THE THEOREMES OF GEOMETRY , BEFORE WHICHE ARE SET FORTHE CERTAINE GRAUNTABLE REQUESTES WHICHE SERUE FOR DEMONSTRATIONS MATHEMATICALL . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.3) That fro~ any pricke to one other , there may be drawen a right line . As for example . {COM:figure_omitted} (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.5) A being the one pricke , and B. the other , you maye drawe betwene them from the one to the other , that is to say , from A. vnto B , and from B. to A. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.6) That any right line of measurable length may be drawen forth longer , and straight . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.7) Example of A.B , which as it is a line of measurable lengthe , so may it be drawen forth longer , as for example vnto C , {COM:figure_omitted} and that in true streightenes without crokinge . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.8) That vpon any centre , there may be made a circle of anye qua~titee that a man wyll . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.9) Let the centre be set to A , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.10) {COM:figure_omitted} what shal hinder a man to drawe a circle about it , of what quantitee that he lusteth , as you se the forme here : other bygger or lesse , as it shall lyke him to doo ? (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1R.12) That all right angles be equall eche to other . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.14) Set for an example A. and B , {COM:figure_omitted} of which two though A. seme the greater angle to some men of small experience , it happeneth only bicause that the lines aboute A , are longer the~ the lines about B , as you may proue by drawing them longer , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.15) for so shal B. seme the greater angle yf you make his lines longer then the lines that make the angle A. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.16) And to proue it by demonstration , I say thus . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.17) If any ij. right corners be not equal , then one right corner is greater then an other , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.18) but that corner which is greater then a right angle , is a blunt corner by his definition (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.19) so must one corner be both a right corner and a blunt corner also , whiche is not possible : (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.20) And againe : the lesser right corner must be a sharpe corner , by his definition , bicause it is lesse then a right angle , which thing is impossible . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.21) Therefore I conclude that all right angles be equall . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.22) Yf one right line do crosse two other right lines , and make ij. inner corners of one side lesser the~ ij. righte corners , it is certaine , that if those two lines be drawen forth right on that side that the sharpe inner corners be , they wil at le~gth mete togither , and crosse on an other . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B1V.23) The ij. lines beinge as A.B. and C.D , and the third line crossing them as dooth heere E.F , making ij inner $corners {TEXT:cornes} as ar G.H. lesser then two right corners , {COM:figure_omitted} sith ech of them is lesse then a right corner , as your eyes maye iudge , then say I , if those ij. lines A.B. and C.D. be drawen in lengthe on that side that G. and H. are , the {COM:sic} will at length meet and crosse one an other . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.24) Two right lines make no platte forme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.25) A platte forme , as you harde before , hath bothe length and bredthe , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.26) and is inclosed with lines as with his boundes , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.27) but ij. right lines $can $not {TEXT:cannot} inclose al the bondes of any platte forme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.28) Take for an example firste these two right lines AB. and A.C. whiche meete togither in A , {COM:figure_omitted} but yet $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be called a platte forme , bicause there is no bond from B. to C , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.29) but if you will drawe a line betwene them twoo , that is frome B. to C , then will it be a platte forme , that is to say , a triangle , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.30) but then are there iij. lines , and not only ij . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.31) Likewise may you say of D.E. and F.G , {COM:figure_omitted} whiche doo $not {COM:'not'_missing_in_text,_but_required_since_the_lines_de_and_fg_are_ parallel_in_the_figure} make a platte forme , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.32) nother yet can they make any without helpe of two lines more , whereof the one must be drawen from D. to F , and the other frome E. to G , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.33) and then will it be a longe square . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.34) So then of two right lines can bee made no platte forme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.35) But of ij. croked lines be made a platte forme , as you se in the eye form . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.36) And also of one rightline , & one croked line , maye a platte fourme bee made , as the semicircle F. doothe sette forth . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2R.37) {COM:figure_omitted} CERTAYN COMMON SENTENCES MANIFEST TO SENCE , AND ACKNOWLEDGED OF ALL MEN . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.41) THE FIRSTE COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.42) What so euer things be equal to one other thinge , those same bee equall betwene them selues . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.44) Examples therof you may take both in greatnes and also in numbre . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.45) First though it pertaine not proprely to geometry , but to helpe the vnderstandinge of the rules , whiche may bee wrought by both artes thus may you perceaue . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.46) If the summe of mounye in my purse , and the mony in your purse be equall eche of them to the mony that any other man hathe , then must needes your mony and mine be equall togyther . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.47) Likewise , if anye ij. quantities , as A and B , be equal to an other , as vn to C , then muste nedes A. and B. be equall eche to other , as A. equall to B , and B. equall to A , whiche thinge the better to peceaue , tourne these quantities into numbre , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.48) so shall A. and B. make sixteene , and C. as many . {COM:figure_omitted} As you may perceaue by multipliyng the numbre of their sides togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.49) THE SECONDE COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B2V.51) And if you adde equall portions to thinges that be equall , what so amounteth of them shall be equall . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.53) Example , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.54) Yf you and I haue like summes of mony , and then receaue eche of vs like summes more , then our summes wil be like styll . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.55) Also if A. and B. as in the former example bee equall , then by adding an equal portion to them both , as to ech of them , the quarter of A. that is foure they will be equall still . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.56) THE THIRDE COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.58) And if you abate euen portions from things that are equal , those partes that remain shall be equall also . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.60) This you may perceaue by the laste example . For that that was added there , is subtracted heere . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.61) and so the one doothe approue the other . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.62) THE FOURTH COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.64) If you abate equalle partes from vnequal thinges , the remainers shall be vnequall . As bicause that a hundreth and eight and forty be vnequal if I take tenne from them both , there will remayne nynetye and eight and thirty , which are also vnequall , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.66) and likewise in quantities it is to be iudged . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.67) THE FIFTE COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.69) when euen portions are added to vnequalle thinges , those that amounte $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} vnequall . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3R.71) So if you adde twenty to fifty , and lyke ways to nynty , you shall make seuenty , and a hundred and ten whiche are no lesse vnequall , than were fifty and nynty . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.73) THE SYXT COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.75) If two thinges be double to any other , those same two thinges are equal togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.77) {COM:figures_omitted} Bicause A. and B. are eche of them double to C , therefore must A. and B. nedes be equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.79) For as v. times viij. maketh xl. which is double to iiij. times v , that is xx so iiij. times x , likewise is double to xx . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.80) for it maketh fortie (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.81) and therefore must neades be equall to forty . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.82) THE SEUENTH COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.84) If any two thinges be the halfes of one other thing , than are thei .ij. equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.86) So are D. and C. in the laste example equal togyther , bicause they are eche of them the halfe of A , other of B , as their numbre declareth . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.87) THE EYGHT COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B3V.89) If any one quantitee be laide on an other , and thei agree , so that the one excedeth not the other , then are they equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.91) As if this figure A.B.C. {COM:figure_omitted} be layed on that other D.E.F , {COM:figure_omitted} so that A. be layed to D , B. to E , and C. to F , you shall see them agre in sides exactlye and the one not to excede the other , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.92) for the line A.B. is equall to D.E , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.93) and the third lyne C.A , is equal to F.D so that euery side in the one is equall to some one side of the other . wherfore it is playne , that the two triangles are equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.94) THE NYNTH COMMON SENTENCE . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.96) Euery whole thing is greater than any of his partes . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.98) This sentence nedeth none example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.99) For the thyng is more playner then any declaration , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.100) yet considering that other commen sentence that foloweth nexte that . THE TENTHE COMMON SENTENCE . Euery whole thinge is equall to all his partes taken togither . It shall be mete to expresse both w=t= one example , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.101) for of thys last se~tence many me~ at the first hearing do make a doubt . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4R.102) Ther fore as in this example of the circle deuided into su~dry partes {COM:figure_omitted} it doeth appere that no parte can be so great as the whole circle , accordyng to the meanyng of the eight sentence so yet it is certain , that all those eight partes together be equall vnto the whole circle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.103) And this is the meanyng of that common sentence whiche many vse , and fewe do rightly understand that is , that All the partes of any thing are nothing els , but the whole . And contrary waies : The whole is nothing els , but all his partes taken togither . whiche saiynges some haue vnderstand to meane thus : that all the partes are of the same kind that the whole thyng is : (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.104) but that that meanyng is false , it doth plainly appere by this figure A.B , {COM:figure_omitted} whose partes A. and B , are triangles , and the whole figure is a square , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.105) and so they are not of one kind . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.106) But and if they applie it to the matter or substance of thinges as some do then it is moste false , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.107) for euery compound thyng is made of partes of diuerse matter and substance . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.108) Take for example a man , a house , a boke , and all other compound thinges . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.109) Some vnderstand it thus , that the partes all together can make none other forme , but that that the whole doth shewe , whiche is also false , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.110) for I make fiue hundred diuerse figures of the partes of some one figure , as you shall better perceiue in the third boke . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.111) And in the meane seaso~ take for an exa~ple this square figure folowing A.B.C.D , {COM:figures_on_next_page_omitted} w=ch= is deuided but into two parts , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.112) and yet as you se I haue made fiue figures more beside the firste , with onely diuerse ioynyng of those two partes . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.113) But of this shall I speake more largely in an other place , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.114) in the mean season content your self with these principles , whiche are certain of the chiefe groundes wheron all demonstrations mathematical are fourmed of which though the moste parte seeme so plaine , that no childe doth doubte of them , thinke not therfore that the art vnto whiche they serue , is simple , other childishe , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,B4V.115) but rather consider , howe certayne the profes of that arte is , y=t= hath for his grou~des soche playne truthes , & as I may say , such vndowbtfull and sensible principles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1R.116) And this is the cause why all learned menne dooth approue the certenty of geometry , and co~sequently of the other artes mathematical , which haue the grounds as Arithmetike , musike and astronomy aboue all other artes and sciences , that be vsed amo~gest men . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1R.117) This muche haue I sayd of the first principles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1R.118) and now will I go on with the theoremes , whiche I do only by examples declae {COM:sic} , minding to reserue the proofes to a peculiar boke which I will then set forth , when I perceaue this to be thankfully taken of the readers of it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1R.119) THE THEOREMES OF GEOMETRY BRIEFLYE DECLARED BY SHORTE EXAMPLES . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1R.121) THE FIRSTE THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1R.124) When .ij. triangles be so drawen , that the one of the~ hath ij. sides equal to ij sides of the other triangle , and that the angles enclosed with those sides , bee equal also in bothe triangles , then is the thirde side likewise equall in them . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.126) And the whole triangles be of one greatnes , and euery angle in the one equall to his matche angle in the other , I meane those angles that be inclosed with like sides . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.127) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.129) This triangle A.B.C. hath ij. sides that is to say C.A. and C.B , equal to ij. sides of the other triangle F.G.H , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.131) {COM:figures_omitted} for A.C. is equall to F.G , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.133) and B.C. is equall to G.H. And also the angle C. contayned beetweene F.G , and G.H , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.134) for both of them answere to the eight parte of a circle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.135) Ther fore doth it remayne that A.B. whiche is the thirde lyne in the firste triangle , doth agre in lengthe with F.H , w=ch= is the third line in $y=e= $seco~d {TEXT:y=e=se_co~d} tria~gle & y=t= hole tria~gle A.B.C. must nedes be equal to y=e= hole triangle F.G.H. And euery corner equall to his match , that is to say , A. equall to F , B. to H , and C. to G , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.136) for those bee called match corners , which are inclosed with like sides , other els do lye against like sides . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.137) THE SECOND THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C1V.139) In twileke triangles the ij. corners that be about the groud {COM:sic} line , are equal togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.141) And if the sides that be equal , be drawe~ out in le~gth the~ wil the corners that are vnder the ground lines , be equal also togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.142) Example (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.144) A.B.C. is a twileke triangle , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.146) for the one side A.C , is equal to the other side B.C. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.147) {COM:figure_omitted} And therfore I saye that the inner corners A. and B , which are about the ground lines , that is A.B. be equall to gither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.149) And farther if C.A. and C.B. bee drawen forthe vnto D and E. as you se that I haue drawen them , then saye I that the two vtter angles vnder A. and B , are equal also togither : as the theorem said . The profe wherof , as of al the rest , shal apeare in Euclide , whome I intende to set foorth in english with sondry new additions , if I may perceaue that it wil be thankfully taken . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.150) THE THIRDE THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.152) If in annye triangle there bee twoo angles equall togither , then shall the sides , that lie against those angles , be equal also . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.154) Example (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.156) This triangle A.B.C. {COM:figure_omitted} hath two corners equal eche to other , that is A. and B , as I do by supposition limite , wherfore it foloweth that the side A.C , is equal to that other side B.C , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.158) for the side A.C , lieth againste the angle B , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.159) and the side B.C , lieth against the angle A . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2R.160) THE FOURTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.163) when two lines are drawen fro~ the endes of anie one line , and meet in anie pointe , it is not possible to draw two other lines of like lengthe ech to his match that shal begi~ at the same pointes , and end in anie other pointe then the twoo first did . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.165) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.167) {COM:figure_omitted} The first line is A.B , on which I haue erected two other lines A.C , and B.C , that meete in the pricke C , wherefore I say , it is not possible to draw ij. other lines from A. and B. which shal mete in one point as you se A.D. and B.D. mete in D. but that the match lines $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} vnequal , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.170) I mean by match lines , the two lines on one side , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.171) that is the ij. on the right hand , or the ij. on the lefte hand , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.172) for as you se in this example A.D. is longer the~ A.C. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.173) and A.D. shall bee of one lengthe , if B.D. and B.C. bee like longe . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.174) For if one couple of matche lines be equall as the same example A.E. is equall to A.C. in length then must B.E. needes be vnequall to B.C . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.175) as you see , it is here shorter . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.176) THE FIFTE THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C2V.178) If two tria~gles haue there ij. sides equal one to an other , and their grou~d lines equal also , then shall their corners , whiche are contained betwene like sides , be equall one to the other . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.180) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.182) Because these two triangles A.B.C , and D.E.F. haue two sides equall one to an other . {COM:figure_omitted} For A.C. is equall to D.F , and B.C. is equall to E.F , and again their grou~d lines A.B. and D.E. are lyke in length , therfore is eche angle of the one triangle equall to ech angle of the other , comparyng together those angles that are contained within lyke sides , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.184) so is A. equall to D , B. to E , and C. to F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.185) for they are contayned within like sides , as before is said . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.186) THE SIXT THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.188) when any right line standeth on an other , the ij. angles that thei make , other are both right angles , or els equall to .ij. righte angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.190) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.192) A.B. is a right line , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.194) and on it there doth light another right line , drawen from C. perpendicularly on it , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.195) {COM:figure_omitted} therefore saie I , that the .ij. angles that thei do make , are .ij. right angles as maie be iudged by the definition of a right angle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3R.197) But in the second part of the example , where A.B. beyng still the right line , on whiche D. standeth in slope wayes , but yet they are equall to two righte angles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.198) for so muche as the one is to greate , more then a righte angle , so muche iuste is the other to little , so that bothe togither are equall to two right angles , as you may perceiue . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.199) THE SEUENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.201) If .ij. lines be drawen to any one pricke in an other lyne , and those .ij. lines do make with the fyrst lyne , two right angles , other suche as be equall to two right angles , and that towarde one hande , than those two lines doo make one streyght lyne . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.203) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.205) A.B. is a streyght lyne , on which there doth lyght two other lines one frome D , and the other frome C , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.207) {COM:figure_omitted} but considerynge that they meete in one pricke E , and that the angles on one hand be equal to two right corners as the laste theoreme dothe declare therfore maye D.E. and E.C. be counted for one ryght lyne . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.209) THE EIGHT THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.211) when two lines do cut one an other crosseways they do make their matche angles equall . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C3V.213) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.216) What matche angles are , I haue tolde you in the definition of the termes . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.218) And here A , and B. are matche corners in this example , as are also C. and D , so that the corner A , is equall to B , and the angle C , is equall to D . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.219) {COM:figure_omitted} THE NYNTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.222) whan so euer in any triangle the line of one side is drawen forthe in lengthe , that vtter angle is greater than any of the two inner corners , that ioyne not with it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.224) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.226) The triangle A.D.C {COM:figure_omitted} hathe hys grounde lyne A.C. drawen forthe in lengthe vnto B , so that the vtter corenr that it maketh at C , is greater then any of the two inner corners that lye againste it , and ioyne not wyth it , whyche are A. and D , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.228) for they both are lesser then a ryght angle , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.229) and be sharpe angles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.230) but C. is a blonte angle , and therfore greater then a ryght angle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.231) THE TENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.233) In euery triangle any .ij. corners , how so euer you take the~ , ar lesse the~ ij. right corners . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4R.235) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.238) In the first triangle E , {COM:figure_omitted} whiche is a threlyke , and therfore hath all his angles sharpe , take anie twoo corners that you will , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.240) and you shall perceiue that they be lesser then ij. right corners , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.241) for in euery triangle that hath all sharpe corners as you see it to be in this example euery corner is lesse then a right corner . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.242) And therfore also euery two corners must nedes be lesse then two right corners . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.243) Furthermore in that other triangle marked with M , {COM:figure_omitted} whiche hath .ij. sharpe corners and one right , any .ij. of them also are lesse then two ryght angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.244) For though you take the right corner for one , yet the other whiche is a sharpe corner , is lesse then a right corner . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.245) And so it is true in all kindes of triangles , as you maie perceiue more plainly by the .xxij. Theoreme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.246) THE .XI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.248) In euery triangle , the greattest side lieth against the greattest angle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.250) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.252) As in this triangle A.B.C , {COM:figure_omitted} the greatest angle is C. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.254) And A.B. whiche is the side that lieth against it is the greatest and longest side . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,C4V.255) And contrary waies , as A.C. is the shortest side , so B. whiche is the angle liyng against it is the smallest and sharpest angle , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.256) for this doth folow also , that as the longest side lyeth against the greatest angle , so it that foloweth (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.257) THE TWELFT THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.259) In euery triangle the greattest angle lieth against the longest side . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.261) For these ij. theoremes are one in truthe . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.262) THE THIRTENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.264) In euerie triangle anie ij. sides togither how so euer you take them , are longer the~ the thirde . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.266) For example you shal take this triangle A.B. {COM:figure_omitted} which hath a veery blunt corner , and therfore one of his sides greater a good deale then any of the other , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.267) and yet the ij. lesser sides togither ar $greate {COM:sic} then it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.268) And if it bee so in a blunte angeled triangle , it must nedes be true in all other , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.269) for there is no other kinde of triangles that hathe the one side so greate aboue the other sids {COM:sic} , as they y=t= haue blunt corners . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.270) THE FOURTENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.272) If there be drawen from the endes of anie side of a triangle .ij. lines metinge within the triangle , those two lines shall be lesse then the other twoo sides of the triangle , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1R.274) but yet the corner that thei make , shall bee greater then that corner of the triangle , whiche standeth ouer it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.275) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.277) A.B.C. is a triangle . {COM:figure_omitted} on whose ground line A.B. there is drawen ij. lines , from the ij. endes of it , I say from A. and B , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.279) and they meete within the triangle in the pointe D , wherfore I say , that as those two lynes A.D. and B.D , are lesser then A.C. and B.C , so the angle D , is greatter then the angle C , which is the angle against it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.280) THE FIFTENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.282) If a triangle haue two sides equall to the two sides of an other triangle , but yet the a~gle that is contained betwene those sides , greater then the like angle in the other triangle , then is his grounde line greater then the grounde line of the other triangle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.284) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.286) A.B.C. is a triangle , {COM:figure_omitted} whose sides A.C. and B.C , ar equall to E.D. and D.F , the two sides of the triangle D.E.F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D1V.288) {COM:figure_on_next_page_omitted} but bicause the angle in D , is greatter then the angle C. whiche are the ij. angles contayned betwene the equal lynes {COM:no_matching_open_paren} therfore muste the ground line E.F. nedes bee greatter thenne the grounde line A.B , as you se plainely . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.290) THE XVI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.292) If a triangle haue twoo sides equalle to the two sides of an other triangle , but yet hathe a longer ground line the~ that other triangle , then is his angle that lieth betwene the equall sides , greater the~ the like corner in the other triangle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.294) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.296) This Theoreme is nothing els , but the sentence of the first Theoreme turned backward , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.298) and therefore nedeth none other profe nother declaration , then the other example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.299) THE SEUENTENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2R.301) If two triangles be of such sort , that two angles of the one be equal to ij. angles of the other , and that one side of the one be equal to on side of the other , whether that side do adioyne to one of the equall corners , or els lye againste one of them , then shall the other twoo sides of those triangles bee equalle togither , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.303) and the thirde corner also shall be equall in those two triangles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.304) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.306) Bicause that A.B.C , the one triangle {COM:figure_omitted} hath two corners A. and B , equal to D. E , that are twoo corners of the other triangle . D.E.F. {COM:figure_omitted} and that they haue one side in theym bothe equall , that is A.B , which is equall to D.E , therefore shall both the other ij. sides be equall one to an other , as A.C. and B.C. equall to D.F and E.F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.308) and also the thirde angle in them both $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} equall , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.309) that is , the angle C. shal be equall to the angle F . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.310) THE EIGHTENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.312) when on .ij. right lines ther is drawen a third right line crosse waies , and maketh .ij. matche corners of the one line equall to the like twoo matche corners of the other line , then ar those two lines gemmow lines , or paralleles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.314) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D2V.316) The .ij. fyrst lynes are A.B. and C.D , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.319) the thyrd lyne that crosseth them is E.F . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.320) {COM:figure_omitted} And bycause that E.F. maketh ij. matche angles with A.B , equall to .ij. other lyke matche angles on C.D , that is to say E.G , equall to K.F , and M.N. equall also to H , L. therfore are those ij. lynes A.B. and C.D. gemow lynes , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.322) vnderstand here by lyke matche corners , those that go one way as doth E.G , and K.F , lyke ways N.M , and H.L , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.323) for as E.G. and H.L , other N.M. and K.F. go not one waie , so be not they lyke match corners . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.324) THE NYNTENTH THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.326) when on two right lines there is drawen a thirde right line crossewaies , and maketh the ij. ouer corners towarde one hande equall togither , then ar those .ij. lines paralleles . And in like maner if two inner corners toward one hande , be equall to .ii. right angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.328) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.330) As the Theoreme dothe speake of .ij. ouer angles , so muste you vnderstande also of .ij. nether angles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.332) for the iudgement is lyke in bothe . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.333) Take for an example the figure of the last theoreme , where A.B , and C.D , be called paralleles also , bicause E. and K , whiche are .ij. ouer corners are equall , and lyke waies L. and M . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.334) And so are in lyke maner the nether corners N. and H , and G. and F . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.335) Nowe to the seconde parte of the theoreme , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3R.336) those .ij. lynes A.B. and C.D , shall be called paralleles , bicause the ij. inner corners . As for example those two that bee toward the right hande that is G. and L. are equall by the fyrst parte of this nyntenth theoreme (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.337) therfore muste G. and L. be equall to two ryght angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.338) THE XX. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.340) when a right line is drawen crosse ouer .ij. right gemow lines , it maketh .ij. matche corners of the one line , equall to two matche corners of the other line , and also bothe ouer corners of one hande equall togither , and bothe nether corners likewaies , and more ouer two inner corners , and two vtter corners also towarde one hande , equall to two right angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.342) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.344) Bycause A.B. and C.D , in the last figure are paralleles , therefore the two matche corners of the one lyne , as E.G. be equall vnto the .ij. matche corners of the other line , that is K.F , and lykewaies M.N , equall to H.L. And also E. and K. bothe ouer corners of the lefte hande equall togyther , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.346) and so are M. and L , the two ouer corners on the ryghte hande , in lyke maner N. and H , the two nether corners on the lefte hande , equall eche to other , and G. and F. the two nether angles on the right hande equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.347) & Farthermore yet G. and L. the .ij. inner angles on the right hande bee equall to two right angles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.348) and so are M. and F. the .ij. vtter angles on the same hande , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.349) in lyke manner shall you say of N. and K. the two inner corners on the left hand . and of E. and H. the two vtter corners on the same hande . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.350) And thus you see the agreable sentence of these .iij. theoremes to tende to this purpose , to declare by the angles how to iudge paralleles , and contrary waies howe you may by paralleles iudge the proportion of the angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D3V.351) THE XXI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.354) what so euer lines be paralleles to any other line , those same be paralleles togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.356) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.358) A.B. is a gemow line ; or a parallele vnto C.D . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.360) And E.F , lykewaies is a parallele vnto C.D. {COM:figures_omitted} Wherfore it foloweth , that A.B. must nedes bee a parallele vnto E.F . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.361) THE .XXIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.363) In euery triangle , when any side is drawen forth in length , the vtter angle is equall to the ij. inner angles that lie againste it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.365) And all iij. inner angles of any triangle are equall to ij. right angles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.366) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.368) The triangle beeyng A.D.E. {COM:figure_omitted} and the syde A.E. drawen foorthe vnto B , there is made an vtter corner , which is C , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.370) and this vtter corner C , is equall to bothe the inner corners that lye agaynst it , whyche are A. and D . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.371) And all thre inner corners , that is to say , A. D. and E , are equall to two ryght corners , whereof it foloweth , that all the three corners of any one triangle are equall to all the three corners of euerye other triangle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4R.372) For what so euer thynges are equalle to anny one thyrde thynge , those same are equalle togitther , by the fyrste common sentence , so that bycause all the .iij. angles of euery triangle are equall to two ryghte angles , and all ryghte angles bee equall togyther by the fourth request therfore must it nedes folow , that all the thre corners of euery triangle accomptyng them togyther are equall to iij. corners of any other triangle , taken all togyther . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.373) THE .XXIII. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.375) when any ij. right lines doth touche and couple .ij. other righte lines , whiche are equall in length and paralleles , and if those .ij. lines bee drawen towarde one hande , then are thei also equall together , and paralleles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.377) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.379) A.B. and C.D. {COM:figure_omitted} are ij. ryght lynes and paralleles and equall in length , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.381) and they ar touched and ioyned togither by ij. other lynes A.C. and B.D , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.382) this beyng so , and A.C. and B.D. beyng drawen towarde one syde that is to saye , both towarde the lefte hande therefore are A , C. and B.D. bothe equall and also paralleles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.383) THE .XXIIIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.385) In any likeiamme the two contrary sides ar equall togither , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.387) and so are eche .ij. contrary angles , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.388) and the bias line that is drawen in it , doth diuide it into two equall portions . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,D4V.389) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.392) Here are two likeiammes ioyned togither , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.394) {COM:figure_omitted} the one is a longe square A.B.E , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.396) and the other is a losengelike D.C.E.F. which ij. likeiammes ar proued equall togither , bycause they haue one ground line , that is , F.E , And are made betwene one payre of gemow lines , I meane A.D. and E.H . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.397) By this Theoreme may you know the arte of the righte measuringe of likeiammes , as in my booke of measuring I wil more plainly declare . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.398) THE XXVI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.400) All likeiammes that haue equal grounde lines and are drawen betwene one paire of paralleles , are equal togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.402) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.404) Fyrste you muste marke the difference betwene this Theoreme and the laste , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.406) for the laste Theoreme presupposed to the diuers likeiammes one ground line common to them , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.407) but this theoreme doth presuppose a diuers ground line for euery likeiamme , only meaning them to be equal in length , though they be diuers in numbhe {COM:sic} . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.408) As for example . In the last figure ther are two parallels , A.D. and E.H , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.409) and betwene them are drawen thre likeiammes , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.410) the firste is , A.B.E.F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.411) the second is E.C.D.F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.412) and the thirde is C.G.H.D . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.413) The firste and the seconde haue one ground line , that is E.F. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.414) and therfore in so muche as they are betwene one paire of paralleles , they are equall accordinge to the fiue and twentye Theoreme , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1R.415) but the thirde likeiamme that is C.G.H.D. hathe his grounde line G.H , seuerall frome the other , but yet equall vnto it . wherefore the third likeiam is equall to the other two firste likeiammes . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.416) And for a proofe that G.H. being the ground line of the third likeiamme , is equall to E.F , whiche is the ground line to both the other likeiams , that may be thus declared , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.417) G.H. is equall to C.D , seynge they are the contrary sides of one likeiamme by the foure and twentye theoreme (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.418) and so are C.D. and E.F. by the same theoreme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.419) Therfore seynge both those ground lines , E.F. and G.H , are equall to one thirde line that is C.D. they must nedes be equall togyther by the firste common sentence . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.420) THE XXVII. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.422) All triangles hauinge one grounde lyne , $and {TEXT:an} standing betwene one paire of parallels , ar equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.424) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.426) A.B. and C.F. are twoo gemowe lines , betweene which there be made two triangles , A.D.E. and D.E.B , so that D.E , is the common ground line to them bothe . {COM:figure_omitted} wherfore it doth folow , that those two triangles A.D.E. and D.E.B. are equall eche to other . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.428) THE XXVIIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.430) All triangles that haue like long ground lines , and bee made betweene one paire of gemow lines , are equall togither . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E1V.432) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.435) Example of this Theoreme you may see in the last figure , where as sixe triangles made betwene those two gemowe lines A.B. and C.F , the first triangle is A.C.D , the seconde is A.D.E , the thirde is A.D.B , the fourth is A.B.E , the fifte is D.E.B , and the sixte is B.E.F , of which sixe triangles , A.D.E. and D.E.B. are equall bicause they haue one common grounde line . And so likewise A.B.E. and A.B.D , whose commen grounde line is A.B , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.437) but A.C.D. is equal to B.E.F , being both betwene one couple of parallels , not bicause thei haue one groune line , but bicause they haue their ground lines equall , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.438) for C.D. is equall to E.F , as you may declare thus . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.439) C.D , is equall to A.B. by the foure and twenty Theoreme (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.440) for thei are two contrary sides of one lykeiamme . A.C.D.B , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.441) and E.F by the same theoreme , is equall to A.B , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.442) for thei ar the two y=e= contrary sides of the likeiamme , A.E.F.B , wherfore C.D. must needes be equall to E.F . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.443) like wise the triangle A.C.D , is equal to A.B.E , bicause they ar made betwene one paire of parallels and haue their groundlines like , I meane C.D. and A.B . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.444) Againe A.D.E , is equal to eche of them both , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.445) for his ground line D.E , is equall to A.B , in so muche as they are the contrary sides of one likeiamme , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.446) that is the long square A.B.D.E. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.447) And thus may you proue the equalnes of all the reste . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.448) THE XXIX. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.450) Al equal triangles that are made on one grounde line , and rise one waye , must needes be betwene one paire of parallels . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.452) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2R.454) Take for example A.D.F , and D.E.B , which as the xxvij. conclusion dooth proue are equall togither , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.456) and as you see , they haue on ground line D.E. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.457) And againe they rise towarde one side , that is to say , vpwarde toward the line A.B , wher fore they must needes be inclosed betweene one paire of parallels , which are heere in this example A.B. and D.E . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.458) THE THIRTY THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.460) Equal triangles that haue $their $ground {TEXT:the_irground} lines equal , and be drawe~ toward one side , are made betwene one paire of paralleles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.462) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.464) The example that declared the last theoreme , maye well serue to the declaration of this also . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.466) For those ij. theoremes do diffre but in this one pointe , that the laste theoreme meaneth of triangles , that haue one ground line common to them both , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.467) and this theoreme doth presuppose the grounde lines to bee diuers , but yet of one length , as A.C.D , and B.E.F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.468) as they are ij. equall triangles approued , by the eighte and twentye Theorem , so in the same Theorem it is declared , y=t= their grou~d lines are equall togither , that is C.D , and E.F , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.469) now this beeynge true , and considering that they are made towarde one side , it foloweth , that they are made betwene one paire of parallels (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.470) when I saye , drawen towarde one side , I meane that the triangles must be drawen other both vpward frome one parallel , other els both downward , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.471) then are they drawen betwene two paire of parallels , presupposinge one to bee drawen by their ground line , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.472) and then do they ryse toward contrary sides . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E2V.473) THE XXXI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.476) If a likeiamme haue one ground line with a triangle , and be drawen betwene one paire of paralleles , then shall the likeiamme be double to the triangle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.478) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.480) A.H. and B.G. are .ij. gemow lines , betwene which there is made a triangle B.CG , and a lykeiamme , A.B.G.C , whiche haue a grounde lyne , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.482) that is to saye , B.G . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.483) {COM:figure_omitted} Therfore doth it folow that the lyke iamme A.B.G.C. is double to the triangle B.C.G . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.485) For euery halfe of that lykeiamme is equall to the triangle , I meane A.B.F.E. other F.E.C.G. as you may coniecture by the .xi. conclusion geometrical . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.486) And as this Theoreme dothe speake of a triangle and likeiamme that haue one groundelyne , so is it true also , yf theyr groundelynes be equall , though they bee dyuers , so that thei be made betwene one payre of paralleles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.487) And hereof may you perceaue the reason , why in measuryng the platte of a triangle , you must multiply the perpendicular lyne by halfe the grounde lyne , or els the hole grounde lyne by halfe the perpendicular , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.488) for by any of these bothe {COM:sic} waies is there made a lykiamme equall to halfe suche a one as shulde be made on the same hole grounde lyne with the triangle , and betweene one payre of paralleles . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.489) Therfore as that lykeiamme is double to the triangle , so the halfe of it , must needes be equall to the triangle . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.490) Compare the .xi. conclusion with this theoreme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.491) THE .XXXIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3R.493) In all likeiammes where there are more than one made aboute one bias line , the fill squares of euery of them must nedes be equall . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.495) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.497) Fyrst before I declare the examples , it shal be mete to shew the true vndersta~dyng of this theorem . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.499) Therfore by the Bias line , I meane that lyne , which in any square figure dooth runne from corner to corner . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.500) And euery square which is diuided by that bias line into equall halues from corner to corner that is to say , into .ij. equall triangles those be counted to stande aboute one bias line , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.501) and the other squares , whiche touche that bias line , with one of their corners onely , those doo I call Fyll squares , accordyng to the greke name , whiche is anapleromata , and called in latin supplementa , bycause that they make one generall square , includyng and enclosyng the other diuers squares , as in this exa~ple H.C.E.N. is one square likeiamme , and L.M.G.C. is an other , {COM:figures_omitted} whiche bothe are made aboute one bias line , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.502) that is N.M , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.503) than K.L.H.C. and C.E.F.G. are .ij. fyll squares , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.504) for they doo fyll vp the sydes of the .ij fyrste square lykeiammes , in suche sorte , that of all them foure is made one greate generall square K.M.F.N . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.505) Nowe to the sentence of the theoreme , I say , that the .ij. fill squares , H.K.L.C. and C.E.F.G. are both equall togither , as it shall bee declared in the booke of proofes bicause they are the fill squares of two likeiammes made aboute one bias line , as the exaumple sheweth . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.506) Conferre the twelfthe conclusion with this theoreme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,E3V.507) {COM:insert_helsinki_2} THE XLIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.511) If a right line be deuided as chance happeneth the iiij. long squares , that may be made of that whole line and one of his partes with the square of the other part , shall be equall to the square that is made of the whole line and the saide first portion ioyned to him in lengthe as one whole line . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.513) Example . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.515) The firste line is A.B , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.517) and is deuided by C. into two vnequall partes as happeneth (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.518) {COM:figure_omitted} the longsquare of yt , and his lesser portion A.C , is foure times drawen , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.520) the first is E.G.M.K , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.521) the seconde is K.M.Q.O , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.522) the third is H.K.R.S , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.523) and the fourthe is K.L.S.T. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1R.524) {COM:figure_omitted} And where as it appeareth that one of the little squares I meane K.L.PO is reckened twise , ones as parcell of the second long square and agayne as parte of the thirde longsquare , to auoide ambiguite , you may place one insteede of it , an other square of equalitee , with it . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1V.526) that is to saye , D.E.K.H , which was at no tyme accompting as percell of any one of them , (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1V.527) and then haue you iiij. long squares distinctly made of the whole line A.B , and his lesser portion A.C . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1V.528) And within them is there a greate full square P.Q.T.V. whiche is the iust square of B.C , beynge the greatter portion of the line A.B. (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1V.529) And that those fiue squares doo make iuste as muche as the whole square of that longer line D.G , whiche is as longe as A.B , and A.C. ioyned togither it may be iudged easyly by the eye , sith that one greate square doth comprehe~d in it all the other fiue squares , that is to say , foure longsqares as before mencioned and one full square , which is the intent of the Theoreme . (RECORD-E1-P2,2,G1V.530)