Worthy Cozin , Callinge to remembrance your many curtisies which I soe often times have received from you and I not knowinge how to requite the lest of them {COM:ms._torn} it makes mee new to greave and lament for my former follies , and nowe $wish that I were to begin the woorlde agayne , not that I dooe any wayes dislike this coorse which I have now taken but that I myth give summe sattisfacktion to my frendes for my former extravigant coorses ; (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,79.3) but since it is to late and the time far wasted and I have allredy thrust myself into the handes of Fortune , hoping that it will deele favorably with mee {COM:ms._torn} I desire that my frendes will forget and forgive all the thingis that ar past and bee but now my pilate , and once more steere my course to the banke of good fortune ; (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.4) and if ever heere after I dooe fale away from that which I have $promised then let mee bee put soe far oute of mynd that never after to dooe so much as mension mee , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.5) but let mee bee as if I had never bin ; (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.6) but yow ar only {COM:ms._torn} I dooe invest my hole trust in . (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.7) Consarning my maintenance heere , for I have all wayes founde you a man of your woorde , I must confes that I doe live uppone the states menes but very basly and poorly , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.8) and it will not {COM:ms._torn} only a disparrigement to mee but to my frendes hereby , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.9) for my ant sayes that I shall disgrace her , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.10) therfor good Cosen doe so much allsoe in my beehalfe , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.11) for I am in want of shirtes and a gray hatt (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.12) {COM:ms._torn} as yett I have nether ; (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.14) pray lett mee intrete you to doe mee that curtisy that if you can possible to send mee my seles that I have many times spake to you aboute when I was in London , and if yow plese but to take the paynes to write to or three lines unto mee and inclose it in your Letter , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.15) and you may give the Letter to my unkle proude , (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.16) for hee will bee in London aboute three weekes after Crismas ; (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.17) thus intretinge you to remember my duty to my mother , my sarvis to my unkle Oxinden and my Ant and to my Cozen Elizabeth Oxinden , and my duty and sarvis to my {COM:ms._torn} Barrowe and my best respackted sarvis to your selfe Your obliged servaunt Richard Oxinden (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.18) From our garrison at Arnam in gildarland (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.19) this 14th of December 1631 (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.20) My Cozen Sanders dooth Remember his sarvis unto you (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.21) and dooth intrete you to sende this Letter to his fathar . (ROXINDEN2-E2-P2,80.22)