CHAPTER I . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,526.3)
An Acte whereby certayne Offences bee made Treason .
Forasmuch as it is of some doubted , whether the Lawes and Statutes of
this Realme , remayning at this present in force , are vayleable and
suffycient anough for the suertie and p~servacion of the Quenes moste
Royall P~son , in whom consisteth all the Happines and Comforte of the
whole State and Subjectes of the Realme , w=ch= thing all faithfull
lovynge and duetyfull Subjectes ought and will w=th= all carefull
studie & zeale consider foresee and p~vyde for ; by the neglecting and
passing over whereof w=th= wynking eies , there might happen to growe
the subvertion and ruyne of the quyet and moste happy State and present
Government of this Realme , w=ch= God defend :
Therefore at the humble Suite and Peticion of the Lords and Comens in
thys present Parliament assembled , Be yt enacted declared and
established by aucthoritie of the same Parliament , That yf any person
or persons whatsoever , at any tyme after the laste daye of June next
commynge duryng the naturall Lyfe of o=r= moste gracious Sovereigne
Ladye Quene Elizabeth whome Almightey God preserve & blesse
w=th= longe and prosperous Raigne over this Realme shall
w=th=in the Realme or w=th=oute , compasse imagyn invent devyse or
intend the Deathe or Destrucco~n or any bodely harme tending to Death
Destrucco~n Mayme or Wounding of the Royall P~son of the same our
Sov~aigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth ; or to deprive or depose her of or
from the Stile Honor or Kyngly Name of the Ymperiall Crowne of this
Realme or of anny other Realme or Domynyon to her Ma=tie= belonging ;
or to levye Warre agaynst her Ma=tie= w=th=in this Realme or w=th=oute
; or to move or to sturre any Forreyners or Straungers w=th= Force to
invade this Realme or the Realme of Irelande or anny other her Ma=t=~
Domynions being under her Ma=t=~ Obeysaunce ; and suche Compasses
Ymaginaco~ns Invencions Devises or Intentions or any of them , shall
malitiously advysedly and expressly utter or declare by any Pryntinge
Wrytinge Cyphryng Speache Wordes or Sayinges ; or yf any person or
p~sons whatsoever after the saide laste daye of June shall malitiously
advisedly and directly publish declare holde opinion affyrme or saye by
any Speach expresse Wordes or Sayinges , that our said Sov~aine Ladye
Queene Elizabeth during her Lyfe is not or ought not to be Queene of
this Realme of England and alsoe of the Realmes of Fraunce and Ireland
; or that any other p~son or p~sons ought of Ryght to be Kyng or Queene
of the sayd Realmes of England and Ireland or of any other her Ma=t=~
Domynions being under her Ma=t=~ Obeysaunce , during her Ma=t=~ Lyfe ;
or shall by Wryting Pryntinge Preachinge Speache expresse Wordes or
Sayinges , malitiously advysedly and directly publishe set forthe and
affyrme that the Queene our sayd Sov~ayne Ladye Queene Elizabeth is an
Heretyke Schesmatyke Tyraunt Infidell or an Usurper of the Crowne of
the sayd Realmes or any of them , That then all and every such sayde
Offence or Offences $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken deemed & declared by
the aucthoritie of this Acte and Parliament to be High Treason ; and
that aswell the pryncipall Offendor or Offendors therein , as all and
every the Abettors Councellors and p~curers to the same Offence or
Offenc~ , and all and every Aydors and Comforters of the same Offendor
or Offendors , knowing the same Offence or Offences to be done and
co~mitted in any Place w=th=in this Realme or withoute , being thereof
lawfully and duely indyted convycted and attaynted according $to the
usuall Order and Course of the Co~mon Lawes of this Realme , or
according to the Acte made in the xxxv=th= yere of the Raigne of the
late Kynge of famos Memorye Kynge Henry the Eyght , Father of our said
Sov~aigne Ladye entytuled An Acte concerninge the Tryall of
Treasons co~mitted oute of the Kynges Ma=t=~ Domynyons , as the cases
shall requyre , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} deemed declared and adjudged
Traytors to the Queene and the Realme , and shall suffer paynes of
Death , and also forfaite unto the Queenes Ma=tie= her Heires and
Successors , all and singuler Landes Tenement~ and Hereditamentes
Goodes and Catals , as in Cases of High Treason by the Lawes and
Statutes of this Realme at this daye of Ryght ought to be forfaited and
loste . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,527.6)
And be yt allso enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid , That all and
every person and p~sons of what Degree Condycion Place Nation or Estate
soever they be , w=ch= shall after the end of Thyrtey daies next after
the laste daye of this present Session of this Parliament , at any tyme
in the Lyfe of o=r= Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth in any wyse clayme
pretende utter declare affyrme or publishe themselves or any of them ,
or any other then o=r= said Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth the Queenes
Ma=tie= that nowe is , to have Righte or Title to have or enjoye the
Crowne of England during or in the Lyfe of our said Soveraigne Ladye ;
Or shall usurpe the same Crowne or the Royall Style Tytle or Dignitie
of the Crowne or Realme of Englande during or in the Lyef of o=r= said
Soveraigne Ladye , or shall holde and affyrme that o=r= said Sov~aigne
Ladye hathe not Ryghte to holde and enjoye the said Crowne and Realme
Style Tytle or Dygnitie , or shall not after any Demaunde on o=r= said
Soveraignee Ladys parte to be made effectually acknowledg our said
Sov~aigne Lady to be in Ryghte , true and lawfull Queene of this Realme
, thay and every of them so offending $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} utterly
dysabled during their naturall Lyves onely , to have or enjoye the
Crowne or Realme of England , or the Stile , Title or Dignitie thereof
at anye tyme in Succession Inheritance or otherwyse after the Decease
of our said Soveraigne Ladye as yf suche p~son were naturally dead ;
Any Lawe Custome Pretence or Matter whatsoever to the contrary
notw=th=standing . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,527.7)
And be yt further enacted , That yf any person shall duryng the Queenes
Ma=t=~ Lyfe , in any wyse holde affyrme or maynteyne any Right Title
Interest or Possibilitie in Succession or Inheritance , in or to the
Crowne of England after our said Soveraigne Ladye the Queene to be
ryghtfully in or lawfully due or belonging unto any such Claymer
Pretender Usurper Utterer Declarer Affyrmer Publisher or not
Acknowledger , so that o=r= said Sov~ayne Ladye the Queene shall by
P~clamation to be published throughe the Realme , or els in the more
parte of those Sheris of this Relme , aswell on the Southsyde as the
Northsyde of Trent , and also in the Domynyon of Wales , in w=ch=
Shyres no Warr or Rebellion then $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , set foorth
notifie or declare such clayming pretence uttering declaration
affyrming publishing usurpation or not acknowledging , then every p~son
w=ch= after such P~clamation shall duryng the Queenes Ma=t=~ Lyfe
mayntayne holde or affyrme any Ryght in Succession Inheritance or
Possibilitie in or to the Crowne or Realme of England or the Rightes
thereof to be in or to any such Claymer Pretender Utterer Declarer
Affyrmer Usurper Publisher or not Acknowledger , $shall $be
{TEXT:shalbe} a High Traytor and suffer and forfayte as in Cases of
Highe Treason is accustomed . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,527.8)
And be yt further enacted , That yf any person shall in any wyse holde
and affyrme or mayntayne that the Co~mon Lawes of this Realme not
altred by P~lyament , ought not to dyrecte the Ryght of the Crowne of
England , or that o=r= said Sov~ayne Ladye Elizabeth the Quenes Ma=t=~
that nowe is , with and by the aucthoritye of the Parlyament of
Englande is not able to make Lawes and Statutes of suffycyent force and
valyditie to lymit and bynd the Crowne of this Realme , and the Descent
Lymitac~on Inheritaunce and Government thereof , or that this present
Statute , or any parte thereof , or any oth=r= Statute to be made by
the aucthorytie of the Parlyament of England w=th= the Royall Assent of
o=r= said Sov~ayne Ladye the Quene for lymiting of the Crowne , or anye
Statute for recognysing the Right of the said Crowne and Realme to be
justly and lawfully in the moste Royall P~son of our said Soveraigne
Ladye the Queene , is not are not or shall not or ought not to be for
ever of good and suffycient force and validitie to bynde lymit
restrayne and governe all p~sons their Rightes and Titles that in any
wyse maye or might clayme any Interest or Possibilitie in or to the
Crowne of England in Possession Remaynder Inheritaunce Succession or
otherwyse howsoev=r= , and all oth=r= p~sons whatsoever , every suche
p~son so holdynge affyrming or mayntayninge during the Lyfe of the
Queenes Ma=tie= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} judged a Highe Traytor and
suffer and forfaite as in cases of Highe Treason is accustomed ;
And every p~son so holdynge affrymynge or mayntayninge after the
Deceasse of o=r= said Sov~aine Ladye shall forfayte all his Good~ and
Cattayles . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,527.10)
And for the avoyding of contentious and seditious spreading abrode of
Tytles to the Succession of the Crowne of this Realme to the dysturbing
of the co~mon quiet of the Realme ; Bee yt enacted by the aucthoritie
aforesaid , That whosoever shall hereafter duryng the Lyef of o=r= said
Sov~aigne Ladye , by any Booke or Worke prynted or written , dyrectly &
expresly declare and affyrme at any tyme before the same be by Acte of
Parlyament of this Realme established and affyrmed , that any one
p~ticul=r= p~son whosoever it be , is or ought to be the ryght Heire &
Successor to the Queenes Ma=tie= that nowe is whome God longe
preserve except the same be the naturall yssue of her Ma=t=~
Bodye , or shall willfully set upp in open place publishe or spread any
Bookes or Scrowles to that effect , or shall print bynde or put to sale
, or utter or cause to be prynted bounde or put to sale or uttered any
such Booke or Wrytynge wittinglye , that he or they theire Abbetto=r=s
and Counselours , & ev~y of them , shall for the fyrste Offence suffer
ympryso~ment of one whole yere , and forfayte halfe his Goodes ,
whereof the one Moitie to the Quenes Ma=tie= the other Moytie to hym or
them that will sue for the same by Byll Action of Debt Playnte
Information or otherwyse in any of the Quenes Ma=t=~ Court~ , wherein
no Essoyne or P~texion $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} alowed ;
And yf any shall eftsoones offend therein then thaye and everye of them
theire Abbettors and Counselo=r=s shall incurr the paynes and
forfaytur~ w=ch= in the $Statute of Provysion or Premunyre are
appoynted and lymited . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,527.12)
Provyded alwaye , That yf it shall happen hereafter any Pere of this
Realme to be indyted of anye Offence made Treason by this Acte , he
shall have his tryall by his Peeres , as in other cases of Treason ys
accustomed . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,528.14)
Savynge to all and every person and p~sons Bodyes Politique and
Corporate , theyre Heyres and Successors , other then the said
Offendo=r=s and theyr Heir~ claymyng onely as Heire or Heyres to anye
suche Offendo=r= , and suche p~son and p~sons as clayme to any theire
Uses all suche Ryght~ Titles Interest~ Possessions Leases Rentes
Revertions Offyces and other Proffitt~ w=ch= thay or any of them shall
have at the daye of the comittynge suche Offence or Offences , or at
any tyme before , in as large and ample maner as yf this Acte had never
ben hadd or made . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,528.15)
Provyded alsoe and be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid ,
That no p~son or p~sons shall in any wyse bee arraygned for anye of the
Offence~ mentioned in this Acte to be co~mitted or don w=th=in any the
Queenes Ma=t=~ Realmes or Domynyons , unlesse the Offendo=r= or
Offendo=r=s be thereof indited w=th=in Syxe Monethes next after the
same Offence co~mitted ; Any Thing mentioned in this Acte to the
contrary notwithstandinge ; And that no p~son or p~sons shall in any
wyse be arraygned for anye the Offences mencyoned in this Acte to be
co~mitted or done out of anye the Quenes Ma=t=~ Realmes or Domynions ,
unlesse the Offendo=r= or Offendo=rs= be thereof indited w=th=in one
yere next aft=r= y=e= same Offence comitted ; Any Thyng mentioned in
this Acte to the contrary notw=th=standing . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,528.16)
Provided also and be it enacted by thaucthorytye aforesaid , That no
p~son or p~sons $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} hereafter arraygned for anny
of the Offence or Offence~ mentioned in this Acte , unlesse the same
Offence or Offences be proved by the Testimonye Deposicion and Othe of
two lawfull & sufficient Wytnesses ; w=ch= said Wytnesses shall att the
tyme of the Arraignement of such p~son so offendynge , be brought forth
in p~son before the p~tie so arraygned Face to Face , and there shall
avowe and openly declare all they can saye againste the p~tie so
arraygned , unlesse the said p~tie arraygned shall wyllingly w=th=out
vyolence confesse the same . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,528.17)
Provided allso and be it enacted by the aucthoritye aforesaid , That
the Aydo=r=s and Comforters of suche of the Offendo=r=s aforesaid as
shall malitiously advysedly and dyrectly publishe set forth and affyrme
that the Queenes Highnes that nowe is , is an Heritike Schismatyke
Tyrant Infidell or Usurp~ of the Crowne as in fourme aforesaid , shall
for his said fyrste Offence of ayding and comfortinge the sayde laste
recited Offendo=r= or Offendors , knowing the same Offence or Offences
to be co~mitted , incurr onely the Daunger and Penaltie of Premunyre
mentioned in the Statute of Premunire made in the syxteenth yere of
Kynge Richard the Seconde ; And that such Aydo=r=s and Comforters of
the Offendor or Offendors aforesaid laste recited , knowing the same
Offences to be co~mitted , w=ch= after theire fyrst Convyction &
Attainder thereof shall eftsones offend , shall for his or their
seconde Offence be adjudged Highe Traytors and suffer and forfayte as
in cases of High Treason as is aforesaid . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,528.18)
Provyded allwayes and be it enacted by the Aucthoritie aforesaid , That
the gevinge of Charytable Almes , in Monye Meate Drynke Apparrell or
Beddyng , for the Sustentation of the Bodye or Helth of any p~son or
p~sons that shall co~mit any the Offences made Treason or Premunyre by
this Acte during the Tyme that the same Offendor $shall $be
{TEXT:shalbe} in p~son , shall not in any wyse be demed or taken to be
any Offence ; Any Thynge in this Acte contayned to the contrary thereof
notwithstandynge . (STAT-1570-E2-P2,4,528.19)