and Wells , (MACHYN-E1-P2,75.241)
and master Kardmaker parsun of sant Brydes in Fletstret was the
{COM:lacuna} (MACHYN-E1-P2,75.242)
thay wher gohyng over see lyke marchands . (MACHYN-E1-P2,75.243)
The xviij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the nuw bysshope
of Lynckolne , doctur White , late the warden of Wynchaster .
The sam day was consecratyd nuw $bishops , on bysshope of Brystow , and
a-nodur byshope of Lycheffeld and Coventre . (MACHYN-E1-P2,75.245)
The xix day of November was bered at sant Martens at Charyng-crosse
with ij crosses a gentyllman a Spaneard , and a iiij=xx= torchys and
tapurs in ther handes , and with syngyng to the cherche , and the
morowe-masse boythe Spaneards and Englysmen syngyng .
The sam day whent to met my lord cardenall Polle in Kent my lord of
Elly , with odur - doctur Thurlbe bysshope of Elly .
The xviij day of November was a man and a woman stode on the pelere for
tellyng of falsse lyes thatt kyng Edward the vj=th= was a-lyffe .
The xxiiij day the sam man $and woman was sett on the pelere a-gayne
that dyd say that kyng Edward was a-lyffe , and for odur thynges .
The same day cardinal Pole came from Gravesend by water ,
with the earl of Shrewsbury , the lord Montagu , the bishops of Durham
and Ely , the lord Paget , sir Edward Hastings , the lord Cobham , and
diverse knyghts and gentyllmen , in barges ,
and thay all $did $shoot $the bryge be-twyn xij and on of the cloke ,
and $a-gainst the steleard {COM:steel-yard} of Temes my lord chanseler
mett $them $in $his barge , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.252)
and my lord of Shrousbury $had $his barge with the $talbot , $all ys
men in bluw cotes , red-hosse , skarlett capes , $and $white fethers ;
and so to the cort gatt , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.254)
and ther the $Kyng's grace $met $him (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.255)
and inbrasyd hym , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.256)
and so lad ym thrughe the $kyng's hall ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.257)
and he had borne a-for hym a sylver crosse , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.258)
and he was arrayed in a skarlet gowne and a sqware
skarlett cape ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.259)
and my lord $North bare the swarde a-for the Kyng ;
and so they whent up unto the Quens chambur , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.261)
and ther her grace salutyd hym ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.262)
and after he toke ys leyffe , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.263)
and toke ys barge to ys plase at Lambeth , that was the bysshope of
Cantorberys , Crenmer , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.264)
and so to dener . (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.265)
The xxv day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Fecknam ,
den of Powlles , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.266)
and a godly sermon . (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.267)
The sam day , the wyche was Sonday , at after-non , the Kyngs grace and
my lord Fuwater and dyvers Spaneards dyd ryd in dyvers colars , the
Kyng in red , and som $in yellow , sum in gren , sum in whyt , sum in
bluw , and with targets and canes in ther hand , herlyng of rods on at
a-nodur , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.268)
and thrumpets in the sam colars , and drumes mad of ketylles , and
banars in the sam colars . (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.269)
The xxvij day of November was the obsequy of sir Hugh Ryche knyght ,
the sune and here to the lord Ryche , and knyght of the Bathe mad by
quen Mare the Furst , in Essex , with a standard , a penon of armes ,
and a cot armur , elmet , targat , sword , skochyons , and torchys .
The xxvij of November the Kynge and the lordes of the parlement satt
with-in the court , (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.271)
and ther my lord cardenall dyd make a orayson to the Kyng and the lords
of the parlement what {COM:lacuna} thankes unto God of the $Quen's
grace qwyckenyng . (MACHYN-E1-P2,76.272)
The xxix day of November was commondyd by the byshope of London ,
thrughe ys dyosesse , that thay shuld say the masse of the Holy-gost
$with prossessyon , and to syng Te Deum , and ryngyng ,
$and $to pray to God to gyffe hym thankes of owr $gracious quen
of her gwyckenyng with chyld , and to pray . (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.273)
The xxx day of November the $Kyng's grace and ys $lords rod to
Westmynster abbay to masse , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.274)
for the Spaneards $sung , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.275)
and ther mett ym at the cort gate a C. He-Alman {COM:high-almaines} in
hosse and dobeletes of whyt and red , and yelow welvet cotes $trimmed ,
with yelow sarsenet , and yelow velvet capes and fethers {COM:lacuna}
coler , and drumes and flutes in the sam coler , and with gylt
$halbards , and C. in yolow hosse , dobelets of welvett , and jerkens
of $leather gardyd with cremesun velvett and whyt , fether yelow and
red ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.276)
and thos be Spaneards ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.277)
and a C. in yelow gownes of velvett with {COM:blank}
And the sam nyght my lord cardenall cam to the courte ,
and whent to the chapell with the Kyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.280)
and ther Te Deum songe . (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.281)
The furst day of Desember was bered in Powlles chyrche-yerd Recherd
Wethers penter , the wyche he ded with-in Ludgat as a presoner ,
and he was a proper man and a conyng man as any ys now .
The ij day of Desember dyd com to Powlles all prestes and clarkes with
ther copes and crosses , and all the craftes in ther leverey , and my
lorde mayre and the althermen , agaynst my lord $cardenall's commyng ;
and at the bysshopes of London plase my lord chansseler and alle the
bysshopes tarehyng for my lord cardenall commyng ,
that was at ix of the cloke , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.286)
for he landyd at Beynard Castell ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.287)
and ther my lord mayre reseyvyd hym , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.288)
and browgth ym to the Powllse , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.289)
and so my lord chanseler and my lord cardenall and all the byshopes
whent up in-to the quer with ther meyturs ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.290)
and at x of the cloke the $Kyng's grace cam to Powlles to her mase with
iiij C. of gaard , on C. Englys , on C. He-Almen , on C. Spaneards , on
C. of Swechenars , and mony lords and knyghtes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.291)
and hard masse . (MACHYN-E1-P2,77.292)
Boyth the $quen's chapell and the kynges and Powlles qwer song .
The v day of December , the which was saint Nicholas' eve ,
at evensong time , came a commandment that saint Nicholas should
not go abroad , nor about . (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.294)
But , notwithstanding , there went about these saint Nicholases in
divers parishes , as st. Andrew's , Holborn , and st.
Nicolas Olyffe in Bredstret . (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.295)
The viij day of Desember , the wyche was the Conceptyon of owre blessed
lady the Vyrgyn , was a goodly prossessyon at the Save be the Spaneards
, the prest carehyng the sacrement ryally be-twyne ys hands , and on
deacon carehyng a senser sensyng , and anodur the ale-water stoke , and
a nombur of frers and prestes syngyng , $and $every man and woman , and
knyghts and gentylmen , bayryng a gren tapur bornyng , and viij
trumpeters blohyng ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.296)
and when they had don plahyng , and then begane the sagbottes plahyng ;
and when they had don theyr was on that cared ij drumes on ys bake ,
and on cam after playng ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.299)
and , so don , they whent a-bowt the Sawve with-in ;
and a wyll after playing a-gayn , (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.301)
and so cam in syngyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.302)
and so after they whent to masse , wher the bedes w {COM:unfinished} .
The ix day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur Borne ,
bysshope of Bathe , (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.304)
and prayd for the pope of Rome Julius the thurde , and for alle the
solles of purgatory . (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.305)
The sam day at after-non was a bere-beytyn on the Banke syde ,
and ther the grett blynd bere broke losse , (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.307)
and in ronnyng away he chakt a servyng man by the calff of the lege ,
and bytt a gret pesse away , and after by the hokyll-bone , that
with-in iij days after he ded . (MACHYN-E1-P2,78.309)
The xij day of Desember dyd ryd in a car a-bowt London for baldre one
Kay wyffe dwellyng be-syd sant Mare Spytyll at the corner .
The xiiij day of Desember was sant Donstones in $the est chyrche and
chyrche-yerde halowyd by a sofferacan , the wyche was sospendyd one owr
Lade day , the Consepsyon , by a man of the parryche .
The xvj day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur Cottes the
bysshope of West Chastur , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.313)
and $his sermon of the blessyd sacrement of the auter {COM:lacuna} owt
dyvers actours of the sacrement of dyvers {COM:lacuna}
The xviij day of Desember was a grett tryhumph at the court gatte , by
the Kyng and dyvers lordes boyth English-men and Spaneards , the wyche
the Kyng and his compene $were in goodly harnes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.315)
and a-pon ther armes goodly jerkyns of bluw velvett ,
and hosse in-brodered with sylver and bluw sarsenett ;
and so thay rane on fott with spayrers and swerds at the tornay , and
with dromes and flutes in whyt velvet $drawn owt with blu sarsenett ,
and ther wher x aganst $the $King and ys compene ,
the wher xviij in odur colers . (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.320)
The xxvj day of Desember cam by water from {COM:lacuna} the prynche of
Pymon with my lord of preve-sale and my lord Montycute ,
and shut the bryge , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.322)
and cam unto {COM:unfinished} . (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.323)
The last day of Desember was bered at Margatt at Westmynster a Spaneard
, a lord , and bered with baner , cott , targett , and skochyons , and
with grett lyght , and elmet , and the mantyll , and mony torche lyght
. (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.324)
The furst day of January where asymbulle of men and vomen in Bowe
chyrche-yerde at nyght of a xxx and a-boyffh , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.325)
and ther thay had the Englys serves and prayers and a lectorne ,
and thay wher taken by the shreyffes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.327)
and Thomas Rosse the menyster , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.328)
and thay wher cared to the contors and odur plases , and ser Thomas
Rosse to the Towre . (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.329)
The viij day of January the prynsse of Pyemon whent by water to the
Towre with my lord Admerall and my lord Clynton , and dyvers odur ,
and he was shud evere plasse ther , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.331)
and ther wher grett shutyng of gones . (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.332)
The ix day of January certain Spaniards killed an Englishman
basely : (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.333)
two held him while one thrust him through , (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.334)
and so he died . (MACHYN-E1-P2,79.335)
The xiiij day of Januarij ther preched $at $Paul's $cross doctur
Chadsay persun of Allalowes in Bred-strett . (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.337)
The xvj day of January was bered the lade Fuwater , the wyff of the
lord Fuwater , in $Essex at Odam Water , with iiij baners of armes , $a
$standard {COM:?} of armes , and ij emages , with a hers , and vij
dosen penselles , and viij dosen of skochyons , and a mantyll , and
whyt branchys , and iiij dosen stayff-torchys . (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.338)
The xviij day of January wher hangyd at Tyborne ij men and iiij women .
The sam day whent to the Towre my lord chansseler , and dyvers odur
lordes and of the conselle , (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.340)
and delyvered a nomber presonars , as ther names folowes - ser James a
Croft , ser Gorge Harper , ser Gawynn Carow , ser Necolas Frogmortun ,
master Vaghan , ser Edward Varner , Gybbs , the bysshope of Yorke ,
master Rogers , and dyverrs odur presonars , (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.341)
and after ther was a gret shottyng of gones . (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.342)
The xxij day of Januarij was raynyd at my lord chansseler plasse by-syd
sant Mare Overes ser John Hoper latt bysshope of Glosetur , doctor
$Crome , as the parsun of Wyttyngtun colege , harold Tomson , Rogars
parsun or veker of sant Pulkers , and dyvers odur .
The xxiiij day of January ther wher grett ronnyng at the tylt at
Westmynster with spayrers , boyth Englys men and Spaneards .
The xxv day of January , being saint Paul's day , was a general
procession of saint Paul by every parish , both priests and clarkes ,
in copes to the number of a hundred and sixty , singing Salve
festa dies , with ninety crosses borne . (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.345)
The procession was through Cheap into Leadenhall .
And before went the chyldryn of the Gray-frers and Powlles
skolle . (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.347)
There were eight bishops , (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.348)
and the bysshope of London myteryd , bayryng the $sacrement
, $with {COM:lacuna} $eym of torchys bornyng , and a canepe borne $over
; (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.349)
so a-bowtt the chyrch-yerde , (MACHYN-E1-P2,80.350)
and in at the west dore , $with $the lord mayre and the
althermen , and all the craftes in ther best leverays .
And with-in a wylle after the Kyng cam , and my lord cardenall , and
the prynsse of Pyamon , and dyvers lordes and knyghtes ;
thay hard masse , (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.353)
and after to the court to dener , (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.354)
and at nyght bone-fyres and grett ryngyng in evere $church .
The xxvij day of January ther was a goodly prossessyon cam from
Westmynster unto Tempull bar with crosses and a C. chylderyn in surples
and a C. clarkes and prestes in copes syngyng , the wyche the copes
wher very ryche of tyssuw and cloth of gold ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.356)
$and $after that master dene Weston carehyng the blessyd sacrement ,
and a canepe borne over yt , and a-bowt yt (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.358)
a xx torchys bornyng , (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.359)
and after yt a ij C. men and women . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.360)
The xxviij day of January was examynyd at sant Mare Overes bysshope
Hoper , doctor Crom , and Cardmaker , and odur , (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.361)
and Cardmaker recantyd . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.362)
The xxix day of January wher raynyd at sant Mare Overes for herese
Hoper and Rogers , and cast to be brentt , and from thens cared to
Nugatt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.363)
The xxx day of January was raynyd in the sam plasse Bradford , Tayller
, and Sandur , and cast to be brentt in dyvers places .
The j day of February was buried the duchess of
Northumberland at Chelsea where she lived , with a goodly herse of wax
and pensils , and escocheons , two baners of armes , and
iiij banners of images , and mony mornars , and
with ij haroldes of armes . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.365)
Ther was a mageste and the valans , and vj dosen of torchys and ij whyt
branchys , (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.366)
and alle the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes ,
and a canepe borne over her to the chyrche . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.368)
The iiij day $of Feybruary the bysshope of London went into Nugatt ,
and odur docturs , to dysgratt Hoper , and Rogers sumtyme vycker of
sant Polkers . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.369)
The sam day was Rogers cared be-twyn x and xj of the cloke in-to
Smyth-feld , and bornyd , for aronyus apinions , with a grett compene
of the gard . (MACHYN-E1-P2,81.370)
The v day of Feybruarij be-twyn v and vj in the mornyng ,
departed master Hoper to Gloceter , and Sandurs to Coventre , boyth $to
$be bornd . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.371)
The vj day of Feybruary doctur Tayller was sent in-to Suffoke , and to
be brentt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.372)
The xij day of Feybruary was my lord Strange mared to the lade of
Cumberland the yerle of Cumberland doyctur ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.373)
and after a grett dener , and justes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.374)
and after tornay on horsbake with swordes , (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.375)
and after soper Jube the cane , a play , with
torch-lyght and cressett-lyghtes , lx cressets and C. of torchys , and
a maske , and a bankett . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.376)
The ix day of Feybruary was raynyd at Powlles , a-for my lord mayre and
the shreyffes and the bysshope of London and dyvers docturs and of the
conselle , vj heretykes $of Essex and Suffoke , to be brent in dyvers
places . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.377)
The xvij day of Feybruary at bowt mydnyght ther wher serten lude
feylous cam unto sant Thomas of Acurs , (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.378)
and over the dore ther was set the ymage of sant Thomas ,
and ther thay brake ys neke and the tope of ys crosier , the wyche was
mad of fre-ston ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.380)
with grett sham yt was done . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.381)
The v day of Marche was playd $a-for $the $king $and the conselle Whyt
the master of fensse and ys $fellows , $and all odur that wold come at
the court at $Vestmynster . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.382)
The viij day of Marche ther was a general prossessyon from Powlles and
thrugh Chepe and $Bucklersbery and thrug Walbroke and up Boge-row and
Watling stret , (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.383)
and so to Powlles ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.384)
and all the chylderyn of Powlles and of the hospetall , and the
bysshope and my lord mare and aldermen , and all the crafts ,
and all clarkes and prestes syngyng . (MACHYN-E1-P2,82.386)
The sam day was a man sett on the pelere $for $hurting of one of the vj
men that was sworne , and lyke $to $have bene slayne ,
and dyd suspend the chyrche of $saint Donestones in the est .
The xiiij day of Marche in the nyght ther serten velyns dyd
breke the neke of the ymage of sant Thomas of Canturbere ,
and on of ys arms broke . (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.390)
The xv day of Marche ther was a proclamassyon the morowe after that wo
so ever dyd know or cold bryng word to the mayre who dyd breke ys neke
, shuld have a C. crones of gold for ys labur . (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.391)
The xvj day of Marche was a veyver bornyd in Smyth-feld , dwellyng in
Sordyche , for herese , by viij of the cloke in the mornyng ,
ys nam was Tomkins . (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.393)
The xviij day of Marche was browth to the Towre owt of Cambryge-shyre
master Bowes , master Cutt , and master Hynd , and dyvers odur , for a
nuw conspyrase , the wyche shuld have byne don in Suffoke and odur
plases . (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.394)
The xix day of Marche in the mornyng the $Kyng's grace rune at the tylt
a-gaynst odur Spaneards , (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.395)
and brake iiij stayffes by viij of the cloke in the mornyng .
The xx day of March the earl of Bedford , lord privy-seal ,
who died at his house beside the Savoy , was carried to his
burying-place in the country , called Chenies , with three hundred
horse all in black . (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.397)
He was carried with three crosses , with mony clerkes and
prestes , till they came to the hill a-boyffe sant
James , (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.398)
and ther returnyd $certain $of $them home ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.399)
and thay had torchys and almes and money gyven them .
And after evere man sett in aray on horssebake . (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.401)
First on red {COM:rode} in blake bayryng a crosse of sylver , and
serten prestes on horsebake wayryng ther surples ;
then cam the standard , (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.403)
and then all the gentyllmen and hed officers ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.404)
and then cam haroldes , on beyryng ys elmet , and the mantylls , and
the crest , and anodur ys baner of armes , and anodur ys target with
the garter , and anodur ys cott armur ; and anodur ys sword :
and then master Garter in ys ryche cott armur (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.406)
and then cam the charett with vj banars rolles of armes ,
and a-bowt the charett iiij banars of ymages , (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.408)
and after the charet a gret horsse trapyd in cloth of gold with the
sadyll of the sam ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,83.409)
and then cam mornars , the cheyffe of whom my lord Russell ys
sune , (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.410)
and after my lord trayssorer , and the master of the horse , and dyver
odur nobull men all in blake ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.411)
and evere towne that he whent thrughe the clarkes and prestes mett ym
with crosses ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.412)
and thay had in evere parryche iiij nobuls to gyffe to the pore , and
the prest and clarke of evere parryche x=s=. , tyll he cam to ys plasse
at Cheynes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.413)
and the morowe after was he bered , (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.414)
and a grett doll of money ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.415)
and ther the deyn of Powlles mad a godly sermon ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.416)
and after a grett dener , and gret plenty to all the contrey a-bowt
that wold com thether . (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.417)
The xxv day of Marche , the wyche was owre lade $day , ther was as gret
justes as youe have sene at the tylt at Vestmynster ;
the chalyngers was a Spaneard and ser Gorge Haward ;
and all ther men , and ther horsses trymmyd in whyt ,
and then cam the Kyng and a gret mene all in bluw , and trymmyd with
yelow , (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.421)
and ther elmets with gret tuyffes of blue and yelow fether ,
and all ther veffelers {COM:whifflers,_or_forerunners} and ther fotemen
, and ther armorers , and a compene lyke Turkes red {COM:rode} . in
cremesun saten gownes and capes , and with fachyons , and gret targets
; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.423)
and sum in gren , and mony of dyvers colers ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.424)
and ther was broken ij hondred stayffes and a-boyff .
The iiij day of Aprell the $Kyng's grace and the Quen removyd unto
Hamtun cowrte to kepe Ester ther , (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.426)
and so her grace to her chambur ther . (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.427)
The xiiij day of Aprell , the wyche was $Ester $day , at sant Margatt
parryche at Westmynster , $after $masse was done , one of the menysters
a prest of the $abbay dyd helpe hym that was the menyster $to the
pepull who wher reseyvyng of the blessyd sacrement of $the lord $Jhesus
Cryst , (MACHYN-E1-P2,84.428)
ther cam in-to the chyrche a man that was a monke of Elly , the
wyche was marryed to a wyff ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.429)
the sam day ther was that sam man sayd to the menyster , What doyst
thow gyff them ? (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.430)
and as sone as he had spokyn he druw his wod-knyffe ,
and hyt the prest on the hed (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.432)
and struck hym a grett blowe , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.433)
and after ran after hym (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.434)
and struck hym on the hand , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.435)
and cloyffe ys hand a grett way , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.436)
and after on the harme a grett wond ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.437)
and ther was syche a cry and showtt as has not byne ;
and after he was taken and cared to presun , and after examynyd
wher-for he dyd ytt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.439)
The xx day of Aprell was raynyd at Powlles a-for the bysshope of London
and many odur and my lord cheyffe justys and my lord mayre and the
shreyffes ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.440)
ys name was Master Fowler , alias Branch ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.441)
he was a monke of Ely ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.442)
and ther was a goodly sermon , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.443)
and after he was cast and condemnyd to have ys hand that hurt the prest
cut off or he shuld suffer , and after dysgracyd , and after cared to
Nuwgatt . (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.444)
The xxj day of Aprell ther was wypyd at a cart-hors iij , j man and ij
women , and anodur man a-lone , ij old men with whyt berdes , and on
was for carehyng {COM:lacuna} . (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.445)
The xxiijd day of April , being saint George's day , at
Hampton Court , the King , with other lords and knights of the garter ,
went in their robes on procession , with three crosses , and
clarkes and prestes , and my lord chancellor , the cheyff menyster ,
metered , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.446)
and all thay in copes of cloth of tyssue and gold , syngyng
Salva fasta dyes as thay whent a-bowt ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.447)
the $Quen's grace lokyd owt of a cassement , that hundereds dyd se her
grace after she had taken her chambur ; (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.448)
and arolds gohyng a-bowt the $Kyng's grace . (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.449)
The xxiiij day of Aprell was the sam man cared to Westmynster that dyd
hurt the prest , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.450)
and had ys hand stryken of at the post , (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.451)
and after he was bornyd aganst sant Margett chyrche with-owt the
cherche-yarde . (MACHYN-E1-P2,85.452)