CHAPTER XX . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.3) A BYLL AGAINST USURIE . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.4) Where in the xxxvij=th= yere of the Reigne of the late King of famous memorye King Henry theight , father to o=r= Soveraigne Lorde the King that now is , amongest other Act~ and Statut~ then made , it was enacted by auctoritye of Parlament that no parsone or parsons , at anny tyme after the last daye of January in the saide xxxvij=th= yere , sholde have receive accept or take in lucre or gaynes , for the Lone forbearing or giving daye of payment of anny so~me of moneye for one hole yere above the so~me of tenne pownde in the hundred , and so after that rate and not above of and for a more or lesse so~me or for a longer or shorter tyme , uppon the paynes and forfaitures in the saide Acte mentyoned and conteyned ; The which Acte was not ment or intended for maynten=a=nce and allowaunce of Usurie , as dyvers parsons blynded with inordinat love of themself~ have and yet doo mistake the same , but rather was made and intendid against all sort~ and kyndes of Usurie as a thing unlawfull , as by the tytle and preamble of the saide Acte it doth playnely appeare , (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.6) And yet nevertheles the same was by the saide Acte p~mitted for the avoyding of a more yll and inconvenyence that before that tyme was used and exercysed : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.7) But Forasmuche as Usurie is by the words of God utterly prohibited , as a vyce moste odyous and detestable , as in dyvers places of the hollie Scripture it is evydent to be seen , which thing by no godly teaching~ and perswations can syncke in to the harts of dyvers gredie uncharitable and couvetous parsons of this Realme , nor yet by anny terrible threatning~ of Godd~ wrathe and vengeaunce that justly hangeth over this Realme for the great and open Usurie therein dailye used and practysed they will forsake such filthie gayne and lucre , onles some temporall punishment be provyded and ordeyned in that bihalfe : For Reformaco~n wherof , Be it enacted by thauctoritie of this p~nt Parlament , That from the firste daye of Maye which $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyve hundred fiftie and twoo , the saide Acte and Statute concerning onely Usurie Lucre or Gaynes of or for the Lone forbearing or geving dayes of anny so~me or so~mes of moneye , be utterly abrogate voyde and repealed . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.8) And furthermore be it enacted by thauctoritye aforesaide , that from and after the saide first daye of Maye next co~minge , no parsone or parsons , of what Estate degree qualitie or condico~n so ever he or they be , by anny corrupt colourable or disceitfull conveyaunce sleight or engyne , or by anny waye or meane , shall lende give sett owte delyver or forbeare anny so~me or so~mes of moneye , to anny parsone or parsons , or to anny Corporac~on or Bodie Politike , to or for anny manner of Usurie encreace lucre gayne or interest to be had receyved or hoped for , over and above the so~me or so~mes so lent given sett owt delyvered or forborne , uppon payne of forfaiture the valewe aswell of the so~me or so~mes so lent given sett owt delyvered or forborne , as allso of the Usurie encreace lucre gayne or interest thereof , and allso uppon payne of emprysonement of the bodye or bodyes of every such offendo=r= or offendo=rs= , and allso to make fyne and rawnsome at the King~ will and pleasure ; the moytie of which forfaiture of the saide vallewe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the King , and thother moitye to the p~tie that will sue for the same in anny of the King~ Court~ of Recorde by actyon of Debte Bill Playnte or Informac~on , wherin no wager of Lawe Essoyne or Protectyon $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed or admitted . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.9) CHAPTER XXI . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.11) AN ACTE FOR TYNCKERS AND PEDLERS . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.12) Forasmuche as it is evident that Tynkers Pedlers and suche like vagrant p~sones are more hurtfull then necessarie to the Co~men Wealth of this Realme , Be it therfore ordeyned established and enacted by auctoritie of this p~sent Parliament , That from and after the Feast of the Nativitye of Saint John Baptist next co~mynge , no p~son or p~sons co~menly called Pedler Tynker or Pety Chapman , shall wander or go from one Towne to another or from Place to Place , out of the Towne parishe or village where suche p~son shall dwell , and sell Pynnes poynt~ laces gloves knyves glasses tapes or any suche kynde of wares whatsoever , or gather Connye Skynnes or suche like thinge , or use or ex~cise the trade or occupac~on of a Tynker , but onely suche p~son or p~sons as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thereunto licenced , and that in suche Circuyte or compasse as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to him or them assigned , by two Justic~ of Peace or mo of the Shire where he or they shall dwell , by writinge under their handes and seales ; upon payne that everie p~son whiche shall offende cont=a=rie to the meanynge of this Acte shall by anye Justice of the Shire where the same Offence $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mytted , upon complaynt and due proffe had by witnes or otherwise , be ymprisoned by the space of fourtene dayes at the lest . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,155.14) CHAPTER XXII . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,156.17) AN ACTE FOR THE PUTTINGE DOWNE OF GYGG MILLES . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,156.18) Forasmuche as true Draperie of Wollen Clothes ys to be comended , aswell in Forren Realmes as in this Realme of Englande , and all wayes and meanes used to the cont=a=rie are to be eschued and taken awaye ; And Forasmuche as in manye part~ of this Realme ys newly and lately devised erected buylded and used , certen Milles called Gigge Milles , for the perchinge and burlinge of Clothe , by reason whereof the true Draperie of this Realme ys wonderfullye empayred , and the Clothe thereof deceitfully made , by reason of the using of the saide Gigg Mill~ ; For remedy whereof be it enacted by the Kinge our Sovereigne Lorde the Lordes Sp~uall and Temporall and the Co~mons in this p~sent Parliament assembled and by thauctoritie of the same , That no manner of p~son or p~sons , after the last daye of Maie next co~mynge , shall use or occupie anye of the saide Gigge Mille for the workinge of any Wollen Clothe or Clothes made or to be made within this Realme , upon payne of forfeiture for ev~y Clothe so wrought in or by any of the saide Milles called Gigge Milles , fyve Poundes : The moytie of all and everie suche forfeyture and forfeytures penaltye and penalties to be to the use of our Soveraigne Lorde the Kinge and his heires ; and thother moytie to the use of him that will sue for the same in any of the King~ Court~ be it by Writt bill playnte or informac~on wherein the Defendaunte shall not be admytted to wage his lawe , nor any p~tecco~n essoyne or injunction $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to him allowed . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,156.20) CHAPTER III . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.23) AN ACTE AGAINST SEDITYOUS WOORDES AND RUMOURS . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.24) Where it is conteyned as well in the Statute of Westm~ the First , as in the Statute made at Glocester the seconde yere of the Raigne of King Richarde the Seconde , That no Man shoulde bee so hardye to contryve speake or tell any false Newes lyes or other suche lyke false thinges of Prelates Dukes Earles Barons and other Nobles and Peares of the Realme , or of the Cha~ncelour Treasurer Clerck of the Pryvie Seale Stewarde of the Kynges Householde Justices of thone Bancke or of thother , or of any of the greate Officers of this Realme : And that every suche Offendo=r= shoulde be taken and imprisoned untill suche tyme as he hadd brought him or them forthe whiche did speake the same ; And where also at a P~liam=t= holden at Cambridge in the twelvethe yere of the reigne of the said King Richard , It was also enacted that where any suche Offendo=r= as is aforesaid shoulde be taken and imprisoned , and coulde not finde him of whom he hearde those Newes whiche he spake as is aforesayd , that then the same speaker shoulde bee punished by the Advice of the Cowncell ; As by the same Actes amongest other more playnelye doo and maye appeare : Be it enacted by thaucthoritee of this p~nt P~liam=t= , That all and every the said former Actes and Statutes $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} and remaine in their full force strengthe and effect to all intentes constructyons and purposes : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.26) And further that Justices of Peace in every Shire Cytie and Towne Corporate within the lymites of their severall Co~missions shall by aucthoritie of this p~nte Acte , have full powre to examyne heare and determyne the causes abovesaid in the said two firste Actes specyfied , and to put the said twoo first Statutes and every branche in them conteyned in due execuc~on , that from hensforthe condigne punishement be not deferred from suche Offendours . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.27) And Forasmuche as dyvers and sundry malicious and evill disposed persons maliciouslye sediciouslye rebellyouslye and unnaturally , contrary to the Dutie of their Fidelytees and Allegiances , have now of late not onely ymagined invented practised spoken and spredd abroade dyvers and sundry false seditious and sclaunderous Newes Rumours Sayenges and Tales , ageynst our most dreadd Sovereigne Lorde and King , and ageynst our most naturall Sovereygne Ladye and Quene and against either of them , of whom we ar forbidden to thinck evill and muche more to speake evell , Whiche Offence soundethe and ys aswell to the greate Dishonour Reproche and Sclaunder of their most Excellent Majesties , as also to the greate Sclaunder of this their Realme and other their Dominions , But also have devised made written printed publyshed and set forthe dyvers heynous sedicious and sclanderous Writinges Rimes Ballades Letters Papers and Bookes , intending and practising therby to move and stir sedicious Discorde Disention and Rebellyon within this Realme , to the greate perill and daunger of the same ; For avoyding wherof Be it enacted by thaucthoritee of this p~nt P~liam=t= , That if any p~son or p~sons after the xx=th= day of Februarye next ensuing , and after open Proclamac~on made of this Acte , shall maliciouslye of his or their Imaginac~on , speake any false seditious and sclanderous Newes Rumors Saienges or Tales of our said Sovereigne Lorde and King , or of our said most naturall Sovereigne Ladye and Quene , that then all and every suche person and persons so offending , being therof convicted or attainted in fourme hereafter in this Acte expressed , shall for every first Offence in some Market Place within the Shire Citie or Boroughe wher or nere unto the Place where the sayd woordes were or $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} so spoken , be set openly upon the Pylorye by the Sheryffe or his Ministers , yf yt shall fortune to be without any Citie or Towns Corporate , And if it happen to be within suche Citie or Towne Corporate then by the principall Officer or Officers of suche Citie or Towne Corporate or his or their Ministers and ther to have bothe his eares cutt of , onles he paye One hundrethe powndes to the King and Quenes Highnes use , within one monethe next after jugement gyven of his sayd Offence , (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.28) and also shall suffer imprysonement by the space of three monethes after suche his or their execuc~on . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.29) And it is lykewise enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid , That all and every p~son and p~sons whiche after the said daye and after Proclamac~on made of this Acte , shall maliciouslye speake any false seditious and sclanderous Newes Rumours or Tales to the sclander and reproche of o=r= said Sovereigne Lorde the King or of our said most naturall Sovereigne Ladye the Quene , of the speaking or reporting of any other , that then all and every suche p~son or p~sons so speaking and reporting being therof convicte or attainted in fourme hereafter in this Acte expressed , shall for every suche Offence in some Markett Place within the Shire Citie Boroughe or Towne , wher or nere unto the place where the said wordes were or $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} so spoken and reported , bee set openly upon the Pylorye by the Sherif or his Ministers , yf it shall fortune to be without any Citie or Towne Corporate , And if it shall happen to be within any Citie or Towne Corporate then by the principall Officer or Officers of suche Citie or Towne Corporate or his or their Ministers , and ther to have one of his eares cut of , onles he pays One hundrethe Markes to the Kinge and Quenes Highnes use , within one monethe next after jugement gyven of his said Offence , (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.30) and also shall suffer Imprisonement by the space of one monethe after his or their Execuc~on . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,240.31) And Be it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That if any person or p~sons shall after the said days and after Proclamac~on made as is aforesaid , maliciousye devise write printe or set forthe any maner of Booke Rime Ballade Letter or Writing , conteining any false Matter Clause or Sentence of Sclander Reproche and Dishono=r= of the King and Quenes Majesties or of either of them , or to the encoraging stirring or moving of any Insurrecc~on or Rebellyon within this Realme , or any Dominions belonging to the same , Or whosoever shall maliciouslie procure any suche Booke Rime Ballade Letter or Writing to bee written printed or set forthe , and the said Offence not being punishable by the Statute made in the xxv=th= yere of the Reigne of King Edward the thirde , concerning Treasons or Declaracyon of Treason , that then and in every suche cace the Offender and Offenders therin after his or their Convicc~on or Attaindo=r= , shall for his or their first Offence in some Market Place within the Shire Citie or Bourghe wher the said Offence ys or $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mitted or done , by the Shirefe or his Ministers yf it shall fortune to bee without any Citie or Towne Corporate , And yf within suche Citie or Towne Corporate , then by the princypall Officer or Officers of suche Citiye or Towne Corporate or by his or theyr Ministers , have his and their right hande stricken of . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.32) And Be it further enacted by the thaucthoritee aforesaid , That if any p~son or p~sons being ons lawfully convicted of any of thoffences aforesaid , now provided to be punished by thexecuc~on of losses of eare eares or hande as is aforesaid , doo afterwardes eftesones offende in any of the Offences aforesaid , that then he or they so offending shall suffer imprisonm=t= during his or their lyves without Baile or Mainprise , and forfeite and lose to the King and Quenes Majesties all his and their Gooddes and Cattelles . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.33) And Be it also enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That all Justices of Oier and Determiner within the limites of their Co~mission , Justices of Assise in their severall Circuites , Justices of Gaole Deliverie , and Justices of Peace , aswell within the Lyberties as without , within the limites of their severall Co~missions in their Generall Sessions or other Sessions whiche they or twoo of them , wherof one of them to bee of the Quorum , may and shall at their pleasure appointe , wher and when nede shall require , and shall by vertue hereof have full power and aucthoritee to enquire here and determine of all and every thoffences aforesayd as in cases and tryall of Fellony : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.34) And that the partie indicted and arraigned shall have advauntage of all maner of chalendges to the Jurye , peremptorie chalenge only except , as in triall of Felonye : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.35) And also that every Justice of Peace within the limites of his Co~mission , shall have full power and aucthoritee to co~mit any p~son being vehemently suspected of any of the said Offences to Warde , ther to remayne without Baile or Mainprise untill he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} delyvered according to this Acte . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.36) Provided Alwaies and be it enacted by thaucthorite aforesayd , That no maner of p~son or p~sons $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} molested or impeached for any of thoffences concerning speaking or reporting as is aforesaid , onles he or they bee accused and convicted within three monethes next after his or their said Offence so co~mitted or done : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.37) And in cace any p~son $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} imprisoned for any of the said Offences concerning speaking or reporting , and not therof convicted within thre monethes next after his Offence supposed to be by him done and co~mitted , that then the p~son so imprisoned $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} set at libertie and no lenger deteyned in prison . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.38) Provided Also and Be it enacted by aucthoritie aforesaid , That every suche Maior Maio=rs= Bailiefes and other head Officer and Officers of Cities Boroughes and Townes Corporate which have or hereafter shall have jurisdicc~on and aucthoritie within the severall limittes of their Office or Offices , to holde and kepe Sessions as Justice or Justices of the Peace , shall and maye by aucthorite hereof aswell arrest and co~mit to Warde all and every p~son and p~sons being vehemently suspected of any of the Offences aforesaid ; as also to procede to thexecuco~n hearing and determining of every of the said Offences , and to see and make due execuc~on therof according to the purporte meaning and effect of this p~nt Acte ; Any thing in the same Acte heretofore made to the contrary notwithestanding . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.39) Provided Alwaies , That the said Justice of Peace , aswell within Liberties as without , the whiche shall for any thoffences aforesaid , co~mit any p~son or p~sons to Warde as is aforesaid , shall within tenne days next after suche co~mitting , withe one other Justice , wherof one of them to be of the Quoru~ , directe their Precept to the Sherefe or Sherefes of the Cowntie wher thoffence $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mitted , or to other ordinary Officer , yf it be within any Citie or Towne Corporate wher the Sherife $can $not {TEXT:cannot} intromitt , co~maunding him or them by the same to Impanell and returne as they shall assigne xxiiij good and lawful Men of his or their Bailiwyke or Bailiwikes tenquire of the said Offence or Offences , the whiche any suche p~sone or p~sons $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} so imprisoned for : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.40) And therupon within one monethe after the date of the sayd Precepte , to procede and determine as above is expressed ; every one of the same Justices upon payne of Tenne powndes to be paide to the King and Quenes Highnes as often as they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} founde in defaulte of any the same . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.41) Provided Also and Be it enacted , That this Acte $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} proclaymed in all the Shires within this Realme , before the xij=th= day of Februarye nexte co~ming , to thintent that all persones may have notyce therof , and avoide the p~ill and daunger that might ensewe by offending against the same : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.42) And this Acte to be onlye in force untill thende of the next P~liament and no longer . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.43) Provided Alwaies and Be it enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That none of the Peares of this Realme $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} Arrested or Imprisoned for any of the said Offences but onelye by Order or Co~mandement geven from the King and Quenes Privy Cou~cell , or of theires of the Quene ; and that the said Peares and every of them that shall herafter fortune to be indicted of any thoffences aforesaid , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} tryed by their Peares , as before hathe bene accustomed in cases of Treason or Felonye . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,241.44) CHAPTER IV . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.47) AN ACTE FOR THE PUNISHEMENT OF CERTAYNE PERSONS CALLING THEMSELVES EGIPTIANS . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.48) Where in a Parliament holden at Westminster in the xxij. yere of the Reigne of our late Sovereigne Lorde King Henry theight , For thavoyding and banishing out of this Realme of certaine outlandishe People calling themselves Egiptians , using no crafte nor feate of marchaundises for to lyve by , but going from place to place in greate Companies , using greate suttle and craftye meanes to deceyve the Kinges Subjectes , bearing them in hande that they by Palmestrye coulde tell Mens and Womens Fortune ; and so many tymes by crafte and subtiltie deceyve the People of their money , and co~mitted divers greate and heinous Felonies and Roberies , to the great hurte and deceypte of the People , It was amongest other thing~ then enacted , That from the tyme of the making of the said Acte , no suche p~sons should be suffred to come within this the Kinges Realme , upon paine of forfeyture to the King all their Goodes and Cateles , and then to be co~maunded tavoide the Realme within fyftene days next after the co~maundement , upon payn of Imprisonement ; and suche p~sons calling themselfes Egiptians as then were within this Realme , shoulde depart within xvj dayes next after Proclamac~on of the said Acte , upon paine of Imprisonement and Forfeiture of all their Goodes and Catells ; withe divers other Clauses and Articles conteyned in the sayd Acte , as by the said Acte more at large it appearethe : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.50) Forasmuche as dyvers of the sayd Companie and suche other lyke p~sons not fearing the penaltie of the said Statute , have enterprised to come over againe into this Realme using their olde accustomed develishe and noughty practises and devises , withe suche abhominable lyving as is not in any Christian Realme to be permitted named or knowen , and bee not dulie punished for the same , to the perillous and evell example of our Sovereigne Lorde and Ladye the King and the Quenes Majesties most loving Subjectes , and to $th $utter {TEXT:thutter} and extreame undoing of divers and many of them , as evidentlye dothe appeare : (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.51) For Reformation wherof , Be it ordeined and enacted by the King and Quene our Sovereigne Lorde and Lady , the Lordes Sp~uall and Temporall and the Co~mons in this p~nt P~liam=t= assembled and by the aucthoritee of the same , That if any p~son or p~sons after the last day of Januarie next co~ming , doo willinglye transporte bring and conveye into this Realme of England or Wales any suche p~sons calling themselfes or co~monly called Egiptians , That then he or they so transporting bringing or conveyeng in any suche p~sons , contrary to the true meaning of this Acte , shall forfeite and lose for every tyme so offending , fourtye powndes of lawfull moneye of Englande . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.52) And Be it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That if any of the said p~sons called Egiptians whiche $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} transported or conveyed into this Realme of Englande or Wales as ys aforesayd , doo continue and remaine within the same by the space of one monethe , that then he or they so Offending , shall by vertue of this Acte bee demed and judged a Fellon and fellons and shall therfore suffer paynes of Deathe losse of Landes and Goodes as in cases of Fellony , by thorder of the Co~men Lawe of this Realme , and shall upon the tryall of them or any of them therin be tried in the Countie and by thinhabitantes of the Countie or Place where they or he shall be apprehended or taken and not p~ medietatem lingue , and shall lose the benefite and privilege of Sainctuary and Clergie . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.53) And Be it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That yf the Egiptyans or other persones co~monly calling themselfes Egyptians and every of them now being within this Realme of Englande or Wales , doo not depart out of the same within xx=ti= days next after Proclamac~on of this p~nt Acte $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} made , that then he or they whiche shall not depart within the said time according to the true meaning of this Acte , shall forfeite and lose all his and their Goodes and Cattels ; and that then it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lawfull to all and every the King and the Quenes Subjectes to sease the same , thone moietie therof to be to thuse of our Sovereygue Lorde and Ladye the King and the Quene , and the other moietie therof to be to thuse of him or them that shall so sease the same . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.54) And Be it also enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That if the Egiptians and other p~sons co~monly called Egiptians and every of them nowe being within this Realme of Englande or Wales , doo not departe out and from the same within xl=ty= dais next after Proclamac~on shall be made of this Acte , that then he or they whiche shall not depart and avoide within the said time of xl. days according to the true meaning of this Acte , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} judged and denied according to the Lawes of this Realme of England a Fellon and Fellons , and shall suffer therfore paynes of Deathe , losse of Landes and Goodes as in other cases of Fellonye , and shall bee tryed as ys aforesaid , and without having any benefite or privilege of Sainctuarie or Clergie . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.55) And Be it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That if any p~son after the first day of Januarie next co~ming , shall sue for thobteining of any Lycence Letter or Pasporte , for any of the said p~sons called Egiptians tabide within this Realme of Englande or Wales contrary to the tenour of this Acte , that then every suche p~son so suing shall forfeite and lose for the same xl li. of lawfull money of Englande ; and that every suche Lycence Letter and Pasporte $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} by vertue of this Acte voyde to all intentes and purposes ; thone moietie of all whiche so~mes of money to be forfeited as is beforesaid , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the King and Quene our Sovereigne Lorde and Ladye , and thother moitie therof to be to him or them that will sue for the same in any Courte of Recorde , by acc~on of Dett Bill Plaint or Informac~on , wherin any Essoigne Wager of Lawe nor Protecc~on $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} admitted and allowed . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,242.56) Provided alwaies and Be it enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That this p~nt Acte nor any thing therin conteined , shall not extende nor be hurtfull to any of the said p~sons co~monly Called Egiptians , whiche within the said time of xx=ty= daies next after the said Proclamac~on to be made as is beforesaid , shall leave that noughtye idle and ungodly lyef and company , and be placed in the service of some honest and able Inhabitante or Inhabitantes within this Realme , or that shall honestlye exercise himself in some lawfull worck or occupac~on ; but that he or they so continuing in service or other lawfull woorck or occupac~on , shall during suche time as he or they shall so continue , be dischardged of all Paines and Forfeitures conteined in this Acte . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.57) Provided Also and be it Enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That this Acte shall not in any wise extende to any Childe or Children being not above the age of xiij yeares , nor to any of the said p~sons being now in prison , so that he or they so being in prison doo departe out of this Realme within xiiij days next after his or their deliverie out of prison , nor shall extende to chardge any maner of p~son or p~sons as accessarye to any Offence or Offences conteined or specified in this Estatute . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.58) CHAPTER V . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.60) AN ACTE TO RESTRAYNE CARRIENG OF CORNE VICTUALS AND WOOD OVER THE SEA . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.61) Wheras sundry good Estatutes and Lawes hathe bene made within this Realme in the time of the Quenes Highnes most noble Progenitoures , that none shoulde transporte carrye or conveye out of this Realme into any place in the parties beyonde the Seas , any Corne Butter Chese or other Victuall , Except onely for the vitailing of the Towne of Caleis Hames and Guisnes and the Marches of the same , upon divers greate paynes and forfeitures in the same conteyned ; That notwithestanding , many and sundrye covetous and unsatiable p~sons seking their onely lucers and gaynes , hathe and dayly dothe carye and convey innumerable quantitie aswell of Corne Chese Butter and other Victuall , as of Wood , out of this Realme into the p~ties beyonde the Seas ; By reason wherof the sayd Corne Vyctuall and Wood arre growen unto a wonderfull dearthe and extreame pryses , to the greate detryment of the Common wealthe of this yo=r= Highnes Realme and yo=r= faithefull subjectes of the same : For Remedie wherof , It may please yo=r= Highnes that it may be enacted and be it enacted by yo=r= Highnes by thassent of the Lordes Sp~uall and Temporall and the Co~mons in this present P~liam=t= assembled and by thaucthoritee of the same , That no maner of p~son or p~sons after the xx=th= daye of Januarye next co~ming , shall carye and transporte out of this Realme , by any Shippe Craier or other Vessell whatsoever , into any place in the parties beyonde the Seas or into the Realme of Scotlande , any Wheate Rie Barley or other Corne or Grayne growing within this Realme , or any Maulte made within the same , or any Bere Butter Chese Hearing or Wood , Except onlye to and for the victualing and furniture of the Townes of Callys Ha~mes and Guisnes and to the Towne of Barwick and the Marches of the same , without sufficient and lawfull aucthoritie so to doo , upon the paine and penalties hereafter ensuing ; (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.63) that ys to saye , thowner and owners of the sayd Shippes and other Vessells to forfaite the said Shippes Craiers and other Vessels , with all their apparelles to them and every of them belonging , wherin the said Corne Butter Cheese Hearing Victuall or Wood shall be so transported and caried ; and the Owners and Owner of the said Corne Butter Chese Hearing and Woodd to forfeite the doble value of the same so caryed and conveied , and the M=r= and Mareners of the said Shippes Craiers and Vessells for every suche Offence to forfeite all their Gooddes , And to be imprisoned by the space of one whole yeare without Baile or Maynprise . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.64) And Be it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That yf any p~son or p~sons , after the said xx=th= day of Januarie , doo carye and conveye away by Boate Crayer or other Vessell , or otherwise , any Wheate Rie Barley Malte or other Corne or Grayne or any Beere Butter Cheese Hearing or Wood to any Shippe or Vessell being on the Seas , or within any Haven Creeke or other place of the Border of this Realme , to be transported caried and conveyed into any place in the p~ties beyonde the Seas , or into the Realme of Scotlande , without sufficient aucthoritie so to doo ; That then every Owner of the sayde Victuales Corne and other things abovesaid , so transported or caryed , and thowner and owners of every such Boate or Vessell , and the Boatemen and Mareners of the same , shall lose forfeit and suffer all suche forfeitures paines and penalties as is above rehearsed ; Thone moietie of all and everye whiche forfeiture or forfeitures to be to the King and Quenes Highnes their heires and successours , and thother moietie to him or them that will sue for the same by Bill Informac~on Acc~on of Det or otherwise in any of the King and Quenes Highnes Courtes of Recorde , In whiche Accon Bill or Sute the Defendant shall not wage his Lawe nor have any Essoigne or Protecc~on to him allowed . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.65) And Be it enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That yf any p~son or p~sons shall obteine of the King and Quenes Majesties , their heires or successoures , or any of them , any Lycence to cary and transporte any Corne Victuall or Wood into any parties beyonde the Seas , that if he or they to whom any suche Licence $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} granted , or any other to whom suche p~son or persons having suche licence shall give grante or sell his or their said Licence unto , shall cary and conveye or cause to be caried and conveyed any more Corne Victuall or Wood then shall be conteined in his or their said Licence , shall forfeite the treble value of the said Corne Victuall or Wood so caried and transported without sufficient aucthoritee , and shall suffer Imprisonement for one whole year , in the common Gaole wher he shall bee apprehended , ther to remaine without Baile or Maineprise . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,243.66) And Be it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That no maner of p~son or p~sons after the said xx=th= daye of Januarye that shall obtaine or have any suche Licence , for transporting and carieng any Corne Victuall or Wood into any partes beyonde the Seas , shall shippe fraught and lade the same , or any p~te therof , at sundry places within this Realme , but at one place certaine ; upon pains of forfeiture of the said Corne Victuall and Wood , and all his Gooddes and Cattels ; thone moietie therof to the King and Quenes Majesties their heires and successours , and thother moietie to him or them that will sue for the same , by Acc~on of Det Byll Plainte Informac~on or otherwise , wherin no Wager of Lawe Essoigne or Protecc~on shall bee to him or them allowed . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,244.67) And For the better Execuc~on of this Acte , Be it further enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , that all and singler Justices of Peace , aswell within the liberties as without , within their severall Aucthorities and Co~missiones , at any tyme within three yeres next after suche Offences co~mitted , shall have full power and aucthoritee tenquire as well by thothes of xij lawfull men , as allso to heare and examyne the M=r= M=rs= and Mareners of the sayd Shippes Craiers and other Vesselles , and all and every other p~son and p~sons , of all and singler thoffendo=r=s ageinst this p~nt Acte , and to heare and determine the same Offenc~ , as they maye and ought to heare and determine any other Trespasses or Offences . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,244.68) Provided Alwaies and Be it enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That at all time and times hereafter when the co~mon price of Corne within this Realme is , that Wheate shall not excede the price of vj s. viij d. the Quarter , and Rye iiij s. the Quarter , and Barlye iij s. the Quarter , it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lawfull to every p~son and p~sons to carye and transporte over the Sea to any Place beyonde the Seas at their pleasure , any of the said kindes of Corne , so that it be not to the King and Quenes Enemies . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,244.69) Provided Alwaies and Be it enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That this Acte nor any thinge therin conteyned shall extende to any person or persons for the necessarie victeling of any Shippe Shipper or other Vessells ; but that they and every of them may victaile the said Shippes and Vessels as they might have done before the making of this present Acte ; This Acte or any thing therin conteined to the contrarye notwithestanding . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,244.70) Provided Alwaies and Be it enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That this Acte or any thinge therein conteined , shall not be prejudiciall or hurtfull unto the Lorde Greate Admirall of England for the tyme being , or to the King and Quenes Ma=t=~ Jurisdicc~on of Thadmiraltie ; but that the said Lorde Admirall or his Deputie or Deputies , may and shall exersice use and execute all kinde of Jurisdicc~on belonging to the Sea , according to his or their Co~missions , as they might lawfully have done heretofore ; This Acte or any thing therin conteined to the contrarye notwithstanding . (STAT-1550-E1-P2,4,244.71)