THE FIRST CHAPTER OF DEUTERONOMYE . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.3) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.5) These be the wordes which Moses spoke vnto all Israel , on the other syde Iordayne in the wildernesse and in the feldes by the red see , betwene Phara~ a~d Tophel , Laban , Hazeroth and Disahab 2 .xii. dayes iurney from Horeb vnto Cades bernea , by the waye that leadeth unto mount Seir . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.6) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.7) And it fortuned the first daye of the .xi. moneth in the fortieth yere , that Moses spake vnto the childern {COM:sic} of Israel acordinge vnto all that the Lorde had geuen him in commaundment vnto them , 4 after that he had smote Sihon the kynge of the Amorites which dwelt in Hesbon , and Og kynge of Basan which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.8) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.9) On the other syde Iordayne in the londe of Moab , Moses begane to declare this lawe saynge : 6 the Lorde oure God spake vnto vs in Horeb sayenge : 7 Ye haue dwelt longe ynough in this mount : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.10) departe therfore (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.11) and take youre iurney (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.12) and goo vnto the hilles of the Amorites and vnto all places nye there vnto : both feldes , hilles and dales : and vnto the south and vnto the sees syde in the londe of Canaan , and vnto libanon : euen vnto the greate ryuer Euphrates . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.13) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.14) Beholde , I haue set the londe before you : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.15) goo in therfore (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.16) and possesse the londe which the Lord sware vnto youre fathers Abraham , Isaac and Iacob , to geue vnto them and their seed after them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.17) 9 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.18) And I sayde vnto yov {COM:sic} the same season : I am not able to bere you myselfe alone . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.19) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.20) For the Lorde youre God hath multiplyed you : so that ye are this daye as the starres of heauen in numbre (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.21) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.22) the Lorde god of youre fathers make you a thousande tymes so many moo as ye are , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.23) and blesse you as he hath promysed you (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.24) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.25) how sayde I can I myselfe alone , beare the combraunce , charge and stryffe that is amonge you : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.26) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.27) brynge therfore men of wisdome and of vnderstondinge and expert knowne amonge youre trybes , that I maye make them ruelars ouer you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.28) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.29) And ye answered me (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.30) and sayed : that which thou hast spoken is good to be done . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.31) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.32) And then I toke the heedes of youre trybes , men of wysdome and that were expert , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.33) and made them ruelers ouer you : captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes ouer fyftye and ouer ten , and officers amonge youre trybes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.34) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.35) And I charged youre Iudges the same tyme sayenge : heare youre brethern (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.36) and iudge righteously betwene euery man and his brother and the straunger that is with him . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.37) 17 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.38) Se that ye knowe no man in Iudgement : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.39) but heare the small as well as the greate (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.40) and be afrayed of no man , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.41) for the lawe is Gods . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.42) And the cause that is to harde for you , brynge vnto me (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.43) and I will heare it . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.44) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.45) And I commaunded you the same season , all the thinges which ye shulde doo . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.46) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.47) And then we departed from Horeb (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.48) and walked thorow all that greate and terreble wildernesse as ye haue sene alonge by the waye that ledeth vnto the hilles of the Amorites , as the Lorde oure God commaunded us , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.49) and came to Cades bernea . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,1D.50) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.52) And there I sayed vnto you : Ye are come vnto the hilles of the Amorites , which the Lorde oure God doth geue vnto us . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.53) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.54) Beholde the Lorde thi God hath sett the londe before the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.55) goo vpp (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.56) and conquere it , as the Lorde God of thy fathers sayeth vnto the : feare not , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.57) nether be discoraged . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.58) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.59) And then ye came vnto me euery one (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.60) and sayed : Let us sende men before us , to serche us out the londe and to brynge us worde agayne , both what waye we shall goo vpp by , and vnto what cities we shall come . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.61) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.62) And the sayenge pleassed me well (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.63) and I toke .xii men of you , of euery trybe one . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.64) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.65) And they departed (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.66) and went vp in to the hye contre (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.67) and came vnto the ryuer Escoll , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.68) and serched it out , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.69) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.70) and toke of the frute of the londe in their hondes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.71) and brought it doune vnto us (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.72) and brought us worde agayne (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.73) and sayde : it is a good lande which the Lorde oure God doeth geue us . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.74) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.75) Notwithstondinge ye wolde not consente to goo vpp , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.76) but were dishobedient vnto the mouth of the Lorde youre God , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.77) 27 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.78) a~d murmured in youre tentes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.79) and sayde : because the Lorde hateth us , therfore he hath brought us out of the londe of Egipte , to delyuer us in to the handes of the Amorites and to destroye us . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.80) 28 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.81) How shall we goo vpp ? (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.82) Oure brethern haue discoraged oure hartes sayenge : the people is greater and taller than we , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.83) a~d the cities are greatte and walled euen vpp to heauen , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.84) and moreouer we haue sene the sonnes of the Enakimes there . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.85) 29 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.86) And I sayed vnto you : dreade not nor be afrayed of the~ : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.87) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.88) The Lorde youre God which goeth before you , he shall fyghte for you , acordynge to all that he dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eies 31 a~d in the wildernesse : as thou hast sene how that the Lorde thy God bare the as a man shulde beare his sonne , thorow out all the waye which ye haue gone , vntill ye came vnto this place . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.89) 32 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.90) And yet for all this sayenge ye dyd not beleue the Lorde youre God 33 which goeth the waye before you , to serche you out a place to pitche youre tentes in , in fyre by nyght , that ye myghte se what waye to go and in a cloude by daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.91) 34 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.92) And the Lorde herde the voyce of youre wordes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.93) and was wroth (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.94) and swore sayenge , 35 there shall not one of these men of this frowarde generation se that good londe which I sware to geue vnto youre fathers , 36 saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.95) he shall se it , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.96) and to him I will geue the londe which he hath walked in a~d to his childern , because he hath contynually folowed the Lorde . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.97) 37 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.98) Likewise the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes sayenge : thou also shalt not go in thither . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.99) 38 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.100) But Iosua the so~ne of Nun which stondeth before the , he shall go in thither . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.101) Bolde him therfore (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.102) for he shall deuyde it vnto Israel . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.103) 39 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.104) Moreouer youre childern which ye sayed shulde be a praye , and youre sonnes which knowe nether good nor bad this daye , they shall goo in thither (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.105) a~d vnto them I will geue it , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.106) a~d they shall enioye it . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,20D.107) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.109) But as for you , turne backe (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.110) and take youre iurneye in to the wildernesse : euen the waye to the reed see . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.111) 41 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.112) Than ye answered (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.113) and sayed vnto me : We haue synned agenst the Lorde : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.114) we will goo vp and fyghte , acordinge to all that the Lorde oure God co~maunded us . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.115) And whe~ ye had gyrde on euery man his wepons of warre and were ready to goo vp in to the hilles , 42 the Lorde sayed vnto me : saye vnto the~ , se that ye go not vp and that ye fighte not , for I am not amo~ge you : lest ye be plaged before youre enemies . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.116) 43 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.117) And whe~ I told you ye wold not heare : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.118) but disobeyed the mouth of the Lorde , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.119) and went presumptously vp in to the hilles . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.120) 44 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.121) The~ the Amorites which dwelt in those hilles , came out agenst you (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.122) and chased you as bees doo , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.123) and hewed you in Seir , eue~ vnto Horma . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.124) 45 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.125) And ye came agayne (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.126) and wepte before the Lorde : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.127) but the Lorde wolde not heare youre voyce nor geue you audience . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.128) 46 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.129) And so ye abode in Cades alo~ge season , acordinge vnto the tyme that ye there dwelt . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,I,40D.130) THE .II. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.133) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.135) Then we turned (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.136) and toke oure iurney in to the wildernesse , euen the waye to the red see as the Lord co~maunded me . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.137) And we compassed the mountayns of Seir a lo~ge tyme (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.138) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.139) The~ the Lorde spake vnto me saienge : 3 Ye haue co~passed this mountayns {COM:sic} lo~ge ynough , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.140) turne you northwarde . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.141) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.142) And warne the people sayenge : Ye shall goo thorow the costes of youre brethern the childern of Esau which dwell in Seir , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.143) and they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} afrayed of you : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.144) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.145) But take good hede vnto youre selues that ye prouoke the~ not , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.146) for I wil not geue you of their lo~de , no not so moch as a fote breadeth : because I haue geue~ mount Seir vnto Esau to possesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.147) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.148) Ye shall bye meate of the~ for money to eate , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.149) and ye shall bye water of the~ for money to dri~ke . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.150) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.151) For the Lorde thy God hath blessed the in all the workes of thine ha~de , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.152) a~d knew the as thou we~test thorow this greate wildernesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.153) Moreouer the Lorde thi God hath bene with the this .xl. yeres , so that thou hast lacked nothinge . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.154) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.155) And whe~ we were departed from oure brethern the childern of Esau which dwelt in Seir by the felde waye from Elath a~d Ezion Gaber , we turned (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.156) a~d went the waye to the wildernesse of Moab . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.157) 9 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.158) The~ the Lorde sayed vnto me se that thou vexe not the Moabites , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.159) nether prouoke the~ to batayle (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.160) for I will not geue the of their lo~de to possesse : because I haue geue~ Ar vnto the childern of loth to possesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.161) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.162) The Emimes dwelt there $in {TEXT:in_in} tymes past , a people greate , many a~d tal , as the Enakimes : 11 which also were take~ for geantes as the Enakimes : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.163) And the Moabites called the~ Emymes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.164) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.165) In like maner the Horimes dwelt in Seir before time which the childern of Esau cast out , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.166) a~d destroyed the~ before them (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.167) and dwelt there in their stede : as Israel dyd in the londe of his possessio~ which the Lorde gaue them (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.168) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.169) Now ryse vpp sayed I (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.170) a~d get you ouer the ryuer Zared : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.171) a~d we went ouer the ryuer Zared . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.172) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.173) The space in which we came from Cades bernea vntill we were come ouer the ryuer Zared was .xxxviii. yeres : vntill all the generacion of the men of warre were wasted out of the host as the Lorde sware vnto the~ . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.174) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.175) For in dede the hande of the Lorde was age~st the~ , to destroye them out of the host , till they were consumed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.176) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.177) And as soone as all the men of warre were consumed and deed from amonge the people , 17 then the Lorde spake vnto me sayenge . 18 Thou shalt goo thorow Ar the coste of Moab this daye , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.178) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.179) and shalt come nye vnto the childern of Ammon : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.180) se that thou vexe them not , nor yet prouoke them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.181) For I will not geue the of the londe of the childern of Ammon to possesse , because I haue geuen it vnto the childern of loth to possesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,1D.182) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.184) That also was taken for a londe of geauntes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.185) and geauntes dwelt therin in olde tyme , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.186) and the Ammonites called them Zamzumyms . 21 A people that was great , many and taule , as the Enakyms . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.187) But the Lorde destroyed them before the Ammonites , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.188) and they cast them out (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.189) and they dwelt there i~ their steade : 22 as he dyd for the childern of Esau which dwell in Seir : eue~ as he destroyed the horyms before them , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.190) a~d they cast them out (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.191) and dwell in their steade vnto this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.192) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.193) And the Avims which dwelt in Hazarim eue~ vnto Aza , the Caphthoryms which came out of Caphthor destroyed them (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.194) and dwelt in their rowmes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.195) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.196) Ryse vp , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.197) take youre yourney (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.198) and goo ouer the ryuer Arnon . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.199) Beholde , I haue geuen in to thy ha~d Siho~ the Amorite kynge of Hesbo~ , a~d his londe . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.200) Goo to (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.201) and conquere (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.202) and prouoke hi~ to batayle . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.203) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.204) This daye I will begynne to send the feare and dreade of the vppon all nacions that are vnder al portes of heauen : so that whe~ they heare speake of the , they shall tremble and quake for feare of the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.205) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.206) Then I sent messengers out of the wildernesse of kedemoth vnto Syhon kynge of Hesbon , with wordes of peace saynge : 27 Let me goo thorow thy londe . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.207) I will goo allweyes alonge by the hye waye (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.208) and will nether-1 turne vnto the righte hande nor to the left . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.209) 28 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.210) Sell me meate for money for to eate , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.211) and geue me drinke for money for to drynke : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.212) I will goo thorowe by fote only 29 as the childern of Esau dyd vnto me whiche dwell in Seir and the Moabites whiche dwell in Ar vntyll I be come ouer Iordayne , in to the londe which the Lorde oure God geueth vs . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.213) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.214) But Sihon the kinge of Hesbon wolde not let vs passe by him , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.215) for the Lord thy God had hardened his sprite and made his herte tough because he wold delyuer him into thy hondes as it is come to passe this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.216) 31 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.217) And the Lorde sayed vnto me : beholde , I haue begonne to set Sihon and his londe before the : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.218) goo to (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.219) and conquere , that thou mayst possesse his londe . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.220) 32 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.221) Then both Sihon and all his people came out agenst vs vnto batayle at Iahab . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.222) 33 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.223) And the Lorde set him before vs , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.224) and we smote hym and his sonnes and all hys people . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.225) 34 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.226) And we toke all his cities the same season , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.227) and destroyed all the cities with men , wemen , and childern (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.228) a~d let nothinge remayne , 35 saue the catell only we caught vnto oure selues and the spoyle of the cities which we toke , 36 from Aroer vppon the brynke off the riuer off Arnon , and the citie in the ryuer , vnto Gilead : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.229) there was not one citye to stronge for vs . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.230) The Lorde oure God delyuered all vnto vs : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.231) 37 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.232) only vnto the londe of the childern of Ammon ye came not , nor vnto all the coste of the riuer Iabock nor vnto the cities in the mountaynes , nor vnto what soeuer the Lorde oure God forbade vs . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,II,20D.233) THE .III. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.236) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.238) Then we turned (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.239) and went vpp the waye to Basan . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.240) And Og the kinge of Basan came out agenst vs : both he and all his people to batayle at Edrey . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.241) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.242) And the Lorde sayed vnto me : feare him not , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.243) for I haue delyuered him and all his people a~d his lande in to thy hande (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.244) a~d thou shalt deale with hi~ as thou dealest with Sihon kynge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.245) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.246) And so the Lorde oure God delyuered in to oure handes , Og also the kynge off Basan and al his folke , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.247) And we smote him vntyll noughte was left him . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.248) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.249) And we toke all his cities the same ceason for there was not a citie whiche we toke not from them euen iii. score cities , all the region of Argob , the kyngdome of Og in Basan . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.250) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.251) All these cities were made stronge with hye walles , gates and barres , besyde vnwalled townes a greate maynye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.252) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.253) And we vtterly destroyed them , as we played with Sihon kynge off Hesbon : bringing to nought al the cities with men , wemen and childern . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.254) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.255) But all the catell and the spoyle of the cities , we caughte for oure selues . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.256) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.257) And thus we toke the same ceason , the lo~de out of the hande of two kynges of the Amorites on the other syde Iordayne , from the ryuer of Arnon vnto mount Hermon 9 which Hermon the Sidons call Sirion , but the Amorites call it Senyr all the cities in the playne a~d all Gilead and all Basan vnto Salcha and Edrei , cities of the kingdome of Og in Basan . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.258) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.259) For only Og kynge of Basan remayned of the remnau~t of the geauntes : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.260) beholde , his yernen bed is yet at Rabath amonge the childern off Ammo~ .ix. cubettes longe a~d , .iiii. cubetes brode , of the cubettes of a man . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.261) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.262) And when we had conquered this londe the same tyme , I gaue from Aroer which is apon the riuer of Arnon , and halfe mount Gilead and the cities thereof vnto the Rubenites , and Gadites . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.263) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.264) And the rest of Gilead and all Basan the kingdome of Og , I gaue vnto the halfe trybe of Manasse : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.265) all the regio~ of Argob with all Basan was called the londe of geauntes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.266) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.267) Iair the sonne of Manasse toke all the region of Argob vnto the costes of Gesuri a~d Maachati , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.268) and called the townes of Basan after his owne name : the townes of Iair vnto thys daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.269) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.270) And I gaue half Gilead vnto Machir . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.271) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.272) And vnto Ruben a~d Gad , I gaue from Gilead vnto the ryuer of Arnon a~d half the valey a~d the coste , eue~ vnto the ryuer Iabock which is the border of the childern of Ammon , 17 and the feldes a~d Iordayne with the coste , from Cenereth even vnto the see in the felde which is the salt see vnder the sprynges off Pisga eastwarde . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.273) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.274) And I commaunded you the same tyme ye Ruben a~d Gad sayeng : the Lorde your God hath geuen you this londe to enioye it : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.275) se that ye go harnessed before youre brethern the childern of Israel , all that are me~ of warre amonge you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.276) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,1D.277) Youre wyues only youre childern a~d youre catell for I wote that ye haue moch catell shall abyde in youre cities which I haue geuen you , vntyll the Lorde haue geue~ rest vnto your brethern as well as vnto you , and vntyll they also haue conquered the londe which the Lorde youre God hath geuen them beyond Iordayne : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.278) and then returne agayne euery ma~ vnto his possession which I haue geue~ you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.279) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.280) And I warned Iosua the same tyme sayeng thyne eyes haue sene all that the Lorde youre God hath done vnto these two kynges , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.281) eue~ so the Lorde will doo vnto all kyngdomes whither thou goest . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.282) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.283) Feare them not , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.284) for the Lorde youre God he it is that fighteth for you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.285) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.286) And I besoughte the Lorde the same tyme sayenge : 24 O lorde Iehoua , thou hast begonne to shewe thy servaunte thy greatnesse and thy mightie hande (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.287) for there is no God in heauen nor in erth that can do after thy workes and after thy power : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.288) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.289) let me goo ouer a~d se the good londe that is beyonde Iordayne , that goodly hye contre and Libanon . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.290) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.291) But the Lorde was angrie with me for youre sakes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.292) and wolde not heare me , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.293) but sayed vnto me , be content , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.294) and speake henceforth no moare vnto me of this matter , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.295) 27 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.296) Get the vp in to the toppe of Pisga (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.297) a~d lifte vpp thyne eyes west , north , south a~d easte , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.298) a~d beholde it with thyne eyes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.299) for thou shalt not goo ouer this Iordayne . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.300) 28 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.301) Moreouer , charge Iosua (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.302) and corage him (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.303) and bolde him . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.304) For he shall go ouer before his people , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.305) and he shall deuyde the londe which thou shalt se vnto them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.306) 29 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.307) And so we abode in the valaye besyde Beth Peor . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,III,20D.308) THE IIII. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.311) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.313) And now herken Israel vnto the ordinaunces a~d lawes which I teache you , for to doo them , that ye maye lyue a~d goo a~d conquere the londe which the Lorde God of youre fathers geueth you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.314) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.315) Ye shall put nothinge vnto the worde which I commaunde you nether doo ought there from , that ye maye kepe the commaundmentes off the Lorde youre God which I commaunde you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.316) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.317) Youre eyes haue sene what the Lorde dyd vnto Baal Peor : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.318) for al the men that folowed Baal Peor , the Lorde youre God hath destroyed from amo~ge you : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.319) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.320) But ye that claue vnto the Lorde youre God , are alyue euery one of you this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.321) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.322) Beholde , I haue taught you ordinaunces and lawes , soche as the Lorde my God commau~ded me , that ye shulde do eue~ so in the londe whether ye goo to possesse it (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.323) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.324) Kepe them therfore (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.325) and doo them , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.326) for that is youre wisdome and vnderstandynge in the syghte of the nacyons : whiche when they haue herde all these ordinaunces , shall saye : O what a wyse and vnderstondynge people is this greate nacion . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.327) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.328) For what nacyon is so greate that hath Goddes so nye vnto hym : as the Lorde oure God is nye vnto vs , in all thinges , when we call vnto hym ? (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.329) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.330) Yee , and what nacyon is so greate that hath ordinaunces and lawes so ryghtuousse , as all thys lawe which I sett before you this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.331) 9 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.332) Take hede to thy selfe therfore only-1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.333) a~d kepe thy soule diligently , that thou forgett not the thinges which thyne eyes haue sene and that they departe not out of thyne harte , all the dayes of thine life : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.334) but teach them thy sonnes , a~d thy sonnes sonnes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.335) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.336) The daye that I stode before the Lorde youre god in Horeb , whe~ he sayed vnto me , gather me the people together , that I maye make them heare my wordes that they maye lerne to fere me as longe as thei lyue vppon the erth and that they maye teache their childern : 11 ye came (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.337) a~d stode also vnder the hyll (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.338) a~d the hyll burnt with fire : euen vnto the myddes of heaue~ , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.339) a~d there was darcknesse , clowdes a~d myst . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.340) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.341) And the Lorde spake vnto you out of the fire (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.342) a~d ye herde the voyce of the wordes : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.343) But sawe no ymage , saue herde a voyce only , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.344) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.345) And he declared vnto you his couenaunt , which he commaunded you to doo , euen .x. verses (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.346) and wrote them in two tables of stone . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.347) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.348) And the Lorde commaunded me the same season to teache you ordynaunces and lawes , for to doo them in the londe whether ye goo to possesse it (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.349) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.350) Take hede vnto youre selues diligently as pertayninge vnto youre soules , for ye sawe no maner of ymage the daye when the Lorde spake vnto you in Horeb out of the fire : 16 lest ye marre youre selues and make you grauen ymages after what soeuer likenesse it be : 17 whether after the likenesse of ma~ or woma~ or any maner beest that is on the erth or of any maner fetherred foule that fleth in the ayre , or of any maner worme that crepeth on the erth or of any maner fysh that is in the water beneth the erth : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.351) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.352) Ye and leste thou lyfte vpp thyne eyes vnto heuen , and when thou seyst the sonne and the mone and the starres and what soeuer is contayned in heauen , shuldest be disceaued and shuldest bow thi selfe vnto them a~d serue the thinges which the Lorde thy God hath distributed vnto all nacions that are vnder al quarters of heauen . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,1D.353) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.355) For the Lorde toke you (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.356) and broughte you out of the yernen fornace of Egipte , to be vnto him a people of enheritaunce , as it is come to passe this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.357) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.358) Forthermoare , the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.359) and sware , that I shulde not goo ouer Iordane and that I shulde not goo vnto that good londe , which the Lorde thy God geueth te {COM:sic} to enherytaunce . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.360) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.361) For I must dye in this londe , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.362) and shall not goo ouer Iordane : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.363) But ye shall goo ouer and conquere that good londe (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.364) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.365) Take hede vnto youre selues therfore , that ye forgett not the appoyntment of the Lorde youre God which he made with you , and that ye make you no grauen ymage of whatsoeuer it be that the Lorde thi God hath forbidden the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.366) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.367) For the Lorde thi God is a co~suminge fyre , and a gelouse God . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.368) 25 Yf after thou hast gotten childern and childerns childern and hast dwelt longe in the londe , ye shall marre youre selues and make grauen ymages after the liknesse of what so euer it be , and shall worke wekednesse in the syghte of the Lorde thy God , to prouoke him . 26 I call heauen and erth to recorde vnto you this daye , that ye shall shortely peressh from of the londe whether ye goo ouer Iordayne to possesse it : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.369) Ye shall not prolonge youre dayes therin , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.370) but shall shortly be destroyed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.371) 27 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.372) And the Lorde shall scater you amonge nacions , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.373) and ye $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefte few in numbre amonge the people whother {COM:sic} the Lorde shall brynge you : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.374) 28 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.375) and there ye shall serue goddes which are the workes of mans hande , wod and stone which nether se nor heare $nor {TEXT:not} eate nor smell . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.376) 29 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.377) Neuer the later ye shall seke the Lorde youre God euen there , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.378) and shalt fynde him yf thou seke him with all thine herte and with all thy soule . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.379) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.380) In thi tribulacion and when all these thinges are come apon the , euen in the later dayes , thou shalt turne vnto the Lorde thy God , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.381) and shalt herken vnto his voyce (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.382) 31 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.383) For the Lorde thy God is a pitiefull God : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.384) he will not forsake the nether destroye the , nor forgett the appoyntme~t made with thy fathers which he sware vnto them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.385) 32 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.386) For axe I praye the of the dayes that are past which were before the , sence the daye that God created man vppon the erth and from the one syde of heauen vnto the other whether any thinge hath bene lyke vnto this greate thinge or whether any soche thinge hath bene herde as it is , 33 that a nacion hath herde the voyce of God speakinge out of fyre as thou hast herde , and yet lyued ? 34 ether whether God assayed to goo and take him a people from amonge nacions , thorow temptacions and sygnes and wonders and thorow warre and with a mightie hande and a stretched out arme and wyth myghtye terreble fightes , acordynge vnto all that the Lorde youre God dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eyes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.387) 35 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.388) Vnto the it was shewed , that thou myghtest knowe , how that the Lorde he is God and that there is none but he . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.389) 36 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.390) Out of heauen he made the heare his voyce to nurter the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.391) and vppon erth he shewed the his greate fyre , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.392) and thou hardest his wordes out of the fyre . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.393) 37 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.394) And because he loued thy fathers , therfore he chose their seed after them (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.395) and broughte the out with his presence and with his myghtye power of Egipte : 38 to thrust out nations greater a~d myghtyer then thou before the , to bringe the in and to geue the their londe to enheritaunce : as it is come to passe this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.396) 39 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.397) Vnderstonde therfore this daye (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.398) and turne it to thine herte , that the Lorde he is God (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.399) in heauen aboue and vppon the erth beneth there is no moo : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,20D.400) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.402) kepe therfore his ordynaunces , and his commaundmentes which I commaunde the this daye , that it maye goo well with the and with thi childern after the and that thou mayst prolonge thy dayes vppon the erth , which the Lorde thi God geueth the foreuer . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.403) 41 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.404) Then Moses seuered .iii. cities on the other syde Iordane towarde the sonne rysynge , 42 that he shulde fle thiter {COM:sic} which had kylled his neyghboure vnwares and hated him not in tyme past and therfore shulde fle vnto one of the same cities and lyue : 43 Bezer in the wildernesse euen in the playne contre amonge the Rubenites : and Ramoth in Gilead amonge the Gaddites and Solan in Basan amonge the Manassites . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.405) 44 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.406) This is the lawe which Moses set before the childern of Israel , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.407) 45 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.408) and these are the witnesse , ordinaunces and statutes which Moses tolde the childern of Israel after they came out of Egipte , 46 on the other syde Iordayne in the valey besyde Beth Peor in the londe of Siho~ kinge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon , whom Moses and the childern of Israel smote after they were come out of Egipte , 47 a~d conquered his lande and the lande of Og kinge of Basan .ii. kynges of the Amorites on the other syde Iordayne towarde the sonne rysynge : 48 from Aroar vppon the bancke of the ryuer Arnon , vnto mount Sion which is called Hermon 49 a~d all the feldes on the other syde Iordayne eastwarde : euen vnto the see in the felde vnder the springes of Pisga . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IV,40D.409) THE .V. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.412) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.414) And Moses called vnto all Israell (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.415) and sayed vnto them : Heare Israel the ordynaunces and laves which I speke in thyne eares this daye , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.416) and lerne them (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.417) and take hede that ye doo them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.418) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.419) The Lorde oure God made an appoyntment with us in Horeb . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.420) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.421) The Lorde made not-1 this bonde with oure fathers , but with us : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.422) we are they , which are al heare a lyue this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.423) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.424) The Lord talked with you face to face in the mou~t out of the fyre . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.425) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.426) And I stode betwene the Lorde and you the same tyme , to shewe you the sayenge of the Lorde . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.427) For ye were afrayed of the fyre (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.428) and therfore went not vpp in to the mount (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.429) and he sayed . 6 I am the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the lo~de of Egipte the housse of bo~dage . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.430) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.431) Thou shalt haue therefore none other goddes in my presence . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.432) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.433) Thou shalt make the no grauen Image off any maner lykenesse that is in heauen aboue , or in the erth beneth , or in the water beneth the erth . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.434) 9 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.435) Thou shalt nether bowe thy self vnto them nor serue them , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.436) for I the Lorde thy God , am a gelouse God , visettinge the wikednesse of the fathers vppon the childern , euen in the thyrde and the fourth generation , amonge them that hate me : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.437) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.438) and shew mercye apon thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.439) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.440) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.441) for the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse , that taketh his name in vayne . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.442) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.443) Kepe the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it , as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.444) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.445) Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and doo all that thou hast to doo , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.446) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.447) but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.448) thou shalt doo no maner worke , nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nor thy seruaunte nor thy mayde nor thine oxe nor thyne asse nor any of thi catell nor the straunger that is within thy cytye , that thy seruaunte and thy mayde maye rest as well as thou . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.449) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.450) And remembre that thou wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egypte and how that the Lorde God , brought the out thence with a myghtye hande and a stretched out arme . For which cause the Lorde thy God commaundeth the to kepe the Sabbath daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.451) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.452) Honoure thi father and thi mother , as the Lord thi God hath co~mau~ded the : that thou mayst prolonge thi dayes , and that it maye go well with the on the londe , which the Lorde thi God geueth the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.453) 17 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.454) Thou shalt not slee . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.455) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.456) Thou shalt not breake wedlocke . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.457) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.458) Thou shalt not steale . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,1D.459) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.461) Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agenst thy neghboure , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.462) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.463) Thou shalt not luste after thi neghbours wife : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.464) thou shalt not couet thi neyghbours housse , felde , seruaunte , mayde , oxe , asse nor ought that is thi neghbours . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.465) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.466) These wordes the Lorde spake vnto al youre multitude in the mount out of the fyre , cloude and darcknesse , with a loude voyce (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.467) and added nomoare there to , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.468) and wrote them in .ii. tables of stone (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.469) and delyuered them vnto me . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.470) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.471) But as soone as ye herde the voyce out off the darcknesse and sawe the hill burne with fyre , ye came vnto me all the heedes of youre tribes and youre elders : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.472) and ye sayed : 24 beholde , the Lorde oure God hath shewed us his glorye and his greatnesse , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.473) and we haue herde his voyce out of the fyre , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.474) and we haue sene this daye that God maye talke with a man and he yet lyue . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.475) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.476) And now wherfore shulde we dye that this greate fyre shulde consume us : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.477) Yf we shulde heare the voyce of the Lorde oure God any moare , we shulde dye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.478) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.479) For what is any flesh that he shulde heare the voyce of the lyuynge God speakynge out of the fyre as we haue done and shulde yet lyue : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.480) 27 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.481) Goo thou (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.482) a~d heare all that the Lorde oure God sayeth (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.483) and tell thou vnto us all that the Lorde oure God sayeth vnto the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.484) and we will heare it and doo it . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.485) 28 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.486) And the Lorde herde the voyce of youre wordes when ye spake vnto me , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.487) and he sayed vnto me : I haue herde the voyce of the wordes of this people which they haue spoke~ vnto the (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.488) they haue well sayed all that they haue sayed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.489) 29 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.490) Oh that they had soche an herte with them to feare me a~d kepe all my commaundmentes alwaye , that it myghte goo well with them and with their childern for euer . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.491) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.492) Goo (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.493) a~d saye vnto them : gett you in to youre tentes agayne , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.494) 31 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.495) but stonde thou here before me (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.496) and I will tell the all the commaundmentes , ordinaunces a~d lawes which thou shalt teache the~ , that they may doo them in the londe whiche I geue them to possesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.497) 32 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.498) Take hede therfore that ye do as the Lorde youre God hath commaunded you , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.499) and turne not asyde : ether to the righte hande or to the lefte : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.500) 33 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.501) but walke in all the wayes which the Lorde youre God hath co~maunded you , that ye maye lyve and that it maye goo well with you a~d that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the lond which ye shall possesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,V,20D.502) THE .VI. CHAPTER (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.505) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.507) These are the commaundmentes , ordinaunces and lawes which the Lorde youre God commaunded to teach you that ye might doo them in the londe whother ye goo to possesse it : 2 that thou mightest feare the Lorde thy God , to kepe all his ordinaunces and his commaundmentes which I commaunde the , both thou and thy sonne and thy sonnes sonne all dayes off thy lyfe , that thy dayes maye be prolonged . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.508) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.509) Heare therfore Israel (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.510) and take hede that thou doo thereafter , that it maye goo well with the and that ye maye encrease myghtely : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.511) eue~ as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promysed the , a lo~de that floweth with mylk a~d hony 4 Heare Israel , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.512) the Lorde thy God is Lorde only (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.513) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.514) and thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thyne harte , with all thy soule and with all thy myght . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.515) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.516) And these wordes which I commaunde the this daye , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in thine herte (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.517) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.518) a~d thou shalt whett them on thy childern , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.519) and shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thyne housse and as thou walkest by the waye , and when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.520) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.521) and thou shalt bynde them for a sygne vppon thyne hande . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.522) And they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} papers off remembraunce betwene thyne eyes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.523) 9 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.524) and shalt write them vppon the postes of thy housse a~d vppon thi gates . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.525) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.526) And when the Lorde thy God hath brought the in to the lond which he sware vnto thy fathers Abraham , Isaac and Iacob , to geue the with greate and goodly cities which thou byldest not , 11 and housses full of all maner goodes which thou filledest not , and welles dygged which thou dyggedest not , a~d vynes and olyue trees which thou plantedest not , a~d whe~ thou hast eaten , and art full : 12 Then beware lest thou forget the Lorde which broughte the out off the lande of Egipte the housse of bondage . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.527) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.528) But feare the Lorde thy God (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.529) and serue hym , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.530) and swere by his name , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.531) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.532) and se that ye walke not after straunge goddes of the Goddes off the nacyons whiche are aboute you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.533) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.534) For the Lorde thy God is a gelouse God among you lest the wrath of the Lorde thy God waxe hotte vppon the and destroye the from the erth . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.535) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.536) Ye shall not tempte the Lorde youre God as ye dyd at Masa . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.537) 17 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.538) But se that ye kepe the commaundmentes of the Lorde youre God , his witnesses and his ordinaunces which he hath commaunded the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.539) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.540) and se thou doo that which is right and good in the syghte of the Lorde : that thou mayst prospere and that thou mayst goo a~d co~quere that good la~de which the Lorde sware vnto thy fathers , 19 and that the Lorde maye cast out all thine enemies before the as he hath sayed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,1D.541) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.543) When thy sonne axeth the in tyme to come sayenge : What meaneth the witnesses , ordinaunces and lawes which the Lorde oure God hath commaunded you ? 21 Then thou shalt saye vnto thy sonne : We were bondmen vnto Pharao in Egipte , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.544) but the Lorde brought vs out of Egipte with a mightie hande . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.545) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.546) And the Lorde shewed signes and wondres both greate a~d evell vppon Egipte , Pharao and vppon all his housholde , before oure eyes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.547) and broughte vs from thence : 23 to brynge vs in a~d to geue vs the londe which he sware vnto oure fathers . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.548) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.549) And therfore co~maunded vs to do all these ordinaunces a~d for to feare the Lord oure God , for oure welth alwayes and that he might saue vs , as it is come to passe this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.550) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.551) Moreouer it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} rightuousnes vnto vs before the Lorde oure God , yf we take hede to kepe all these co~maundme~tes as he hath commaunded vs , {COM:sic} (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VI,20D.552) THE .VII. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.555) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.557) Whe~ the Lorde thy God hath brought the in to the lond whither thou goest to possesse it , and hath cast out manye nacions before the : the Hethites , the Girgosites , the Amorites , the Cananites , the Pheresites , the Heuites and the Iebusites : vii nacions moo in numbre a~d mightier than thou : 2 a~d whe~ the Lorde thy God hath sett them before the that thou shuldest smyte them $so {TEXT:se} that thou vtterly destroye them and make no couenaunt with them nor haue compassion on them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.558) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.559) Also thou shalt make no mariages with them , nether geue thy doughter vnto his sonne nor take his doughter vnto thy sonne . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.560) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.561) For they will make youre sonnes departe fro me and serue straunge Goddes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.562) and then will the wrath off the Lorde waxe whote vppon you a~d destroye you shortely . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.563) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.564) But thus ye shall deale with them : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.565) ouerthrowe their alters , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.566) breake doune their pilers , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.567) cut doune their groves (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.568) a~d burne their ymages with fyre . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.569) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.570) For thou art an holy nacion vnto the Lorde thy God (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.571) the Lorde thy God hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto him silf of all nacions that are vppon the erth . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.572) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.573) It was not because of the multitude of you aboue all nacions , that the Lorde had lust vnto you and chose you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.574) For ye were fewest of all nacions : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.575) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.576) But because the Lorde loued you and because he wolde kepe the othe which he had sworne vnto youre fathers , therfore he brought you out of Egipte with a mightie hande (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.577) a~d delyuered you out of the housse of bondage : eue~ fro~ the hande of Pharao kinge of Egipte . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.578) 9 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.579) Vnderstonde therfore , that the Lorde thy God he is God and that a true God , which kepeth poyntment and mercy vnto them that loue him and kepe his commaundmentes , euen thorowe out a thousande generacions and rewardeth them that hate him before his face so that he bringeth them to noughte and wil not defferre the tyme vnto him that hateth hi~ but will reward him before his face . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.580) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.581) Kepe therfore the commaundmentes , ordinaunces and lawes which I commaunde you this daye , that ye doo them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.582) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.583) Yf ye shall herken vnto these lawes a~d shall obserue and do them , then shall the Lorde thy God kepe poyntment with the and the mercy which he swore vnto thy fathers 13 and will loue the , blesse the and multiplye the : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.584) he will blesse the frute of thy wombe and the frute of thi felde , thy corne , thy wyne and thy oyle , the frute of thyne oxen and the flockes of thy shepe in the londe which he swore vnto thy fathers to geue the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.585) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.586) Thou shalt be blessed aboue all nacions , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.587) there $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} nether man nor woman vnfrutefull amonge you , nor any thinge vnfrutefull amonge youre catell . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.588) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.589) Moreouer the Lorde will turne from the all maner infirmityes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.590) and will put none off the euell dyseases off Egipte whiche thou knowest apon the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.591) but wyll sende them vppon them that hate the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.592) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.593) Thou shalt bringe to nought all nacions which the Lorde thy God delyuereth the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.594) thyne eye shall haue no pitie vppon them (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.595) nether shalt thou serue their goddes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.596) for that $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thy decaye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.597) 17 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.598) Yf thou shalt saye in thine hert these nacions are moo than I , how ca~ I cast them out ? 18 Feare the~ not , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.599) but reme~bre what the Lorde thy god dyd vnto Pharao a~d vnto all Egipte , 19 a~d the greate temptacions which thine eyes sawe , a~d the signes a~d wonders a~d mightie ha~de a~d stretched out arme wherewith the Lord thy god broughte the out : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.600) eue~ so shall the Lorde thy God doo vnto all the nacions of which thou art afrayed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,1D.601) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.603) Thereto , the Lorde thy God will send hornettes amonge them vntyll they that are lefte , and hyde themselues fro~ the , be destroyed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.604) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.605) Se thou feare the~ not (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.606) for the lord thi god is amo~g you a mightie god a~d a terrible . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.607) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.608) The Lord thy god will put out these nacio~s before the a litle a~d a litle : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.609) thou maist not co~sume the~ at o~ce lest the beestes of the felde encrease vpo the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.610) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.611) And the lorde thy god shall delyuer the~ vnto the a~d sterre vp a mightie te~pest amo~ge the~ , vntil thei be brought to nought . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.612) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.613) And he shal deliuer their kinges in to thine ha~de , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.614) a~d thou shalt destroye their names fro~ vnder heaue~ . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.615) There shal no ma~ stonde before the , vntill thou haue destroyed them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.616) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.617) The images of their goddes thou shalt burne with fire , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.618) a~d se that thou couet not the syluer or golde that is on them nor take it vnto the , lest thou be snared therewith . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.619) For it is an abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.620) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.621) Brynge not therfore the abhominaycon to thyne housse , lest thou be a damned thynge as it is : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.622) but vtterlye defye it (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.623) and abhorre it , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.624) for it is a thinge that must be destroyed . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VII,20D.625) THE .VIII. CHAPTRE . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.628) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.630) All the commaundmentes which I commaunde the this daye ye shal kepe for to do them , that ye maye lyue and multiplye and goo and possesse the londe whiche the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.631) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.632) And thinke on all the waye which the Lorde thy God led the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse , for to humble the a~d to proue the , to wete what was in thine herte , whether thou woldest kepe his commaundmentes or no , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.633) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.634) He humbled the (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.635) and made the hongre (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.636) and fed the with man which nether thou nor thy father knewe of . to make the know that a man must not-2 lyue by bred only : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.637) but by al that procedeth out of the mouth of the Lorde must a man lyue . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.638) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.639) Thy rayment waxed not olde vppon the , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.640) nether dyd thy fete swell thys xl. yere . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.641) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.642) Vnderstonde therfore in thine herte , that as a man nurtereth his sonne , euen so the Lorde thy God nurtereth the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.643) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.644) Kepe therfore the commaundmentes of the Lorde thy God that thou walke in his wayes and that thou feare him (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.645) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.646) For the Lorde thy God bringeth the in to a good lande , a londe of riuers of water , of fou~tens and of springes that springe out both-2 in valayes and hylles : 8 a londe of whete and of barly , of vynes , figtrees and pomgranates , a lond of olyuetrees with oyle and of honye : 9 a lande wherin thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenesse , and where thou shalt lacke nothinge , a londe whose stones are yerne , and out of whose hylles thou shalt dygge brasse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.647) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.648) When thou hast eaten therfore and filled thy selfe , then blesse the Lord for the good lond which he hath geuen the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.649) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.650) But bewarre that thou forgett not the Lorde thy God , that thou woldest not kepe his co~maundmentes , lawes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.651) yee 12 and when thou hast eate~ a~d filled thy selfe a~d hast bylt goodly housses a~d dwelt therin , 13 a~d when thy beesse a~d thy shepe are waxed manye a~d thy syluer a~d thy golde is multiplied a~d all that thou hast encreased , 14 then bewarre lest thine herte ryse a~d thou forgett the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the londe of Egipte the housse of bondage , 15 a~d which led the in the wildernesse both greate a~d terreble with firye serpentes a~d scorpio~s a~d thurste where was no water which brought the water out of the rocke of flynt : 16 whiche fed the in the wildernesse with Man where of thy fathers knewe not , for to humble the and to proue the , that he might doo the good at thy later ende . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.652) 17 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.653) And beware that thou saye not in thine herte , my power and the might of myne awne ha~de hath done me all these actes : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.654) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.655) But remembre the Lorde thy God , how that it is he which gaue the power to do ma~fully , for to make good the promesse which he sware vnto thy fathers , as it is come to passe this daye , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.656) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.657) For yf thou shalt forget the Lorde thy god and shalt walke after straunge goddes and serue them and worsheppe them , I testyfye vnto you this daye , that ye shall surely perysh . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,1D.658) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,20D.660) As the nacyons whiche the Lorde destroyeth before the , euen so ye shall peryshe , because ye wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,VIII,20D.661) THE .IX. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.664) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.666) Heare Israel , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.667) thou goest ouer Iordayne this daye , to goo and conquere nations greater and mightier than thy selfe : and cities greate a~d walled vp to heauen , 2 a~d people greate and tall , euen the childern of the Enakims , which thou knowest and of whom thou hast herde saye who is able to stond before the childern of Enack ? (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.668) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.669) But vnderstonde this daye that the Lorde thy God which goeth ouer before the a consumyng fire , he shall destroye them and he shall subdue them before the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.670) And thou shalt cast them out , and brynge them to noughte quyckely as the Lorde hath sayed vnto the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.671) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.672) Speake not in thyne hert , after that the Lorde thy God hath cast them out before the sayenge : for my rightuousnes the Lorde hath brought me in to possesse this lo~de . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.673) Nay , but for the wekednesse of these nacio~s the Lord doth cast the~ out before the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.674) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.675) It is not for thi rightuousnes sake a~d right hert that thou goest to possesse their lo~d : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.676) But partely for the wekednesse of these nacio~s , the Lord thy god doth cast the~ out before the , and partly to performe that which the Lorde thy God sware vnto thi fathers , Abraham , Isaac and Iacob . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.677) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.678) Vnderstond therfore that it is not for thy rightuousnes sake , that the Lorde thy God doth geue the this good lond to possesse it , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.679) for thou art a stiffenecked people . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.680) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.681) Reme~bre (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.682) a~d forget not how thou prouokedest the Lorde thi god in the wildernesse : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.683) for sens the daye that thou camest out of the lond of Egipte vntyll ye came vnto this place , ye haue rebelled agenst the Lorde . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.684) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.685) Also in Horeb ye angred the Lorde so that the Lorde was wroth with you , eue~ to haue destroyed you , 9 after that I was gone vpp in to the mount , to sett the tables of stone , the tables of appoyntment which the Lorde made with you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.686) And I abode in the hyll .xl. dayes a~d .xl. nightes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.687) and nether ate bred (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.688) nor dranke water . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.689) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.690) And the Lorde delyuered me two tables of stone writen with the finger of God , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.691) and in them was acordynge to all the wordes which the Lorde sayed vnto you in the mount out of the fire in the daye whe~ the people were gathered together . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.692) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.693) And whe~ the .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes were ended , the Lorde gaue me : the two tables off stone , the tables of the testament , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.694) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.695) and sayed vnto me : Vpp , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.696) and get the doune quyckely from hence , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.697) for thy people which thou hast broughte out of Egipte , haue marred themselues . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.698) They are turned attonce out of the waye , whiche I commaunded them , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.699) and haue made the~ a god of metall . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.700) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.701) Furthermore the Lorde spake vnto me sayenge : I se this people how that it is a stiffenecked people , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.702) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.703) let me alone that I maye destroye them and put out the name off them from vnder heauen , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.704) and I will make off the a nacion both greater a~d moo than they . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.705) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.706) And I turned awaye (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.707) and came doune from the hyll (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.708) and the hyll burnt with fire (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.709) and had the two tables of the appoyntment in my handes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.710) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.711) And when I loked and sawe that ye had synned agenst the Lorde youre God and had made you a calfe of metall and had turned attonce out of the waye whiche the Lorde had commaunded you . 17 The~ I toke the two tables (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.712) and cast them out of my two handes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.713) and brake the~ before youre eyes . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.714) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.715) And I fell before the Lorde : euen as at the first tyme .xl. dayes a~d .xl. nightes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.716) and nether ate bred (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.717) nor dranke water ouer all youre synnes whiche ye had synned in doynge wekedly in the syght of the Lorde a~d in prouokinge him . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.718) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.719) For I was afrayed of the wrath and fearsnesse wherwith the Lord was angrie with you , eue~ for to haue destroyed you (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.720) But the Lorde herde my peticion at that tyme also . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,1D.721) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.723) The Lorde was very angrie with Aaron also , eue~ for to haue destroyed him : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.724) But I made intercession for Aaro~ also the same tyme . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.725) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.726) And I toke youre synne , the calfe which ye had made (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.727) a~d burnt him with fire (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.728) a~d stampe him (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.729) and grounde him a good , eue~ unto smal dust . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.730) And I cast the dust thereof in to the broke that descended out of the mount . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.731) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.732) Also at Thabeera and at Masa and at the sepulchres of lust ye angred the Lorde , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.733) 23 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.734) yee a~d when the Lorde sent you from Cades Bernea sayenge : goo vpp and conquere the lond whiche I haue geuen you , ye disobeyed the mouth of the Lorde youre God , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.735) and nether beleued hi~ (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.736) nor herkened vnto his voyce . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.737) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.738) Thus ye haue bene disobedie~t vnto the Lord , sence the daye that I knew you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.739) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.740) And I fell before the Lorde .xl. dayes and .xl. nightes whiche I laye there , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.741) for the Lorde was minded to haue destroyed you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.742) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.743) But I made intercession vnto the Lorde (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.744) and sayed : O Lorde Iehoua , destroye not thy people and thyne enheritau~ce which thou hast delyuered thorow thi greatnesse and which thou hast brought out of Egipte with a mightie hand . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.745) Reme~bre thy servauntes Abraham , Isaac and Iacob (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.746) and loke not vnto the stoburnesse of this people nor vnto their wekednesse and synne : 28 lest the londe whence thou broughtest them saye : Because the Lorde was not able to brynge them in to the londe which he promysed them and because he hated them , therfore he caried them out to destroye them in the wildernesse . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.747) 29 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.748) Moreouer they are thy people and thine enheritaunce , whiche thou broughtest out with thy myghtye power and wyth thy stretched out arme . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,IX,20D.749) THE .X. $CHAPTER {TEXT:Chapte} . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.752) In the same ceason the Lord sayed vnto me hewe the two tables of stone like vnto the first (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.754) and come vp vnto me in to the mount (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.755) a~d make the an Arke of wod , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.756) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.757) and I will wryte in the table , the wordes that were in the first tables which thou brakest , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.758) 3 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.759) a~d thou shalt put the~ in the~ arcke . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.760) And I made an arke of sethi wod (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.761) a~d hewed two tables of stone like unto the first , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.762) a~d went vp in to the mountayne (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.763) and the ii. tables in myne hande . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.764) 4 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.765) And he wrote in the tables , acording to the first writinge the .x. verses whiche the Lorde spake vnto you in the mount out of the fire in the daye when the people were gathered (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.766) a~d gaue the~ vnto me . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.767) 5 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.768) And I departed (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.769) a~d came doune fro~ the hyll (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.770) and put the tables in the arcke which I had made : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.771) a~d there they remayned , as the Lorde commaunded me (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.772) 6 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.773) And the childern of Israel toke their iurney from Beroth Be~ Iake~ to Mosera , where Aaro~ dyed a~d where he was buried , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.774) a~d Eleazer his sonne became preast i~ his steade . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.775) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.776) And fro~ the~ce they departed vnto Gudgod : a~d fro~ Gudgod to Iathbath , a lo~d of riuers of water . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.777) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.778) And the same ceason the Lorde separated the trybe of Leui to beare the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde and to stonde before the Lorde , a~d to ministre vnto him and to blesse in his name vnto this daye . 9 Wherfore the Leuites haue no parte nor enheritaunce with their brethern . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.779) The Lorde he is their enheritaunce , as the Lorde thy God hath promysed them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.780) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.781) And I taried in the mount , eue~ as at the first tyme xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.782) and the Lorde herkened vnto me at that tyme also , so that the Lorde wolde not destroye the . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.783) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.784) And the Lorde sayed vnto me : vpp (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.785) a~d goo forth in the iurney before the people (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.786) and let them goo in a~d conquere the lond which I sware vnto their fathers to geue vnto them . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.787) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.788) And now Israel what is it that the Lord thi God requyreth of the , but to feare the Lord thi God and to walke in all his wayes and to loue him and to serue the Lorde thy God with all thyne herte and with all thy soule , 13 that thou kepe the commaundmentes of the Lorde a~d his ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye , for thy welth . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.789) 14 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.790) Beholde , heauen and the heauen of heauens is the Lordes thy god , and the erth with all that therein is : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.791) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.792) only the Lorde had a lust vnto thy fathers to loue them , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.793) and therfore chose you theire seed after them off all nacyons , as it is come to passe this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.794) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.795) Circumcyse therfore the foreskynne of youre hartes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.796) 17 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.797) and be no longer stiffnecked . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.798) For the Lorde youre God , he is God of goddes and lorde of lordes , a greate God , a myghtye and a terreble 18 which regardeth no mans person nor taketh giftes : which but doeth right vnto the fatherlesse and wedowe and loueth the straunger , to geue him fode and rayment . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.799) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.800) Loue therefore the straunger , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.801) for ye were straungers youre selues in the londe of Egipte . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,1D.802) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.804) Thou shalt feare the Lorde thi God and serue him and cleaue vnto him a~d swere by his name , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.805) 21 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.806) for he is thi prayse (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.807) a~d he is thi God that hath done these greate and terreble thinges for the , which thine eyes haue sene . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.808) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.809) Thi fathers went doune in to Egipte with .Lxx soules , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.810) a~d now the Lorde thi God hath made the as the starres of heauen in multitude . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,X,20D.811) THE XI. CHAPTER . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.814) 1 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.816) Loue the Lorde thi God (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.817) and kepe his obseruaunces , his ordinaunces , his lawes and his commaundmentes alwaye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.818) 2 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.819) And call to mynde this daye that which youre childern haue nether knowen nor sene : euen the nurture of the Lorde youre God , his greatnesse , his myghtye hande and his stretched out arme : 3 his miracles and his actes which he dyd amonge the Egiptia~s , euen vnto Pharao the kinge off Egipte and vnto all his lo~de : 4 a~d what he dyd vnto the host of the Egiptia~s , vnto their horses a~d charettes , how he brought the water of the red see vppon the~ as they chased you , and how the Lorde hath brought them to nought vnto this daye : 5 a~d what he dyd vnto you in the wildernesse vntill ye came vnto this place : 6 a~d what he dyd vnto Dathan and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab the sonne of Ruben , how the erth opened hir mouth a~d swalowed the~ with their housholdes and their tentes , a~d all their substa~ce that was in their possessio~ , in the myddes of Israel . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.820) 7 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.821) For youre eyes haue sene all the greate deades of the Lorde which he dyd . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.822) 8 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.823) Kepe therfore al the co~maundmentes which I co~maunde the this daye that ye maye be stronge a~d goo and conquere the londe whother ye go to possesse it , 9 a~d that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the londe which the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers to geue vnto them a~d to their seed , a londe that floweth with mylke and honye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.824) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.825) For the londe whother thou goest to possesse it , is not as the londe of Egipte whence thou camest out , where thou sowedest thi seed and waterdest it with thi laboure as a garden of herbes : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.826) 11 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.827) but the londe whither ye goo ouer to possesse it , is a londe of hilles and valeyes (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.828) and drynketh water of the rayne of heaue~ , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.829) 12 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.830) and a londe which the Lorde thi God careth for . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.831) The eyes of the Lord thi God are always apo~ it , from the begynnynge of the yere vnto the later ende of the yere . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.832) 13 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.833) Yf thou shalt herken therfore vnto my commaundementes which I commaunde you this daye , that ye loue the Lorde youre God and serue him with all youre hertes and with all youre soules : 14 then he will geue rayne vnto youre londe in due season , both the fyrst rayne and the later , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.834) and thou shalt gather in thy corne , thy wyne and thyne oyle . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.835) 15 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.836) And he will sende grasse in thy feldes for thy catell : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.837) and thou shalt eate and fyll thy selfe . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.838) 16 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.839) But bewarre that youre hertes disceaue you not that ye turne asyde and serue straunge goddes and worshepe them , 17 and the~ the wrath of the Lorde waxe hote vpon you a~d shott vp the heauen that there be no rayne and that youre londe yeld not hir fruite , and that ye peresh quickly from of the good lo~de which the Lorde geueth you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.840) 18 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.841) Putt vp therfore these my wordes in youre hertes and in youre soules , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.842) and bynde them for a sygne vnto youre handes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.843) and lett them be as papers of remembraunce betwene youre eyes , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.844) 19 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.845) and teach them youre childern : so that thou talke of them when thou syttest in thyne housse , and when thou walkest by the waye , and when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,1D.846) (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.848) yee and write them vppon the dorepostes of thine housse and vppon thi gates , 21 that youre dayes may be multiplyed a~d the dayes of youre childern apon the erth which the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers to geue them , as longe as the dayes of heaue~ last vpon the erth . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.849) 22 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.850) For yf ye shall kepe all these co~maundmentes which I co~maunde you , so that ye doo the~ and loue the Lorde youre God and walke in all his wayes and cleaue vnto him . 23 Then will the Lorde cast out all these nacions both greatter and myghtyer then youre selues . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.851) 24 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.852) All the places where on the soles of youre fete shall treade , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} youres : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.853) euen from the wildernesse and from Libanon and from the ryuer Euphrates , euen vnto the vttemost see shall youre costes be . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.854) 25 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.855) There shall no man be able to stonde before you : (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.856) the Lorde youre God shal cast the feare and dreade of you vppo~ all londes whether ye shall come , as he hath sayed vnto you . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.857) 26 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.858) Beholde , I sett before you this daye a blessynge and a curse : 27 a blessynge : yf ye herke~ vnto the commaundmentes of the Lorde youre God which I co~mau~de you this daye : 28 And a curse : yf ye will not herke~ vnto the co~maudnmentes of the Lorde youre God : but turne out of the waye which I commau~de you this daye to goo after straunge goddes which ye haue not knowen . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.859) 29 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.860) When the Lorde thi God hath brought the in to the londe whother thou goest to possesse it , then put the blessinge vppon mount Grisim and the curse vppon mount Ebal , which are on the other syde Iordane on the backe side of the waye towarde the goynge doune of the sonne in the lo~de of the Cananites which dwell in the feldes ouer agenst Gilgal besyde moregroue . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.861) 31 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.862) $For {TEXT:Fo} ye shall goo ouer to goo and possesse the londe which the Lorde youre God geueth you , (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.863) and shall conquere it a~d dwell there in . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.864) 32 (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.865) Take hede therfore that ye doo al the co~maundmentes and lawes , which I sett before you this daye . (TYNDOLD-E1-P2,XI,20D.866)