This Booke sheweth at large the powers , commodities , vertues , and properties of the three most renouned and famous Preseruatives or Triacles : to weete , of the great Triacle called in Latine Theriaca Andromachi : of the Triacle Salt : and of it that is called by the name of the first finder out and maker , Mithridatium : Gathered out of Galen and Aetius , by the labours and paines of William Turner , Doctor of Phisick . (TURNER-E1-P2,E5R.2) William Turner to the gentle reader . (TURNER-E1-P2,E5V.6) Forasmvch as both Christian charity , and the common ciuil loue that euerye man oweth to his countrye , woulde and do require that all Christians and men liuing ciuilly togither in one common countrye , shoulde one helpe another with such giftes , as riches , strength and all kinde of mans helpe , if they be more richly replenished therwith than their neighbors be : Me thinke we that professe the science of Phisick , and can shewe great helpe and comfort vnto our brethren and countrymen , as wel as men of other countries , to wete , Italians , Germanes , and Spaniards haue done , might iustlye be accused of vnkindnesse , if none of vs being so many would take in hand to declare in the English tong , the manifolde and worthie vertues of the great Triacle made by Andromachus : and of the Triacle Salt , which is called in Latine Sal theriacalis . Wherefore seeing that hitherto I haue not perceiued any man to haue taken that labour in hand , for the loue that I owe vnto almightie God and his people , my countrymen of England , I will aduenture as well as I can , to declare the nature , vertue , propertie and operations of the forenamed Triacle , and also of the Triacle Salt . (TURNER-E1-P2,E6R.8) And because I am not minded to bring out any new thing of mine owne inuention , I entend for to gather the summe of this whole matter out of an olde Graecian , named Galen , the most famous writer of Phisicke that wrote this. xiiij. hundred yeare in all Europa , Asia , or Africa , and out of another famous Graecian named Aetius , a man of great learning : who gathered into a booke that is now abrode in Latin , all the most notable compositions that his predecessor noble Galen left behind him , and a great number of compositions of medicines , written before Galens time by noble Phisitions , whereof Galen made no mention : and also of no small number of excellent compositions of medicines inuented by learned Phisitions after Galens time . (TURNER-E1-P2,E6R.9) If this my paine taken in this matter shall be perceiued to be thankefull vnto them , and to be well taken , if God sende me longer life and health , I will set something more forth to the profite of all my country men , both my friendes and foes also . (TURNER-E1-P2,E6V.10) The maner of making of the great Triacle , and Triacle Salt , and Mithridatium , maye be had both in Galen to Piso , and also in Aetius . Wherefore if there be any Apothecaries of Lo~don , that dare take in hande to make these noble compositions , they may know now where to haue the~ : or if that for lacke of some simple medicines , not easilye to be had in England , they dare not aduenture vppon the making thereof : they maye haue them made already from Venice , as faithfully compounded at this time , as euer any Triacles haue bene made there these .xl. yeres . (TURNER-E1-P2,E6V.11) But now let vs reherse the vertues and properties of these excellent medicines . And first of the great Triacle . (TURNER-E1-P2,E6V.12) Galen writeth to Piso this . (TURNER-E1-P2,E7R.15) The triacle deuised by Andromachus the elder , is verye good against the biting of all wilde beastes and serpents , against poysoned medicines , against disease of y=e= stomach , shortnesse of winde , against the Colicke , against the iaundice , the dropsey , the consumption of the lunges , all kinds of crampes or drawings togither , the pleurisie , sores of the bladder , stopping of water , paines of the kidneys , pestilent diseases , and also the biting of a mad dog , if it be taken in the weight of the Beans of Egypt , with three ciathes of warme water : (TURNER-E1-P2,E7R.17) that is about the measure of foure ounces and a half . (TURNER-E1-P2,E7R.18) It is also good against the long during paines of the head , distnesse of the head , and hardnesse of hearing : (TURNER-E1-P2,E7R.19) it mendeth the dulnesse of the eyesight , (TURNER-E1-P2,E7R.20) it helpeth the falling sicknesse , and them that cast out bloud , if a man will giue it with the broth of Comfrey . (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.21) It draweth out the wormes in the guts , (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.22) it helpeth those that haue diseases of the liuer and milt , (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.23) it helpeth thorowlye the bloudie flixe , and the common flixe that commeth of the slipperinesse of the guts and stomacke , and the turning torments of the guts , especially if the guttes haue no inflammation or great burning heate in them . (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.24) Besides this , when as the body wasteth a way with to much sweating , and his strength is brought to weakenesse , & the nature of the disease will not suffer y=e= vse of wine , this triacle dru~ken , stayeth or stoppeth the sweate , (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.25) and restoreth the strength that was weakened before . (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.26) It doth also prouoke downe to women their sickenesse that hath bene long stopped , (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.27) and it doth now and then open the stopping of the issue of the mother and of the Emrodes : (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.28) for seeing that it is endued with sundrye and mengled qualities or properties , therfore it spreading abrode something & making them thin , draweth them togither , that they may be sifted out . (TURNER-E1-P2,E7V.29) It vseth for to staye other things that flowe aboue measure , by reason of the weaknesse of y=e= strength of the body , or the power retentiue or holding power , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.30) and therefore restoreth the strength againe : (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.31) and also it helpeth all diseases of the ioyntes , when as the time of increasing the disease is past , and it is come to the highest , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.32) for then thou shalte giue to drinke this triacle after thou hast made fomentations vpo~ the aking place , the which in deede shall driue away the flowing humors that are stuffed in , and shall driue backe those that woulde fall in afterwarde . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.33) This Triacle is good also for them that are of perfite health , if they take it oft . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.34) With the vse of this Triacle , I haue oft times helped those that haue the disease called in Greeke Elephantiasis , and now commonly called the lepre or leprosie , which is not in deede the lepre of the olde Grecians , neither it that the scripture makes mention of . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.35) It is not-1 onely-2 good for the bodie , but also for the minde , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.36) for if it be oft drunken , it healeth melancholyke diseases , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8R.37) and wasteth away blacke choler , by reason whereof it is also good for the Feuer Quartaine which commeth of blacke choler , otherwise called melancholy . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.38) I haue deliuered many verie easily that haue bene sicke of the Quartaine , with this remedie . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.39) For I vse first to purge the sick person by vomiting , which is done after meate , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.40) and the next daye I giue hym to drinke the iuice of wormwood , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.41) and then two houres before his fit , I giue him this Triacle , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.42) and oft times the patient is by and by deliuered from his fit . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.43) This medicine hath accustomably taken away y=e= feare of water , which of all diseases is the worst , and vseth to come to a man after he is bitten of a mad dog . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.44) They that haue this disease , are afrayde of water , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.45) and for the great drynesse that they haue within the~ , they are desirous of moysture , (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.46) but they forbeare or hold themselues from drink , bicause that they are departed from their right minde and vnderstanding , and consider not what woulde helpe them or doe them good . (TURNER-E1-P2,E8V.47) And therefore it commeth to passe that they flying & eschuing water , wither , and are drawen togither with a deadly crampe , by the reason of a hote ague that they are inwardly burnt with , and so at length die the wretchedst kinde of death y=t= can be . (TURNER-E1-P2,F1R.48) I haue vsed somtimes to put some portion of this triacle mengled with rose oyle , into the wounde that the mad dog hath made , that it might after the maner of a boring glasse , sucke and draw out from the bottome the vennome , in so much that the Triacle is not-3 onely-4 good to be taken in , but also to be layde outwardly vpon the wound , which as soone as the dog hath made with his teeth , must be launced and cut rounde about and kept open , for the space of foure dayes , that the venome may therby breth out , that the wounde be not stopped or growen vp againe . (TURNER-E1-P2,F1R.49) And for this purpose ye may make a cauterisation in y=e= wound to kepe it long open , (TURNER-E1-P2,F1R.50) but bicause the most part of men can better abide the akings than the burnings . If the wounde can be kept open with only cutting , it shall be better to let it abide so , in tender and weake persons , (TURNER-E1-P2,F1R.51) but if it wil needes grow to , then must it be kept open with burning or cauterisation . (TURNER-E1-P2,F1V.52) A man $can $not {TEXT:cannot} finde a better remedie than this triacle against the pestilence , which being also as it were a wild beast , bred of y=e= corruption of the ayre , leaping vpon men by the inbreathing of that ill breaths which destroyeth , wasteth , and maketh hauock not only of one man , but of whole tounes and Cities . (TURNER-E1-P2,F1V.53) And as Hipocrates draue away y=e= pestilence out of Athens w=t= great fires made of spice woods , and swete floures , chaunging the temperature of the aire , that men by this meanes might draw in with their breath the purified or clensed aire , for a remedye against the common euill that reigned there then : Eue~ so this Triacle like a scouring or purging fire , will not suffer them that take it in before they be infected , to be infected at al : (TURNER-E1-P2,F1V.54) and deliuereth them that are infected already , if they take it in afterward , chaunging the malicious poyson of the aire which they haue receyued by breath . (TURNER-E1-P2,F1V.55) And suffereth not the disease to spread any further . Wherfore I counsel thee , euen whe~ as thou are in thy best helth , to vse oft this Triacle . But especially when thou makest thy iorney in the winter . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.56) And this Triacle strengtheneth also the wittes or senses . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.57) It quickeneth the minde or vnderstanding , (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.58) and so defendeth the body , by reason of the mixture , that it suffereth not the bodye to be ouercome by anye poyson or venemous drink or potion . As it is reported of king Mithridates , who defended himselfe so , not with the great triacle , which at that time was not , but with a preseruatiue of his owne making , which after his owne name was called Mithridatium , that he could not be ouercommed with any poyson , (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.59) a man must vse this Triacle after he hath perfitely digested . Somtime in the quantity of a beane of Egypt with three ounces & a halfe of water . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.60) And somtime when he hath more time to digest the medicine , he may take the quantitie of a Hasel nut , with four ounces & a halfe of water . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.61) But I would counsell no body to take this triacle in the heate of Sommer . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2R.62) Neyther ought it to be taken oft and much , of them that are not of flourishing or lusty age , neither of the~ that are of hote natures or complexions : (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.63) I counsell also that they whose yeres turne towards age doe take it oft and much , not with water but with wine . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.64) Children in no case ought to receiue this medicine , bicause it will dissolue or lose in pieces their bodies . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.65) For I remember that I saw once a little boy , who by the vnseasonable vsing of thys Triacle , fell into a palsey . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.66) Of the Triacle Salt . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.68) The Triacle Salt is a medicinall Salt , made of diuers excellent herbes , and of burnt Salt and burnt Vipers , or else of the trochiskes of Vipers being burnt . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.70) And the composition of this Salt , is found both in Galen and also in Aetius . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.71) Galen writeth thus of the triacle Salt : not word for word but in sentence , as I am ready for to proue , if any may holde the contrarye . (TURNER-E1-P2,F2V.72) The triacle Salt saith Galen is good for the same diseases , poisons , bitings and other things that the great Triacle is good for , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.73) but it worketh not so effectuously nor in so short a time . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.74) Some peraduenture will thinke that the vertue of Triacle Salt shall soone vanishe awaye , bicause the Vipers which are the principall grounde of the medicine are burned , and thereby leese their strength : (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.75) but that is not true , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.76) for manye things by reason of the fire are made better , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.77) or else declare their nature that lurketh . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.78) We melt or trie golde by the fire , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.79) and it that is counterfeit golde , is betrayed thereby , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.80) and it that is good golde , is declared to be good , by the triall of the fire . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.81) And iron also is made soft by the fire and bowable , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.82) and so is made fit for many things necessary for mans life . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.83) Are not also manye things that we receyue inwardly for the nourishment of our bodies made better by y=e= help of the the fire ? (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.84) Galen rehearseth examples of diuerse other things which are made better by burning of them in the fire . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.85) And so hee sayth , that all Vipers burnt whole , do put away their poyson that they had before , & are made holsome by the fire . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3R.86) Although the triacle Salt be good for manye other things , yet properly and especially it helpeth those diseases that rise in the vttermost part of the skin : as the scuruye euill that goeth through the skin into the flesh , and maketh it of a white colour , the common lepre of the Grecians and scripture , and the Wild scabby or scuruy euil . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.87) And it driueth awaye lice that breede of corruption , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.88) and besides these , it scoureth the teeth verye well , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.89) and suffereth them not to be eaten thorow , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.90) and it strengthneth the gummes that are lose , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.91) and holdeth downe or stoppeth the flowing and the rotting of them . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.92) Of the Triacle Salt : out of Aetius . (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.94) The Triacle Salt is good for all things that the great Triacle is after a moderate maner , (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.96) and sheweth his profite by continuall vsing of it : (TURNER-E1-P2,F3V.97) howbeit there are some that denie vtterly that it hath any power to helpe or doe any good , alledging that the propertie of the Vipers is destroyed by the burning , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.98) but I dare affirme that although the Triacle Salt hath not so great vertues as the great Triacle hath : yet neuertheless that it looseth not his strength by the comming into the fier {COM:sic} . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.99) For there are manye things which are found and perceyued to be better for that they haue bene in the fier , as golde , lime , and such like . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.100) For Vipers burnt whole in the fier , put away by the reason of the fier , their more strong and hurtfull {TEXT:hurfull} propertie , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.101) and take of the fire their holesome temperature and right propertie . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.102) The Triacle Salt is chieflye commended in helping the diseases of the skin , as the white Morphew , y=e= Lepre of the Grecians , and Scripture , the wilde scurfe , and the sickenesse now commonlye called the Lepre , which in deede is not the Lepre , but Elephantiasis , the black morphew , wilde scabbes , thinnesse and falling of the heare , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.103) for it doth awaye by and by such euilles or griefes of the skin (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.104) and driueth awaye verye well sharp excrements , being in plenty vnder the skin . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4R.105) The vse of this Salt driueth out sweats of many , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.107) and so by the sweating , the rotten substance is emptied out : in so much that certaine drawe out lice in the beginning , within .14. dayes after the vse of this medicine at the most , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.108) & afterwards there appeared no more anye lice , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.109) but some in stede of lice , cast out flemmy spitting , beginning first with the casting out of the Salt : (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.110) and then within a little while after , when the spittell is purged out , it is stopped . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.111) Ye may vse it as well at dinner , as at supper , with what soeuer kinde of meate ye list to take it , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.112) neither shall ye neede to prouoke anye man further , to the receuing of it . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.113) For there is such pleasauntnesse in it , that a man might saye , it were rather made for pleasure , than for other intentes . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.114) A man may take the quantitie of three spoonfuls in one daye , especially if the meate be well digested in the stomach before . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.115) They that eate it haue a better digestion , and a greater appetite to their meate , (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.116) and they haue a more florishing or lustie body , and all their wittes or senses lustier and fresher . (TURNER-E1-P2,F4V.117) It dissolues suffusions that are yet beginning , and not fully growen togither . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.119) Neyther shall any man be in daunger of suffusio~ that vseth them dayly . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.120) The same prouoketh the monethlye disease of women , that are stopped by reason of a clustering or stopping co~geling of the bloud , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.121) the same stayeth and stoppeth the outrageous and large flowing of the same . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.122) Whosoeuer will take it afore hand , shall ouercome all the lying in waite of beasts that cast out poyson , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.123) neither when a man is hurt with the venome alreadye , & take the Salt by and by after , shall run into any daunger thereby , especially if he haue prepared , or as it were seasoned the complexion of his body a long time before , by the vsing of this Salt . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.124) It is good to {COM:illegible} for succour vnto this helping medicine , which driueth away the euill in the beginning of the Pestilence , especiallye if thou menge withall some part of Tamariske . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.125) Furthermore the triacle Salt is good phisicke for the most part of all diseases , and especially for such as are in the kidneys , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5R.126) for it breaketh the stones that are in them , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.127) and when they are sore weakened , restoreth and maketh them freshe againe . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.128) There can no like medicine be giuen , to helpe the disinesse of the head , & headaches , and to the falling sickenesse , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.129) vnto this if a man will take it plenteouslye , for the space of a yeare , I haue knowen olde iaundices , and those that haue hadde yll nultes , and men diseased with the Colike , which fell oft into that disease , to haue bene holpen by this Salt . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.130) And I haue dried vp the dropsy with it , especially it that goeth betwene the fell and the fleshe . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.131) And I haue driuen away the disease of insatiable hunger , which is called in greke Bulinos , w=t= this salt : (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.132) & also if it be eaten , it helpeth those that go in colde ayre , that they take no harme therby . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.133) It stayeth continuall quiuerings or shaking , that come to one by courses , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.134) and drieth vp moyst horce and coughes . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.135) This Salt sprinkled vppon the meate bringeth them that were consumed with a consumption , to the right state again , (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.136) and maketh them that are losed by weaknesse , to amende agayne . (TURNER-E1-P2,F5V.137) For I knowe manye that haue had all their members losed , that is to saye stricken with a palsey , restored to their perfite helthe againe . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.138) This etable Salt a man woulde thinke that it were onely made for them that beginne to haue the goute , (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.139) and for all them that haue anye disease of the ioyntes , it helpeth them so spedilye . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.140) A man can not well expresse howe much this Salt will staye and hinder olde quarteyns , and dotings or madnesse , that ryse of melancholye , if it be taken before the fittes , or in the space betweene the fittes , (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.141) it killeth also all kinde of wormes , (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.142) it is also verye good to rub the teeth , speciallye the great teeth , (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.143) for it doth make the teeth not onely the whiter , (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.144) but also strengthneth them , so that no tooth shal moue or be losed after , nor eaten thorow , nor set on edge . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.145) It draweth also out of the head y=e= great plenty of humors , (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.146) & purgeth it (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.147) and maketh the eies lighter . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.148) The phisition must occupie this triacle Salt after diuers maners and wayes : (TURNER-E1-P2,F6R.149) as for an example . If he will giue this Salt to one that spitteth bloud , let him put the first part of Comfrey brused and sifted , to one proportion or quantitie of this Salt : as to fiue spoonefuls of the Salt , one of Comfrey . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6V.150) In the curing of them that are sick in the consumption of the lungs , called the ptisick , and them that haue matter running out of the breasts : y=e= phisition must put also to one part of the Salt , sixe parts of Oris pouder , or Dittamy of Candy . To the~ that are diseased in the liuer , Ground pine , to them that are diseased in the milt , the roote of Swines head , called Cyclamem , or the barkes of Capers , or put vnto the sixt part of pepper . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6V.151) If thou wilt dresse it for them that haue the gout , take awaye the halfe of the prescribed weight of Satirion , taking good heede that thou stirrest not vp furious pleasures , & such as lose the ioynts in them . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6V.152) But the Salt will breake the stone in the kidneys , most of all if it haue mixed with it y=e= fruit of Balsamum or Gru~mellsede . (TURNER-E1-P2,F6V.153) If thou wilt make a stronger power against poisons , thou shalt double y=e= quantitie of Scordiu~ , otherwise called Water Germaunder , and Horehound , in the making of the Salt : (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.154) and beside that , thou shalt adde dried Duckes bloud . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.155) It will be better for them that are bitten of a mad dog , if they put vnto it the rootes of Piony or burnt Crabbes . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.156) The Salt wil be good for them that haue their neckes growen backwarde , by reason of drawing togither of the sinewes , if they can abide to haue a little Castoreum , and Opopanax , mixed with it . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.157) It cleareth and maketh sharp the eye sight , if thou put in thy Salt y=e= leaues of Malabathrum , in double quantitie . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.158) It helpeth y=e= digestions of meate , if there be put in it a sufficient quantitie of Cassia , and Costus , for the swelling that commeth of winde . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.159) Put Commin to it , (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.160) it will prouoke brine or water in greater plentie , if thou put of y=e= seede of Dancus to it . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.161) It will deliuer a man sooner from the quartein if right vp growing Veruin and Agrimonie , and the iuice of Cireneik or Laser it selfe be mixed with it . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7R.162) But to tell the summe of the matter shortly . Whatsoeuer thou knowest to be holesome and good for the diseased member , mixe that with the Salt : either in the making of it , or in the quantitie that thou entendest to giue in . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7V.163) But we must not giue it to them that are with childe , nor to sucking children , neither to other little children , neyther to them that are of a hoter complexion , and especially not in Summer , neyther to them that haue a sharpe and a drie ague in any case . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7V.164) Hitherto haue I written of the great Triacle and the Triacle Salt : (TURNER-E1-P2,F7V.165) but bicause there are many excellent vertues , helpes , and remedies that may be had also of the noble preseruatiue medicine called Mithridatium , bearing the name of Mithridates the king , who inuented it , I thinke I shall doe well also to declare to such as vnderstand no Latine , the vertues , properties , remedies , and helpes , that maye be had of that preseruatiue : which maye be taken with much less ieopardie , then the great Triacle can be taken . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7V.166) Yea maye take at the most , the quantitie of a hasell nut of this medicine . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7V.167) They that are come to full age may take the qua~titie of a beane of Grecia , which is called Lotos . (TURNER-E1-P2,F7V.168) This quantitie may be encreased or diminished in y=e= middle ages , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.169) and they that haue no ague maye take it with wine , or with honied wine , or sugared wine , or with spiced wine , if that they haue a stopped liuer . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.170) But they that are agewish , muste take it with water , or Mede . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.171) It is verie good for old reumes that flow downe into the stomach and brest , and for all impostumes , and deepe old exulcerations or wearing of the skin that are far and depe in the bodye . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.172) It is good for them that are in a consumption , and them that haue great plentie of winde in their bellies , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.173) and it helpeth the common flix , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.174) it mendeth the dull appetite , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.175) and bringeth a freshe appetite againe . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.176) And maketh a mans body haue a good color , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.177) it breaketh the stone , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.178) it helpeth them that $can $not {TEXT:cannot} but with great paine make water , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.179) and suffereth not melancholy to be gathered togither . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.180) It sharpeneth their sight that receiue it , (TURNER-E1-P2,F8R.181) if it be taken afore hande , it hath a great power to hinder or let that a man not be hurt with any kinde of deathlye poyson , for the which cause it was first ordeyneth and inuented of King Mithridates . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8V.182) An Admonition of William Turner to the Reader . (TURNER-E1-P2,F8V.184) Although both Galen and Aetius hath giuen sufficient warning vnto all me~ & women , at what times , in what ages , complexions , and in what diseases these medicines may be hurtfull or holesome to the receyuers of it : yet marking the great dull grossenesse of many English men that $can $not {TEXT:cannot} vnderstand it , that is plainly spoken , and the foolish hardynesse of other some that care not for sufficient warning , but will boldlye become murtherers of themselves , by misusing of Gods creatures , not vsing them by the aduise of almightie Gods seruauntes and officers the learned Phisitions , but out of time , and out of measure take them in , without al discretion , folowing onelye their owne aduise or els the counsell of some doting olde Gooddame , or some craking Cremer , or prating runnagate Pedlar , I $can $not {TEXT:ca~not} think my self sufficie~tly discharged , except I giue warning to all men and women that will vse these medicines , that they take the~ not in rashly and unaduisedly , without the aduise and counsell of a learned phisition , who may tell them , whether they be agreeing for their natures and complexions and diseases or no . The which thing if they will not doe , neither will learne in what quantitie they ought to be taken , neither what persons , of what ages , neither at what times they ought to be taken , doubtlesse , I thinke that it will chaunce sometime , that the most precious medicines shall turne in to their owne destructions . (TURNER-E1-P2,G1R.186) Let no man now say but he is sufficiently warned . (TURNER-E1-P2,G1R.187) The great Triacle & the Mithridatium may be had wel , euen of the best making , of the most part of y=e= Apothecaries of the citie of London : and sometimes of other that trauaile to Venice , (TURNER-E1-P2,G1R.188) all these three sortes are nowe lately made and dressed in the famous Citie of Venice . (TURNER-E1-P2,G1V.189) The names of diseases and griefes that maye be healed by the great Triacle , called Theriacas Andromachi , as Galen writeth in his booke vnto Piso . (TURNER-E1-P2,G1V.191) The bitting of all venemous beasts and serpents . All kinde of poysons and poysened drinkes . The diseases of the stomach . Shortnesse of winde . The Colicke . The Iaundise or Guelesought . The Dropsey . The consumption of y=e= Lungs or ptisick . All kinde of Cramps , or drawings togither , or shrinking of sinewes . The pleuresey or side ague with a stitch , and spitting of bloud , and vlcerations . Sores of the bladder . Stopping of water or brine . Paines of the kidneys . Pestilence , and pestilent diseases . The biting of a mad dog . Olde headaches . Disinesse of the head . Hardnesse of hearing . The dulnesse of the eye sight . The falling sicknesse . Vomiting of bloud . Wormes in the guttes . The diseases of the Liuer . The diseases of the Milt . The bloudie flix . The common flix . The turning torments of the guttes . Wasting away with to much sweating . The stopping of womens monthly sicknesse . The stopping of the mother . The stopping of the Emrodes . All superfluous flowings of the body . All diseases of the ioyntes . Poysoning , and falling to perilous diseases . The common Lepre called Elephantiasis . The disease of the minde that came of melancholye . All melancholicke diseases . Plentie of choler : called melancholy . The quartaine ague . The feare of water after the biting of a mad dog . The weakenesse of the wittes or senses . (TURNER-E1-P2,G2R.193) The names of the diseases and griefes that maye be healed by the Triacle Salt : according vnto the learning of Galen and Aetius . (TURNER-E1-P2,G2R.195) All the diseases of the skin , but chiefly those that follow . The white Morphew . The Lepre of the Grecians and scripture . The wilde scurfe . The common Lepre , called in Latin Elephantiasis . The blacke morphew . Wilde crabbes . The falling of the heare . Thinnesse of the heares . Stopping of sweate . Ouermuch plentie of flegmaticke excrements . Lacke of digestion . Lacke of appetite . Dulnesse of senses or wittes . Suffusions that breede the hawe , and pearle in the eye , called of some Cataracta . Stopping of venemous diseases . The outrageous flowing of venemous diseases . The biting of venemous beasts and serpentes . The pestilence and contagious aire . The disease of the kidneys . The debilitie and weakenesse of the kidneys . Olde headaches . The falling sicknesse . The Iaundice . The diseases of the Milt . The Colicke . The dropsey . The vnsatiable hunger called Bulimos . The cold y=t= a ma~ taketh in cold weather . Shakings and tremblings , that come before agues . Consumptions , Ptisicks , and wastings of the bodye . The Palsie and weaknesse of the ioints , and other members . The Goute . All diseases of the ioyntes . Olde quartaines . Dotings , and madnesse that come of melancholie . All kinde of wormes that breede within a man . The rotting & other diseases of the teeth . Rheumaticke humors in the head . Certaine diseases of the eyes . (TURNER-E1-P2,G3R.197) The Names of the diseases that may be healed by the noble preseruatiue medicine called Mithridatium , as Galen and Aetius and all other learned Phisitions , that wrote after them of such matter , do beare witnesse in their writings . (TURNER-E1-P2,G3R.199) The stopping of the Liuer . Olde reumes flowing downe into the stomacke and brest . Impostumes . Deepe Ulcerations , and of scraping of the skin that are farre in the body . Consumptions and Ptisicks . Windynesse in the body . The common flixe . The dull appetite . Euill fauored color of the face and other places of the body . The stone . Hardnesse and painefulnesse in making of water . Gathering together of melancholy . Dulnesse of the eye sight . All deadly poyson . (TURNER-E1-P2,G4R.202) Finis . (TURNER-E1-P2,G4R.203)