Thursday , that was the xxiij Day of Julii , a bowth x or xj of the cloke , the Gatys of the holy Temple of the Sepulcre war Sett opyn (TORKINGT-E1-P2,45.2) And thanne we went all to the Mownte Syon to Dyner . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,45.3) And so it appereth that we war in the Temple of the holy Sepulcre ij Dayes and ij nyghts , And never com owte the for seyd tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.4) The same Thursday at aftyr noon we toke our assys at the Mownte Syon , accompanyed with the seyd ffreres and Turkes (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.5) and rode the same nyght to Bethlem whiche ys v myle for Jherusalem . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.6) And in the high way by twyne , a bowte ij myle from Jherusalem , we com to a place wher the starre appered ageyn to the iij kynges , wherof they lost ther light at ther entre into Jherusalem wherby they rode forthe to Jherusalem . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.7) And a lytyll forther we com to a old Chirche , wher the prophete Elias was born . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.8) And ther by ys a place wher the Aungell toke vp Abacok by the fronte And bar hym to Babylon and sett hym in the lake of lyons wher Danyell the pphete {COM:no_tilde} was , and refresshed hym with mete and Drynke . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.9) Nott far thens we myght se the place in which Jacobb the patriarke , Dwellyd (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.10) And ther also we passyd fast by the Sepulcre of Rachell the wyff of the seyd Jacobe . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.11) Thanne next we cam to Bethelem , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.12) it was callyd in old tyme Effrata , wherof it ys wretyng Ecce Audivimus eum in effrata . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.13) A lytyll withowt the same Citie , towardys the Est , ys the fayer chirche of ower blyssyd lady , wher ower Savyr Criste was born , wherof $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made more mencion aftyrward . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,46.14) And bytwyne Citie and the seyd Chirche ys the flod floridus where the fayer mayd shuld a ben brent . And was Savyd harmlesse by myracle , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.15) for the fyer chaunged in to Rosis . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.16) And in thys Citie of Bethelem was kyng David born . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.17) The same thursday as we cam to thys Bethelem , and a lytyd at the Chirche of our lady a for sayd , whych ys a mervelus fayer Chirche and a rygth Sumptuos werke , the length therof ys ccxxviij fote , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.18) And the bred ys lxxxvij fote . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.19) Ther be iiij rowes or Ranges of pylers thorow the Chirche . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.20) The Sawdon was in porpuse to a removyd those pyllers , and to a caryed them to have byldyd hys paleys with the same . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.21) And for that intent he $cam {TEXT:can} to Bethlem in hys owne persone to se them take Downe . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.22) And he be held the Masons begynnyng to breke . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.23) So Deuly ther came owt of the Chirche wall with in forth ny ther the Sowdon was , an howge gret Serpent that ranne endlong vpon the ryght Syde of the Chirche wall , and scorged the seyd wall as it had be {COM:sic} sengid with fyer all the wey that he wente , whyche schorchyng ys sene in to thys Day . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.24) And with thys sygn the Sawdon a voydyd with grett fere , And all tho that war with hym , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.25) And nev sythyns he nor non other attempted to remove ony thyng ther . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,47.26) At Bethelem , comonly be v or vj friers of Mowte Syon , to kepe the holy place ther , whiche with other fryers that cam with us to Mownte Syon , Dressed them to solempne procession at our fyrst commyng , whome we folowyd to all the holy placys with in the same Monasteri , with candels light in ower handys , as all wey vsyd in other place wher ony procession was Don . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.27) And fyrst the seyd procession browght vs to a place at an Aulter in the suth yle wher our Savyr Crist was Circumsysed . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.28) And from thens we came to an other Auter on the Northe syd , wher the iij kyngs made redy ther offeryngs to present on to ower Savor Criste . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.29) And from thys place , Descendyng certayne grees of stone , we com in to a wonder fayer lityll Chapell , at the hyer auter wherof , ys the vary place of the byrth of our lord , Assigned by a sterre made in a fayer whith marble stone . Vnder the myddys of the seyd high Auter , whych byrth was Don in the self most holy place to the gretest Joy and gladnesse that ever cam to mankynde . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.30) And at thys holy place ys clene Remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.31) And ther by ys a lityll Auter sum what vnder the Rook , wher the iij kyngs offered to ower blyssyd Savyor Criste Jhu , Gold , Myrre , and Incence , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.32) and ther ys clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.33) And a lityll be for the seyd Aulter ys the Cribbe of our lord , wher ower blyssyd lady leyd hyr Dere sone be for hyr , The oxe and the Asse . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.34) clene Remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.35) And vndowtyd thys lityll Chapell of the byrthe of ower lord ys the most glorius and Devowte place that ys in the world , Somyche thot that excedith in holynesse all other places that be in this worlde . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,48.36) It ys Also of tables of fyne whith marble stonne . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.38) And the vowtys be garnyshyd with gold and byse with Diverse Storys of a substyll musyk {COM:mosaic} werke as may be . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.39) The walles also of all the body of the Chirche , from the pyllers to the Rooff , be poyntyd with storys from the begynnyng of the world of the same musyng {COM:mosaic} werkys , whyche ys the Richeest thyng that canne be Don to any wallis . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.40) How be it the seyd werkes be gretly Defauncyd , bothe in the Chirche and in the Chapell , for very pure Age , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.41) And the seyd Churche wyth all the places falleth in gret Dekay . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.42) And whanne we had vysyted thys holy Chapell , we ascendid , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.43) and come to the place wher the bodys of the holy Innocets {COM:sic} lay many yers vnknowen . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.44) Item , fast by the same Chapell , ys a nother lityll Chapell , wher Seynt Jherom was buryd , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.45) and ther ys yet hys tombe , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.46) but hys body was translat to Rome long Syns . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.47) Ther ys also another solytary Chapell under a Rooke , wher Seynt Jherom translated the bybyll in to Greke and latyn . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.48) Thys procession ended , we refressyd vs with such vitallys as we had (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.49) and restyd vs a while , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,49.50) And that Day every man gaff hym to prayer and contemplacion , visityng the holy place a for seyd . And aftyr myde night , seying and hering messis unto the tyme it was Dailyght , At which tyme the Chirche Dores war sett open by the Paynymys , by whom we war let owt , by tale , as we entred in , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.51) And thanne we visited the holy place a bowte Bethlem . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.52) ffyrst the place wher the Aungell of god apperyd to Joseph in hys Slepe , Saying , Surge et accipe puerum et matrem eius et fuge in Egiptum . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.53) At the Est ende of the Chirche of Bethlem ys A cave in the grounde , wher sumtyme stod a Chirch of Seynt Nicholas . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.54) In the same Cave Entred ower blyssid lady with hyr Sone , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.55) And hyd hyr , for ffer of kyng Herrod , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.56) the gronde ys good for Norces that lake mylk for ther Childern . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.57) Ther ys a nother place wher Sumtyme stod a Chirche of our lady , Distante from ower lady of Bethlem , v arrow shots , wher at the byrth of our lord The Aungell seyd on to the Shepperds , Anuncio vobis gaudium magnum Quia natus est hodie salvator mundi . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.58) A lityll thense ys the place wher the herdmen kepte ther watche vpon ther flock , in the houre of the nativite of ower lord , Sawe and hard the Aungellis syng , Gloria in excelsis Dei . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.59) this place ys ij myle from Bethelem . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.60) And thens , the same ffryday , that was the vigill of Seynt Jamis , we retornyd to Bethelem , to ower Dyner a geyne , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.61) and ther refresshed vs to the tyme it was paste noon . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,50.62) And so it Dothe appere hev {COM:sic} that we war saylyng in the see be twyx the Rodes and Cicyll xxiij wekes , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,65.64) and it ys but m myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,65.65) Wedynsday aftyr mydlent Sonday , that was the xvij Day of Marche , at vj of the clok at aftyr non , we toke a barke at the seyd Missena , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.67) And Rowe over a geyne to Calabrys , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.68) and so passyd by the shore by the space of a C myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.69) SatyrDay {COM:sic} , the xx Day of Marche , the aftyr non , we cam on londe not with stondyns {COM:sic} evy Day of the for seyd iiij Days at non (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.70) and at nyght we cam on londe . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.71) Passion Sonnday , aftyr masse , we hyred horse and mules to the tyme we came to Napylles , And also men to Ronne by vs on fote to bryng the horse and mules a geyne . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.72) Fryday , the xxvj Day of Marche , we cam to a fayer Citee , stondyng on the see syde , whyche ys callyd Salarno . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.73) Satyrday a for palme Sonnday , at iiij of cloke at aftyr noon , we cam to the noble Citee of Napyllys , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.74) and thanne the same Satyrday , at nyght , we hyred new fres horses to the tyme we came to Rome . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.75) At Napyllys , on palme sonnday , we hard Divne {COM:sic} servyce , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.76) Also ther ys the fayerst castyll that ever I sawe , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.77) the gatys be goodly and made of whith marlle . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.78) Also with owt the Citys ys an horse wey under neth a mownteyn , by the space of a myle , a mervelous cave in the grounde , which we rode thorow the same palme Sonnday aftyr messe towards Rome . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.79) Wedynsday , the last Day of Marche , a bowte v of the clok , at aftyr noon , we com to Rome , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,66.80) And ther we a bode Mawdleyn thursday , Good fryday , Ester evyn , Ester Day , And also Ester munday , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.81) and visityd the holy places with in the Cite and with owt . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.82) Ester munday we bowght in Rome Ryght good horse that browght vs well in to Englande . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.83) Ester tewysday , abowght x of the cloke , we Departyd from Rome . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.84) The wey from Rome it ys knowen perfyghthly I now with many Sondry persons to Englond , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.85) And ther for I Doo no wryght itt . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.86) Wedynsday , the Ascencion evyn , the xj Day of $Apyll {COM:sic} we cam to Seynt John of Amyas , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.87) ther I offerd . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.88) ffryday aftyr we came to our lady of Boleyn , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.89) and ther I offerd . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.90) SatyrDay {COM:sic} aftyr the Ascension , we com to Caleys by noon , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.91) And ther we lay all nyght , and sonnday all Day and all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.92) The same Sonnday , at nyght , we shippyd our horses at Caleys . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.93) And munday , that was the xvij Day of Apryll , we com to Dover , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.94) and lay ther all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.95) Tewysday a for whith Sonnday , we cam to Canterbury , to Seynt Thomes Messe , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.96) And ther I offeryd (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.97) and made an ende of my pylgrymage . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.98) Deo gracias . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.99) Note that be thys forseyd processe wreten of thys seyd Jurney that we Departyd owt of Inglonde the xx Day of Marche , the yer of o=r= lord God , mlccccc and xvij , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,67.100) and we came to Venyce the xxix Day of Apryll , whyche ys v wekys an v Days , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.101) And ther we lay at Venece tyll the xiiij Day of Junii , whyche ys vj wekes and iiij Dayes . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.102) The xij Day of Julii , we cam to Jaff , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.103) and so spendyd owtwardes be twyne Venyce and Jaffe on moneth and ij Dayes , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.104) And her we lay in the same Porte iij Days . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.105) Also we taryed in the holy londe vnto the xxix day of Julii , whiche Day we retornyd to ower shippe . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.106) And so it appereth that we war in the holy londe xv Dayes . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.107) The xij Day of Marche , we com to Missena , In Cecyll , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.108) And the xv Day of Apryll we com to Calys . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.109) And the xvij Day of Apryll we come to Dover , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.110) And so we war owt of Enlong in ower seyd Pylgrymage the space of an holl yer v wekys and iii Dayes . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,68.111) By the accompte $aforseyd {TEXT:a_forseyd} that it shewyth it ys ffrom Venyce to Parence , C myle . ffrom Parens to Jarra , C $myle {TEXT:mble} . ffrom Jarra to Lesena , C myle li . ffrom Lesena to Araguse , CC myle . ffrom Araguse to Corfew , CCC myle . ffrom Corfew to Modona , CCC myle . ffrom Modona to Candia , CCC myle . ffrom Candia to Rodys , CCC myle . ffrom the Rodes to Cipres , CCCC myle , ffrom Cipres to Jaff , CCCC myle . ffrom Jaff to Jherusalem , XL myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.112) Sm xxvj C myles . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.113) ffrom Englond to Venice , vij C myle . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.114) ffrom Englond to Jherusalem , iij m=l= myle and iij C. (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.115) Of the Temple of Salomon . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.117) Whyle we war thus occupyd in our pylyrymage at Jherusalem And ther a bowyt , we passyd Sundry tymes by the temple of Salomon , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.119) and often we Sawe it and behelde it with owt forth ffrom Sundry hylls , and specially from the Mownte of Olivete , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.120) ffor ther ys the most clere sight and best beholdyng ther of to them that may not entre in to it . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.121) And be twyne the Temple of Salomon and the Mownte of Olivete ys the vale of Josophat . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.122) The Sarrasyns woll sofer no Cristen men to com with in the seyd Temple . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.123) And yf he Doo he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} compellyd incontynently to for sake hys fayth and Cristendom or ellys to be put to execucion of Dethe by and bye . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.124) Ther ys also with in the circuyte of the walles of the same , an other Temple that was callyd Porticus Salomonis , whiche ys also wonder grett and large , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.125) And it ys sayd ther be continually brennyng , within Salomons Temple vij C lampes , And in porticu Salamonis viij C lampys . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.126) Thys Temple hath Sundry gatts to entre in to it , the iij gatts with in the citye , whiche I said all iij , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,69.127) An other gate ys with owt forth Estwarde toward the Mounte of Olivete , that ys callyd the goldyn gate . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.128) In at the same gate Rode ower blyssyd Savyor upon palme Sonday , Sittyng vpon the Asse . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.129) But as I sayd befor ther ys no Cristen man sufferyd to com ny it , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.130) but what so ev pylgryme loke Devowtly to wardys the same gate and be hold it with Devocion hath grauntyd to hym plenarye Remission . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.131) The Sarrasyns have thys Temple in gret reverence , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.132) and specially they worshippe ther a Rokk of Stone , whyche ys closyd a bowte with Irron , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.133) And they Rekyn it so holy that no Sarrasyn Dare towche it . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.134) How be it they com from p-ties to visit it . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.135) In the same Rook with in the sayd Temple , the Jewes kepe the Arke of god , with the reliques that Titus caryed from Rome , that ys to sey the x commaundments , Arons rodde , Moyes Roode , A vessell of gold , full of Mauna , Ornamentis for Sacryfyce , the Tabernacle of Aron , a sqware table of gold with xij precious Stonys , a box with grene Jaspys with iiij fyngerys , conteynyng the viij names of ower lorde , vij candylstykkys of golde , and An Auter of fyne gold , upon the whyche they have a cherybyn of gold xij spane longe , And a Tabernacle of golde and xij Trumpetts of sylv , A Tabernacle of Sylver and vij barley lovys , And all the other reliques that war be for the Nativite of Criste . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.136) Up on the same Rokk sleppe Jacobbe whanne he sawe Aungellys goo vp and Down , And sayd , Vere locus iste Sanctvs est et ego nesciebam . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.137) And ther the Aungell changyd Jacobs name (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.138) and callyd hym Israel . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,70.139) Item , our Savyor Criste was offeryd vpon the same stone whanne Symeon Justus toke hym in hys Armys and sayd , Nunc Dimittis svum tuum . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.140) Item , o=r= Savyor Criste sat vp on the same Rokke at xij yer of Age , in the myddys of the Doctors heryng them and opposyng them . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.141) And aftyr wardys at hys xxx yer of age , many tymes he satt vpon the same prechyng to the peple , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.142) And ther ower Savyor Criste for gaff the woman hyr synnys that was taken in Avoutry . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.143) And ther offeryd fyrst Melchesedech bred and wyne to ower lord in token of the sacrament that was for to com . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.144) And ther the Aungell Denowncyd to Zacharie the Nativite of Seynt John the Baptyst . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.145) Item , ther fell David praeying to our lord for mercy for hym self and hys peple . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.146) And with in the same Temple ys the ffountayne wher of holy wrytt seyte , Vidi aquam egredientem de templo . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.147) The iiij gate of thys Temple ys with owt the Citye , Suthest towards the Mownte Syon , (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.148) And that ys callyd Porticus Salomonis , with in the whyche gate ther ys a fayer Chirche and a large of our blyssyd lady wher she was Noryshed and browght vp to the tyme she was xiiij yer of Age . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.149) Holy scriptur spekyth moche of thys Temple whiche war to longe to wryte for this purpose . (TORKINGT-E1-P2,71.150)