Tower Hill , London , (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.3) this 29th July , 1688 . (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.4) S=r= , The last weeke , in a news lettr wrote by a serv=t= of yours , one Mr. Edm=d= Sawkell , there is a scandallous reflection on my hon=r= and reputation , by his writeing that S=r= R=d= Haddock w=th= seuerall other seamen were gone into Holland , w=ch= I have rec=d= a=cct= of s=d= letter from 3 or 4 countys , (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.5) and must beleive it hath flowne all the kingdome over . (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.6) S=r= , I was this day to waite on you at y=r= post ofice ; (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.7) but , haveing acc=t= given me that you were in the country , thought fitt , before I spake w=th= Mr. Sawkill , to give you notice hereof , and y=t= you will readylie conclude I shall expect satisfaction from him for this scandall , at least y=t= he finds out his author (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.8) or else must conclud him to be the inventor himselfe . (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.9) I do presume you know me so well as to beleive , however the King may please to deale w=th= me w=ch= hetherto hath bine extra kind , I shall never forsake my loyalty and duty to him , even to my last breath . (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.10) Praying a lyne or two in answer , with great respect , I remaine Your very afect=e= servant , R=d= H. (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.11) To JN. FROWD , ESQ . (RHADDSR-1680-E3-P2,36.12)