CHAPTER I . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,657.3) An Acte to reteine the Queenes Ma=ties= Subjectes in their due Obedience . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,657.4) Where sithence the Statute made in the thirtenth yeare of the Raigne of the Queene our Soveraigne Ladye , entituled An Acte againste the bringing in and putting in execuco~n of Bulles Writinges and Instrumentes and other sup~sticious Thinges from the Sea of Rome , divers evell affected persons have practised contrarye to the meaninge of the said Statute , by other meanes then by Bulles or Instrumentes written or printed , to withdrawe divers the Queenes Ma=ties= Subjectes from their naturall Obedience to her Majestie , to obey the said usurped aucthoritie of Rome , and in respecte of the same to perswade great nombers to withdrawe their due Obedience to her Ma=ties= Lawes established for the due service of Almightie God : For Reformaco~n whereof , and to declare the true meaninge of the said Lawe , Bee yt declared and enacted by the aucthoritie of this p~sent Parliament , That all p~sons whatsoe~ which have or shall have or shall p~tend to have Power , or shall by any Wayes or Meanes put in practise , to absolve perswade or withdrawe any of the Queenes Ma=ties= Subject~ , or any within her Highenes Realmes and Dominions , from their naturall Obedience to her Majestie , or to withdrawe them for that entent , from the Relygeon nowe by her Highenes aucthoritie established within her Highenes Domynions , to the Romyshe Religeon , or to move them or any of them to promise any Obedience to any p~tended aucthoritie of the Sea of Rome , or of any other Prince State or Potentate , to be had or used within her Dominions , or shall doe any overte Acte to that Intent or Purpose , and everye of them , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to all Intentes adjudged to be Traitors , and being thereof lawfullye convicted shall have Judgement suffer and forfaite as in case of Highe Treason : And yf any person shall , after thend of this Session of Parliament , by any meanes be willinglye absolved or withdrawne as aforesaid , or willinglye be reconciled , or shall promise any Obedience to any such p~tended Aucthoritie Prince State or Potentate as ys aforesaid , that then everye suche p~son their Procurers and Counsellers thereunto , beinge thereof lawfullye convicted , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken tryed and judged , and shall suffer and forfaite as in cases of Highe Treason . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,657.6) And be yt lykewise enacted and declared , That all and everye person and p~sons , that shall willinglye be Ayders or Maineteyners of suche p~sons so offendinge as ys above expressed , or of any of them knowinge the same , or whiche shall conceale any Offence aforsaide , and shall not , within twentie dayes at the furthest after suche p~sons knowledge of suche Offence , disclose the same to some Justice of Peace or other higher Officer , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken tried and judged , and shall suffer and forfeyte as Offendors in Misprision of Treason . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,657.7) And be yt likewise enacted , That everye person which shall saye or singe Masse , being thereof lawfullye convicted , shall forfaite the so~me of Two hundreth markes and bee co~mitted to prison in the next Gaole , there to remaine by the space of one yeare , and from thenceforthe tyll he have paid the said so~me of CC. markes : and that everye p~son which shall willinglye heare Masse shall forfaite the so~me of one hundreth markes , and suffer ymprisoment for a yeare . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,657.8) Be yt also further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd , That every p~son above the Age of xvj yeares , which shall not repaire to some Churche Chappell or usuall Place of Common Prayer , but forbeare the same contrarye to the tenour of a Statute made in the firste yeare of her Ma=ties= Raigne for Uniformitie of Co~mon Prayer , and being therof lawfullye convicted , shall forfaite to the Queenes Ma=tie= , for everye Moneth after thend of this Session of Parliament whiche he or she $shall $so {TEXT:shallso} forbeare , twentie powndes of lawfull Englishe Money : and that over and besides the said Forfeytures , everye p~son so forbearing , by the space of xij Monethes as aforesaid , shall for his or her obstinacie , after Certificat thereof in Writinge made into the Courte comonlye called the Kinges Benche , by the Ordinarie of the Dioces , a Justice of Assisse and Gaole Deliverye , or a Justice of Peace of the Countie , where suche Offendor shall dwell or be , be bounde with two sufficient Suerties in the so~mme of two hundreth pounde at the leaste to the good Behaviour , and so to continue bounde untill suche tyme as the p~sons so bounde do conforme themselves and come to the Churche , accordinge to the true meaninge of the said Statute made in the said firste yeare of the Queenes Ma=ties= Raigne . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.9) And be yt further enacted , That yf any p~son or p~sons Bodye Pollitike or Corporate , after the Feaste of Pentecost next cominge , shall kepe or mainteyne any Scholemaster , which shall not repayre to Churche as ys aforesaid , or be alowed by the Bisshopp or Ordinarye of the Diocesse where suche Scholemaster $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} so kept , shall forfaite and lose for everye Moneth so keping him ten poundes ; Provided that no suche Ordinarye or their Ministers shall take any thinge for the said Allowaunce ; and suche Scholemaster or Teacher p~suminge to teache contrarie to this Acte , and beinge thereof lawfullye $convicted , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} disabled to be a Teacher of Youth , and shall suffer ymprisonment without Baile or Maineprise for one yeare . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.10) And be yt likwise enacted , That all and everye Offences againste this Acte , or against the Actes of the firste fifte or xiij yeares of her Ma=ties= Raigne towching acknowledging of her Ma=ties= supreme Governement in Cawses Ecclesiasticall or other Matters towchinge the Service of God , or coming to Churche or Establishement of true Religeon in this Realme , shall and maye bee inquireable aswell before Justices of Peace , as other Justices named in the same Statutes , within one yeare and a daye after everye suche Offence comitted ; Any Thinge in this Acte or in any other Acte to the contrarie notwithstandinge . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.11) Be yt likewise enacted , That Justices of Oier and Terminer and Justices of Assise and of Gaole Delyverye in their severall lymittes , shall have power to enquier heare and determine of all Offences againste this Statute , (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.12) and Justices of Peace in their open Quarter Sessions of Peace shall have power by vertue of this Acte to enquier heare and determine of all Offences against this Acte , excepte Treason and Misprision of Treason : Provided alwaye , that everye p~son guiltie of any Offence againste this Statute , other then Treason and Misprision of Treason , which shall before he be thereof indicted , or at his Arrainement or Tryall before Judgement , submit and conforme himselfe before the Bisshop of the Diocesse where he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} resident , or before the Justices where he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} indicted araigned or tried , havinge not before made like submission at any his Tryall being indicted for his firste lyke Offence , shall uppon his Recognition of such Submission in open $Assises {TEXT:Assies} or Sessions of the Countie where suche person $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} resident , be dischardged of all and everye the said Offences against this Acte , excepte Treason and Misprision of Treason , and of all Paynes and Forfeytures for the same . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.13) And be yt likewise enacted , That all Forfeytures of any sommes of Money lymited by this Acte , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} devided in three equall partes , whereof one thirde parte $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the Queenes Mat=tie= to her owne use , one other thirde parte to the Queens Ma=tie= for Releife of the poore in the Parishe where the Offence $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} comitted , to be delivered by Warraunte of the principall Officers in the Receipte of the Exchequer without further Warraunte from her Ma=tie= , and the other thirde parte to suche person as will sue for the same in any Courte of Recorde by Acc~on of Debte Byll Plainte or Informaco~n , in whiche Suite no Essoigne Protecco~n or Wager of Lawe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed ; And that everrye p~son which shall forfaite any sommes of Money by vertue of this Acte , and shall not be able or shall fayle to paye the same within Three Monethes after Judgement thereof gyven , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} comitted to pryson , there to remaine untill he have paied the said somes , or conforme himselfe to goe to Churche and there to doe as ys aforesaid . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.14) Provided also , That everye p~son whiche usuallye on the Sundaye shall have in his or their Howse the Devine Service which ys establyshed by the Lawe in this Realme , and be thereat himselfe or herselfe usuallye or most co~monlye p~sent , and shall not obstinatelye refuse to come to Churche and there to doe as ys aforesaid , and shall also fowre tymes in the yeare at the leaste be p~sent at the Devyne Service in the Churche of the P~ishe where he or she $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} resident , or in some other open Comon Churche or suche Chappell of Ease , shall not incurre any Payne or Penaltie lymyted by this Acte for not repayringe to Churche . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.15) And be yt likewise enacted and declared , That everye Graunte Conveyaunce Bond Judgement and Execuco~n had or made since the beginninge of this Session of Parliament , or hereafter to be had or made , of covenous Purpose to defraude any Interest Right or Title , that maye growe to the Queene or to any other p~son by meane of any Conviction or Judgement , by vertue of this Statute or of the said Statute of the said xiij yeare , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} and be adjudged to be utterlye voide , againste the Queene and against suche as shall sue for any parte of the said Penalties in fourme aforesaid . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.16) Provided allwaye , That yf any Peere of this Realme shall happen to be indicted of any Offense made Treason or Misprision of Treason by this Acte , he shall have his Triall by his Peeres as in other lyke cases is accustomed . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.17) Provided also , That neither this Acte nor any Thing therein conteyned shall extend to take awaye or abbridge the Aucthorite or Jurisdicco~n of the Eccle~iasticall Censures for any Cause or Matter , but that the Archebisshoppes and Bisshoppes and other Eccl~iasticall Judges maye doe and proceed as before the makinge of this Acte they lawfullye did or mighte have done ; Any Thinge in this Acte to the contrarye notwithstandinge . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,658.18) CHAPTER XVI . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,698.21) An Act for the Queenes Ma=ties= most graciouse generall and free Pardon . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,698.22) The Queenes most Excellent Majestie well perceiving and understanding that her loving Subjects by manie and sundrie wayes and meanes have of late diversly offended against the good Lawes and Statutes of this her Highnesse Realme , and thereby are fallen into grievous Paynes Forfeytures and Penalties , out of which they $can $not {TEXT:cannot} bee delivered but onely by her Majesties great Mercie ; and withall , considering that Justice and Mercie doe chiefely appertayne to her Princely Estate and Function to be delivered and distributed to her Subjects as occasion shall serve ; and at this present , her Highnesse by Gods Providence , beeing rather inclined with Mercie and Clemencie to allure provoke and stirre her Subjects to live and continue in their due Obedience towards her Majestie then otherwise by severe Justice to correct them according to their Deserts and the Severitie of her Lawes ; And having a speciall Trust and Confidence in her said loving Subjects , that they will from henceforth diligently applie and endevour themselves to serve her Majestie in all Obedience and due Observaunce of her Majesties Lawes , hath thought it convenient at this time with her Highenesse Free and Generall Pardon , to discharge her sayd Subjects of manie great Paines Forfeitures and Penalties wherewith they stand now charged and chargeable , by reason of their manifold Offences Disobedience and Contempts ; (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,698.24) And Therefore her Highnesse , of her most gratious Disposition , is contented and pleased that it bee enacted by the aucthoritie of this presente Parliament , in manner and forme followinge , that is to say ; That all and every her said Subjects , as well Spirituall as Temporall of this her Highnesse Realm of England , Wales , the Isles of Jernesey and Garnesey , and the Towne of Barwick , the Heires Successors Executors and Administrators of them and every of them , and all and singuler Bodies in any manner of wise corporated , Cities Boroughs Shires Ridings Hundreds Laths Rapes Wapentakes Townes Villages Hamlets and Tythings , and every of them , and the Successor and Successors of every of them , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} by the authority of this present Parliament acquitted pardoned released & discharged , agaynst the Queenes Majesty her Heires & Successors and every of them , of all maner of Treasons Felonies Offences Contempts Trespasses Entries Wrongs Deceits Misdemeanors Forfeitures Penalties and Sums of Money , Paines of Death , Paines Corporal and pecuniary , and generally of all other Things Causes Quarrels Sutes Judgements and Executions , in this present Act hereafter not excepted nor foreprised , which may be or can be by her Highnesse in any wise or by any meanes pardoned , before and unto the first day of January last past in this present xxiij yeere of her most gracious Reigne , to every or any of her said Subjects Bodies Corporated Cities Boroughes Shires Ridings Hundreds Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Townes Villages & Tithings or any of them . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,698.25) And also the Queenes Highnes is contented that it be enacted by the authority of this present Parliament , That her said free Pardon $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} as good and effectuall in the Law to every of her said Subjects , Bodyes Corporate , and other before rehearsed , in for and against all Things which be not hereafter in this present Acte excepted & foreprised , as the same Pardon should have ben , if all Offences Contempts Forfeitures Causes Matters Suits Quarrels Judgements Executions Penalties and al other Things , not hereafter in this Act excepted and foreprised , had beene particularly singularly specially and plainely named rehearsed and specified , and also pardoned by proper and expresse Words and Names in their Kinds Natures and Qualities , by Words and Termes thereunto requisite to have beene put in and expressed in this present Act of free Pardon ; And that her said Subjects , nor any of them , nor the Heires Executors or Administrators of any of them , nor of the said Bodies Corporate and other before named , and rehearsed , nor any of them , be nor $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} sued vexed or inquieted in their Bodies Goods Chattels Lands or Tenements , for any maner of Matter Cause Contempt Misdemeanor Forfeiture Trespasse Offence or any other Thing , suffred done or committed , before the said first day of January , against her Highnes her Crowne Dignity Prerogative Lawes or Statutes , but only for such Matters Causes & Offences as be rehearsed mentioned or in some wise touched in the Exceptions of this present Act hereafter mentioned to be foreprised & excepted , and for none other ; Any Statute or Statutes Lawes Customes or Usages heretofore had made or used to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.26) And the Queenes Highnes of her bounteous liberality , by the Authority of this present Parliament , graunteth & freely giveth to every of her said Subjects , & to every of the said Bodies Corporat and other before rehearsed , and every of them , all Goods Chattels Debts Fines Issues Profits Amerciaments Forfeitures and Sums of Money by any of them forfeited , which to her Highnes do or should belong or appartaine , by reason of any Offence Contempt Trespasse Entree Misdemeanor Matter Cause or Quarrell suffered done or committed by them or any of them before the said first day of January , which bee not hereafter in this present Act foreprised and excepted ; And that all and every the Queenes said Subjects , and all and singular Bodies Corporat and others before rehearsed , may by him or themselves , or by his or their Deputy or Deputies or by his or their Atturney or Atturneys , according to the Lawes of this Realme , plead and minister this present Act of free Pardon , for his or their Discharge of and for every Thing that is by vertue of this present Act pardoned discharged given or granted , without any Fee or other Thing in any wise paying to any person or persons for Writing or Entry of the Judgments or other Cause concerning such Plea Writing or Entry , but only xvj d. to be paid to the Officer or Clarke that shall enter such Plea Matter or Judgement for the Parties discharged in that Behalfe ; Any Law Statute Usage or Custome to the contrary notwithstanding . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.27) And Furthermore the Queenes Highnesse is contented and pleased that it be enacted by the authoritie of this present Parliament , That her saide free Pardon by the generall Words Clauses and Sentences before rehearsed , $shall {TEXT:shalll} be reputed deemed adjudged expounded allowed and taken in all maner of Courts of her Highnes and else where most beneficially and avayleably to all and singuler her said Subjects Bodies Corporate and others before rehearsed and to every of them in al things not in this present Act excepted or foreprised , without any Ambiguity Question or other Delay whatsoever it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to be made pleaded objected or alleaged by the Queene our Sovereigne Lady her Heires & Successors , or by any of their general Atturny or Atturnies , or by any person or persons for her Highnes or any of her Heires or Successors . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.28) And further it is enacted by the Queene our Sovereigne Lady by the authority of this present Parliament , That if any Officer or Clarke of any of her Highnes Courts commonly called the Kings Bench Chancery and Common Place or of her Exchequer or any other Officer or Clarke of any other of her Highnes Courts within this Realme , at any time after the last day of this present Session of Parliament , make out or write out any maner of Writs Processe Sommons or other Precepts whereby any of the said Subjects or any of the said Bodies corporated or others before rehearsed or any of them shall be in any wise arrested attached distrained sommoned or otherwise vexed inquieted or grieved in his or their Bodies Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels or in any of them , for or because of any maner of thing pardoned or discharged by vertue of this Act of free Pardon ; Or if any Shiriffe or Eschetor or any of their Deputy or Deputies or any Bailiffe or other Officer whatsoever by colour of his or their Office or otherwise , after the said last day of this present Session of Parliament doe levy receive take or withhold of or from any person or persons any thing pardoned or discharged by this Act , that then every such person so offending and thereof lawfully convicted or condemned by any sufficient Testimony Witnesse or Proofe yeeld & pay for Recompence thereof to the Party so grieved or offended therby his or their treble Damages besides all Costs of the Suite , & shal also forfeit & lose to the Queenes Majesty for every such Default , x li. : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.29) And nevertheles all & singular such Writs Processe and Precepts so to be made for or upon any maner of thing pardoned or discharged by this present Act of free Pardon , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} utterly void of none Effect . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.30) Except and alwayes foreprised out of this generall and free Pardon , all & all maner of High Treasons and other offences committed or done by any person or persons against the Queenes most Royall person , and all Conspiracies and Confederacies trayterously had committed or done by any person or persons against the Queenes Majesties Royall Person : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.31) And also excepted all and every maner of Treasons committed or done by any person or persons in the parts beyond the Seas or in any other place out of the Queenes Dominions , and also all Suites Punishments Executions Paines of Death Forfeitures and Penalties for or by reason or occasion of any the Treasons and Offences before excepted : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.32) And also excepted and foreprised out of this generall Pardon al and every Offences of Piracie and Robbery done uppon the Seas , & al & every comforting procuring or abetting of the same Offences to be had done or committed : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.33) And also excepted out of this Pardon al maner of voluntary Murders Petie Treasons & wilful Poysonings don or co~mitted by any person or persons , & al & every the Accessaries to the same Offences or any of the~ before the said Offences co~mitted : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,699.34) And also excepted out of this Pardo~ al Offences of forging & false counterfeiting of any the Monies currant within this Realme : And also al Offences of unlawfull diminishing of any the said Moneys by any way or meanes whatsoever contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme ; And also all abbetting ayding comforting or procuring of the same Offences or any of them to be committed or done ; (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.35) And also excepted out of this Pardon all Burglaries committed or done in any Dwelling House or Houses , any person or persons then being in the said House and put in feare : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.36) And also excepted all Robberies done upon or to any Man or Womans person in the High way or elsewhere , and all and singular Accesaries of or to any such Robberies before the said Robbery committed : And also all willfull Burnings of any Dwelling House or Houses , or of any Barne or Barnes wherein any Corne is : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.37) And also excepted all Rapes and carnall Ravishments of Women : And also all Ravishments and wilfull taking away or marrying of any Maide Widow or Damosell against her will , or without the Assent or Agreement of her Parents or of such as have her in Custody : And also all Offences of aiding comforting procuring or abbetting of any such Ravishment wilfull taking or marrying to be had committed or done : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.38) And also excepted all wilfull Escapes of any Traitors or Felons : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.39) And also excepted out of this Pardon all persons now attainted or outlawed of or for any Treason Petty Treason Murder Willfull Poysoning or Robbery : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.40) And also excepted all Offences of Invocations Conjurations Witchcrafts Sorceries Inchauntments and Charmes , and all Offences of procuring abetting or comforting of the same , and all persons now attainted or convicted of any of the said Offences : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.41) And also except all and every maner of taking from the Queenes Majestie of any Goods or Chattels , or the Issues Rents Revenues or Profits of any Manors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments which were of any Traitor Murderer Felon Clarke or Clarks attainted or Fugitives , or of any of them : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.42) And also except all Goods and Chattels in any wise forfeited to the Queenes Majestie by reason of any Treason Petty Treason Murder or Felony heretofore committed or done : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.43) And also except out of this generall Pardon all persons which the last day of this present Session of Parliament stand indicted of any wilfull Murder , and which yet be not acquitted or discharged thereof , and all Forfeitures and Titles of Forfeitures of any Goods Chattels Lands or Tenements that now is growen or accrued , or hereafter may grow accrue or come by any Offence or Offences committed or done by any such person or persons : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.44) And also excepted out of this Pardon all Intrusions had made or done by any such person or persons in or upon any the Manors Lands Tenements or other Hereditaments of our Sovereigne Lady the Queene , and all Wastes done committed or suffered upon any such Lands Tenements or Hereditaments , and the wrongfull taking of any the Rents Issues and Profits of the same Manors Lands Tenements or other Hereditaments of our said Sovereigne Lady the Queene , and also all Suites Accountes and Impetitions of and for the same : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.45) And also excepted out of this Pardon al Alienations of any Lands Tenements or Hereditaments without Licence , and all Fines Issues and Profits that may or ought to grow or come to the Queenes Majesty by reason of any such Alienation without Licence : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.46) And also excepted out of this Pardon all Wastes committed or done in any of the Queenes Wards Lands or in the Wards Lands of any of the Queenes Committees : And also all and every Fine and Fines for the single or double Value of the Marriage or Marriages of all & every Ward or Wards at any time heretofore growen in the Queenes Majestie or any her noble Progenitors : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.47) And also excepted all concealed Wards and the Lands of such Wards concealed , and all Liveries and Primer Sessions and Ouster le maines that ought to be had done or sued for the same : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.48) And also excepted out of this generall Pardon all Ravishments and wrongfull taking or withholding of any of the Queenes Wards or Wards Lands , or the Rents and Profits of the same at any time comen or growen to the Queenes Hands , and every other Thing that by reason of any Ward or Wards Lands ought to come or bee to the Queenes Majestie , and which as yet is not discharged : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.49) And also excepted all Fines that should or ought to grow to the Queenes Majestie of any of her Widowes that have married without License . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.50) Provided alwayes and be it enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament , That all and every person and persons which have tendered or ought to sue Livery out of our said Sovereigne Lady the Queenes Hands of or for any Manors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments whatsoever they be , shall sue his and their Livery and Liveries out of our said Sovereigne Lady the Queenes Hands of his or their Manors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in like manner and forme as they and every of them should or ought to have done if this Acte had never beene had nor made ; Any Article Thing or Things in this present Acte of generall Pardon comprised and specified to the contrary notwithstanding . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.51) And also excepted and foreprised out of the Pardon all such as the last day of this present Session of Parliament be in Prison in the Towre of London or in the Prison of the Marshalsey , or in the Prison of the Fleete , by expresse Commandement from the Queenes Majestie , or by the Commaundement of any of her Majesties Privy Councell : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.52) And also excepted out of this Pardon all and every such person and persons which at any time sithence the beginning of the Queenes Majesties Reigne , have fled out of this Realme of England , or any other the Queenes Dominions , for any Offence of High Treason Petty Treason or Misprision of Treason : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.53) And also excepted all such persons as be fled or gone out of this Realme for any Cause contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realme without the Queenes Majesties License : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.54) And also excepted all such persons as have obtained and had Licence to depart this Realme for a certaine time , and now doe abide out of the Realme without any lawfull excuse after the time of their Licence expired : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.55) And also excepted out of this Pardon all and every Concealements or wrongfull Detainements of any Custome or Subsidy due to the Queenes Majestie , and all Accounts Impetitions and Sutes to be had made or done for the same : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.56) And also excepted all and singular Accounts of all and every Collector and Collectors of any Subsidy Fifteene Custome or other Thing , & all Accounts of every other person whatsoever that ought to be accomptant to the Queenes Highnesse or to her most noble father King Henry the Eight , or to King Edward the Sixt or Queene Mary , or to any $of {TEXT:or} them , and the Heires Executors and Administrators of every such person that ought to account for all things touching onely the same Accounts , and all and singular Arrerages of Accounts , and all untrue Accounts , and all Impetitions Suites Demaunds and Executions which can or may be had of or for any Account or Accounts , or any Arrerages of the same : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.57) And also excepted all Inclosures and Decayes of Houses of Husbandry and the converting of any Land from Tillage to Pasture made done committed or permitted contrary to the forme and effect of any Statute or Statutes heretofore made : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,700.58) And also excepted and foreprised out of this Pardon all and all manner of Deceits and Offences of all and singular Moneyers and other Officers Mynters and Workemen of or in any of the Queenes Majesties Mynts within this Realm or any other her Dominions , and all Impetitions and Punishments for the same : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.59) And also excepted all Titles and Actions of Quare impedit , and all Homages Releefe and Releefes Rents Services Rent Charges Rents Secks and the Arrerages of the same not done or payed to the Queenes Highnesse : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.60) And also excepted all Penalties Titles and Forfeitures of Condition or Conditions Covenant or Covenants accrued or growen to the Queenes Majestie by reason of the Breache and not performing of any Covenant or Condition whatsoever : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.61) And also excepted all summes of Money granted to the Queenes Majestie or to any her noble Progenitors , by way or meane of Subsidy Fifteene or otherwise : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.62) And also excepted out of this Pardon all Debts which were or be due to our Soveraigne Lady the Queene or to the most noble King of famous Memory King Henry the Seventh , or to King Henry the Eight King Edward the Sixt , or to the late Queene Mary , or to any person or persons to any of their Uses , by any Condemnation Recognisance Obligation or otherwise other then such Debts as are due upon any Obligation or Recognisance forfeited before the said first day of January , for non appearance in any Court or other Place whatsoever , or for not keeping of the Place or not being of good Behaviour which Debts growen or accrued upon those Causes by this free Pardon be and $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} cleerely pardoned and discharged : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.63) And also excepted and foreprised out of this Pardon all and singular Penalties Forfeitures and summes of Money , being due or accrued to our Sovereigne Lady the Queene , by reason of any Acte Statute or Statutes , which Forfeitures Penalties and summes of Money be converted into the Nature of Debt by any Judgement Order or Decree , or by the Agreement of the Offender or Offenders : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.64) And also except all First Fruits and Tenths at this present being due to be payed to her Majestie by force of any Acte or Statute or otherwise : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.65) And also except all Penalties and Forfeitures whereof there is any good Verdict in any Sute given or past for the Queenes Majestie : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.66) And also excepted all Forfeitures and other Penalties and Profites now due accrued or growen , or which shall or may be due accrue or growe to the Queenes Majestie by reason of any Offence Misdemeanour or Contempt , or other Act or Deed had suffered committed or done contrary to any Act Statute or Statutes , or contrary to the common Lawes of this Realme , and whereof any Accion Bill Plaint or Information before the first day of this Session of Parliament hath beene exhibited commenced or sued in any of the Queenes Majesties Courts at Westminster , and is now there depending : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.67) And also excepted out of this Pardon all Offences of Perjury and Subornation of Witnesses , and all Offences of forging and counterfeiting of any false Deeds Escripts or Writings , and all procuring or counselling of any such counterfeiting or forging to be had or made : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.68) And also excepted out of this Pardon all and every Offence and Offences touching or concerning the carrying sending or conveying over the Seas or out of this Realme of any Gold Silver Jewels , or any Coyne of Gold or Silver contrary to the Lawes or Statutes of this Realme , unlesse it were or be by the Queenes Licence : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.69) And also excepted out of this Pardon all Offences of Incest Adultery and Fornication : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.70) And also excepted all Offences whereby any person may be charged with the Penalty and Danger of $Premunire {TEXT:Preminire} , & of the which Offence or Offences any person standeth already indicted or otherwise lawfully condemned or convicted : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.71) And also except out of this generall Pardon all Offences Contempts Disorders Covins Frauds Deceits and Misdemeanors whatsoever heretofore committed or done by any person or persons , and whereof or for the which any Sute by Bill Plaint or Information at any time within foure yeeres next before the last day of this present Session of Parliament , hath beene or is commenced or exhibited in the Court of Starre Chamber at Westminster , and there is yet depending : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.72) And also except and foreprised out of this Pardon all Issues Fines and Amerciaments afferred taxed set estreated or entred severally or particularly in any Court of Record at Westminster , at any time sithence the first day of Michaelmas Terme last past : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.73) And yet neverthelesse all other Fines , as well Fines pro licentia concordandi , as other set taxed estreated or entred before the said first day of Michaelmas Terme last past , And also all Issues Fines and Amerciaments , as well reall as other , either within any Liberties or without , being set taxed estreated or entred before the said first day of Michaelmas Terme , and which severally or particularly extend to the summe of Five Pound , and not above , whether they bee totted or not totted , taken to the Charge of the Shiriffe or not taken to his Charge , estreated or not estreated , or whether they be turned into Debt , or not turned into debt , and not being levied nor received by any Shiriffe Under shiriffe Bailiffe Minister or other Officer or Officers to the Queenes Majesties use before the last day of this present Session of Parliament , shall be freely clearely and plainely pardoned and discharged against the Queenes Majestie , her Heires and Successors for ever , by force of this present Acte of Free Pardon : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.74) And yet neverthelesse all Estreates of such Fines Issues and Amerciaments as be now pardoned by this Acte , and which bee already estreated forth of the Court of Exchequer , and be remaining in the Hands of the Sheriffes Under shiriffes or Bailiffes for collecting of the same Fynes Issues and Amerciaments , shall upon the returne of the same Estreates , bee orderly charged and delivered by scrowes into the Office of the Pipe in the Court of Exchequer , as heretofore hath beene accustomed , to the intent that thereupon order may bee taken that her Majestie may bee the more truely answered of all such Fines Issues and Amerciaments not by this Act pardoned , and which any Sheriffe Under sheriffe Bayliffe or other Officer or Minister hath received by force or colour of any such Extreates Processe or Precept to him or them made for the levying therof ; (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.75) And yet notwithstanding all and every Sheriffe and Sheriffes and other Accomptant upon his or their petition or petitions to bee made for the allowance of any such Fines Issues and Amerciaments as by this Act is pardoned , shall have all and every such his and their Petition allowed in his Account without paying any Fee or Reward to any Officer Clarke or other Minister for the making entring or allowing of any such Petition or Petitions ; Any Usage or Custome to the contrary thereof notwithstanding . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.76) And also except out of this Pardon all Goods Cattells Debts Actions and Suites already forfeited , or whereof $any {TEXT:any_any} Right or Title is accrued or grown to the Queenes Majestie , by reason of any Outlawry , and whereof the Queenes Majestie by her Highnesse Letters Patents hath before the last day of this present Session of Parliament made any Grant Covenant or Promise to any person or persons : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,701.77) And also except all false forging or counterfeiting of any Commission or Commissions to enquire of any Landes Tenements or Hereditaments ; and also all false forging or counterfeiting of any untrue Certificate or Returne of any Commission or Commissions obtained or gotten foorth of any Court or Courts to enquire of any Landes Tenements Hereditaments or other Things whatsoever : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.78) And also excepted out of this Pardon , all such persons that bee and remain still attainted or condemned , and not already pardoned of and for any Rebellion or levying of Warre , or of or for any Conspiracie of any Rebellion or levying of Warre within this Realme or in any the Queenes Dominions . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.79) Provided alwayes and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid , That it shall and may bee lawfull to all and every Clerke and other Officer of the Queenes Courts to award and make Writes of Capias utlegat~ at the suite of the Partie Plaintife against such persons outlawed as be pardoned by this Act , to the intent to compell the Defendant and Defendants to make answere to the Plaintife or Plaintifes at whose sute hee or they were outlawed , (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.80) {COM:missing_subject_in_text} shall sue a Write Scire fac~ against the $partie {TEXT:parties} or parties at whose sute he or they were so outlawed , before this Pardon in that behalfe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed to him that is so outlawed . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.81) Provided also that this Act of Generall Pardon shall not in any wise extend to any person or persons which the last day of this present Session of Parliament be by force of any Commandement remayening in any Prison , or in any other Place in speciall custody as persons restrained from liberty for their obstinancie and disobedience in refusing to come to the Church to heare Divine Service , or for any other Matter or Cause touching their willfull obstinancie and disobedience in causes of Religion or Doctrine now lawfully established within this Realme , but that shall be excepted and they and every of them for so long time as they shall so still continue in such their wilfull obstinacie and disobedience foreprised out of this generall Pardon ; (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.82) And yet nevertheless whensoever the said persons or any of them shall willingly submit themselves in their obedience to her Majestie , and will come to the Church to heare Divine Service , and willingly refuse their said wilfull obstinacie , and conforme themselves in the said causes of Religion and Doctrine , and continue in such their conformity and due obedience to her Majestie , according as by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme they ought to doe , then and from thenceforth all and every such person and persons so submitting and yeelding themselves in their due obedience towards her Majestie , and so continuing in the same shall forthwith be received and enabled by force of this Act to have and enjoy the full benefite of this generall Pardon as largely and fully in all respects as any other of her Majesties good Subjects have or ought to enjoyne {COM:sic} by virtue of this Act : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.83) And also except out of this Pardon , all such persons as the last day of this present Session of Parliament be and remain as persons restrained from liberty in the custody of any other person or persons in her Highnesse expresse commandement for any Offence or Offences whatever : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.84) And also except all other persons which before the said last day of this Session of Parliament have bene are or hereafter shal be upon just cause impeached or accused of or for any such like Offence or Offences , wherewith those persons now restrained as aforesaid , be or shall be justly charged ; And also all other Offences wherewith any of those persons so impeached or accused be or shall be justly charged : (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.85) And also except all Offences committed or done by any person or persons contrary to the form and effect of the Statute made in the first yere of her Majesties Reign , touching the uniformity of Common Prayer and the Administration of Sacraments in the Church , and whereof any person or persons at any time since the twentieth day of June last past have bene or is lawfully indicted or convicted . (STAT-1580-E2-P2,4,702.86)