My most Deare mother By Nathaniell on Wednessdy night I wrott you touching I. Gabbetts immediate comming vpp soe that now wee almost howerly expect him - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,261.3) Yesterday by Huntington carrier Bearde I wrott you farther wherin was a letter enclosed from Margetting - And a Bundle in cloth - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,261.4) {COM:list_omitted} I payed him twelue pence (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.7) and directed the things to Good man Richards - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.8) I hope you haue received all - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.9) I haue many things to write (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.10) but tyme hath ouertaken mee - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.11) Nathaniell must sende upp word to whom the cloake was putt to dy - And likewyse m=r= Stroothers patterns of kersy w=ch= the noate of prouisions mentions - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.12) I haue next weeke promised Page a horseloade (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.13) by him I purpose to send the fruite and spice so that for the Cake you must otherwyse prouide in the Country - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.14) This Cake you sente Last is heauy (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.15) whither wante of baking or otherwyse consider (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.16) And I thinke best to add a couple of Capons w=th= it for the Churching (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.17) this day 14 days Thom Collett is this morning gon to Margetting purposing to returne to morrow (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.18) god send them Comfort in Sues safe deliuery (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.19) M=rs= Keighly was on Monday brought a bed of a Son~ - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.20) In the greate shower which was heere a gladsom~ hower and since god bee thanked wee haue had some more rayne but in Essex soe much as they say it is almost wynter agayne in the way , (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.21) Wee hope god hath refreshed you likewyse w=th= this blessing - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.22) $There $'s {TEXT:Theres} greate news abroade and true but of soe serious consideration as I am scarse in this Confusion of thoughts willing to sett doune - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.23) Magdeburge was taken the x May by Tilly whilest the people were at Churche giuing god thankes for his removall uppon the king of swedens approach (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.24) but the king not comming forward Tilly returned (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.25) and by supprizall tooke the Citty hauing slayne persons of the Inhabitants and utterly consumed the Towne saue some few houses about the Cathedrall Church w=ch= stands - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.26) The kyng of Swedens Gouernour there and his soldiers though they were offered quarter refused to ouerliue soe much misery as they saw before there eyes . (NFERRAR-E2-P2,262.27) And the Bishopp flying wounded desyred his seruant to kill him - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.28) But is taken prisoner - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.29) The destruction is horrible and soe fearefull that none like it since that of Iherusalem as the Corrant saith (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.30) God make it a warning . (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.31) and in there misery lett us know our owne happiness and w=th= Compassion of there Afflictions ioyfully prayse god for his inestimable mercys to us whoe surely deserue to mans appearance much more his wrath then those people did - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.32) And soe beseeching y=r= blessing and prayers I committ y=u= to gods most mercifull protection (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.33) Your most bounden and obedient son - N.F. (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.34) x Iuly (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.35) If you have any cloth whited send it upp next week (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.36) And lett mee know whither Grey com~ any more - (NFERRAR-E2-P2,263.37)