CHAPTER I . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.3) Acte of Apparell . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.4) Forasmuche as the great and costly arraye and apparell used within this Realme cont=a=rie to good Statut~ thereof made hath ben the occasion of great impov~ysshyng of div~se of the King~ Subgiett~ and p~voked of theym to robbe and to do extorcion and other unlaufall ded~ to mayntayn therby their costely arraye ; In eschewyng wherof be it ordeyned by the auctoritie of this p~sent p~liament that noo p~son of what estate condicion or degre that he be use in his apparell any Cloth of gold of p=r=po=r= colo=r= or silk of p=r=po=r colour but onely the King the Quene the King~ Mother the King~ Children the King~ brethern and sust~s upon payne to forfaite the said apparell wherwith soev~ it be myxte And for using the same to forfait for ev~y tyme so offending xx li. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.6) And that noman undre the estate of a Duke use in any apparell of his Body or upon his horses or horseharnes any Cloth of Gold of Tyssue upon payne of forfaite the same apparell wherwhith soev~ it be myxte garded or browdred and that for using the same to forfeit for ev~y tyme so offending xx m=a=rk~ . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.7) And that noman undre the degre of an Erle were in his apparell any Furr of Sables or black Jenett~ upon payne to forfeit the same apparell And for using the same to forfeit for ev~y tyme so offending xx mark~ . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.8) And that noman undre the degre of the Son of a Duke Marques or Erle or the Degre of a Baron use in his apparell of his body or of his horse or horseharnes any cloth of Gold or cloth of Sylver ne any suche apparell myxte garded or embrowdred with gold or sylv~ upon payne of forfeiture of the same apparell And for using the same to forfait for ev~y tyme so offending x mark~ . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.9) And that noman undre the degre of the Son of a Duke Erle or the degre of a Baron or a Knight of the Garter were any wollen Clothe made oute of this Realme of Englond Ireland Wales Calice or the m~ches of the same or Berwik upon payne of forfaite the said Clothe And for using of the same to forfaite for ev~y tyme so offending x li. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.10) And that noman undre the degre of a Knight of the Garter were in his gowne or cote or in any other his apparell of his body or apparell of his horse any Velvet of the Colour of crymson or blewe upon payne to forfait the same apparell and for using of the same to forfaite for ev~y tyme so offending xl s. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.11) And that noman undre the degre of a Baron son or Knight Squiers for the King~ body his Cupberers Carv~s and Sewers havyng the ordinary fee for the same And all other Squiers for the body havyng possession of land~ and ten~t~ or other hereditament~ in their hand~ or other to their use to the yerely value of CCC m=a=rk~ Justices of the oon benche or of the other the Maist~ of the Rolles and Barons of the King~ Escheker and all other of the King~ Counsell and Maires of the Citie of London for the tyme beyng use or were any velvet or furres of Martren in their apparellis for their bodies upon payne to forfait the same furres and apparell wherewith soev~ it be myxte joyned garded or browthred and for using of the same to forfait for ev~y tyme so offending xl s. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.12) And that non other man other then the p~sones above named were satyn or damaske in their gownes Jakett~ nor Cotes except a Gentilman havyng in his possession or other to his use land~ or ten~t~ or annuyties at the lest for t~me of liff to the yerely value of C li. above all repris~ upon payne to forfaite the same apparell wherwith soev~ it be myxte or joyned garded or browderd and for using of the same to forfeit xl s. for ev~y tyme so offending (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.13) And that non other p~son or p~sons other than be aforenamed use or were in their dublett~ Satyn damaske or silkyn Chamlet except they have land~ or tent~ in his or their possession or other to his or their use office or fee for t~me of lif or liff~ to the yerely Value of C. m=a=rkes ov~ all charges upon payne to forfaite the same apparell wherwith soev~ it be myxte joyned garded or browderd And for using of the same to forfaite at ev~y tyme so offending xl s. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,121.14) And that noman undre the degre of a Gentilman , except g~duat~ of the Univ~sities and except yomen gromes and pages of the King~ Chambre and of our Sov~aign Lady the Quenes and except suche Men as have land~ ten~t~ fees or annuyties to the yerely value of x li. for t~me of lif or C li in good~ , use or were any furres wherof there is noo like kynd growyng in this land of Englond Irland Wales or in any land~ undre the Kinges obeisaunce upon payne to forfaite the same furres And for using of the same to forfait for ev~y tyme so offending xl s. The value of their Good~ to be tried by their owne othes . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.16) And that noman undre the degre of a Knight and other that be afore named except sp~uall men and s~geaunt~ at the Lawe or g~duat~ of the Univ~sities use more cloth in a long gowne than iiij brode yerdes and in a riding gown or cote above iij yerdes upon payne of forfeiture therof . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.17) And that noo s~vyngman undre the degre of a Gentilman use or were a gowne or Cote of suche like apparell of more clothe than iij brode yerd~ in a garment (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.18) And that in the said gowne Cote or garment they were no Chamlet nor noman~ furre except lambes furre of the growyng of this Realme of England Irland or Wales upon payn of forfaiture the said apparell or the value therof . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.19) And that no s~vyng man undre the degre of a Gentilman were any Clothe in his hoses above the price of xx d the yerd upon payn of forfaiture of the same And for using of ev~y paire of hoses wherof the yerde shall excede the price of xx d as is aforesaid iij s. iiij d. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.20) And that noman from hensforth undre the degre of a Son of a Duke or Erle or the Degre of a Lord were or use any apparell for his body enbrowderd broched or garded with any gold sylver gold smythe werke silke Cloth or other thing upon payne of forfaiture of the same apparell (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.21) And for using of the same to forfait for ev~y tyme so offending xl s. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.22) And that noman under the degre of a Knight were any cheyne of gold or gilte or colour of Gold or any gold aboute his neke or enbracelett~ of gold upon payne of forfaiture therof . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.23) And that no man undre the degre of a Gentilman were any silke poynt~ or were any poynt~ in any of his apparell of his body with aglett~ of Gold or silv~ or silver gilted or button or broches of Gold or silv~ or gilts or any goldsmyth werke upon payne of forfaiture of the same . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.24) And that noman undre the degre of a Knight other then be afore except for wering of gownes of velvet were any garded or pynched shirte or pynched p~tlet of Lynnyn clothe nor playn shirte garnysshed or made with silke or gold or silv~ upon payne of forfaiture of the same shirte or p~tlet (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.25) And for using of the same for ev~y tyme so offending xl s. (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.26) And that no s~v=a=unt of Husbondry nor Shep~d co~men laborer nor s~v=a=unt unto any Artificer oute of Citie or borugh nor husbondman havyng no good~ of his owne above the value of x li. use or were any clothe wherof the brode yerd passith in price ij s. nor that any of the said s~vunt~ of husbondry shep~d~ nor laborers were any hose above the price of xij d. the yerd upon payne of imprisonament in the Stokk~ by iij daies . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.27) And that ev~y of the Usshers of the King~ Chambre for the tyme beyng have the forfaitures of the said apparell so worne or used in the King~ courte cont=a=rie to the forme above said by meane of Seasour therof or by accion of detynue for the same (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.28) And he that first seasieth or sueth the said accion to have the same forfeiture ; (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.29) And that ev~y of the said Usshers that shall so sease or have accion for mysusing of the said Apparell may have accion of dett for recov~y of the said penalties before lymyted ; (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.30) And if non of the said Usshers sease the said apparell ne co~mense their accion within xv daies in the t~me next after the said forfaiture , Then the King~ Chamberleyn for the tyme being to sease the same apparell and to have like accion . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.31) And also be it enactid that if any like forfaiture be co~mytted or do~n in the Quenes Courte , That than any of the Usshers of hir Chambre and in their defaulte the Quenes Chamberleyn for the tyme being may like wise sease and have like accion of the said apparell so forfeited and penalitis in the Quenes Courte as is afore rehersid for the King~ Usshers and his Chamberleyn : (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.32) And in the defaulte of the said Usshers and Chamb~leyns the King to have the said forfeitures of the said apparellis : (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.33) And the penalties for wering of the same by seasour therof by accion or by informacion in his Eschequier or by Inquisicion . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.34) And that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to ev~y of the King~ Subgiet~ to sease any apparell used or worne by any man oute of the King~ Courte and Quenes Courte cont=a=rie to the forme above said or to have therfore accyon of detynue for the said apparell And to have the same to his p~pre Use (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.35) And if any p~son so using suche apparell make any resistence for delyv~ey therof that then he for his resistence shall lose and forfeit asmuche as he shuld forfeit by this estatute ov~ and above the forfait and penalities conteyned in this estatute for using or wering of the same apparell (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.36) And that ev~y of the King~ Subgiet~ may have their accion of detynue for the said apparell so forfeited ; (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.37) And the King our Sov~aigne Lord to have the oon halfe of the forfeiture of the said Money so forfeited (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.38) And the p~tie that will sue have the other halfe (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.39) And the sute to be by accion of Dett (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.40) And that in any of all the said accions in dett or detynue the defendaunt shall not wage his lawe nor be by p~teccion nor esson nor the p~tie to be barred by the King~ p~don nor be delaid by any plee to the dishablement of his p~son ; (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.41) And that the Lord Stuard of the King~ house for the tyme beyng within the Verge and Justic~ of Assise and Justic~ of the Peax Stuard~ in Letes or Lawe daies and ev~y of theym have also power to enquere and hold plee of ev~y defaulte of the p~misses aswell by exa~lacion of the p~tie as after the course of the co~en lawe And to det~myn the same aswell at the King~ sute as at the sute of the p~tie . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.42) P~vyded alwey that this Acte be not p~iudiciall nor hurtefull to any sp~uall and temporall man in wering any ornament~ of the Churche in executing dyvyne s~vice nor to any m~chaunt straung~s . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.43) P~vyded also that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to all Mayres Recorders Aldermen Shiriff~ bailiff~ and all other hede Offic~s of Cities or boroughes or townes corporate that nowe be or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to use and were like apparell in the gownes dublett~ clokes and other apparell as their p~decessours have done in tymes past , This Acte in any wise notwithstondyng . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.44) P~vyded also that this Acte be not p~judiciall nor hurtefull to any Ambassitours hensmen harrold of Armes mynstrelles players in int~ludes nor to any man wering the apparell of the King~ lyv~ey gevyn to hym by the King for the tyme of his Attendance aboute the King~ Grace . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.45) And that this Acte of arraie made at the p~sent p~liament begynne to take his Effecte at the feast of Saynt Mighell tharchaungell next co~myng (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.46) and this Acte to endure for ev~ . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.47) P~vyded also that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} laufull to all Maires Recorders Aldermen Shiref~ bailif~ Jurat~ of the synke port~ and all other hede offic~s aswell of all Cities townes and boroughes corporate as of the Synke Port~ aft~ that they have ben in any such office or rowme to use and were all suche apparell as they dide or used in tyme of occupacion and ex~cising of their said offices or any of theym . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,122.48) P~vyded also that it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to ev~y Knight~ Son heire apparaunt to use and were in their apparell velvet silkes and furres in like man~ and forme as the Barons of the King~ Eschequier may do (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,123.50) And this Acte to endure for ev~ . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,123.51) P~vyded alwey that this Acte of Apparell ne any thing conteyned in the same extend not neither be in anywise hurtfull or p~judiciall unto any p~son or p~sons to whome it shall please the King~ Highnes to licence by his placard to use or were apparell of his or their bodies or horses cont=a=rie to the tenor of this acte : (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,123.52) And that it be enactid by the auctoritie of this p~sent p~liament that ev~y suche licence by the King~ placard by his Highnes to be made $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} as good and effc~uall in the lawe to ev~y suche p~son and p~sons conc~nyng this acte of apparell as though it were undre the King~ greate Seale . (STAT-1510-E1-P2,3,123.53)