And thowgh I am in dowt how your Graces shall take it that I should thus dally troble yow wythe my besy letres , yet I trust yowr Graces will consider how thes mater towcheth me most of any other , (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,84.4) & myne es the part boothe-3 to speeke & sue if I had not siche a good intercesser to the Kynges Mageste en my behalfe as yowr Graces es , where of as yet prosedeth no effect bwt wordes , wyches maketh me thenke the Kynges Hyegthn' is not assartayned of my holl wudouefwll & rygth thereen , (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,84.5) for ef he were he is so just a Prynce , so gracyous & of sych eqyte , that I am sure he wolde newer suffer the justyce of his laws to be denyed to me the wnwoorthe desolat widow of his late Son that newer yet was denyed to the poorest gentylwoman in thes realme . (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,84.6) And if it wolld please ye as oftymes I have humble desyred yowr Grace to gywe me lewe to com up & sue myne owne cawes beyng nowhis to good to be in parson an humble suter to his Maygeste , I do not dowt bowt uppon the sygthe ther of hes hyegthn' shuld be mowed to hawe compasyon on me , consyderenge that he hemselfe alone mayd the maryage , & to thenke that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} myche hys Majestys honor to grante me that his laws gywe me to mayntayn me wthe , the desolat wydowe of his late Son , in the degre that his Mayjeste hathe kalled me to , (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,84.7) yet newer the lesse puttynge my hole mater en to yowr Grases handes & my lorde Prewe Seals , who as ye wryet hathe promesed to be good lord theryn , most humble desyereng yowr blyssenge I bede your Graces farwal frome Kengngael this Wadenes day . (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,85.8) By your humble dowther Mary Richemond . (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,85.9) To my were good Lord and Father the Dowke of Norfolk thes be delyvered . (MHOWARD-E1-P2,2.2,85.10)