CHAPTER III . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.3) AN ACTE FOR THE RELEIFE OF THE POORE . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.4) To thintent that idell and loytering p~sons and valiant Beggers may be avoyded , and $th $impotent {TEXT:thimpotent} feble and lame , w=ch= are the Poore in very dede , should bee hereafter relieved and well provided for : Bee it enacted by the Quene our Sovereigne Ladye w=th= thassent of the Lordes Sp~uall and Temporall and the Co~mons in this p~nt P~liamen=t= assembled , and by thaucthoritee of the same , That the Statute made in the xxij=th= yere of the late King of famouse memorye King Henrye Theight , and also the Statute made in the thirde and fourth yeres of the Reigne of the famouse King Edwarde the Syxthe , concerning Beggers Vagabundes and idle p~sons , and every Article Clause Branche Sentence and other thinge conteyned in them and eyther of them , other then suche thinges as $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} by this p~nte Acte otherwye ordeyned and provided for , shall stande remayn and bee in their full Force and Effecte , and $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbe} also from hensforthe justly and truely put in execuc~on according to the true meaning of the sayd severall Statutes and every of them . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.6) And further be it enacted by thaucthorite aforesayd , That yerely upon the Sundaye next before the Feast Daye of the Nativitee of S=t= John Baptist , co~monly called Midso~mer daye , in everye Citie Boroughe and Towne Corporate , the Mayor Bailiefes or other Head Officers for the tyme being , and in everye other P~she of the Countrey the Parson Vycare or Curate and Churchewardens , shall have writton in a Register or Booke to be provided by them , aswell the Names of Thinhabitantes and Householders w=th=in theyr Citie Boroughe Towne Corporate or Parish , as also the Names of all suche impotent aged and nedy p~sons as bee w=th=in their Citie Boroughe Towne Corporate or Parishe w=ch= are not hable to lyve of themselves nor w=th= their owne labour ; and shall openly in the Churche and quyetly after Dyvyne Service call the sayd Housholders and Inhabitantes together , among whom the Mayo=r= or other Head Officers and twoo of the Cheife Inhabitantes in every suche Cytie Boroughe and Towne Corporate suche as the Mayo=r= or other Heade Officers shall thincke meete , And the Parson Vicar or Curate and Churchwardens in every other Parishe , shall elect nominate and appointe yerely twoo hable persons or mo , to be Gatherers and Collectours of the Charitable Almes of all the residue of the people inhabiting in the P~ishe wherof they bee chosen Collecto=rs= for the Releif of the Poore : Whiche Collectoures , the Sonday next after their Electyon , or the Sunday following if nede require , when the people are at the Churche at Dyvine Service , shall gentelly aske and demaunde of every Man and Woman what they of their Charitee $will $bee {TEXT:wilbe} contented to gyve weekly towardes the Relief of the Poore , and the same to be writon to the sayd Register or Booke : (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.7) And the sayd Gatherers so being elected and chosen , shall justly gather and truly distribute the same charitable Almes weekly , by themselfes or theyr Assignes , to the sayd poore and impotent p~sons of the sayd Cyties Boroughes Townes Corporate and Parishes , without Fraude or Covyn Favour or Affeccion ; and after suche sorte that the more impotent may have the more Helpe , (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.8) and suche as can get parte of their Lyving to have the lesse , and by the discretion of the Collectoures to bee put in suche Laboure as they bee fitt and hable to doo , but none to go or sitt openly a begging , upon paine limited in thaforesaid Statutes ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.9) And yf the said Maio=rs= Bayliefes Head Officers Person Vicar Curat and Churchewarden , or any of them , faile in the doing and executing of the Premisses in forme above declared , he or they so making Default to forfeit for every suche Defaulte Fourtye Shillinges , to bee imployed to thuse of the Poore of that P~ishe where he or they doe inhabit , to be levied by the Collectors of the same P~ishe , by way of Distresse or otherwise as ys appointed in this Acte for levieng of like Forfeitures . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.10) And bee it enacted by thaucthorite aforesayd , That no p~son or p~sons so elected nominated and appointed to bee Gatherer or Gatherers as ys aforesayd , shall refuse the said office , but shall justly and truly execute the same , by the space of one whole yere next ensuing suche elecc~on ; upon payne to forfeite Tenne Poundes , the one Moitie therof to the Churchewardens of the P~ishe where he or they $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} elected Collector , and thother Moietie therof to thuse and relief of the Poore of the said P~ishe to be levied by the Churchewardens where they or he dwellethe of the Goodes of the said Gatherer or Gatherers so refusing , by Distresse $or $els {TEXT:orels} by Action of Debt Byll Playnt or lnformac~on to bee brought or pursued by the sayd Churchwardens of the sayd P~ishe wher they shall dwell , in any Court of Recorde , or in the Courte of any Lorde of anny Manour within the said Parishe where the said Gatherer $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} chosen ; In whiche Sute no Protecc~on or Wager of Lawe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed or admitted for the Partie defendant . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.11) And bee yt further enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That yf the sayd Churchewardens , or either of them , shall refuse to sue for the sayd Forfayture , or within Twoo Monthes next after the same cause of Forfayture $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} gyven shall not sue or take the Remedye for the Recoverye therof , in suche maner and fourme as before in this p~nte Acte ys limited and appointed , that then the same Churchewardens so making Defaulte of sute , shall forfayte and lose Twentye Powndes of laufull Money of Englande ; thone Moitie herof to him or them that will sue for the same by Action of Debt Bill Playnte or Informac~on in any Courte of Recorde , or in the Courte of any Lorde of any Mano=r= w=th=in the p~ishe where the said Churchewardens shall dwell , and thother Moietie to thuse of the Poore of the said P~ishe ; In whiche Sute no Essoigne Protecc~on or Wager of Lawe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} admitted for the Partye defendant . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,411.12) And for the better Executyon of this Acte touchyng the Electyon of the Collectoures for the Poore , Bee it enacted by thaucthoritee aforesayd , That every Parson Vicar Curate or Minister of every P~she w=th=in this Realme , shall yerely for evermore upon the Sunday before Midso~mer daye , in the Pulpit , or some other convenient Place in the Churche , gyve knowledg and warning at thende of some of the Morning Service , to the P~shioners then and ther p~nt , to prepare themselfes on the Sondaye next after Midso~mer Daye then next folloing , to co~me to the Churche , and there tellect and choose Collectoures and Gatherers for the Poore , according to the Ten=or= of this Acte ; And yf the P~son Vicar Curate or Minister shall make Defaulte in gyving of the sayd Knowledge , that then he or they so making Defaulte , to forfait and lose fourtye Shillinges , towardes the Reparac~ons of the said Churche ; And the Churchewardens of the sayd P~she to sue and distrene for the same , in suche fourme as before ys appointed for thother Forfeitures . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.13) And further bee yt enacted by thaucthoritee aforesayd , That the said Gatherers or Collectors for the Poore so to bee chosen as ys aforesaid shall make their just Accompt quarterly to the Mayors or Chiefe Officers of the said Cyties Boroughes and Townes Corporate , and in every Parishe of the sayd Countreye , to the Parson Vicar or Curate and Churchewardens of the Parishe ; at w=ch= Accompte suche of the Parishe as will may be p~nte ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.14) And when they goe out of their Offiee they shall delyver or cause to be delyvered foorthwithe upon thende of their Accomptes , all suche Surplusage of Moneye as then shall remayne of their Collection undistributed , to be put in their Co~mon Chest of the Churche , or in some other safe Place , to thuse of the Poore , at the Oversight and Discretyon of the Mayo=r= Officers and others before mentioned ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.15) And yf the sayd Collectours or any of them doo refuse to make their sayd Accompte w=th=in Eight Dayes next after request made to them for the same , then the Bishoppe of the Dyocesse or the Ordynarye of the Place , Chancello=rs= or their Co~missaries , together w=th= a Justice of Peace and the Churchewardens of the sayd P~ishe , or one of them , shall have aucthorite by vertue of this Acte , upon complaynt to them made , to co~mit the said p~son or p~sons refusing to Warde , there to remayn w=th=out Baile or Maineprise untill he or they so refusing shall make their sayd Accomptes before suche p~sons as the sayd Bushop Ordinarye Chancello=rs= or Co~missaries & Justice of Peace shall appointe , and to make imediate Paym=t= of the So~mes wherw=th= by Determinac~on of the said Accompt they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} chardged . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.16) And bee it further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid , That yf any p~son or p~sons being hable to further this charitable Worck , doo obstinately and frowardly refuse reasonably to give towardes thhelpe and relief of the Poore , or doo wilfully discorage other from so charitable a Dede , the Parson Vicar or Curate and Churchewardens of the P~ishe wherin he dwellethe shall then gentelly exhorte him or them towardes the releef of the Poore ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.17) and yf he or they will not so bee p~swaded , then upon the Certificate of the Parson Vicar or Curat of the P~ishe to the Bishoppe of the Dyoces or Ordinarye of the Place , Chauncellors or their Co~missaries or Gardyan of the S~pualties , the same Bishoppes Ordinarye Chancellor=rs= or Co~missaries or Gardeyn of the Spiritualties shall sende for him or them , tinduce or p~suade him or them by charitable meanes and waies textende their Charitee to the Poore , as in this Acte ys well ment and intended ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.18) And yf the p~son or p~sons so sent for , of his or their frowarde or wilfull minde shall obstinatly refuse to gyve weekly to the releef of the Poore according to his or their habilitees , that then the Bishoppe or Ordinarie of the Dyoces , Chauncellours or their Co~missaries , shall have full Power & Aucthoritee by virtue of this Acte , to bynde the saide obstinate and wilfull p~sons so refusing unto the Quene by Recognisance , in the some of Tenne Powndes , w=th= Condic~on therupon to bee indorsed , that the sayd obstinate p~son so refusing shall p~sonallye appere , before the Justices of Peace of the Countye where the same p~son shall then inhabyte and dwell , yf yt bee out of any Citie Borouge or Towne Corporate , and yf yt bee w=th=in any Cittie Boroughe or Towne Corporate , then before the Mayours Bailiefes or other Head Officers of every suche Cite Boroughe or Towne Corporate , at the next Generall Sessions to bee holden before the sayd Justices within the saide Countie , or at the next Courte to bee holden before the sayd Maio=r= Baliefes or other Head Officers w=th=in every suche Citie Boroughe or Towne Corporate , and that the same obstinate p~son shall not from thence departe w=th=out Lysence , of the said Justices yf he duell out of any Citye Boroughe or Towne Corporate , or of the said Maio=r= Bayliefes or other Head Officers yf he dwell w=th=in any suche Citie Bourghe or Towne Corporate ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.19) And yf any suche obstinate persone shall refuse to bee bounde as ys aforesayd , that then the said Bishoppe Ordinarie Chauncello=r= or Co~missarie , shall have aucthoritee by this Acte , to co~mitt the sayd obstinatt p~son to Pryson , there to remayne witheout Bayle or Maineprise untill the sayd obstynate parson shall become bounde as ys aforesaid . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.20) And further bee yt enacted by thaucthoritye aforesayd , That the sayd Justices or suche of them as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} at the said Sessions , or the Maio=r= Bailiefes or other Head Officers of everye suche Citie Burghe or Towne Corporate , yf the said obstinate p~son doo appeare before them , shall charitably and gentelly perswade and move the said obstinate p~sons textende his or their Charitee towardes the Relief of the Poore of the P~ishe where he or she inhabitethe and dwelleth ; and yf he or she shall obstinatly and wilfully stande in the same , and will not bee p~swaded therin by the sayd Justices Maio=r= Bailiefes or other Heade Officers , that then yt shall and may bee laufull to and for the sayd Justices yf yt bee out of any Citie Burghe or Towne Corporate , and yf yt bee w=th=in any Cite Burghe or Towne Corporate , for the Maio=r= Bailiefes or other Head Officers of the same Citie Burghe or Towne Corporate , w=th= the Churchewardens wher the sayd obstinate p~son shall inhabite , or one of them , to sesse taxe and lymit , upon every suche obstinate p~son so refusing , according to their good discretions , what So~me the said obstinate p~son shall pay weekly towardes the Relief of the Poore w=th=in the sayd P~ishe where he or she shall inhabyte and dwell ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.21) And yf the said p~son so sessed and taxed shall refuse to paye the So~me that $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} so reasonablye lymited taxed and appointed , then the said Justices of Peace or twoo of them , wherof thone to be of the Quoru~ , or the said Mayor Bailiefes or other Head Officers of every suche Citie Burghe or Towne Corporate , shall have full Power and Aucthorite by vertue of this Acte , upon Complaynte and Certificate to them by the Collectoures and Churchwardens of the same P~ishe wher the sayd obstinate p~son shall dwell , to co~mit the said obstinate p~son and p~sons so refusing to pay , to Pryson to the next Gaole , there to remaine w=th=out Bayle or Maineprise till he or they have payde the sayd So~me so appointed taxed and limited , together w=th= tharrerages therof , yf any suche shall fortune to bee . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,412.22) And for the better mayntenance of this charitable Acte and Worcke , It ys ordeyned and established by thaucthorite aforesaid , that whereas the late Kings of famouse Memorie King Henry Theight , his Heires or Successoures , or any other p~son or p~sons , by his or their severall and laufull Erecc~ons and Foundac~ons , hathe or have ordeyned and appointed any So~me or So~mes of Money to thuse of the Poore , or for the repayring or amending of Higheways or Bridges , not being taken away otherwise by Acte of P~liamen=t= , whether the same be in any Cathedrall Churche Colledge $or $elswhere {TEXT:orelswhere} , The Bishoppe of the Diocese or Chancello=r= for the tyme being , shall from time to time examyne howe and after what maner the sayd Money ys bestowed , and to call taccompte the p~ties whiche retayne the said Money , and therupon to take suche Order as the same from thensfoorthe be distributed to the Pore , according to the good Intent and Purpose of the said noble King that graunted the same ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.24) And yf they shall faile yerely to call tacccompt the p~sons aforesaid , in fourme afosesaid , and after accompt torder the distribuc~on of the sayd Money in maner before declared , to forfeit for every suche Default xx li. to be employed to thuse of the Poore , by thoversight of three Justices of the Peace w=th=in the said Countie wher the p~son that so should account dwellethe , to bee levied by way of Distres or otherwise , as other forfeitures in this Estatute ar appointed to bee levied . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.25) And bee it further enacted by thaucthorite aforesayd , yf it shall chance any P~ishe to have in yt mo poore and impote~t folkes , not hable to labo=r= then the said P~ishe ys able to relief , that then in every suche P~ishe not standing in any Citie or Towne Corporate , the P~son Vicar or Curate of the said P~ishe , and two or three of the cheef Inhabitantes of the same P~ishe , and in every Citie and Towne Corporate , the Maio=r= or Cheef Officers of the same Citie or Towne Corporate , and the P~son Vicar or Curate of the said P~ishe , calling to them two or three of the cheef P~ishoners of the same P~ishe suche as the said Maio=r= or Head Officers shall thinck meet , shall certefie unto the Justices of Peace of the Countie where the same P~ishe ys , the nomber and names of the P~sons w=th= w=ch= they be surchardged , and upon suche Certificate , the said Justices of the Peace in the same Countie , or twoo of them whereof one to be of the Quorum , shall consider and examine the said Certificat aswell by thothe of those that so certified Inspection of the said poore p~sons , to be taken and vieued at suche Daye tyme and Place as to them $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought meet , as by all other wayes and meanes ; and finding the same true after suche Othe and Allowance by Inspection , shall then grante unto suche and as many of the said poore folkes as by their discretion they shall thinck good , a sufficient Lisence under the Seale appointed for the Limit , to go abrode to begge get and receyve the charitable Almes of Thinhabitantes of the Countrey out of the sayd Parishes Cities and Townes so surchardged ; In w=ch= Licence Thinfirmitie of the P~son , the Places Townes and P~ishes to w=ch= suche poore folkes are by that Licence licensed to resorte , shall in the same Licence be named lymitted and appointed , bee yt one Hundred or moo in the same Countie at the said Discretion of the same Justices ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.26) And yf any of the sayd poore folkes so licensed shall transgresse the Lymittes to them appointed , and resorte to begge at other places then ys in the said Lycence named , the p~tie so transgressing and offending to be taken for a valiant Begger , and punished according to the Statute made in the sayd xxij=th= yere of King Henrye Theight , and his or their Licence to be taken from them : (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.27) And yf the said Justices of the Peace shall faile tappoint a Daye and Tyme for Inspection of the said Poore and Examinac~on of the said Certificatours w=th=n One Monethe nexte ensuing the Daye of Receipte of the said Certificat , or shall grant or give Licence to any p~son or p~sons so certified to go abrode and begge , before suche tyme as they shall have viewed and seen the said poore p~sons and have receyved Othe of the p~sons that so certified , that the said poore p~sons for Age Impotencye or Sicknes , in their Consciences and to their Knowledge , are not hable by any Woorck or Labour to earne them necessarye Meate Drinke and Clothe , and the same Deposition put in Writing , subscribed or marked by the p~sons deposed , to forfeite for every suche Defaulte Tenne Poundes , to be emploied to thuse of the Poore of any P~ishe or P~ishes w=th=in the said Countie where the said Justices dwell , at the Oversight and Appointment of the Bishoppe or his Chauncellour of the same Dioceses , to bee levied in sorte and fourme as other forfeitures in this Statute are appoynted . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.28) And be it further enacted , That where any of the said Cities Boroughes Townes Corporate or P~ishe so chardged , ys scituate and standing in one Countie or twoo Counties of this Realme , or scituate and standing in one and immediatlye adjoyning to another County of this Realme , as the Cytie of Bristoll and the Townes of Ludlow and Stamforde stande ; that in those Cities the Parson Vicar and Curate of the said P~ishe , and the said Maio=r= Heade Officers and Inhabitantes of every suche Citie Bourghe Towne Corporate and P~yshe , shall make Certificat unto the Justices of the said Counties adjoyning to the same Cities Bourghes Townes Corporate and P~ishes , and the same Justices of the said adjoining Countie or Counties to doe gyve lycence and folowe thorder above remembred , according as other Justices of the Counties in w=ch= the P~ishe surchardged standethe , ys lymitted aund aucthorised to do . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.29) And bee it also enacted , That in all Cities Bourghes and Townes Corporate w=th=in w=ch= bee dyvers P~ishes , the Maio=r= and Head Officers of every the same Cities Burghes and Townes Corporate , shall consider the state and abilitie of every suche P~ishe ; (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.30) And yf the same Maio=r= and Officers shall understande by their discretion that the P~ishioners of any one of the sayd P~ishes ys of suche wealthe and havor , that they have no povertie amongst them , or be hable sufficiently to relief the povertie of the P~ishe where they inhabite and dwell , and also to helpe and succo=r= povertie elswhere further , that then the said Maio=r= and Officers , w=th= thassent of twoo of the most honest and substanciall inhabitantes of every such welthye P~ishe , shall consider the nedines of thinhabitantes of thother P~ishe or P~ishes within the same Citie or Towne Corporate , and move induce and p~suade the P~ishioners of the welthier P~ishe charitably to contrybute su~mewhat according to theire habilitee towarde the wekely relief succour and consolac~on of the poore and nedye within thother P~ishe or P~ishes aforesayd where nede ys . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,413.31) And bee it also enacted , That all and every suche pore folkes as by any suche lycence are to bee licensed and aucthorised to resorte out of the limittes liberties and franchesies of all and every suche Citie Bourghe and Towne Corporate , into any the said Counties , to begg get and gather the charitable almes of good people , shall at all tymes when the same gothe abrode to begg , weare openly upon him or them bothe-3 on the brest and the backe of his or their uppermoste garment , some notable badge or token to bee assigned unto him by the Maio=r= or Head Officers of the same Citye Burgh and Towne Corporate or P~ishe w=th= thassent of the Justices of the Peace that shall grante the same lycence , upon payne to bee taken for a valiant Beggar , and to bee punished as afore ys remembred , and shall also carry his lycence wythe hym upon the lyke payne ; this Acte to endure to the latter ende of the first Session of the next P~lyament . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,414.32) Provided alwayes and bee yt enacted by thaucthorite aforesayd , That all and every so~me and so~mes of Moneye from hensforthe to be collected or gathered w=th=in the Citie of London and the Lyberties of the same by vertue of this Acte , $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} payd over to the Governours of the Hospitall called the Hospitall of Christes Churche withein the sayd Citie of London for the tyme beyng , and $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} by them from tyme to tyme distributed and bestowed for the relief of the Poore of the sayd Cytie , accordyng to their wisdome and discressyons ; Anny thing in this Acte mentioned to the contrary notwithestanding . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,414.33) Provided also and be yt enacted by thaucthorite aforesaid , That all and every so~me and so~mes of Money from hensforthe to be collected or gathered w=th=in the Citie of Coventrye and the Liberties of the same by vertue of this Acte , towardes the mayntenance and relief of the said Hospitall of poore people , erected in the said Citie , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} payd over to suche Governo=r= or Governo=rs= of the said Hospitall as nowe ys or hereafter $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} admitted and appointed by the Maio=r= and Aldermen of the said Citie of Coventrye or the more p~te of them for the tyme being . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,414.34) And suche Governo=r= or Governo=rs= so admitted and appointed as aforesaid , shall from tyme to tyme distribute and bestowe for the relief of thaforesaid Poore w=th=in the said Citie , the said so~me or so~mes of Money according to their wisedomes and discressions ; Anny thing mentioned in this Acte to the contrarye notwithestanding . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,414.35) Provided always and bee it further enacted , That the Curate Minister or Reader , together w=th= the Wardens of every Chappell of Ease , and where no Wardens are the Warden or two of the cheifest of thinhabitantes resorting and frequenting the said Chappell of Ease for hering Dyvine Service , the same inhabitantes to be nominated and chosen by the same Curate Minister or Reader , and also the Collectoures and all and every other p~son and p~sons to whom in this behalf yt shall appertayne by force of this Estatute , shall doo execute p~fourme and be liable to all and every suche Ordinance Clause Article Sentence and Penalties specified and conteyned in this p~nte Acte , for and towardes the relief of the Poore , in like maner and fourme as the Vicar Curate Churchwardens and Collecto=rs= of every Parishe Churche shall may or ought to doo by force of this Acte , according to the purporte and true meaning of the same , and not be compellable to come or resorte to their P~ishe Churche for the same onely purpose or intent ; Anny thing in this Acte before specyfied to the contrary notwithstanding . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,414.36) Provided also that this Acte or any thing therin conteyned shall not in any wise extende or be prejudiciall to any gyfte legacie conveyance or assignement of any maner of landes or other profit , heretofore gyven assigned or bequeathed to the relyef of the Poore , Reparac~on of Highe waies or Bridges upon any maner of condic~on ; but that the same shall be employed converted bestowed and accompted for in suche maner and forme and upon suche condic~on as the same laufully was or ought to bee before the making of this Acte . (STAT-1560-E1-P2,4,414.37)