{COM:introductory_material_omitted} My verie good Lady , in my right hertie maner I recommende me unto your good Ladishipe , signifying the same that I have received frome youe , by maister Hussey , a Pipe of Gascoigne Wyne and two barrells of heringe , for the whiche and others your manyfold kindnes heretofore shewed I rendre unto youe my hertie thankes , assuring the same that if there be any pleasure that my Lorde or I can doo for youre ladishipe , here or elswhere , ye shall have the same accomplished to the best we can accordingly . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,41.4) And where ye be verey desirous to have youre daughter maistres Basset to be oon of the Quene's Graces maids , and that ye wold I shuld move hir Grace in that behalf , thies $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to doo your Ladishipe to wite that I perceive right well the Kingis Highnes pleasure to be suche that no more Maids $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken in , untill suche tyme as some of them that now be with the Quenes Grace be preferred . Albeit if ye will make some meanes unto mother Lowe , who can doo asmoche good in this matier as any oon woman here , that she maye make some meanes to gete your said doughter with the Quenes said Grace : (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.5) and in soo doing I think ye shall obtene your purpos in every behalf . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.6) And I for my partie shall doo the best I can to preserve here , (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.7) for I wold be right glad thereof bothe {COM:sic} for the greate honestie that is in hir . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.8) And thus our Lorde kepe your Ladishipe in helthe . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.9) At the Corte (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.10) the xvij. daye of February . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.11) your Ladiships assured Elynor Rutland . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.12) To my very good Lady my Lady Lislie {COM:sic} her good Ladyshipp , these be yeven . (MANNERS-E1-P2,2.2,42.13)