M=r= Edmondes . Yo=w= shall vnderstand that Mons=r= Lominy hath had his audience , and for y=e= reasonnes contained in her ma=tes= Letters to yo=w= is very lyke to haue the aunswere w=ch= is contained in y=e= same ; (RCECIL-E2-P2,270.3) But hereof her ma=tie= would haue y=e= king informed by yo=w= , and at full length to y=e= end he maie know the iust reasonnes of the same : (RCECIL-E2-P2,270.4) for as it is not a denyall but a suspence , so I assure yo=w= in pryvate that this mans choler , and manaces , hath made it y=e= worse for ye= present . (RCECIL-E2-P2,270.5) But forasmuch as her Ma=tie= , {COM:sic} heareth , that y=e= king when he knowes y=e= substance of letters not to satisfie him , will not haue y=e= patience to heare the wholle Circumstance , and because it may be that this man will Report y=e= worst , her ma=tie= commendeth it to yo=r= dexteritie and discretion to vse y=e= matter so as to gett accesse to y=e= king before he arryve , and to put into ffrench this letter , whereof yo=w= may iustly say you haue the English originall , and to shewe it him and desire him to reade it , as well as shee did his last whole letter at length to La Fontaine of y=e= xii {COM:date?} of Sept: from Lyons , to w=ch= this is an aunswere , w=ch= was delyvered her even y=e= same day that L'omynie arrived . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.6) And because it is here reported , that his Secretaries only reade his letters , and that he hath but y=e= substance giuen him of yea , or noe ; yo=w= shal doe y=e= Queene good service if yo=w= handle it so finelie as that it may be all readd by himself and in tyme : (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.7) for tomorrowe L'omynie hath his dispatche , (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.8) and $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} gonne Post , (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.9) but I hope this man wil $overryde {COM:over_ryde} him . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.10) Yo=w= must conceale y=e= effect of yo=r= letter till yo=w= may speake w=th= y=e= king , and say that yo=w= haue heard L'omynie is sicke , or some such thing to make him greedie to speake w=th= yo=w= first . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.11) I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} send yo=w= y=e= letter w=ch= y=e= king wrytt to La ffontain , (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.12) but theise are y=e= heddes in this Paper inclosed . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.13) I haue represented to y=e= Q. the extremities yo=w= are in , (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.14) and I hope yo=ur= returne will nowe approache , (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.15) for y=e= Q. will send an Ambassado=r= to y=e= kinge , (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.16) and so I commytt yo=w= to God . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.17) ffrom y=e= Cort at Nonesuch (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.18) y=e= viij=th= of October 1595. (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.19) Yo=r= Loving friend Ro: Cecyll . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.20) {COM:endorsed} 8=th= October 1595 (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.22) ffrom S=r= Robert Cecyll by John Symmons . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.23) To my Loving friend M=r= Edmondes . (RCECIL-E2-P2,271.24) {COM:enclosed_memorandum_omitted} M=r= Edmondes . Her ma=tie= having vnderstood very latelie that Mons=r= Lominye , laie long at y=e= seaside , did cause enquirie to be made , what might be y=e= occasion : whervppon she hath vnderstoode that he was staied , partlie by contrarie windes , and also for want of a shipp to wafte him over : (RCECIL-E2-P2,279.28) And therfore her ma=tie= suspecting by y=e= mannor of his sower and sullen carriag here , That he $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} as apt , to make y=e= worste of all thinges there , hath nowe Comanded me expresslie to assure yo=w= , That whatsoever impedyment he did find besides the aduerse wyndes , was merely w=th=out her ma=ties= knowledge , or any sett purpose , of any of her mynisters . (RCECIL-E2-P2,279.29) Yo=w= shall therfore vnderstand . That vppon y=e= departure of S=r= Ha: Palmer w=th= dyverse of her ma=ties= shippes to y=e= westwardes , that small remaine left in y=e= narrowe seas of shippes and Pynnaces was commanded to attend y=e= wafting of her ma=ties= merchantes shippes to myddleburghe , and other places , more precisely then vusually they did . W=ch= order was nowe y=e= rather taken for that my lo: Admirall hath ben informed That his men that were Cap=ens= of y=e shippes did make their pryvate gaine of wafting over $almost every com~on Passenger ; so as it may well be , that $because Mons=r= Lomynie at his comming to Rye , had not some letter from my l. Adm=rll= of dyreccon~ to any of y=e= Cap=ens= there : for w=ch= my L. Adm=rll= assures her may=tie= that Mons=r= L'omynie never voutsafed so much as to send to him to demaunde it , that he might be denyed to be receaved : (RCECIL-E2-P2,279.30) for otherwise her ma=tie= would haue yo=w= make it knowen , That shee holdes to great a Respect to y=e= ffr. king , and knowes to well what belonges to her owne honor to haue denyed a publyke ministers {COM:sic} such a favour . (RCECIL-E2-P2,279.31) And therefore her ma=tie= Req=ts= yo=w= , even w=th= great dexteritie and discreccon~ , both-1 to anticipat and aunswere such reportes contryved by him or any other , of any ill Treatem=t= vsed towardes him , wherin yo=w= may add , That her ma=tie= hath bestowed to many offices of kyndnes vppon y=e= king nowe to darken or shaddowe y=e= same , w=th= any such trifling accident . (RCECIL-E2-P2,279.32) This being all I haue for y=e= present fytt to wryte vnto yo=w= , I will here make an end , having labored as much to my small power for the Reliefe of yo=r= particuler , as any friend yo=w= haue , whereof I haue good Testimony , (RCECIL-E2-P2,279.33) and I doe hope vppon y=e= comming over of some Embassado=rs= of her ma=tie= that yo=w= shall find contentment . (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.35) And thus I commytt yo=w= to God . (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.36) ffrom y=e= Cort at Richemond (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.37) y=e= xiiij of No: 1595. (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.38) Yo=r= loving friend Ro: Cecyll . (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.39) {COM:endorsed} 14=th= November 1595 (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.41) ffrom S=r= Robert Cecyll . (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.42) To my very loving friend M=r= Thomas Edmondes her Ma=ties= Agent w=th= the King of Fraunce . (RCECIL-E2-P2,280.43) {COM:INSERT_HELSINKI_SAMPLES_1_2} I conceaue you have receaued my Letter , by my L. of Southamton wherby you see y=e= Cawse of my Alteration w=ch= now I find , concurres w=th= y=e= Necessity of y=e= Time . (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.47) I came hyther yesternight , (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.48) and will this night come to Pontoise , and so not be at Paris before Wednesday (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.49) Only this I do desire y=t= I may not come in to Paris late , (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.50) for y=t= were disagreable to me for many Respects which you can coniecture . (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.51) I haue not paied this Post , becawse I know not whyther you haue alredy paied him , (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.52) I pray you satisfy him (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.53) and I will then dischardg you of all when I see you , (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.54) I haue receaued yo=r= letters concerning y=e= Prisoner w=th= whom I will speake and proceed as I find Cawse . (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.55) I doe see very great Care and Affection in yo=r= Proceeding w=th= me w=ch= I will acknoledge and requite . (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.56) I will so order my Journey from Pontoise as to be in Paris to morrow between 3. and 4 . (RCECIL-E2-P2,329.57) The less shoting , or none at all , y=t= mought be I wold be very gladd of , for that my horses of my Coch and y=t= w=ch= I ryde on , will in no sort endure it . (RCECIL-E2-P2,330.58) But y=t= I leaue to yo=r= discretion soe to order it , w=ch= must be as it may be . (RCECIL-E2-P2,330.59) And so in haste I end Yo=r= louing and ass: frend Ro: Cecyll . (RCECIL-E2-P2,330.60) From Magny this Twesday at 9 of clock being the 28=th= of Feb: 97 (RCECIL-E2-P2,330.61) I haue geuen him six Crownes because he importuned me for money . (RCECIL-E2-P2,330.62) {COM:addressed} To my very Loving frend M=r= Thos Edmunds , her Ma=tes= Agent w=th= the french king . (RCECIL-E2-P2,330.64)