Right honourable and my verry good Lorde , pleasyth youre lordeshipp to be advertised , that I have receyved youre Lettres dated the xij=th= daye of this present ; and understood by the same youre lordeshipps greate goodnes towardes my friende the Abbott off Peterborough , for whome I have ben ofte bold to wryte unto youre good lordeshipp ; moste hartely thankynge yor lordeshipp for that and all other youre goodnes that I have founde at youre good lordeshipps handes : even so , desiering you my lorde longe to contynew in the same . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,99.3) My lorde thies $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to asserteyne , that on Thursdaye the xiiij=th= daye of this present moneth the Abbott of Glastonburye was arrayned , and the next daye putt to execucyon with ij. other of his monkes , for the robbyng of Glastonburye Churche , on the torre hyll next unto the towne of Glaston ; the seyde Abbotts body beyng devyded in fower parts , and heed stryken off , whereof oone quarter stondythe at Welles , a nother at bathe , and at Ylchester and Brigewater the rest . And his hedd uppon the Abbey gate at Glaston . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,99.4) And as concernyng the rape and burglary commytted , those parties are all condempned , and fower of theym putt to execucyon at the place of the act don , whiche is called the were ; and there adjudged to hange styll in chaynes to th'ensample of others . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,99.5) As for Capon , oone of the seyde offenders condempned , I have repried according to yor Lordeshipp's letters ; of whome I shall further show unto you at my next repayre unto the Courte . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,99.6) And here I do sende yor lordeshipp , enclosed , the names of th'enquest that passed on Whytyng the seid abbott : whiche I ensure you my lorde is as worsshipfull a jurye as was charged here thies many yeres . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.7) And there was never seene in thies parts so greate apparaunce as were here at this present tyme , and never better wyllyng to serve the Kyng . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.8) My Lorde I ensure you there were many bylles putt upp ageynst the abbott by his tenaunts and others , for wronges and injuryes that he hadd donne theym . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.9) And I commytt yor good lordeshipp to the keapyng of the blessed Trynyte . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.10) From Welles (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.11) the xvj=th= daye of Novembre . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.12) Your owen to commande J. Russell . (RUSSELL-E1-P2,1.2,100.13)