Chapter IV . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1159.3) An Acte for the due execucion of divers Lawes and Statutes heretofore made against Rogues Vagabond~ and Sturdye Beggars and other lewde and idle p~sons (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1159.4) Whereas heretofore div~s good and necessarie Lawes and Statutes have beene made and p~vided for the ereccion of Howses of Correccion for the suppressing and punishing of Rogues Vacabond~ and other idle vagrant and disorderly p~sons , w=ch= Lawes have not wrought soe good effect as was expected , aswell for that the said Howses of Correccion have not beene buylte according as was intended , as alsoe for that the said Statutes have not beene duly and severely putt in execucion as by the said Statut~ were appointed ; For Remedy whereof , Be it enacted and established by our Soveraigne Lord the King~ Majestie and by the Lord~ Spirituall and Temporall and by the Co~mons in this p~sent Parliament assembled and by the Authoritie of the same , That all Lawes and Statutes nowe in force made for erecting and buylding of Howses of Correccion , and for punishing of Rogues Vacabond~ and other wandring and idle p~sons shall be put in due execucion . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1159.6) And be it further enacted and established by the authoritie aforesaid , That before the Feast of S=t= Michaell the Archangell w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and eleven , there $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} erected built or otherwise p~vided w=th=in ev~y Countie of this Realme of England and Wales where there is not one Howse of Correccion alredy built purchased p~vided or contynued , one or more fitt and convenient Howse or Howses of Correccion w=th= convenient Backside thereunto adjoyninge togither w=th= Milles Turnes Card~ and such like necessarie Ymplement~ to sett the said Rogues or such other idle p~sons on worke ; the same Howses to be buylt erected or p~vided in some convenient Place or Towne in ev~y Countie : W=ch= Howses $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} purchased conveyed or assured unto such p~son or p~sons as by the Justices of Peace or the more part of them in their Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden w=th=in ev~y Countie of this Realme of England and Wales upon Trust , to the Intente the same $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} used and ymployed for the keeping correcting and setting to worke of the said Rogues Vagabond~ Sturdy Beggers and other idle and disorderly p~sons . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1160.8) And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid , That if the said Howse soe to be erected purchased or p~vided , shall not be erected buylt or otherwise p~vided before the Feast of S=t= Michaell the Archangell , w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in the yeere one thousand six hundred and eleven next ensuyng the last day of this p~sent Session of Parliament , that then ev~y Justice of Peace w=th=in ev~y Countie of this Realme of England and Wales , where such Howse and Backside shall not be erected or p~vided , shall forfeite for his said Neglect Fyve Pound~ of lawfull English Money , the One Moitie thereof to be unto him or them that will sue for the same by Accion of Debt Bill Plainte or Informacion , in w=ch= Suite noe P~teccion Essoine or Wager of Lawe $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} admitted ; And the other Moitie thereof to be ymployed and bestowed toward~ the erecting buylding p~curing or p~viding the said Howse and Backside , and such necessarie Ymplement~ as aforesaid . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1160.9) And be it further enacted and established by the authoritie aforesaid , That the Justices of Peace of ev~y Countie w=th=in the Realme of England and Wales , at their Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden for their sev~all Counties next after the erecting p~viding or buylding of the said Howse or Howses , and soe from tyme to tyme or the most parte of them , shall elect no~iate and appointe at their Will and Pleasure , one or more honest fitt p~son or p~sons to be Governor or Master of the saide Howse or Howses soe to be purchased erected buylte or p~vided ; w=ch= p~son and p~sons soe chosen by v~tue of this p~sent Act , shall have Power and Authoritie to sett such Rogues Vagabond~ idle and disorderlie p~sons as $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbee} brought or sent unto the said Howse to work and labor being able from tyme to tyme for such tyme as they shall contynue and be remayning in the said Howse of Correction , and to punishe the said Rogues Vagabond~ , idle and disorderly p~sons , by putting Fetters or Gyves upon them , and by moderate whipping of them : and that the said Rogues Vagabond~ and idle p~sons , during such tyme as they shall contynue and remaine in the said Howse of Correccion , shall in noe sort be chargeable to the Countrie for any Allowance either at their bringing in or going forth or during the tyme of their Abode there , but shall have such and so much Allowance as they shall deserve by their owne Labour and Worke . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1160.10) And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid , That the said Justices of Peace of every Countie w=th=in every of their severall Devisions twice in every yeare at the least and oftener if their be occasion , shall assemble and meete togither for the better execucion of this Statute , and that some fower or fyve daies before their Assembly and Meeting , the said Justices or the more parte of them shall by their Warrant co~maund the Constables and Tithing-men of every Hundred Towne Parish Village and Hamlett w=th=in their said severall Divisions , w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} assisted w=th= sufficient Men of the same Places , to make a gen~all privy search in one Night w=th=in their said Hundred~ Townes Villag~ and Hamlett~ , for the finding out and app~hending of the said Rogues Vagabond~ wandring and idle p~sons , and that such Rogues Vagabond~ wandring and idle p~sons as they shall then fynd and app~hend in the said Search , shall by them be brought before the said Justices at their said Assembly or Meeting , there to be examined of their idle and wandring life , there to be punished , or otherwise by their Warrant to be sent or conveyed unto the said House or Houses of Correccion w=th=in the said County , appointed and p~fixed , there to be delyvered unto the Master or Governour of the said Howse , or to his Deputie or Assignee , to be sett to labor and work , at w=ch= daies and tymes of Assembly or Meeting so to be held by the said Justices of Peace , the Constables and Tything-men of every Hundred Parish Towne Village and Hamlett , shall then appeare in every their severall Divisions before the said Justices of Peace at the said Assemblies or Meeting~ , and there shall give accompt and reckoning uppon Oath in writing , and under the Hand of the Minister of every Parish , what Rogues Vagabond~ and wandring and disorderly p~sons they have app~hended both in the same Search , and also betweene every such Assemblies and Meeting~ , and howe many have bene by them punished , or otherwise sent unto the Houses of Coreccion ; which if the said Constables or Tithingmen shall neglect to p~forme , as also to convey safely all such Rogues , w=th= all other idle or disorderly p~sons at the charge of the Hundreth , as by the Justices of Peace Warrant~ $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} sent unto the Houses of Correccion in the same Countie , that then they shall forfeit such further Fynes Paines and Penalties as by the said Justices of Peace , or the most part of them , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought fitt and convenient , not exceeding the some of fortie shilling~ for every Offence . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1160.11) And for that it is convenient that the Masters or Governors of the said Houses of Correccion should have some fit Allowauce {COM:sic} and Maynten=a=nce for their Travell and Care to be had in the said s~vice , as also for the releiving of such as shall happen to be weake and sick in their Custody , and y=t= the Subjett~ of this Realme should in noe sort be overcharged to raise up Money for Stock~ to sett such on worke as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mitted to their Custody ; Be it therfore enacted and established by the Authoritie of this p~sent Parliament , That the Masters or Governors of the said Howses of Correccion , shall have such so~me of Money yearelie as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought meete by the most part of Justices of the Peace w=th=in the said Countie at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace , the same to be paid quarterlie before hand by the Treasurers appointed by one Act made in the three and forteth {COM:sic} yeare of the late Queene Elizabeth , intituled An Act for the Releif of the Poore during the tyme they the said Masters or Governors $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} imployed in the said s~vice the said Master or Governor giving sufficient Securitie for the contynuance and p~formaunce of the said s~vice , w=ch= if the said Treasorer shall neglect or refuse to p~forme , that then the said Master or Governor of the Howse of Correccion , shall have authoritie by this p~sent Acte to levy the same or soe much thereof as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} unpaid , uppon the said Treasorers Accompt , $in {TEXT:iu} such Manner and Forme as by the said Statute they the said Treasorers are appointed and authorized to levy the weekly so~me or payment being to them unpaid . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1161.12) And because great charge arriseth {COM:sic} uppon many places w=th=in this Realme by reason of Bastardie , besides the greate Dishonor of Almightie God ; Be it therefore enacted by the authoritie aforesaid , That every lewde Woman w=ch= after this p~sent Session of Parliament , shall have any Bastard w=ch= may be chargeable to the Parish , the Justices of the Peace shall co~mitt such lewde Woman unto the House of Correccion , there to be punished and sett on worke during the terme of one whole yere ; and if shee shall eftsons offend againe , that then to be co~mitted to the said House of Correccion as aforesaid , and there to remaine untill shee can put in good suerties for her good behavior , not to offend so againe . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1161.13) And for that many wilfull People fynding that they having Children , have some hope to have Reliefe from the Parish wherein they dwell , and being able to labor , and therebie to releive themselves and their Familyes , doe nev~theles ru~ne awaie out of their Parishes and leave their Famylyes upon the Parish : For remedy whereof , be it further enacted by this p~sent Parliament , and by the authoritie of the same , That all such p~sons so running away , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken and demed to be incorrigible Rogues , and endure the Paines of incorrigible Rogues ; And if either such Man or Woman being able to worke {TEXT:worke_and} shall threaten to runne away and leave their Families as aforesaid , the same beinge p~ved by Two sufficient Witnesses upon Oath before Two Justices of Peace in that Division , that then the said p~son so threatning $shall by the said Justices of Peace be sent to the Houses of Correccion unlesse he or she can put in sufficient Suerties for the Discharge of the Parish there to be delt w=th= and deteyned as a sturdy and wandring Rogue , and to be delyvered at the said Assembly or Meeting or at the Quarter Sessions and not otherwise . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1161.14) And because there $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} the more Care taken by all such Masters of the Houses of Correccion , that when the Countrey hath beene at Trouble and Charge to bringe all such disorderlie p~sons as aforesaid to their safe keeping , that then they shall p~forme their Duties in that Behalf : Be it therefore enacted by the authoritie aforesaid , That if they shall not ev~y Quarter Sessions yeld a true and lawfull Accompt unto the Justices of Peace , of all such p~sons as have beene co~mitted to their Custody , or if the said p~sons co~mitted to their Custody , or any of them , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} troublesome unto the Countrey , by going abroad , or otherwise shall escape awaye from the said House of Correccion , before they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} from thence lawfully delyvered , that then the said Justices shall sett downe such Fynes and Penalties uppon the said Masters and Governors as the most part of them in their Quarter Sessions shall thincke fitt and convenient , (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1161.15) and all Fynes and Penalties not herein before lymited $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} paid unto the Treasorer and accompted for by the Treasorer aforesaid . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1161.16) This Act to have contynuance for the space of seaven yeares , and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament after the said seven yeeres . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1161.17) Chapter X . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1167.20) An Acte for Reformacion of Alehouse Keepers . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1167.21) Wheras notw=th=standing all former Lawes and Provisions already made , the inordinate and extreme Vice of excessive Drinking and Drunkennes doth more and more abound , to the greate Offence of Almightie God , and the wastefull Destruccion of God~ good Creatures : Bee it enacted by the Authoritie of this p~sent Parliament , That if any p~son being an Alehouse Keeper after Six Weekes next ensuyng this p~sent Session of Parliament shall be lawfully convicted for any Offence or Offences , co~mitted against any of the Branches of Two former Act~ of Parliament made sithens the begynninge of this p~sent Parliament , the one intituled An Act to restraine the inordinate haunting and tipling in Innes Alehowses and other Victualing Howses , the other intituled An Act against the odious and loathsome synne of Drunkennes , that then every p~son or p~sons so convicted shall for the Space of Three Yeeres next ensuyng the said Conviccion be utterly disabled to keepe any such Alehowse . (STAT-1600-E2-P2,4,1167.23)