My most kynde and lovyng brother , I humbly recomand me vnto yowr Grace , thankyng yow interly of yowr comfortable Letters ; besechyng yowr grace most humbly now so to contenwe toward me and my frendes , as owr spessyale trowst ys yn yowr Grace ; and that yt may layke you w=t= all convennynte delygence to sende for me that I may shortely se yowr grace wyche ys the thyng that I most dissyr yn thys world (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,122.3) and I and all myn ys at yowr gracs commandmente and playsayr . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,122.4) At Parys (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,122.5) the vj. day of Marche . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,122.6) by yowr lowyng suster Mary . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,122.7) To the Kings Grace thes be delivered . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,122.8) {COM:introductory_material_omitted} My most derest and ryt entierly belowyde Lord and brothare , yn my most humble wys I recommande me unto yowr Grace , shawynge unto yowr Grace that I do a pa ... by my Lord my howsbande that $you ar playsayde and contentyde that he shale resorde on to yowr presence at swche tyme as yowr Grace shale be at hys maner of Donyngton , wherby I se wele he hys merwosly rejoysyd and moche comfortyd that yt hathe lyked yowr Grace so to be playsayd ; for the wyche yowr specyale goodnys to hym showyd yn that be halfe , and for sondry and many oder yowr kyndnes , as wele to me as to hym showed and gewyn yn dyvers cawsys , I most humbly thanke yowr Grace ; assewryng yow that for the same I accompt my self as moche bonden un to yowr Grace as ewer swster was to brother : (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,124.12) and accordyng ther un to I shale to the beste of my powr dowryng my lyef , endver myselfe as ferre as in me shale be possyble to do the thyng that shale stond with yowr playsowr , (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,124.13) and yf it had be tyme convenyente to yowr Grace hade be ther wythe pleassyd I wolde most gladly have accompanyd my sayd Lord yn thys yowrnay . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,124.14) Bwt I trowst that bowthe I and my sayd Lord shal se yow acordyng as yowr Grace $wrote {TEXT:wrote} yn yowr laste Letters unto my sayde Lord , wych ys the thyng that I dessyr more to opteyn than all the honor off the Worlde . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,124.15) And thws I beseche owre Lorde to send unto yow , my most dereste and enterly be lowyd brother and Lord , long and prosperows lyfe with the fole accomplyshment of al yowr honorable dessyrs , most humbly prayeng yowr Grace that I may be humbly recomanded unto my most derest and beste be lowyd suster the Quene Grace , and to the Quene off Scottys my welbelowyd suster , trowstyng that she be asserteyned frome yowr Grace of the prosperows estate and helthe of my everly beloved $nyphews the prences , to home I pray God send long lyfe . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,125.16) Frome Letheryng in Swf {COM:Suffolk} (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,125.17) the ix. day off Septembur , (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,125.18) by the hand of yowr lowyng suster Mary Quene off France . (MTUDOR-1510-E1-P2,1.1,125.19)